The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 160: Throw fish ashore

When Ye Yaorong walked to the big fish hiding at the bottom of the shore, Ye Yaorong obviously felt the big fish staring at him, with a confident look, because Ye Yaorong could not find it. If you still eat Dingye Glory, even if you find it, you can't help it.

   It seems that it has ruled the pond for a long time, and its courage has been very fat, so that it is convenient for Ye Yaorong to get it ashore.

   can almost catch the big fish hiding at his feet with his hands, Ye Yaorong also stopped, took a deep breath, and Ye Yaorong squatted down quickly.

   Everyone saw that the water of the pond quickly flooded Ye Yaorong's head.

"This Ye Glory really looks so different, it seems like there are hundreds of catties of big fish in the pond, even if there are, he can catch it with his bare hands. It's a joke." Many people on the bank sneered. .

After all, there are many people in this world who hate the rich. The poorer the place, the more powerful they are. They don’t think about why other people are rich and what effort they put in. They only know the hatred of the rich. In their eyes, others cannot live better than themselves. , Even if it’s better than yourself, it can’t be much better.

  Especially the kid Ye Yaorong, who used to be a well-known lazy man in the village. Since his parents passed away, the family conditions have been worse than every day, and he is the object of ridicule by the villagers.

   Many people in the village who were jealous of Ye Yaorong marrying a godlike wife were betting on when Liu Qingqing would leave Ye Yaorong. There were even some men who came up with Liu Qingqing's idea.

   After all, such a beautiful woman has ideas for men. It's just that Liu Qingqing doesn't give any man a chance to get close to him.

   Even when talking to male elders in the village, Liu Qingqing must keep a distance of at least three meters and never get along with any man alone.

   When Ye Guangrong was not at home, she either went to Grandma Liu's house or invited Grandma Liu to her house to stay with her, so that the men in the village who thought about her could not find a chance.

I have to say that Liu Qingqing has done a great job of protecting herself. This may also be related to Liu Qingqing’s experience when she ran away from home last time. Without the help of Ye Rongrong’s parents, Liu Qingqing wouldn’t have imagined it. What terrible things will suffer.

   Except for her husband Ye Yaorong, Liu Qingqing is very wary of any man, and can even be said to be a little scared. Except for her husband, Liu Qingqing will never let herself be alone with any man.

   Even the male elders in the village, Liu Qingqing would not get along with him alone. If the family were alone, Liu Qingqing would shut himself in the house and shut all the doors tightly.

   If a man knocks on the door, Liu Qingqing will not say anything, so that others can't figure out whether he is at home. For this reason, Liu Qingqing was often teased by her good friend Ye Shuting, saying that she felt too good about herself and too insecure.

   But now Liu Qingqing is not at home alone like before. There are two dogs, two wild boars, and five wild boars in the house. Liu Qingqing feels a little safe now.

   Especially the physiques of "King Kong" and "Black Girl", which man wants to be unruly to himself, they have to carefully consider themselves.

   Now Liu Qingqing has also started to visit the village often, and every time he goes out, he has to take "Xiaobai" with him. After all, King Kong's physique is too big, and everyone looks scared.

   I am not afraid of men coming to my home, because my men are basically at home to accompany me, that is, my men will not be at home for a while, and there are "King Kong" animals at home to protect themselves.

   However, if his man is not at home, Liu Qingqing will not let young men into the yard, nor will he let any man besides his own man get too close to him.

   There is no way except when eating, otherwise Liu Qingqing will be at least three meters away from a man. Except for his own man, Liu Qingqing cannot accept any man close to him three meters away. Otherwise, Liu Qingqing will be afraid and afraid in his heart.



   At the moment when Ye Yaorong entered the water, a sudden splash came up from that location, and he saw Ye Yaorong’s two hands holding a large fish more than one meter long, quickly coming out of the water.

   Before the people on the shore and in the pond looked away from the big fish in Ye Yaorong's hands, Ye Yaorong had already thrown the big fish ashore.

After all, Ye Yaorong was able to lift this big fish from the water, mainly because of the fast speed. He hadn't waited for the big fish to react. Ye Xiaorong had already lifted it out of the water. When the big fish reacted, he had to struggle from When Ye Yaorong escaped from his hand, Ye Yaorong quickly threw it up.

   "Boom" sounded, and the big fish had been thrown onto the water by Ye Yaorong.

   The big fish was thrown ashore by Ye Yaorong, and immediately began to struggle. This big fish was unlucky enough, and he was thrown ashore without understanding anything.



   Seeing a big fish thrown ashore by the owner, Xiao Bai and a few little wild boars immediately ran forward and screamed at it, trying to frighten the big guy.

   It is estimated that this big fish has been a "big king" in the pond for a long time, or it was thrown ashore by Ye Yaorong just now and was dizzy.

I saw a few guys who were much younger than me, who dared to yell at me and threaten me. How could the big fish suffer this anger, and he immediately rushed towards "Xiao Bai", like a small one. Like a monster, it looks quite scary.

   The scared "Xiao Bai" several little guys ran back After all, in terms of physique, the few little guys combined are no bigger than others.

   Along the way, people on the side evaded one after another. After all, it was the first time I saw such a big fish and such a fierce fish, everyone was afraid.

But after only seven or eight meters, the big fish couldn't run. After all, he was thrown ashore so vigorously by Ye Yaorong just now, and he was already severely injured. In addition, he was dragging his injuries and sliding quickly on the ground. Being so far aggravated the injury a lot, and now he can't move.

Originally, this big fish, instead of chasing "Xiao Bai" at first, but turned around and ran towards the pond, there would still be a chance to run back to the pond. At that time, Ye Yaorong would not be so easy to catch it again. .

   It's a pity that this kind of big fish can't recognize the form, and even dared to be so fierce on the shore. Now it's all right. The severe water shortage and injury made the big fish a little unmovable.



   Seeing that this big monster stopped chasing itself and was lying on the ground unable to move, "Xiao Bai" and a few wild boars immediately became courageous, and turned around and yelled at the big fish again.

   was scared by this big monster just now, "Xiao Bai" they felt very shameless, so seeing that the big monster was about to do it, "Xiao Bai" immediately started to fight back.

   It's really a tiger fell on Pingyang and was bullied by a dog, and a fierce fish came ashore and was bullied by a dog.

   "Little Bai, big boy, don't bite it."

   Seeing his puppies and little wild boars, they wanted to rush to bite the big fish, Ye Yaorong quickly stopped. Ye Yaorong still wants to keep this big fish in his own pond, how could he be willing to be friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works At mobile phone users please go to read.

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