Chapter 98

Chapter One Hundred Thousand-word Coral White (seventh change) The legend of the yearning for life salted fish Chapter One Hundred Thousand-word Coral White (seventh shift) Cold emerged.

If it’s a girl, then Lin Heng said, it’s okay.

But the two middle-aged greasy uncles have a very bad feeling.

He also understands why Ma Yun and Ma Huateng have such expressions and their eyes.

At that time, Lin Heng had worked with these two people for a long time, but they hadn’t tasted Lin Heng’s craftsmanship.

In fact, Lin Heng is also a little helpless now.

At that time, he didn’t have such a craftsmanship, and it seemed impossible to cook delicious food.

“Okay, everyone now has the opportunity to get along with each other, which is also a very fateful thing.” Lin Heng said.

“Yeah, it’s really fate.” He Jiong picked up another piece of candied haws and took a bite. “You must know that there is no balance in the life you longed for before, but he suddenly jumped in the queue.”

“I also know about this.” Huang Lei said, “According to what the Internet said at the time, whether Heng Heng was the illegitimate son of the director, it was possible. Now, it should not be the case.”

“But to be honest, it is really good for Heng Heng to join.” He Jiong smiled.

He thought of Lin Heng’s performance in the yearning life these days.

If there were no Lin Heng, would they have them now?

Eating the candied haws, everyone has a clear division of labor and is working hard for the full dinner of the Han Dynasty at night.

“Yes.” Di Lieba couldn’t help but smile.

Dili Reba was also very fortunate that Lin Heng suddenly entered the show. Otherwise, she might miss a very important person in her life.

“By the way, Lin Heng, why did you participate in this show?” Song Zuer asked.

For Lin Heng to be able to participate in this program, now everyone has no idea.

With Lin Heng’s position in the food industry, it is enough for the program team to do such a jump-in process.

After all, Lin Heng’s status in the food industry is really high.

But why did Lin Heng participate in this show?

For Song Zuer, she was a little curious.

He Jiong, Huang Lei and others also listened attentively. They had never asked this question before.

“Why did you participate in this show?” Lin Heng showed a slight smile. “I saw the preview and introduction of this show at the time, and I felt interested, so I came to participate in this show.”

“…” Everyone was stunned.

Lin Heng’s reason is really powerful, it’s very high.

What can they say for such a reason?

“Brother Lin Heng, do you want to be so casual.” Song Zu’er was also somewhat speechless.

At that time, the yearning life carried out such an unprecedented live broadcast format, although it shocked the entire entertainment circle, but the difficulty for the program group to invite guests has also become very high.

In the live broadcast.

It’s like putting a magnifying glass for the guests.

Some small things may be put together. Unlike other traditional variety shows, there are still opportunities to focus on them.

In the live broadcast, a mistake is a mistake, and there is no chance to come back.

Many people will be very cautious.

Like her Song Zuer, she finally made such a decision after considering some time.

But before she came to the mushroom house, she was still a little uneasy.

Because she doesn’t know what will happen.

As for now, Song Zu’er has no worries in this regard.

“Yes, Heng Heng, if this show is not what you think then, what can you do?” He Jiong said.

“It’s very simple. If it’s not like I imagined, I’ll leave.” Lin Heng said.

“…” He Jiong was stunned, “Well, Heng Heng.”

Generally speaking, it is difficult to leave after signing a contract to participate in a show.

Because that would have high liquidated damages.

But Lin Heng really does not need to worry about this.

He does not have this contract with Mango TV.

At the same time, the director of Mango TV told the people below that he should treat Lin Heng well.

The time for the candied haws is very short, and everyone quickly ate the candied haws on the plate.

Everyone’s face has an unfinished feeling.

“Well, everyone prepares the following work together. The Man Han Banquet is about to start.” Lin Heng said.

Tonight, 607 Lin Heng will not be Ge Youlie’s salted fish, but a salted fish that can fly and dream.

“Brother Lin Heng, I am full of strength now.” Chen He is full of fighting spirit.

The fatigue at the beginning was swept away.

After that, everyone did their own things again, and Lin Heng also started cooking 36 dishes.

That is the essence of the Manchu Banquet.

A small full-size Manchu seat.

The intoxicating scent wafted from the courtyard of the mushroom house, and the delicate and alluring food was placed on the porcelain plate from the pot, and the match was just right.

In the yard.

A large round table is placed.

He Jiong and the others borrowed it from the villagers.

Otherwise, if you change to an ordinary table, you can’t fit thirty-six dishes, even now.

But it can only be so for now.

“Two-color soft candy, dried purple fragrant, salted chicken fillet with five-spice sauce, 4D coral white, diced first black chicken, roasted round fish with golden legs…”

A series of legendary dishes that belonged to the Manchu and Han banquet were also born on that simple table. .

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