Chapter 97

The ninety-ninth chapter, the resentful boss (six shifts), the legendary salted fish of longing life. The ninety-ninth chapter, the resentful boss (six shifts).    Mushroom House.

All are busy, for the full banquet in the evening.

The little rabbit Xiao Ke squatted on the straw mat. After these time, the toxins damaged by the poisonous snake gradually weakened.

It can move slightly.

The little bunny moved its ears, and stopped as soon as his legs took a step.

A dark shadow appeared in front of it.

Xiao H looked at the rabbit curiously.

As a puppy, Xiao H is very curious about this rabbit.

Because it hasn’t seen it before.

Originally, Xiao H was the only mushroom house, but when the sheep and chickens appeared, it didn’t seem to be the case anymore.

“Two or four zeros”   click on the two sheep there. Little h has no choice but to find the three chickens. He has to tell the three chickens that he is the boss of the mushroom house.

In the end, the reality told Xiao H that he thought too much.

As long as He Jiong and Huang Lei saw it doing bad things, they took it back directly.

Now there is another animal.

So do I have to get to know it first?

Little h’s small head had such an idea.

“Wang.” Xiao H yelled quietly, standing in front of the little rabbit.

This is the first time a dog and a rabbit have met each other.

The little rabbit panicked when he saw the little h, which was much larger than it, and turned his head and ran away.

It can’t understand the dog’s words. Seeing Xiao H’s hideous appearance, it’s as if he’s going to eat it.

This reminded the little rabbit of some animals that he had encountered on the mountain before.

The little rabbit was scurrying directly on the straw mat.

“Wow.” Xiao H chased after him. It wanted to tell the little rabbit that they could play together without running away.

The two animals played a chasing game like this.

Little h hadn’t run long before it was picked up again.

“Little h, don’t bully Xiao Ke.” Huang Lei took Xiao H and took him to other places.

Little H moved with his paw.

Seriously, it really didn’t bully Xiao Ke, it just wanted to get to know Xiao Ke.

Let’s leave aside the weird animal world and continue to return to the human world.

“Everyone, the candied haws are ready, everyone should take a break and taste the taste of candied haws.” Lin Heng greeted the busy He Jiong and others.

Because I picked hawthorn or something today, I can just make candied haws.

Candied haws.

It is familiar to both the elderly and the young people nowadays.

Of course, for older people, this is even more of a memory, a memory of childhood.

“Heng Heng, your candied haws are ready, then I want to taste them well, and I will enjoy them before the full feast of Man Han.” Huang Lei looked at the candied haws on the plate, with memories in his eyes.

“Seriously, when we were young, we wanted to eat candied haws. It was also a kind of enjoyment.” He Jiong said, “Master Ma Yun, Master Huateng, how did you like when you were young.”

“Like you, candied haws were there when I was young.” Ma Yun nodded, “When I was young, I always asked my father to buy them for me.”

“Don’t remember the past, let’s taste it together.” Chen He said droolingly.

He can’t stand it anymore.

“Okay, everyone try it.” Lin Heng smiled.

Everyone picked up the chopsticks, picked up a candied haws, and slowly put it to his mouth.

“Kacha” Song Group took a light bite.

The crisp sugar makes a sound, and the sweet and sour hawthorn blends perfectly with the sugar.

At this moment, Song Zu’er’s mouth was full of inexplicable satisfaction.

The sour taste can stimulate the appetite, which is the taste of hawthorn.

Sweet is the most favorite taste among human beings.

If according to human biology, sweetness can make the whole person secrete a hormone, this hormone can relax the body and mind.

Put aside this kind of knowledge and academic stuff.

Everyone ate the candied haws and was immersed in this afternoon snack full of memories.

“It’s really delicious, it’s like back to childhood.” He Jiong bit his mouth, his face full of happiness.

“Yes, the sugar wrapped on the outside is just right, and the hawthorn processed is also very good. The two are perfectly combined.” Huang Lei nodded.

“It’s delicious. It turns out that Lin Heng’s cooking is so delicious. Why isn’t Lin Heng cooking at noon?” Song Zuer said with a bulging mouth.

Song Zuer felt that this rock candied haw was really the best thing she had ever eaten.

It doesn’t matter if those Michelin three-star restaurants are counted in, it’s the same.

Originally Song Zuer knew that Lin Heng was a world-class legendary chef, but it wouldn’t be too exaggerated to think about it. Now, when I saw it, I was completely wrong before. It was really delicious.

Even in such a humble environment, Lin Heng can make such delicious food.

“Jiu’er, what are you talking about, what do you mean, I made it at noon and it was awful.” Huang Lei scolded with a smile.

“Teacher Huang, of course I didn’t mean that. You and Lin Heng cook differently.” Song Zuerlian said. 4.1

“Okay, in terms of craftsmanship, I still can’t compare with Heng Heng.” Huang Lei smiled.

This recognition is nothing to Huang Lei.

Even a five-star chef will be better than Huang Lei’s culinary skills, not to mention the world’s legendary chefs who do not know how many levels they surpass.

That is really at the top of the pyramid.

“It’s delicious, it’s a pity that I didn’t eat it before.” Ma Yun sighed.

“Teacher Ma Yun, Teacher Huateng, you didn’t have this opportunity before.” He Jiong smiled.

“…” Ma Yun and Ma Huateng.

At this moment, both of them looked at Lin Heng with a bit of resentment.

After having been with Lin Heng for so long, they really hadn’t tasted it at that time. .

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