Chapter 24

Chapter 24 is used to the legendary salted fish of the yearning life Chapter 24 is used to.    Legendary chef participates in a variety show, which is very rare, especially in China.

Lin Heng’s achievements in the world food industry are enough to excite China’s food industry and the media.

This feeling of status is not comparable to the so-called celebrities.

Perhaps a chef of this level, his ability to make money is not as good as that of a top star, but in the hearts of many people, they will think that the top chef is what they should respect.

this moment.

The whole China is crazy about the work.

Some people who like food, but did not pay attention to the life they yearn for, immediately followed this program.

Many people are curious when they see the news. When they understand the truth, they can only express their respect in their hearts with five-body cast.

Those who want to become legendary chefs are top chefs who have reached a certain age.

But Lin Heng is only in his twenties, not to mention that Lin Heng was even younger when he was the chef.

Needless to say, those who pay attention to the life they yearn for.

They ignored Lin Heng when the program was first broadcast, but in a short period of time, Lin Heng attracted their attention.

Originally, they guessed whether Lin Heng was the chef of a certain restaurant.

At that time they just thought that Lin Heng might be the chef of a five-star restaurant.

Now that the news came out, they were stunned.

Lin Heng turned out to be a legendary chef in the world. There are not many chefs in the whole world who can be named this name.

“It’s amazing. I am now convinced by Lin Heng. Please accept my knees.”

“In this show, Lin Heng is the most powerful star.”

“At first glance, maybe Reba is not worthy of Mr. Lin Heng, not Mr. Lin Heng is not worthy of Reba.”

“But Lin Heng has such a status, why would he still participate in such a show?”

“It should just be relaxing. Regarding what Lin Heng has exposed now, I am afraid it is also accidental.”

“Yes, it’s no wonder Lin Heng is so low-key, he doesn’t need to compete for popularity at all.”

“I am very envious of the guests who can participate in the yearning life, because they may eat Lin Heng’s food.”

“I think politicians and business people in various countries are also very envious.”

The whole China is full of news of Lin Heng and the life he yearns for.

The yearning life has become more popular, and Lin Heng’s popularity in China has also shown an explosive increase. This is because Lin Heng has such an ability and he can withstand such an explosive popularity.

As a world-class top chef, in the eyes of many people, those celebrities cannot be compared with Lin Heng.

In other words, it was also very difficult for the powerful and politicians of so many countries in the past to eat Lin Heng’s food.

At that time, Lin Heng suddenly disappeared, but it made many people regret it.

This is also the reason why the news about Lin Heng will burst out with such terrible energy.

When the whole world and China were sensational, the few people in the mushroom house naturally did not know the news.

Even if Lin Heng doesn’t know now, he is still a salted fish walking on the road.

Mushroom house.

The sky gradually darkened, and night was approaching.

“Okay.” Huang Lei put the dishes in the pot into the bowl.

This time, Chen Qiaoying and the others ordered a lot. Of course, one thing is correct. The number of people in their mushroom house plus the two of them, for a total of seven people, also needs this kind of food.

Thinking of this, Huang Lei’s heart was refreshing, but he was a little worried. In the future, he shouldn’t stay around the stove, as it is today.

“Supper is ready, everyone come here.” Huang Lei greeted a few salted fish.

In the current situation, it is not only Lin Heng who has become a salted fish, but also the others.

They can’t help Huang Lei cooking dishes.

“It’s time for dinner, it’s great, you can eat Hengheng’s twice-cooked pork.” He Jiong said happily.

Although time has passed for a long time, Huang Lei has also cooked certain dishes, but in He Jiong’s heart, what he can not forget is the scented twice-cooked pork.

That scent still echoed in his heart now.

As for the food Huang Lei cooked, He Jiong could only say regret, he really didn’t expect it.

As an old friend of 20 years, He Jiong has already eaten the food that Huang Lei has cooked, and he has no sense of anticipation for a long time.

And I have to say.

The food cooked by Lin Heng is indeed better than Huang Lei.

“Jongjiong, what do you mean by this, you are saying that I burnt it unpalatable, so don’t eat it tonight.” Huang Lei scolded with a smile.

Huang Lei heard what He Jiong muttered.

“Teacher Huang, of course I didn’t mean that.” He Jionglian said, “It’s just our old friend of twenty years. I’m used to the dishes you cook.”

“Fuck your habit.” Huang Lei said silently, “You don’t want to go to my door in the future.”

He Jiong didn’t answer the conversation, which was a little difficult to answer.

“Go, go, let’s try Teacher Huang’s craftsmanship.” He Jiong turned off the topic.

“…” Chen Qiao and others were taken aback for a moment.

He Jiong’s performance is really good and fake.

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