Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Global Shock The Legendary Salted Fish of Longing for Life Chapter 23 Global Shock.    Because of Lin Heng’s pork belly, everyone can’t wait to eat dinner now to be able to eat Lin Heng’s delicacy.

The hunger in their stomachs was good, but now the roundworms in their stomachs have screamed, urging them to eat dinner.

This is the power of food.

As the chef tonight, Huang Lei was also affected.

He also began to speed up the cooking of other delicacies, boiled pork slices, northeastern stew, Kung Pao chicken, braised lion’s head… and a series of dishes.

Chen Qiaozhen, Zheng Yan and Dili Reba surrounded Lin Heng.

Not to mention the relationship between Di Lieba and Lin Heng in the past two days, it’s like rejoicing in an enemy.

Like Chen Qiaoyun and Zheng Yan, Lin Heng also became very curious.

What kind of person is Lin Heng?

On the other side, He Jiong and Dahua teased little h, maybe it means little h will play with them.

Dahua originally felt that it was a good thing for girls to come here, but now he doesn’t think so. If he can, he even hopes that a man will come over, so that he will have a helper.

As for Lin Heng.

Well, in the past two days, Lin Heng asked them to subtract the amount of corn from the mushroom house. Dahua doesn’t know how long it will take.

So compared with Lin Heng, his majesty is a tragedy.

More importantly, Dahua also wants to taste the food cooked by Lin Heng.

“Little h, it’s nice that you are the only one with me now.” Dahua teased little h.

“Wow.” Xiao H called out.

“You like me too.” Dahua said with emotion.

“Wang.” Xiao H yelled, and then Sahuan ran towards Lin Heng.

This scene made Dahua’s hand froze in midair.

“…” Dahua retracted his hand awkwardly.

His heart was bleeding.

Even Xiao H abandoned him.

While everyone in the mushroom house was waiting for dinner, a major event broke out in China.

This major event has something to do with the hot variety show that was broadcast recently, and the yearning for life, and it has something to do with one of the guests.

Lin Heng.

Past honorary chef of the Michelin three-star restaurant Eleven-Madison-Park.

This Michelin three-star restaurant has won the first place among the 50 best restaurants in the world in the past few years.

In the most common language, this restaurant can be said to be the world’s first.

The top 50 restaurants in the world are ranked, but it is a ranking competition comparable to Michelin.

At the same time, Lin Heng is the honorary judge of these two competitions, and the honorary chef of many Michelin three-stars.

The current menus of those restaurants still have traces left by Lin Heng.

In the past, Lin Heng wore a mysterious mask when he entered and exited these occasions. At that time, many people still speculated about who the world-class chef would be, or which country he was from.

Now, the answer is out.

He is Lin Heng from China.

Michelin three-star restaurants like Eleven-Madison-Park have released accurate information, and their honorary chef is Lin Heng.

Lin Heng’s information was also announced with three Michelin stars and the world’s 50 best restaurants.

Lin Heng caused a series of explosions in the world food circle.

The record set by Lin Heng in the past detonated even more at this moment.

The whole world is making a sensation for this top chef.

You must know that when you wanted to eat the mysterious Mr. Lin Heng’s dishes, even the president of the United States and the dignitaries of other big countries, even the rich and powerful, could hardly taste it.

Now that Lin Heng’s identity is exposed, the tsunami caused is extremely terrifying.

Foreign media are racing to report.

“Legendary chef, Lin from China.”

“To conquer the world’s gastronomy world, it turns out to be a chef from China?”

“A terrible ancient country, what kind of power it contains.”

“Lin Heng, a legendary gourmet, he is a gem in the gourmet world.”

“The chef who has been chased by the presidents of all countries, his true face has finally appeared.”

“Perhaps Lin has his own Michelin restaurant in China?”

“Disappeared from the peak, this is the chef Lin in the world legend.”

Relevant media all over the world have reported this breaking news one after another.

The original Lin Heng caused a series of records and a terrible sensation in the world food circle, but his true features are rarely known, or how he has not been exposed.


The legendary chef left the food world. No one knows where the legendary chef has gone and whether he will return.

This makes many people very depressed.

Now, this depression has disappeared, because the truth has come out.

The whole world talked about this news. China also responded quickly. When they checked Lin Heng’s news, they were even more shocked.

This legendary chef is not exactly Lin Heng, Lin Heng in the life he yearns for.

“The legendary chef Lin was born in China.”

“Lin Heng, a world-class chef, or the world’s top chef.”

“The chef who surpassed three Michelin stars turned out to be him.”

“The legendary chef participated in the yearning life, he is Lin Heng.”

“The food controller that politicians and rich people from all over the world yearn for.”

“Longing for life, Lin Heng’s rest program.”

The Chinese media also reported frantically.

Lin Heng, that is not an ordinary chef with three Michelin stars, but a legendary chef who surpasses three Michelin stars.

Now that Lin Heng’s identity is exposed, he joins the yearning life.

This became Lin Heng’s position suddenly elevated.

He is not an amateur at all.

He is the top star.

Star bright.

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