Chapter 2

Chapter Two Stupid and Cute Fatty The Legendary Salted Fish of Life. Chapter Two Stupid and Cute Fatty.    Imperial Capital, a place called Miyun.

The scenery here is beautiful and the birds and flowers are fragrant. Surrounded by the mountains, this is the beginning of the story and the place where the longing life begins.

A courtyard outside.

A girl with a large suitcase came here out of breath.

“This is the mushroom house.” The girl raised her head. It was a woman with an exotic style.

She is naturally the only female guest Dili Reba in the life she yearns for.

In fact, it has now entered the live broadcast, and the audience in the live broadcast can only express their love for Di Lieba in those few words.

“Reba is the cutest, Reba, I will always love you.”

“How beautiful is Fat Di?”

“Call Reba, I hope Reba can see it.”

“No matter what happens behind this show, with Reba, even if the show becomes shit, I will watch it.”

“666, you can, you have the same idea, of course, if it’s not shit, then it’s better.”

“Teacher Huang, Teacher He.” Di Lieba knocked on the door and shouted loudly.

“…” There was no response in it.

“Aren’t they here yet?” Di Lieba scratched his hair and muttered to herself.

Such a scene excited the audience watching the live broadcast again, because it was really cute.

“No one, then I’ll come in.” Dilly Reba pushed the door open heavily, then lifted the suitcase with both hands and put it into the yard.

“This yard is so beautiful.” Di Lieba dragged his luggage and walked around the yard and looked around.

“Wang, Wang.” A little dog barking sounded in Dilly Reba’s ear.

Di Lieba looked around and set her gaze inside the house. After walking in, she saw a cute puppy.

The puppy’s fur is brown and looks slightly black.

The puppy’s dim eyes were open, and it seemed to be slightly frightened by the uninvited guest Di Lieba.

“What a cute dog.” Dilly Reba’s eyes gleamed, and he threw the suitcase aside and rushed towards the puppy.

The puppy seemed to feel Dilly Reba’s murderous aura. It wanted to take a step forward to escape, but it didn’t take a few steps before it was picked up.

“Wang, Wang.” The puppy knew that he was caught, so he could only use another method.

It looked at Di Lieba with two cute little eyes and screamed cutely.

“What a cute puppy, I feel so cute.”

“Although it’s just a small dog, it’s really cute, and I want to raise such a dog too.”

“This puppy should be small, it looks like it’s still a toddler.”

The girls in the live broadcast room became excited. To Di Lieba, as a female audience, it is impossible for them to feel like men.

In contrast, this cute puppy can more arouse girls’ emotions.

Dili Reba, who was also a female at the scene, was also fascinated by the puppy.

“It’s really cute, so how about I marry you a name.” Dilly Reba touched the puppy, “Or you are called cute, how about?”

“Wang, Wang.” The puppy yelled, it was a rejection.

It is obviously a boy, how could it have such a feminine name.

“It looks like you like it very much. That’s great, I just call you cute.” Dilly Reba said proudly, “It looks like I’m really good.”

“…………”Small dog.

The audience in the live room burst into laughter.

“I feel that the puppy is refusing, this is Fat Di forcibly messing around.”

“The puppy said, the name is so cute, it’s a boy.”

“Now there is always a kind of fat Di that needs a new character, stupid fat Di.”

“Anyone? Anyone?” A voice slightly familiar to Dilly Reba came from outside the yard.

Di Lieba hurried over with her puppy and opened the door to a familiar person.

“Teacher He, you are here, but I have been waiting for you for a long time.” Di Lieba said quickly.

He Jiong of Mango TV was the second one to come to the mushroom house.

“Reba.” He Jiong responded with a smile, “By the way, you have…”

He Jiong also saw the puppy in Dili Reba’s hands.

“It’s called cute, doesn’t the name sound good.” Di Lieba introduced Puppies.

“Cute.” He Jiong looked at the struggling puppy and coughed. “It’s really cute, but Reba, are you alone now?”

“Yeah, I’m the only one, no one else has come here yet?” Dilly Reba nodded.

“Then let’s go in and wait for others.” He Jiong said.

He Jiong felt that he was always standing at the door chatting, always a little weird.

“Okay, okay.” Di Lieba responded without realizing it.

In this way, while Di Lieba and He Jiong were waiting, Teacher Huang Leihuang and Liu Xianhua also came to the mushroom house. Now there is only the last guest left, that is, the mysterious guest.

In the courtyard of the mushroom house.

Huang Lei and others are here, and everyone is Ge Youlie.

“Teacher He, do you know who the mysterious guest is? It’s not our predecessors, right?” Huang Lei asked.

“That?” He Jiong’s expression was slightly dazed, he thought about the previous time.

When he was on Mango TV, the director spoke to him solemnly. This mysterious guest was very important.

He Jiong has never seen such a situation in a star.

“Yes, maybe not.”

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