Chapter 1

Chapter One The Longing for Life The Legend of Longing for Salted Fish Chapter One The Longing for Life.    China, the imperial capital.

The seat of the National Chinese Academy of Sciences.

This is the center of national science and invention. Almost all Chinese scientists are concentrated here.

Some scientific advances experienced in people’s lives are more or less related to this department.

“Deputy Dean Lin, what about our project without you.”

“Yes, Deputy Dean Lin, we can’t bear you.”

“Associate Dean, the progress of the country is in your hands.”

Somewhere in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, some gray-haired old gentlemen courageously discouraged a young-looking man.

This scene looks a little strange, but to those old people, it’s not strange at all.

Lin Heng, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, took the lead in the design of China’s new-generation engines during his tenure, allowing China to have its own engines and narrowing the gap with the United States.

In addition to engines, there are inventions in the fields of radar, intelligence, and aviation.

Without hesitation, Lin Heng is the most important person in China.

Even the first person in China said so.

It can be said that Lin Heng is very special in China, and those military leaders also respect Lin Heng very much.

That’s why there is a slightly strange scene in front of me.

Those scientists are a bit bitter.

Because as the most powerful scientist in China today, Lin Heng went to participate in an entertainment show called “Longing for Life” or something.

For older scientists, this is completely unsuccessful.

“Everyone, I’m too tired these time, now I want to feel the feeling of being a salted fish.” Lin Heng looked at the scientists with different expressions faintly.

“The feeling of salted fish?” Numerous question marks appeared on the heads of these old scientists.

As a buzzword in the modern era, these old people don’t know it.

Looking at the old people with countless question marks, Lin Heng expressed a little helplessness. As a young man, with these old scientists, this generation gap is a bit deep.

If it is not to complete the task.

Lin Heng is not a person from this world. He traveled through it. This is a parallel world similar to the previous earth.

Just like the other protagonists, Lin Heng also has a system, but this system is a little overbearing, saying from time to time that he wants to obliterate and disappear.

This keeps Lin Heng on the way to complete the task.

Now that the main task is completed, Lin Heng is finally able to take a break, which makes him relaxed. It happened that he saw a program called “Longing for Life”, and then he joined it.

With Lin Heng’s current status, joining this column group is really easy.

“Forget it.” Lin Heng shook his head, “You just treat me as a holiday, and the chairman agreed.”

“Hey.” The dean of the Chinese Academy of Sciences stepped forward, “Xiao Lin, what shall we do without you! Many projects have just started.”

“Oh, it’s okay, Dean.” Lin Heng patted the shoulder of the Dean of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. “It’s not that I won’t come back. When I come back, I hope your progress will not be the same as before.”

Hearing this, those academies of science were ashamed. They were almost like this when Lin Heng did not arrive.

“Let’s go.” Lin Heng waved his hand, slowly leaving everyone’s sight.


Longing for life, a program featured by Mango TV, a famous TV station in China.

Because this program is carried out in an unprecedented way, in the past, the broadcast of TV variety shows was edited and played after the recording was completed.

But this time, this variety show will be broadcast live on the platform first, and then it will be edited into a variety show.

The live broadcast has very high demands on the guests.

Your words and deeds are in the eyes of everyone, and there is no way to save anything.

This is an unprecedented attempt by the TV station. At that time, Mango Satellite TV also spent a lot of thought on inviting guests.

Four guests were finally identified, Huang Lei, He Jiong, Liu Xianhua and the currently very popular Di Lieba.

After the four guests were confirmed, the audience became excited, which is really great.

Huang Lei is a senior in the film and television industry, He Jiong is the ace host of Mango TV, Liu Xianhua…Well, let’s take a look at Di Lieba.

She is currently the most popular female star in China.

The participation of Di Lieba has made the popularity of this show continue to increase.

Just a few days before the longing show will be broadcast.

Another news broke out on Mango TV.

A new guest joins the longing life. It is a mysterious guest. Even Mango TV has not revealed the true face of that mysterious guest.

this moment.

There was a lot of discussion throughout China.

Becoming a guest on the way, is that guest an old senior or a relative of the director of the Mango TV station?

Otherwise it is very difficult for such a thing to happen.

When there was a lot of discussion in China, the yearning life gradually kicked off.

This unprecedented show is about to begin.

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