Chapter 558 To kill the strongest!

Hundreds of epochs have passed since Brolin’s rise. In such a long period of time, he has been doing one thing, which is to continuously perform the technique of the ultimate shadow clone, creating one clone after another, They are all over the corners of the Universe Sea!

Until now, except for some extremely dangerous areas in the three major Jedi, almost every distance, a clone of Brolin will be hidden in secret, in order to allow him to reach any place in the Universe Sea in a short time.处区.

The reason why Brolin suddenly disappeared in the process of chasing Shihua island owners and them was because he sensed that one of his clones was stationed in front of the area where the opponent was fleeing, so Brolin directly passed the Ultimate Shadow clone. The transfer technique transferred his deity here ahead of time, waiting early.

While the plain-colored cloud world flag and other supreme treasures cannot be transferred by the shadow clone technique, but Brolin can open the door of the world first, put many supreme treasures into the adventure world first, and then open the world after his deity is transferred. The gate, once again taken out the treasure from the adventure world.

Therefore, when the island owner of Sihua and their palace treasure arrived here, Brolin directly sacrificed the plain cloud world flag in the dark, trapping the other party’s palace in the cloud world of the plain cloud world flag!

“Eternal Lord, don’t be too proud!” In the Supreme Palace, the island owner of Sihua sneered, “What if you stop us? I have the Supreme Palace in hand, so I don’t believe you can really wait for me. how!”

“Haha, Island Master Shihua, are you really stupid or pretending to be stupid?” Brolin laughed out of his voice after hearing that, “If I hadn’t been confident enough to deal with you, how could I be so troublesome to deal with you? Are you trapped?”

As soon as Brolin’s words came out, the expressions of the lord of Shihua and the lord of many universes suddenly changed. The former is a little better, while the latter is a little panicked.

“Lord Shihua, what should I do?”

“Island Lord Shihua, you have to think of a way!” Many universe masters eagerly opened their mouths.

“Shut up all!” Shihua Island Master yelled at the words, his face pale, “What are you afraid of? I don’t believe that his Realm treasure can really trap my treasure palace!”


The next moment Sihua Island took the initiative, and an incredibly powerful aura of divine power burst out of his body. At this time, he directly burned the divine body and began to do his best to control the own supreme treasure palace. Break out of the shackles of Realm’s treasure!

In the cloud world, the black Xeon Supreme Treasure Palace trembles violently under the control of the island owner of Sihua at any cost. It has almost dropped to a speed close to a stop and immediately begins to Ascension, against the power of the endless Realm. The bondage begins to sprint!

“I want to run now? It’s too late!” Seeing this scene, Brolin twitched his mouth, showing a disdainful smile.

In his hand, the plain-colored cloud world flag was violently waved, and the endless chaos and mist in the cloud world suddenly surging violently, and the power of Realm’s restraint skyrocketed again!

Seeing the treasure of the black palace that had ascensioned the speed, The next moment was once again submerged by the surging chaotic haze, and once again fell into a stagnant state!

“Damn it, how is it possible?”

The lord of Sihua roared in the treasure palace, his face was full of anger.

He felt unbelievable that he had already achieved this step, already pushing the power of Xeon Supreme Palace to the limit, and he still couldn’t break free from the power of Realm!

“What the hell is Realm Supreme? Even Xeon Supreme can never have such binding power!” He roared in his heart.

As for the many other alien universe masters in the palace, seeing the island master of Shihwa was almost lost at the moment, and one of them felt even more desperate. Many of the universe masters even had a look of despair on their faces.

“Demon Ancestor, come and save us!”

“Father God!”

“The Demon Ancestor, save me!”

The masters of the universe, belonging to the peak races, all began to eagerly send messages for help to the strongest in the universe on their own side.

The Dream Demon Ancestors, the Father God of the Machine Race, and the Holy Lord of the Crystal Race, who received the news, were all shocked by the message from the Lord of the Universe.

“Sihua controls the Xeon Supreme Palace, how can he be restrained?”

“What method did the Eternal Lord use?”

The strongest of all races in the Universe quickly asked, wanting to confirm whether the news is true, even the Xeon Supreme Palace was stopped, which is really incredible!

You must know that even if the human alliance attacked them in the original universe before, the founder of the great axe released more than ten Realm Xeon treasures at once, and failed to bind the palaces of the Zerg queen and the island owner of Sihua, allowing them to stay in The under a single strike of the silver spherical fortress rescued nearly four hundred universe masters.

At the moment, Sihua’s island lord’s supreme palace has been intercepted, unable to escape the shackles. If the news is true, then it is clear that the Realm he is facing is absolutely extraordinary, and the power is even more than ten Realm-like supreme treasures. It’s even more terrible together!

“Demon Ancestor, it’s true!”

“The eternal lord of mankind doesn’t know what kind of treasures he has used, releasing a cloud and mist world. Now the island owner of Sihua has gone all out, but still can’t rush out!”

After receiving the confirmation, the strongest of all races in the Universe were shocked, and then all fell silent.

“I have the heart to save you, but I can’t get out of it at all!” After receiving a cry from the Lord of the Crystal Race Universe, the Crystal Race Holy Lord finally smiled bitterly, because at this moment he is being controlled by the Chaos City Lord and other Hongmeng Universe Lords. Lei’ chased and killed, also exhausted in the Universe sea.

“The strength of the founder of the giant axe is too strong. I have hid in the original Universe and cannot enter the Universe Sea for the time being!” The Father God of the Mechanical Race also told the Master of the Mechanical Race that he could not come to help.

The founder of the Great Axe, who possessed multiple pieces of Xeon Supreme Treasure in hand, was absolutely powerful. Before, he and Brolin and other soldiers were divided into three groups, and they went to chase the mechanical god Father God alone, and almost completely suppressed the opponent. It is a pity that at a critical time, the mechanical clan god father escaped into the original universe, and the creator of the giant axe ultimately failed.

“My supreme palace is at the same level as the island owner of Sihua. His palace is trapped. The result will be the same even if I come here. Ask for more blessings!” The Zerg queen was very direct and refused to come to the rescue. Even the lord of the Zerg Universe in the treasure palace of the island lord of Sihua begged bitterly.

“Prison King, you can only rely on Shihwa, I can’t help you!” The demon ancestor of the prison clan also didn’t plan to come. He didn’t even have a palace of the strongest treasure. middle.

The strongest of all races in the Universe gave up rescue, and the strongest single Universe, such as the ancestor of Demonic Beasts and the founder of the black universe, is even more impossible to come.

“Sihua, you should feel honored.” In the cloud world, Brolin stood in the void, looking down at the darkest treasure palace below, with a proud expression, “You will be the first Universe I will kill. The strong!”

“You really want to kill me?” In the Supreme Palace, the island owner of Shihua looked very ugly.

Brolin in the void moved, and the plain cloud world flag was thrown directly into the center of the cloud and mist world, and he independently settled this Realm!

Afterwards, the Pangu flag appeared in his hand while the light flickered, igniting an endless flow of chaos. And under his feet, the Red Lotus Karma Fire also burst out with a bright red look. Karma Fire Realm and the plain cloud world flag’s cloud world merged, making the power of Realm even stronger!


In the end, even the single-piece mechanical flow treasure Wu Qi Shen just obtained from Jinzhi World was taken out by him and directly put on him.

“A lot of treasures came out, and under the full display of my hole cards, my combat power can reach thirteen levels, comparable to the limit of the true god of the void!” Brolin muttered to himself, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes, “even if it is the strongest palace. , And I can’t under a single strike with all my strength!”

“What’s more, there is the cooperation of the word secret of soldiers, and the defensive power of this treasure palace will be further attenuated!”

“Sihua, you are dead!”


The next moment, Brolin did not hesitate to shoot!

Under the blessing of God Wu Qi, his many methods were released, and his divine power burned to the extreme in an instant, and he began to spur the Pangu flags crazily!


With just one wave, the air currents in the chaotic zone within a few light-years were swept away, leaving an absolute vacuum!

And the lacquered black treasure palace of the island owner of Sihua is now in the core area of ​​that vacuum!


The moment of absolute vacuum forming began to collapse rapidly, and the extremely terrifying pressure all squeezed into the core area in an instant, all acting on the treasure palace!

At this moment, even this so-called indestructible supreme treasure palace, there is a terrible “crunching” sound from the outside! The terrifying pressure of the absolute vacuum collapse has even caused cracks on the outer wall of this treasure!

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