Chapter 557

In the endless chaos, a huge black palace treasure blasted the chaotic airflow, breaking the shackles of time and space and advancing at extreme speed.

At the back, Brolin’s figure stood on a red lotus platform, following constantly, and the distance between the two was constantly getting closer.

“Island Master Shihua, you can’t escape.” Brolin’s mouth was grinning, but his eyes were staring at the palace in front of him, exuding endless coldness.

“Lord of the Eternal, why bother to be so bitter?” In the most precious palace, the island lord of Shihua had an ugly face, and he spoke with divine power. There were more than two hundred universe masters of various races around him, and they all looked terrified at the moment.

They did not expect that Brolin would chase them all the way from the original Universe to the Universe Sea!

“It’s useless to say more. As the strongest alone, Shihua Island Lord, you didn’t have any disputes with my human race, but since you dare to mix with the monsters, you are destined to have this moment!” Luo Lin sneered.

“Haha, ridiculous! Do you really think you can do anything to me?” The island owner of Shihua laughed, his eyes chilled, “Eternal Lord, you are too big! I know you. The strength seems to be close to the original ancestor, but so what?”

“I am the strongest in the Universe, and I have the Xeon Supreme Palace in hand. The original ancestors had nothing to do with me. Can you still kill me?” He sneered.

“You can’t kill you, you’ll know soon.” Brolin said coldly, and then said nothing more.

“Miscellaneous!” In the palace, the island master of Shihua gritted his teeth, his eyes were extremely cold.

“Island Master Shihua, I’m relying on you to wait!”

“Sihua Island Owner!”

Many alien universe masters in the palace spoke one after another, with extremely nervous expressions on their faces.

“I have my own measures!” The island owner of Shihua suddenly became a little irritable when he heard the words, and shouted, “There is a palace of the strongest treasure, what are you afraid of?”

When the masters of many alien universes heard the words, they all looked at each other, and the expressions on their faces were still nervous.

If other people are chasing them, they naturally don’t need to be nervous. After all, in the palace of the strongest, the strongest in the universe would never want to threaten them.

But Brolin is different. This one possesses a mysterious method specifically aimed at the treasures. The Lord of the Universe who died in his hands at the time, does not own the palace of the treasures?

In chaos.

“It’s pretty good to escape!”

Brolin looked at the lacquered black palace ahead with a sneer in his eyes.

“But it’s a pity that the direction you choose to escape is really not good!”

When the words were written, his figure began to blur, and the aura of his whole body dropped rapidly, and the karma red lotus under his feet was directly taken away by him.

“Huh? It seems something is wrong!”

In the palace treasure, the expression of the island lord of Sihua changed slightly. Although he had been controlling the treasure to escape Brolin’s tracking, he was always paying attention to the other party. At this moment, he noticed that Brolin’s state seemed to have undergone a great change, the most obvious was that his divine power aura had weakened a lot, and the strange treasure under his feet was also put away.

“What’s the matter?” The island owner of Shihua secretly asked, “Could it be that he gave up?”

After putting away the Karma Fire Red Lotus, Brolin’s speed dropped rapidly, and soon fell behind. This made the island owner of Shihwa, who had never thought of other explanations, finally believed that Brolin must know that he couldn’t help him, so he gave up. NS.

“Hmph, the eternal lord is nothing more than that.” The island owner of Shihua sneered in his heart, and then looked at the more than two hundred alien universe masters in the palace who had been paying attention to him nervously.

“Don’t worry, the eternal lord of mankind has already retreated.”

As soon as these words came out, the masters of many alien universes were taken aback first, and then they all showed surprises.


“That’s great!”

Seeing the masters of these universes was relieved and exhilarated. The island owner of Shihua suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. After all, their performance in this way clearly shows how terrifying Brolin’s deterrent power is. Compared with him, the strongest in the universe, it seems to be a lot weaker.

“Huh, what do you mean by waiting? Do you think that the strongest person in my dignified Universe, holding the strongest treasure palace in my hand, can’t protect you?” The island owner of Shihua was a little unhappy.

“This… Of course not…”

The masters of many universes were shocked and quickly explained. No matter what you think, after all, they are still in the treasure palace of the island owner of Sihua at the moment.

“Sihua Island Master, since the Eternal Lord has retreated, let me return to the original Universe as soon as possible.” A demon race Universe master cautiously said.

They are all staying in each other’s treasure palace at the moment, and they are very disturbed. After all, if the island owner of Shihua has any thoughts in his heart, he can bring them into his own small universe. At that time, they, the master of the universe, can only be at the mercy of the other party.

“What’s the rush?” Shihua Island Master said coldly.

Suddenly, many of the universe masters dare not say more, and the monsters and the mechanical masters of the universe are the strongest universes who secretly began to contact the various races.


Suddenly, the Supreme Treasure Palace shook violently, as if it had hit something, and its speed instantly dropped by a large amount and almost stopped immediately!

“Island Master Shihua, what’s the matter?” Suddenly, many of the alien universe masters were surprised and hurriedly spoke.

At this moment, the island owner of Shihua had already changed drastically, and a pair of eyes stared at the external void.

“Realm…” he muttered to himself in a low voice, his eyes were full of uneasy emotions.

I saw that in the chaos, the dark palace was already plunged into a hazy haze. The speed of the beam that had surpassed a thousand times the speed of the light beam has now been reduced to below the speed of light, as if it were trapped in a swamp!

“This is the power of Realm!”

“It’s Realm Xeon Treasure!”

At this moment, the many universe masters inside the palace were also aware of the external situation and felt the powerful Realm power that enveloped them, all of them were shocked.

The Realm Supreme Treasure that can block the palace’s supreme treasure must also be the strongest level, and the creatures who master the treasures of this level must be extremely powerful existences, with a great probability of being the strongest in the universe!

“Who is making the shot?” At the moment, including the island owner of Shihwa, many of the universe’s masters are in surprise.

They just got rid of the eternal lord of mankind and walked through this endless chaos. Could it be that they happened to meet one of the strongest Universes in the three Samsara era?

But it shouldn’t be. Even the strongest in the Universe, it’s impossible to take action when seeing the Xeon Supreme Palace, because it is meaningless, even if it is the first Allah of the God Eye Clan who is known as the strongest in the Universe Sea. It is impossible to make the palace of the strongest treasure by oneself.

“I’m the island owner of Shihua, dare to ask who is the friend outside?” The island owner of Sihua looked solemn and immediately activated the divine power transmission.

However, after a while, there was no response.

“Which bastard is it?” The island owner of Shihua looked a little ugly, and his eyes flashed with a cold light.

Many universe masters are also a little nervous at this moment.

“Hmph, no matter who you are, it is too overwhelming to want to trap me with Realm-like treasures alone!” Shihwa Island Master sneered.

The next moment he started to urge the treasure under him with all his strength, and suddenly this jet-black Xeon Supreme Treasure Palace exudes an extremely powerful aura, and began to accelerate in the hazy mist to get rid of the shackles of Realm’s power and rush out!

However, what made the expression of the island lord of Sihua suddenly changed was that as he fully urged the Supreme Treasure Palace, the external Realm’s power also increased by a large amount, and the hazy mist became more dense. The treasure of the palace was submerged once again, and the internal restraint power skyrocketed!

“How is it possible?” The island owner of Shihua was shocked, and a pair of eyes stared directly.

At this moment, the endless haze is shrouded in chaos, completely submerging his black treasure palace, the endless bondage is intertwined as if endless silk threads are entangled, so that the island owner of Sihua can’t control the palace treasure to rush out for a time!

“Damn it, who the hell is it!”

The angry divine power transmission centered on the black treasure palace, spreading toward the chaos, and the island owner of Sihua was completely angry!

“Stop shouting, didn’t I come out?”

Suddenly, a divine power transmission sounded, causing the angry island owner of Shihua and many nervous universe owners to change their expressions suddenly.

In the chaos, a void channel appeared between the endless mist and surging, I saw Brolin’s figure emerge from it, with a joking smile on the foot of Karma Fire Red Lotus.

“It’s you?”

“The Eternal Lord?”

At this moment, the Lord of Shihua Island and the Lords of many alien universes showed incredible expressions.

what happened? Haven’t they gotten rid of each other completely?

“Very unexpected?” Brolin sneered, “Think I gave up?”

“Don’t be afraid to tell you that in this universe, no one can escape the creatures that I am eyeing.”

Hearing Brolin’s arrogant words, Shihwa Island Master and others all looked ugly.

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