Chapter 555

“Not bad.” Meng Yaozu nodded solemnly when he heard the words.

Before the battle between Brolin and the Nine Realms Alliance had not yet begun, the Yaozu had already judged the current strength of Brolin through the fall of the Lord of Mowa, and also knew the plain cloud border flag and the fire red industry. The existence of these two treasures that are suspected to be the most powerful treasures.

Initially, the Monster Race did not intend to announce Brolin’s strength, but wanted to wait for the other races to suffer similar losses in human hands without understanding Brolin’s strength.

But after the Nine Regions Alliance was defeated by Brolin, the Yaozu Alliance realized the seriousness of the matter. Originally, they just thought that even though Brolin could be comparable to the original ancestor, his combat power could only be exerted in the Universe Sea, and the threat to their various races in the original Universe was not great.

It wasn’t until Emperor Yan and more than 20 universe masters were captured by Brolin that the monster clan began to panic, so they immediately connected the various clan groups to form the current coalition camp.

However, in the process of linking up the various races, the monster race only told the other races that Brolin had the strength comparable to the original ancestors, but did not disclose the two super treasures Brolin possessed at all.

The Nine Regions Alliance, which also joined the coalition camp, did not disclose the specific details of the original war.

The coalition forces of all races now only know that Brolin’s strength is suspected to have reached the level of the original ancestors in the past, and he is good at a terrible Illusion Art attack. The master of the universe has not reached the will of the strongest in the universe. .

“In this way, the eternal lord of mankind is said to be true Realm has not reached the level of the lord of the universe at all, but the combat power has already surpassed me.” The ancestor of the star giant beast said in a deep voice.

“He must have got some terrifying inheritance just like the God Eye Clan back then!” Demonic Beasts ancestor shouted lowly.

“My star behemoth clan is not interested in territorial battles in the original universe.” The ancestor of the star behemoth said, “I joined the coalition for only two purposes, one is for the inheritance that the eternal lord has mastered. It is to warn the human race that the incident of the Nine Regions Alliance cannot happen a second time!”


Suddenly, the strongest people in the solo universe, such as the imaginary demon god, Ezhou, etc., all began to speak.

The main reason for the unity of all races this time was Brolin’s battle against the Nine Regions Alliance.

He defeated more than fifty universe masters with his own power, and directly captured more than twenty of them. Such a record really scared all races!

You know, that is in the original Universe! No matter how strong the individual combat power is, it should be restricted to six levels. It is simply impossible to achieve this level.

In the original Universe, a single strong, who can stand alone against more than fifty universe masters? The original ancestor is not good!

But Brolin did it, and he still crushed it!

Therefore, all races are aware that a certain major force alone cannot be the opponent of the human alliance in the future.

If in the future the Lord of Eternity develops various strategies to defeat the original universe, all the races of the original universe, and the masters of the major forces, will defeat the captives one by one in the same way as the master of the universe of the Nine Domains Alliance. Then, in the future, the entire original universe will be It will be the only human family, and the fate of these alien races is definitely not much better.

Therefore, the only way to unite to warn humans and Brolin is that the losses suffered by the Nine Realms Alliance will no longer happen to the forces of other ethnic groups.

“Not bad!” Meng Yaozu nodded, his eyes were cold, “If the humans want to defeat me one by one, then we will take the lead in a group attack!”

“I wait for the alliance, the strength is already strong enough, we are now not only to warn the humans, but also to persecute them, so that the eternal lord surrenders some of the inheritance in his hands!” Shihua Island Master shouted in a low voice.

Like the five pinnacle race groups and the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, the Nine Regions Alliance and other forces that have ethnic boundaries, their joint efforts are mainly to deter humans and prevent Brolin from starting to attack them one by one, just like before with the Nine Regions Alliance.

As for the imaginary demon gods and the ancestors of the star behemoths, the strongest in the Universe who has no territorial needs, their purpose is to force Brolin to surrender the inheritance.

After all, Brolin’s performance has always been too heaven-defying, and it has already aroused their greed, and now he just takes this opportunity to join forces and ask for benefits from mankind. With the huge strength of the current coalition camp, as long as humans want to develop in the original Universe, they must bow their heads!

“I think Mengcha’s previous proposal is good, the eternal lord’s divine power ocean clone, although I can’t help him, but he can’t stop me from waiting!” The Prison Clan Demon Ancestor had a cruel expression, “I Waiting for the Lord of the Universe who requested the release of the Nine Realms Alliance before is just a test. I want to take a look at the determination of human beings. Now it seems that they have not clearly recognized the reality!”

“So, we must teach them a lesson so that they can see how powerful our races are!”

“Yes, only if they have suffered, they will promise me to wait for the follow-up request!” Hei Zhou’s founder said solemnly.

“Kill to their territory!”

Suddenly, many strong men spoke up, showing cruel expressions one by one.

However, there are also some ethnic groups whose universe masters hesitate, still worrying about being retaliated by the human universe masters, and also kill them in their own territory.

“Don’t worry, when I wait for the shot, the alien races of Hongmeng will inevitably depart from the human race. At that time, the human race will only be left with a dozen universe masters of the race. If they dare to attack our territory at that time, We will hunt together!” Meng Yaozu said coldly.

“Hunting? Who are you going to hunt?”

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded, piercing the void, causing the entire floating island to tremble slightly.

The next moment, when the expressions of all the powerhouses of the various race alliances changed drastically, a powerful Realm aura suddenly broke out, sweeping the endless starry sky and directly submerging the suspended island!

“What a powerful Realm, it’s the ultimate treasure of Xeon!”

“It’s really a Realm Xeon, and there’s more than one!”

Many powerhouses in the coalition camp were very furious at this moment, because they felt that, suddenly, more than one Xeon Realm was intertwined, swept the void, and enveloped all of them!

The hazy mist filled the void, and more than ten powerful Realms of Xeon Xeon were superimposed to form a swamp-like energy field. For a time, the powerful binding force almost fixed the powerhouses of all races in place!


Immediately afterwards, before the powerful people of various races could react, an extremely terrifying and extremely powerful aura of terror appeared in the Universe starry sky instantly. All the powerful people of various races who felt this breath changed their expressions drastically. Even the most powerful in the universe, such as the Dream Demon Ancestor and the Virtual Reality Demon God, have incredible expressions on their faces!


“Do not!”

A line of anger was extremely frightened, and a voice containing despair sounded in the void!

It can be seen that outside of the hazy haze Realm, a silver spherical fortress is suspended in the void.

The terrifying light centered on it, shooting in all directions, tearing the Universe time and space!

A huge silver light beam burst out, like a lightsaber, fiercely piercing into the haze Realm that envelops the powerhouses of all races!


As the silver spherical fortress slowly rotated, the huge beam of light swept across directly, cutting through the Universe starry sky, stirring the misty Realm swamp!


The sound of void annihilation continued to sound, and Universe Time and Space was in front of the silver light beam, as if an ice cube touched a red iron rod, it melted instantly! At the same time, the screams of one after another kept coming out of the haze Realm!


After a while, ten figures surrounded the two huge treasure palaces and rushed out of the haze Realm, and escaped into the distant void before staying there.

In the starry sky, the silver spherical fortress swept across and stopped. At the same time, the misty swamp was gradually converging, and the figure of the creator of the giant axe appeared in the starry sky.

It was just then that the founder of the giant axe approached secretly, carrying over a dozen Realm Xeon-like treasures, and suddenly launched, which caught the coalition forces of all races by surprise!

“Swipe it!!”

In the void, in front of the several treasure palaces, a group of figures appeared, and they were powerful men of various races. At this moment, they were all staring at the spherical fortress, with an expression of unbelievable and extreme horror.

“It looks like a lot of death!”

In the void, the silver fortress shook slightly, and immediately afterwards, the barriers changed from silver to transparent, revealing the silhouettes of them, and they were the masters of the many universes of Hongmeng.

Brolin’s figure walked in the starry sky and came directly to the founder of the giant axe. The two looked at the area where the suspended island was before, and then at the remaining powerful men in front of the several palaces at this moment. Can’t hide the smile.

At this moment, the island has long since disappeared, the entire starry sky has been completely annihilated, and a huge black hole can be seen forming, pulling the surrounding time and space and filling in the lack there.

“The under a single strike just now, I am afraid that at least hundreds of the Lord of the Universe divine bodies have been annihilated!” The creator of the giant axe exclaimed, and then looked into the distant void, relying on the two strongest palaces to escape. The strongest of all races, “Unfortunately, I failed to kill one of the strongest in the Universe.”

“Humans, are you?!”

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