Chapter 554-Allied Forces

“This’Jin Lei’ belongs to a small group attack type mechanical treasure. The internal structure is extremely complicated. The general Xeon palace is far from it. To drive it, at least a hundred universe masters must work together. !” Brolin said slowly.


“A hundred masters of the universe can work together to drive?”

Brolin’s words made all the Hongmeng powerhouses present an unbelievable look instantly, and their eyes rolled round.

“Not bad.” Brolin nodded and continued, “Under normal circumstances, even if a hundred fifth-tier top universe masters jointly attack, with a hundredfold superimposition of power, it can only reach seven levels.”

“But with the help of this mechanical flow, the power of one hundred universe masters can be combined to ten levels!”

“Ten levels?”

As soon as Brolin’s words came out, the Hongmeng alien cried out in exclamation, and the scene was even more air-conditioned.

Ten levels, that is the power that only the original ancestors can explode. It is absolutely unmatched. In the sea of ​​Universe, even if the strongest of the Universe is attacked by such a powerful attack, there is no palace-like supreme treasure. Fallen!

“The ten levels are only his lowest power. This’advanced base’ requires at least a hundred universe masters to work together to drive, but the maximum can accommodate a thousand universe masters. The ultimate power completely exceeds the ten levels. Once it explodes, it will be enough to contend with the strong who transcends Samsara!” Brolin said.

It should be known that in the war between the Origin Continent and the Kingdom of God, the true gods can only be regarded as cannon fodder. The Jin Kingdom created mechanical flow treasures, and the lowest power must be at the level of True God Void, otherwise once entering the battlefield, under the attack of the overwhelming True God-level soldiers, things below True God Void would be annihilated if they couldn’t survive for a second. !

This’Jin Lei’ is considered to be the least powerful mechanical flow treasure made by the Jin Kingdom. The ultimate power can reach eleven levels, which is comparable to the weakest Void True God. But its advantage is that it allows the Lord of the Universe, who is not even qualified to be a cannon fodder, to contribute his own power in the vast war of the kingdom of God.

“With this treasure, the coalition camp will now have no advantage in front of our Hongmeng.” Brolin believed in himself.

At this moment, the faces of many Hongmeng powerhouses were all excited, looking at the huge silver “Jin Lei”, they all looked eager to try.

“Lord Eternal, can you let me try the power of this treasure right now!” The master of the Hongmeng Universe opened the mouth, and can’t wait to see the power of this so-called mechanical flow treasure.

“Naturally.” Brolin smiled, “but you’d better not use it in this primitive universe.”

Although in the original universe, the sixth-order limit is only for individual creatures, and there is no upper limit to the power of group attacks, but the original universe is the base camp of the original will after all, and Brolin is still very jealous of the original will. For fear of being caught by the opponent accidentally, he would be suppressed like the original ancestor.

After all, even the god kings like Shanke were cautious in the original universe, and he also needed to be cautious.

What’s more, although this primitive secret realm is the core place of the human race, it is hard to guarantee that no spies will infiltrate here. Once the power of’jin fort’ is used here, if it is known by the coalition forces of all races, the other party will definitely The means to deal with it in advance is obviously not what Brolin wants to see.

“Then what are you waiting for? I will enter the Universe Sea immediately!” Hearing Brolin’s words, a strong Hongmeng eagerly shouted.

“It’s too troublesome to enter the Universe Sea. Here, the Youyu Cosmic Channel is connected to the Initial Universe. I can’t as well go to the Initial Universe.” The Chaos City Lord opened his mouth, his eyes also filled with anticipation.

“Yes, the initial universe is a small universe of the original ancestor. In it, I can use it wantonly and try the power of this mechanical treasure!” Chaos City Lord’s suggestion made many Hongmeng strong agree.

Soon, everyone entered the initial universe along the Universe channel of the original secret realm, and went to try the power of “Jin Lei”.

. . . . . . . .

Primitive Universe, endless void, a huge black island drifting freely in the starry sky.

The huge golden thrones form a circle, and in the center are a dozen more huge seats. At this moment, these thrones are seated with powerful beings standing on the pinnacle of the Universe.

“You believe that you have already received the news, that human beings dare to refuse my request and refuse to return the masters of the universe of the Nine Regions Alliance. It is Damn it!”

In the central throne group, the Dream Demon Ancestor hissed, his huge divine body wrapped around the throne, and his eyes were extremely cold.

Around it, the strongest of the Universe of the peak tribes other than the human tribe, such as the trembling demon ancestor, the Zerg queen, the mechanical tribe father god, the prison tribe demon ancestor, and the crystal tribe Holy Lord, are among the strongest. The strongest solo Universes such as the founders of the Black Universe, the founders of the Black Universe, and the ancestors of Demonic Beasts, even the ancestors of the star behemoths who have been performing relatively aloof are here.

A full twelve of the strongest in the Universe gather here, and on the periphery, above the thousands of thrones, are the universe masters of the various races of the Universe.

This is the current coalition camp, which has gathered nearly 80% of the super powers in the entire original Universe. Except for the ancestors, it can be said that all other races have joined the ranks of the crusade against the human race!

There is no way. Brolin’s performance scared all the major ethnic groups. The strength of the Nine Regions Alliance, even though it is different from the peak powers such as Hongmeng, is not too big. As a result, more than half of the Universes The lord came out, not only failed to save Emperor Yan, but ended up miserably.

Therefore, under the half-tempt and half-intimidating series of monsters, most of the races that hold the Lord of the Youyu universe are gathered together, wanting to hold together against the human race.

“The human race does not live or die!” Suddenly the master of the alien universe sneered.

“I’m waiting for you to join forces. If you gather more than 80% of the entire Universe’s combat power, then human beings will not give in. It’s stupid!”

“Does the founder and eternal lord of the great axe really think that with his human alliance, he can compete with me?”

“Hongmeng? A joke! In the face of our cooperation, those alien races who used to depend on humans in the past have been terrified. I don’t believe that they are willing to fight against humans and me now!”

“Everyone, I propose to kill the human race right now, let them know the consequences of violating the alliance of our races!” Dream Demon Ancestor said coldly, “If the Lord of the human universe dares to wait with me It is naturally best to fight against each other. If the tortoise can’t shrink back, I will kill all ordinary humans on those life planets!”


“Kill the human race completely out of the original Universe!”

“Hiding in a small universe for development, it will be extremely difficult for the human race to give birth to a master of the universe in the future!”

“I will join forces to carve up the territory of mankind!”

Suddenly, the universe masters of many races were excited.

“Mengcha, if you want to destroy the humans on those ordinary planets, you will undoubtedly provoke the human race completely. What if Chaos City Lord and the others also sneak into the territory of our race group and kill them in the same way?” Jing The strongest member of the clan universe frowned, “Are I waiting to gather my clan members into a small universe?”

As soon as this statement came out, the expressions of the other powerful people changed slightly and hesitated a little.

“When we join forces, the lord of the universe of the human race dare not appear in the original universe at all.” The Dream Demon Ancestor snorted coldly, “If the Chaos City Lord dare to kill the territory where we are waiting, then we will take action together. Hunting, isn’t it right in the middle?”

“Just in the middle?” Hearing this, the ancestor of Demonic Beasts sneered, “I will join forces and hunt the Chaos City Lord and they are indeed enough, but don’t forget, the human race still has the founder of the giant axe and the eternal lord. .”

“Fortunately, the founder of the Great Axe said that he does not have the Xeon Supreme. In the original Universe, I waited for twelve to join forces. With the help of the Xeon Supreme Palace, it is not impossible to win him, but the Eternal Lord is extremely tricky. !”

“His ocean of divine power is still madly collecting primordial stars in the original place, but I have nothing to do with it!”

Hearing the words of the ancestor of Demonic Beasts, many of the strongest Universes present, including nearly a thousand of the masters of the Universe, looked a little ugly on their faces.

The various races have been united for a while, and they had entered the original land at first, trying to prevent Brolin from collecting Primal Stars wantonly. As a result, whether it was a divine power attack or a soul attack, Brolin couldn’t help but, the ocean of divine power seemed to be impossible to shake.

“Mengcha, is the Lord of Eternity really as you said, already possessing the combat power comparable to the original ancestor of the past?” The ancestor of the starry giant beast that has been silent suddenly said.

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