Chapter 522: Disciple

“You are looking for me, is it related to Luo Feng?” Brolin stared at the mountain guest with a look of surprise on his face.

“Not bad.” The mountain guest nodded, and then his face showed emotion, “You know, in order to take you from the original land to the depths of the Universe sea, I burst out power beyond the limit in the original Universe. It has already been grasped by the original will of the original Universe.”

“Today I, as long as I get a little closer to the area where the three Samsara eras of the Universe Sea are located, I will be suppressed by the will of the original Universe with the help of the supreme rules!”

“So, I can say that I can’t go back.” The mountain guest sighed.

Hearing this, Brolin nodded suddenly, he knew this very well.

The original will of the original Universe has always been to guard against the mountain guest, and the endless years waited for him to do something extraordinary, and took the opportunity to suppress him.

In order to catch him, the mountain guest directly took out the Jinwang Palace in the original place, and exploded with power beyond the sixth-order limit, which can be said to be in the arms of the original will of the original Universe.

“At the beginning, I selected two disciples from among the countless races of your humans, one is Emperor Yan of the Yan God race, and the other is Luo Feng.” The mountain guest said.

He has three major disciples, except for Pu Ti, the other two, whether they are Emperor Yan or Luo Feng, all of human origin. After all, in the entire primitive universe, the human race is the closest to the Zuoshan guest race, so he will put all the disciples who pin his hopes on humans.

“No matter it is Emperor Yan or Luo Feng, I have placed hopes in it.” Zuo Shanke lightly sighed, “Now, Emperor Yan can be said to have been basically given up by me. At the beginning, I only focused on Ascension and his divine body, but ignored it. The strength of the soul and mind.”

“Only the current Luo Feng is quite satisfactory to me.” When the mountain guest thought of Luo Feng, his eyes showed rare emotions. “He has mastered the Star Tower now and possesses this god. A king-level weapon, even if his strength will not reach the void level in the future, it will be enough to protect his soul in the Samsara Passage and enter the Origin Continent.”

“For his growth, I have tried my best to arrange many trials for him, but now, I can no longer return to the original Universe, and the many arrangements before, can be regarded as empty.”

The mountain guest looked at Brolin with a smile in his eyes, “If my Luo Feng disciple can successfully pass every step of my trial, I think that today’s strength is enough to rank among the many universes of your human race. The master level.”

“But now, no matter how good he is, there is still a gap between his strength and the master of the universe.”

Hearing the words of the mountain guest, Brolin also chuckled lightly.

What the mountain guest said is naturally not big talk. Following the original trajectory, Luo Feng at this time has already become the galactic lord of the human race, and he has begun to wander in the Universe.

But because the mountain guest grabbed him and went deep into the Universe Sea, he couldn’t return anymore, which caused all the previous arrangements to be in vain.

No mountain guest instructed Luo Feng to enter the lair of the Lord of the Blood Cloud to get the last piece of the spar of the Nine Tribulations Secrets, and to ascension the gene level to perfection. He did not create the universe in the small universe of the ancestor of the star behemoth. The master-level secret method, comprehending the heart of the beast god, now Luo Feng is far from his original achievement.

The whereabouts of the mountain guest is unknown, and even Emperor Yan dared to bully him. He still holds the Jie Jia that belongs to him in his own hands, and refuses to return it to Luo Feng.

“You are indeed very discerning in accepting disciples. Luo Feng is now relying on himself, but he also has the top Universe overlord level combat power.” Brolin looked at the mountain guest and laughed.

“Not enough.” Hearing this, the mountain guest chuckled lightly, but there was divine light in his eyes, “As my disciple, this achievement is still far away!”

“What do you want? Isn’t it because you want me to take care of you as a disciple in the original universe?” Brolin suddenly joked.

“Why, Luo Feng is the most outstanding genius of you human beings besides you. You, the eternal lord, shouldn’t you take care of him?” Zuo Shanke asked strangely.

“You don’t know about that.” Brolin smiled when he heard the words. “My disciple and I don’t have a good relationship with you.”

“His hometown, that is, the special planet you refined, now has a lot of territory occupied by me. Luo Feng has very opinions about this.”

“With your chance, would you still care about that planet?” The mountain guest looked at Brolin teasingly when he heard the words.

“Of course I care!” Brolin said righteously when he heard the words, “That’s a precious planet that can reach the soul level of the Ascension creature Innate. It is the handwriting of the god king of your mountain guest house, how can I not care? ?”

“Mountain guest, if you want to resolve the grievances between your disciple and me, it’s easy.” Suddenly, Brolin showed a strange look on his face, “As long as you refine one hundred and eighty pieces for me, which are as non-human as the earth. When the second planet comes, I will immediately return the territories on the earth to Luo Feng!”

“Even, I personally come forward and let Giant Axe and Chaos evacuate all the alien immigrants and hand over the entire earth to Luo Feng intact, how about it!”

“A hundred and eighty?” Hearing Brolin’s words, Zuoshanke suddenly Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

“I have the intention to refine it for you, I’m afraid you won’t be able to produce so many materials now.” He sneered and shook his head.

“Then take your time, I will get the materials you want sooner or later.” Brolin said suddenly.

“Don’t worry about this.” The mountain guest waved his hand, “The Lord, I am not asking you to take care of Luo Feng for me this time. On the contrary, I hope you don’t help him. Develop by himself.”

“I want to ask you for help and give these things to Luo Feng for me.” The mountain guest opened his mouth and stretched out his hand. A world ring appeared in his palm.

“It’s just this busy?” Brolin took the ring and looked at the mountain guest.

“Not bad.” The mountain guest nodded and then said in a deep voice, “Although I can’t go back to the original universe, I can’t let my disciple Luo Feng fend for himself.”

“Since he was chosen by me as a disciple, and he has survived the acknowledgment of the Star Tower, I naturally have to perform my duties as a teacher.”

“In this world ring, there are some things he needs. There is also a special crystal, which records an image of my will. After all, there are things he still needs to know.” The mountain guest sighed.

“I’m working with you now. Although I don’t put the hope of revenge on him, he is still my disciple after all, and he is very talented, so I naturally have to help him.”

Hearing the words of the mountain guest, Brolin nodded.

“I remember that you old guy told Luo Feng many times that you don’t care about his life or death. Now you no longer place hopes on him, but you still think about him. It’s a duplicity!” Brolin despised. .

“I’m really curious, you seem to know everything about me?” Hearing this, the mountain guest couldn’t help showing shock on his face.

“Don’t say it’s you, in my eyes, this whole Source World has no secrets at all.” Brolin suddenly said proudly.

When the mountain guest saw this, his face was speechless.

“By the way, when you talked about Emperor Yan, I remembered it.” Suddenly, Brolin’s conversation turned, but there was a cold expression in his eyes.

Emperor Yan was a human race that had directly rebelled from the beginning!

In order to fight for the treasure, he did not hesitate to attack the master of the universe of his own race, and even when the founder of the great axe planned to punish him a little, he directly led the entire race to betrayed and directly joined the Nine Regions Alliance!

In the endless years that followed, he and his Flame God race, together with other alien races, fought against humans on the battlefield outside the territory, and the methods were even more cruel than other alien races.

It can be said that Emperor Yan’s betrayal of mankind is a solid slap in the face of the entire human race, making the entire universe a joke.

To be honest, Brolin’s temperament is actually almost the same as Emperor Yan. If he is really forced to a certain level, he will probably do something similar to Emperor Yan, directly ignoring the entire ethnic group.

But now, after all, he is still a part of the human race. The founder of the Great Axe and the Lord of Chaos City and other universe masters treated him well. Therefore, Brolin’s feelings for the entire human race are getting deeper and deeper.

I didn’t think of it before, but now that the mountain guest reminded him, he remembered the existence of Emperor Yan.

The human race has never taken action against Emperor Yan in the endless years. On the one hand, it is scrupulous about the Nine Regions Alliance, but more importantly, it is still afraid of the mountain guest behind Emperor Yan.

But now, with Brolin’s strength, coupled with his relationship with the mountain guest, even if he wanted to take action against Emperor Yan, the mountain guest would definitely not dare to disobey him even if he felt uncomfortable.

After all, the hope of revenge for the mountain guest is now all placed on Brolin’s body!

“Zao Shanke, your second disciple, Emperor Yan, originally embarrassed my human race!” Brolin said, his words filled with murderous intent.

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