Chapter 521: The Primitive Star Collection Is Coming

The original universe, the original place.

Brolin’s human deity stood quietly in a void, and not far away, his endless secluded sea clone wrapped a primordial star and was pulling it towards the door of the black world above.

“The 8763th star, and there are less than two thousand left, I can collect all the primordial stars.” Brolin muttered to himself, with a blazing light flickering in his eyes.

Since it was guessed that Brolin had nearly ten levels of combat power, the Yaozu had entered a comprehensive low-key state. Originally, he was constantly besieging him in the initial place, trying to disrupt the many universes of the Yaozu alliance that he collected the original stars. The Lord is no longer showing up now.

The Monster Race is waiting, waiting for the other races to hit a nail in Brolin’s situation without understanding Brolin’s strength. After the same strength is greatly damaged, they will start to act, link the races, and deal with the human race together.

And it’s also not clear why the Monster Race that suffered a big loss suddenly so low-key. The Zerg Race, Machine Race and other races are also waiting, but they are waiting for when the Monster Race can’t help but go to war with humans, so they can do it. Reap the benefits, sit back and reap the profits.

The senior leaders of the two races have rarely been dispatched for a period of time. In order to avoid conflicts with humans, the master of the universe of the monster race alliance has tried to minimize the appearance in the universe. Other ethnic groups, such as Zerg, Machine Race, are afraid of being dragged into the flames of war by the monster race and human beings that suddenly go to war, so their Universe Lord also reduces the number of times they come out during this period of time.

Both sides were waiting so much that the original Universe now fell into a weird peace for a while.

However, this situation is really good for Brolin. Without the interference of other powerhouses, his speed of collecting Primal Stars has been greatly increased.

“Mengcha and Zhenjiao are also interesting. If they dare to obstruct me in this initial place, then, I don’t mind killing them, the demon race will not dare to step into the Universe Sea again!” Brolin sneered.

Now he, with Pangu Banner in his hand, is so powerful to the limit, he is almost fearless.

The absolute combat power of nearly twelve levels, except for the strongest treasure, all the other treasures will be shattered in front of him.

It is no exaggeration to say that even the strongest in the Universe, if there is no Xeon Supreme Protector, Brolin can easily kill him!

“Unfortunately, I want to enter the small universe of the strongest Universe. My current strength is still a bit worse.” Then he said to himself, “My attack is definitely enough, but the level of defense is worse. The defensive power of the Fire Red Lotus is stronger than that of the Xeon Supreme Palace, but facing the origin of the entire small universe, there is still a gap.”

In the original life trajectory, after Luo Feng became a true god, he committed suicide and entered the small universe of the Nine-headed Demon Lord who took refuge in the world beasts in the second Samsara era, and successfully killed him with a single knife!

But to be able to do this, Luo Feng relies on the complete Killing Wu Yuyi, which is the fourth stage secret method contained in the eternal level of Chaos Golden Wing-one thought of the Universe!

Relying on the Golden Wings of Chaos to form a miniature universe outside of the body, with the original force of the universe against the original force of the small universe, Luo Feng can continuously teleport, and only then can he get close to the nine-headed demon lord and successfully kill!

However, the treasures in Brolin’s hands, Pangu flags and Karma Fire Red Lotus, are all eternal levels, which are only stronger than Chaos Golden Wings, but they do not contain such a secret method as a Universe.

Once he gets into the small universe of the strongest Universe, Karma Red Lotus can guarantee that he will not be harmed by the original power of the small universe, but he will also fall into a difficult situation to move.

The attack breakthrough of the small universe can’t defeat the eternal level of Karma Red Lotus’s defense, but it can produce endless restraint power, which limits Brolin’s entanglement. In this way, he wants to chase down the universe in the small universe. The strong cannot do it.

The only way to destroy peak races like Yaozu is to kill their strongest in the universe. As soon as the strongest of the universe dies, the small universe will also fall into ruin. At that time, all creatures of the monster race will completely cut off their retreat. Even if Brolin does not rush to kill, when the Samsara era is over, the monster race will follow the primitive The universe is destroyed together.

But right now, he was still not sure that he could kill the two guys Dream Demon Ancestor and Zhen Demon Ancestor.

In the universe of Universe, Brolin’s Realm now can’t compare with the speed of the strongest in the Universe even if it uses the secret of the word.

And Brolin could not enter the mini-universe to kill them for the time being.

“There are only two ways to kill Mengcha and Zhenjiao.” Brolin muttered to himself, “The first is that I step into the Lord of the Universe. At that time, I will use the word secret, even if I am in the universe. , I can also keep them with absolute certainty.”

“Secondly, the strength is at the two levels of Ascension, and the combat power reaches the fourteenth level!”

“Fourteenth-level attacks are already at the eternal true god level. Such combat power can destroy the original core of the true god level mini-universe! At that time, I can completely kill the monster tribe’s mini-universe and destroy it with one blow. The entire mini-universe! In this way, even Mengcha and Zhenjiao can still live, but the whole monster clan is cut off from hope!”

To destroy the pinnacle race, the core thing is to destroy the opponent’s small universe. There are only two ways, either kill the strongest in the universe, and the small universe will naturally collapse. Or, directly destroy the origin of the universe!

The latter is much more difficult than the former!

The small universe of the true god level, even if it is the true god of the void, can only guarantee that he can only stay in it without being harmed, but cannot destroy it.

To destroy the true god-level universe, only the eternal true god can do it.

And the eternal level of combat power is the lowest rank 14, Brolin’s current combat power is only close to the twelfth level, barely reaching the middle stage of the Void True God, and there is still some distance from the peak of the 13th rank.

“Let them linger for a while.” Brolin muttered to himself, his eyes chilling, “However, it won’t be long!”

“At most one hundred epochs, I can gather all the primordial stars. At that time, I will let the mountain guest use his most powerful refining method to use these 10081 primordial stars as materials to refine one. A truly super treasure to come!”

At this moment, even Brolin showed excitement at this moment!

Using 10081 mysterious and unpredictable primordial stars as materials, coupled with the creation of the Great Master, the god-king-level treasure-making Great Master, I am afraid it is not impossible to refine a real god-king-level weapon!

At that time, would it not be easy to destroy the small true god-level universe?

Looking at the emptiness, the primordial star that had entered half of the gate of the world under the envelope of the endless secluded sea, Brolin’s face was full of expectation.


The next moment, his expression changed suddenly.

“Mountain guest?”

Brolin muttered to himself, his face couldn’t help showing curiosity. It was a coincidence. Just now he was still thinking about asking the other party to refine the treasure for him. Right now, the other party’s clone is looking for him in the Dragon Pearl world.


The figure flashed, Brolin’s human deity disappeared into this original place along with the world gate that had already collected the entire Primal Star.

Dragon Pearl world, in the temple where the god-tier official was originally located.

“Mountain guest, are you looking for something to do with me?”

Brolin’s figure appeared, with a slight smile on his face.

In the Great Hall, the figure of the mountain guest sat on the ground, and when he saw Brolin, he also laughed.

“There are indeed some things that need to trouble the Eternal Lord.”


Hearing the words of the mountain guest, Brolin suddenly showed a look of surprise, “You mountain guest has something to trouble me?”

“Not bad.” The mountain guest nodded and looked at Brolin, “It’s about my apprentice, Luo Feng!”

“Luo Feng?”

Hearing the words of the mountain guest, Brolin’s expression suddenly moved slightly.

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