Chapter 511 The Unlucky Flint Lord

Putting the Pangu flags away, Brolin then studied the fire red lotus, the Qingping sword and the plain cloud boundary flag in turn.

The Qingping sword is the same as the Pangu flag, it is a purely offensive treasure, but it is slightly worse than a level in power, probably close to the level of the eternal true god, and is similar to the Chaos Golden Wing of the State of Wu mastered by Luo Feng.

The plain-colored Cloud Boundary Flag is not an offensive treasure, but a Realm-like treasure, the level is equivalent to the Qingping sword, and it is also the eternal treasure. A wave of this flag can release endless clouds and mist, evolving a cloud and mist world. In this cloud world, the owner of the plain cloud world flag can completely control this piece of time and space!

Compared with these two treasures, the last fiery lotus was a surprise to Brolin!

“Integrating Realm and defense, and possessing terrible means of soul attack, this karma red lotus is really…” Brolin looked at the red lotus platform that exuded emptiness and flames floating in his palm. Excited color.

In terms of level, this red lotus karmic fire is not inferior to the Qingping sword and the plain cloud world, and even stronger, and it is also at the top of the eternal treasure.

The most important thing is that this karmic fire red lotus can release endless fields of fire. Just like the plain cloud world flag, it is a realm-class treasure. At the same time, if Brolin is on the red lotus platform, he can get karmic fire red lotus. The guardian of, just like the guardian of Pangu by Chaos Qinglian, is a powerful defensive treasure!

Not only that, the red lotus can also release endless karmic fires. This so-called karmic fire is not a real sacred fire, but an invisible fire dedicated to burning the soul. It is extremely terrifying!

It can be said that Karma Fire Red Lotus is only a treasure, which is indeed equivalent to a collection of the three eternal treasures of Realm, Defense, and Soul Attack. It is a real super treasure!

“It’s really terrible, it seems that both are Chaos Supreme Treasures, and that Chaos Qinglian’s grade is even higher than that of Kaitian God Axe!” Brolin sighed.

In terms of power, Pangu banners are of course the most powerful, but in terms of comprehensive capabilities, Karma Fire Red Lotus is far superior.

The same is true of Kaitian God Axe and Chaos Qinglian.

“Haha, with these treasures, I can now be said to have greatly increased my strength!” Brolin suddenly stood up from the throne, his eyes were extremely bright!

“All the time, because of my strength, I have only focused on conquering many adventure worlds, but I have also included the Douqi Continent and the Digital World. However, I have very limited control over the original Universe and even the Universe Sea.”

“Now that I have enough strength, it is time to stabilize the rear area!”

Brolin muttered to himself, his face showing strong ambition.

With the help of four super treasures, now he thinks it is time to shock the entire original universe!

“The era of the original ancestors of the human race has ended, and now, it is time to usher in my eternal era!”

The original ancestor at the time, rose all the way from a weak childhood, and brought mankind to the pinnacle of the Universe.

The strength of the original ancestor is undoubtedly strong. Ten levels of soul attacks cannot be held by even the strongest in the universe. The Lord of Chaos once said that even the master of the universe with the strongest treasure can only meet the original ancestor. A dead end. Even the strongest in the Universe needs to have the Xeon Treasure Body to save their lives in the hands of the original ancestors!

At that time, the original ancestors made many true gods fearful, and no one dared to bully the human race. Otherwise, the original ancestors would be angered and kill in the Universe sea directly, and the strongest in the universe would not be able to stand it!

The Lord of Chaos City once said to Luo Feng, who was hunted by the Zerg, Monster, and Mechanical tribes on Primordial Star, if the original ancestor was not suppressed, the three clans would definitely not dare to take action against Luo Feng. If they dare to take action, the original ancestor would dare At that time, even the three pinnacle races could only apologize honestly and compensate the most treasures!

The human race of the original ancestors is the absolute first force in the original universe. Even the ancestors who are protected by the will of the original universe must avoid the edge of mankind!

However, since the original ancestor was suppressed, the human race has ceased to flourish. Nowadays, the Zerg monster race, etc., the races that were trembling in front of the original ancestor, dare to threaten and suppress mankind!

However, this situation will be completely changed from this moment on!

Because Brolin now has absolute power! A more powerful force than the original ancestor!

The strongest attack of the original ancestor is ten levels, but Brolin, who masters the Pangu flag, is capable of reaching the eleventh level alone, or even stronger, comparable to the blow of the Void True God!

“My current strength may not be able to destroy the entire Monster Race, but it is enough to completely shock them, so that they will not dare to act unscrupulously on my human powers, otherwise I don’t mind making them pay unbearable in the universe. “The price of money!” Brolin sneered, “When my strength goes further, with these super treasures, I can even be absolutely sure to get into their mini-universe!”

Today’s Brolin has the same absolute deterrent power as the original ancestor, but the Yaozu has a small universe. His current strength is still unable to enter the small universe, so he cannot completely destroy the peak races like the Yaozu. .

But Brolin is sure that he can have that kind of strength without 10,000 epochs. Then, even if the monster race is a small universe, he can break in unscrupulously. At that time, it will be the time when the monster race is extinct. !

“The time span of the Primordial World is quite large. Now Pangu has just opened the sky. When the Primordial Evolution is on the right track and Heavenly Dao appears for a while, I can free up my hands and focus on the original Universe and the Universe Sea!”

“Do the math, the inheritance of Donghe Broken River should also appear!”

. …………

In the Universe sea, endless chaotic air surging.

A rock-like life is advancing alone in the endless chaos, breaking through the chaos and moving forward while observing everything around it.

“These damn monster races!”

The Lord of Flint is very unhappy at this moment. Since the recent years, Brolin has mercilessly killed the Lord of Sirius, causing the Monster Race Alliance to go crazy and start a full-scale war with the Human Alliance.

Especially after chasing the traces of King Jin’s Palace, and finally gaining nothing but an angry Meng Yaozu and other monster clan powerhouses, after hearing the news of Sirius’ death after returning, they were completely mad.

In the Universe, the Monster Race Alliance, under the leadership of Meng Yaozu, is constantly looking for the strong figure of the Hongmeng to find a fellow to bury the Lord of Sirius.

Not long ago, the Lord of Flint rushed in the Universe Sea and encountered the Lord of Forbidden Demon Race, and the opponent went to war without saying a word!

The strength of the Lord of Forbidden City is the same as that of the Chaos City Lord. It is the top power of Tier 5, standing among the strongest of the Lords of the Universe, far beyond what the Lord of Flint can contend.

The Lord of Flint had paid a great price in that battle, and in the end, the Lord of Void Gold arrived in time to escape, otherwise it might really be planted in the hands of the Lord of Forbidden who attacked frantically.

“These lunatics are even crazier than the old guys in the first Samsara era!” The Flint Master complained as he moved forward.

“The Lord of Eternity is the same. He knows that Demon Ancestor Shaking has released his words, but he still wants to kill the Lord of Sirius. Isn’t this smashing the face of the strongest in the Universe? Hell if the demon race doesn’t work hard.” He sighed, complaining a little. .

After all, the two big races of the Yao race and the human race are indeed immortal, but many affiliated races of the Hongmeng, and the hatred of the Yao race are not so deep. In the eyes of the Lord of Flint, it is all because of the hatred of the human race. They are also in crisis.

“Oh, if my clan can also be the strongest in Youyu universe, why bother to cling to these peak clan groups.” The Lord of Flint was unwilling.

The reason why they are willing to become vassals of human beings and act like thugs is not because their own race does not have the existence of the founder of the giant axe. Once the universe era is over, there will be no Youyu universe’s strongest person to provide a small Universe, they all have to fall, and the Lord of Universe is no exception.

Joining Hongmeng, if the original universe is destroyed, they can still be pinned in the small universe of the creator of the great axe, and continue to survive two Samsara eras.

“Hahaha, Lord of Flint, what a coincidence!”

Suddenly, in the chaos, a sharp voice sounded.

A jet-black Supreme Palace suddenly appeared, and three huge figures flashed out, standing in the chaos, all looking at the Lord of Flint with joking expression.

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