Chapter 510

Then his figure flickered, and he rushed out in an instant!

The Xingzi Secret was stretched to the limit by Brolin, his speed surpassed ten thousand times the speed of light in an instant, and he traveled completely in the shattered space, breaking the chaos!

“You are mine!”

Brolin’s figure quickly caught up with the brilliance, and he stretched out one hand and grabbed it directly in his hand, his face flashed with immense joy.

“Huh? Want to escape?”

Suddenly, Brolin’s expression changed slightly, and the brilliance he had in his hands started to struggle. Obviously, the treasure had been psychic and was unwilling to be controlled by him and wanted to break free!

“It’s the treasure of chaos, second only to the existence of the king of gods!” Seeing this scene, Brolin couldn’t help but smile, “However, you want to escape, but it’s not that easy!”

After that, he directly began to use the Chaotic Source-level military character secret!

Today’s Bingzi Secret can shake even the Primordial Star, even this chaotic treasure, I am afraid it can only be captured with one’s hands!

Soon, under Brolin’s full suppression, the Shenhua in his hand finally stopped struggling.

“This is Chaos Orb?” He lowered his head and stared carefully.

At this moment, after the endless brilliance was condensed, a transparent bead exuding a hazy and chaotic air was quietly suspended in his hand. As Brolin observed carefully, the look on his face gradually revealed a look of incomparable shock.

Because you can faintly see that inside that small bead, there is a vast Chaos Sea, and in the center of that Chaos Sea, there is a miniature Universe suspended!

“This feeling seems to be like the original Universe sinking and floating in the Universe sea…” Brolin muttered to himself, his eyes stunned. “It’s really amazing that it has evolved into the dominating space of the God King Universe in just one step. !”

This Chaos Orb is different from the other three Chaos Supreme Treasures. As the Chaos Lord Pangu, the chaotic space in the body is formed by the core essence at the moment of destruction.

If Pangu wants to break through the dominance of chaos and become the king of gods, the chaotic space in his body will naturally evolve into the king of gods universe.

But he failed and was blocked by the Great Avenue. Not only did he die, but his chaotic space was also interrupted in the process of evolving into the God King Universe, leading to destruction!

However, Pangu almost really stepped into that Realm after all, and his chaotic space has almost evolved to half, almost becoming a truly perfect universe.

This Chaos Orb is a small part of the core essence that has successfully evolved into the God King Universe in the dominating space!

The chaotic sea inside the bead is the core of Pangu’s dominating space, and that small universe is the God King Universe that has evolved into a part!

“Almost almost evolved into the chaotic space core of the real God King Universe. The size of this universe space is probably not much different from the small Universe of the Eternal True God. It even far exceeds the level. Have the breath of the Sisi God King Universe!”

Just breaking through his will into the Chaos Orb to investigate, Brolin felt the terrifying aura emanating from that little Universe. This kind of aura, he had seen before, in the world covering the sky, and When Shi Hao and Ye Fan from the past and future confronted each other, the mountain guest who broke out with all his strength once exuded such an aura!

This is the breath of the god king level!

Obviously, the little Universe in the Chaos Orb is really one step closer to the level of dominating the space. Although it has not yet become the God King Universe, it is also very close!As Brolin looked surprised and wanted to penetrate the will completely into the Chaos Orb, when he wanted to start a probe, a strong sense of resistance burst out, pushing his power of will directly. Come out, don’t let him in!

“The will of Chaos Bead? How could it resist me so much?” Brolin’s expression changed in an instant, and his face showed a cold expression.

“Do you think I am not qualified to be his master…” Soon, he realized the reason why the Spirit of Chaos Orb resisted him, and he suddenly snorted in his heart.

“I have been suppressed by my military character secret, so rebellious?” His face was ugly, and he continued to try to penetrate his will into it, but he was still resisted, which made him a little angry.

After repeated attempts to no avail, Brolin could only sigh helplessly.

“Yes, even the Chaos Golden Wings of the eternal treasure level have their own will. They don’t want any existence weaker than the eternal true god to be his master. If you want to come to you as a dominant-level holy soldier, the arrogance must be higher.” He looked at Chaos Zhu lightly sighed.

In the original life trajectory, Luo Feng wanted to get the other half of Wu Yuyi in the Chaos Sea, but the other half of the treasure had already possessed own will, thinking that Luo Feng’s strength was too weak, compared to his original eternal true god level. The owner is too bad to be worthy of its chaotic golden wings, and it is not qualified to let it recognize the master, and in the end it is so brutal that it will directly kill Luo Feng!

Now, this Chaos Bead Theory level is stronger than Chaos Golden Wing, I think I realized that Brolin’s life level is only Universe Venerable, even if it is suppressed by mysterious means such as Bingzi Mi, it has not been completely suppressed. Let it surrender.

“However, you will surrender to me sooner or later.” Brolin chuckled, and then suddenly a cold light appeared on his face, “Dominant weapons are no big deal. Your effect on me is only temporary. You really need your role. At the time, if you still dare to resist me, then I don’t mind completely ruining you.”

For Brolin in the future, it will not be difficult to step into the Chaotic Source Realm. It can be said that even the King of God weapons can’t really enter his eyes. Only Chaotic Source Realm’s treasure can always have an effect on him.

If the Spirit of Chaos Orb has been resisting it, Brolin will not be used to it. There is a mountain guest, and it can be destroyed if it is really used!

But Brolin still doesn’t use this treasure for the time being, so there is no need to rush to take it first.

Putting the Chaos Orb away, Brolin once again looked at the area where the Primordial World was located. In his plan, in addition to the Chaos Orb, there were still several treasures that he hadn’t got.

“Is that a good fortune jade disc? It is absorbing Pangu’s power source avenue, and it will finally take shape soon.” With Brolin’s gaze, you can see that in the chaos above the wild world, it is absorbing After all the chaotic gods and demons killed by Pangu, the prototype of the good fortune jade disc has been formed. At this moment, the hazy jade disc that emits chaotic air is floating in the chaos, absorbing the fallen Pangu that collapses and disperses. I believe that the breath of Tao will soon be completely consummated, turning into a supreme treasure that integrates three thousand avenues.


At this time, above the prehistoric world, in the area where Pangu’s body fell, two artifacts also fell after Pangu fell. It was Pangu Axe and Chaos Qinglian.

At this moment, these two chaos treasures have already suffered considerable damage. There are endless cracks on the Pangu axe, and every gap is glowing. The entire treasure is probably about to collapse!

And Chaos Qinglian is not much better, there are cobweb-like cracks on the lotus platform, and it is about to collapse.


Finally, the two Chaos Supreme Treasures reached their limits after fighting against the power of the Great Dao, and they disintegrated at this moment!

The God Axe burst out with bright golden light, and then the entire axe body was divided into three, turning into three streams of light rushing in different directions in the chaos!

Chaos Qinglian is the same, but it disintegrates more completely, whether it is the lotus stand, the lotus seed, or even the petal lotus leaf, they are separated and turned into a treasure and rushed into the chaos!

“It’s now!”

Brolin looked excited, including his deity, all the clones hiding in this area were shot, and they were grabbing at a treasure!


However, at The next moment, Brolin’s expression changed in an instant, because he felt the breath of the avenue, and an angry mood began to spread in the chaos!

“No, I was found!”

When Brolin had captured the Chaos Orb before, he had already attracted Dao Dao’s attention. After all, this level of treasure can never fail to receive its attention.

Tai Chi Tu, World Extinguishing Black Lotus and other treasures, although they are not the most chaotic treasures, they are all Innate objects. They are extremely powerful treasures. Dadao will also cast their eyes on them. But now Brolin’s many clones are shooting together, wanting to wipe out all the treasures, this is absolutely unbearable by Dadao!


A force that seemed to destroy the chaos burst out, attacking from all directions, targeting all the clones of Brolin!

“Damn it!”

The eyes of Brolin’s deity flashed with sharp light, and he was not afraid of the attack on the road, because there would be no danger of falling, but it could effectively kill his many clones and prevent him from seizing treasures.

Especially at this moment, the good fortune jade disc that is taking shape has been completely shrouded by the power of the Great Dao, and it is almost impossible for him to get his hand.

“I really want the mountain guest to come…” At this moment, Brolin almost couldn’t hold back, and wanted to summon the mountain guest’s deity to come to this world and completely confront the Dao!

However, he finally restrained it. If so, with the power of the mountain guest to surpass the limit of this world, he might be able to block the road and let him pack all the treasures away. But then, everything in this world is the original destiny. The trajectory has also completely changed. Even if it is not going to self-destruct like the Naruto World, at least the future prehistoric plot may not appear. This is definitely not what Brolin wants to see.

In his opinion, the future prehistoric has too many things that he covets, not to mention, a secret method such as the transformation of one Qi into three clears is even more valuable to him than a chaotic treasure!

“No matter, these treasures will be mine sooner or later, so don’t worry about it!”

Facing the horrible attack on the avenue, Brolin could only choose to give up some of his clones. His human deity opened the door of the world in an instant, and then several clones that he had already robbed of the treasures rushed into it in an instant, Brolin Lin’s deity is also close behind.

In the end, Brolin stood in the gate of the world, unwillingly turned his head and glanced at the good fortune jade disc, then turned around and quickly closed the door, because the attack on the road had already come!

. ….. . . . . . .

Primitive Universe, Eternal Continent, in the Western Emperor Tower.

Brolin’s figure sat high on the throne, the look on his face was a bit ugly.

I thought I was about to get many powerful treasures, but in the end I never thought that Dadao felt so keen, and it directly destroyed his good deeds, which made Brolin annoyed. But he still has nothing to do. If he asks the mountain visitors to go to the wild world to fight against the great road, his loss will only be even greater.

“Fortunately, I got a few powerful treasures.” He whispered to himself, “Moreover, there is no need to rush for a while. After all, everything in that world will be mine sooner or later.”

After some self-comfort, Guanghua flashed in the Great Hall, and several treasures were taken out by him and displayed one by one in the void.

“Pangu flags, red lotus, Qingping sword, and plain cloud flag among the five flags of Innate!”

“Plus the Chaos Orb, five super treasures!”

Looking at the powerful aura of several treasures in the Great Hall, Brolin couldn’t help but smile.

Like the Western Emperor Pagoda and Taihuang Sword and other imperial soldiers, these treasures all come from outside the original Universe. In theory, they are all strange things and will be rejected by the original Universe.But with the help of the system, this problem has been solved very well. As long as it is something that enters the original universe through the gate of the world, it will not be rejected by the original universe. Even the supreme rule will not find that there is Not the slightest thing!

“Chaos Orb is one of the four great chaos treasures. In Origin Continent, it is a weapon of the Chaos Domination level. It is second only to the weapon of the King of Gods. It is a holy weapon that can only be mastered by a holy existence!” Brolin looked at Chaos. Beads, eyes glow.

You know, even the Wu Yuyi in Luo Feng’s hands, after being completely restored to become Wu’s Chaos Golden Wing, is only an eternal God-level weapon.

In the battle of the world beasts, Luo Feng relied on the power of Chaos Golden Wings, but killed eight million world beasts in one go! Each of those world beasts has the ability to easily kill the strongest in the Universe!

Only the weapons of the Eternal True God level have such terrible power, one can imagine how powerful the Saints of the Chaos Domination level are!

“This Chaos Orb is not an ordinary Domination-level Saint Soldier. It is transformed from the chaotic space core that almost evolved into a true God King Universe. It can be said that the nature of time and space in it is very close to the God King Universe!” Luo Lin stared at the starry sky in the Chaos Bead, his eyes glowing.

It can almost be said that the Chaos Orb contains a miniature God King Universe like Jinzhi World!

“When I step into Realm, if I can merge this chaos bead with my small universe, I don’t know if I can create a more powerful universe than Luo Feng’s perfect small universe!” Brolin said to himself, with incomparable eyes. Look forward to.

Luo Feng’s mini-universe is the beginning of the unity, the structure of one hundred thousand heavens. After his genetic level has reached one hundred thousand times, the level of the mini-universe has reached an astonishing level, and even the world beasts cannot devour his. Small universe.

Luo Feng stepped into the eternal true god, and the diameter of the small universe reached 100 billion light-years. It shocked all the mountains and visitors. It is frankly that the small universe in Origin Continent belongs to the legendary existence!

Brolin has a system, and he thinks that the opportunity is better than Luo Feng. Since Luo Feng’s small universe can reach the legendary level of the origin continent, then even if his Brolin’s small universe can’t surpass the opponent to achieve more perfection At least the same level must be reached!

And to do this, the role of this Chaos Bead is probably very important!

Although the Supreme Spirit of the Chaos Orb is still very resistant to him so far, Brolin is not worried at all. There is a mountain guest who can even refine the Star Tower to help him, so he doesn’t believe it. Not a dominating weapon!

“Except for the Chaos Bead, among the other four treasures, the Pangu flag has the highest level!” Brolin scanned the other treasures.

The Pangu flag is the product of the Heavenly Axe divided into three parts, while the Karma Fire Red Lotus, Qingping Sword, and Plain Cloud Boundary Flag are only one part of the Chaos Qinglian. .

“Although the Pangu flag is not the supreme treasure of chaos, it is also the supreme treasure of Innate, claiming to have the power to tear the primordial chaos and crush the power of time and space!” Brolin stretched out his hand and suddenly the Pangu flag came into his hand. .

Feeling this introverted treasure of Innate at this moment, his eyes are filled with joy, “Only speaking of the power of attack, apart from the complete sky-opening axe, I am afraid that in the entire prehistoric state, there is only Zhu Xian Si who is in harmony with the formation. Only the sword can crush one end of it!”

The Kaitian Axe is a sage weapon of the Chaos Domination level, and the Pangu flag is the product of the Kaitian Axe divided into three. It has a power close to one-third of the power of the dominion level sacred soldier, and it is superior to the eternal true god level weapon. Above, second only to the complete dominating saints!

“Mastering this thing, in the era of the three major Samsara, I can say that the gods are blocking and killing the gods!” Brolin’s eyes glowed, “Even the two old scumbags of the Monster Race, they are definitely not my opponents!”

Originally, because of the death of the Lord of Sirius, the Monster Race was attacking the Human Race in an all-round way. Brolin once assured the founder of the Great Axe and many other universe masters that the Monster Race would completely disappear in the Universe Sea within 10,000 epochs.

But now it seems that time can be greatly shortened!

“Holding this Pangu flag, who would dare to confront me with the three big Samsara in the Universe? Even the strongest treasure palace, I can crack it!” Brolin held the Pangu flag and felt the surging in it. With the terrifying power that shocked him, the confident light on his face glowed.

Pangu banners are extremely high-level, and with the strength of Brolin’s divine power today, it is impossible to exert its true power, but even the powerful aura contained in this treasure itself cannot be contended by the creatures and weapons of the Universe Sea!

“If it can provide enough divine power to urge, Pangu flag under a single strike, the eternal true god will be destroyed, and there will be no corpse!” Brolin sneered in his heart. Strongest treasure, exert a powerful force above rank ten!”

According to Brolin’s speculation, with his current strength, waving the Pangu flag, relying only on the strength of this treasure itself, is enough to sweep all the strong in the Universe Sea, and it is enough to exert the power of the Void True God level to reach eleven. The level of the order!

“Yaozu, I want to see now, how do you make me pay!” Brolin looked at the Pangu banner in his hand, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

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