Chapter 498 Luo Feng’s Perseverance

The original place, the original star number 07283.

In a dense jungle, a dark golden miniature golden horned monster crawled quietly, hiding its own body behind a black boulder.

This golden horn beast is naturally Luo Feng.

Not long ago, in another Primordial Star, in order to compete for a top-tier Arcana War Armor, he did not hesitate to expose the full strength of his own, fighting with a large group of alien Universe Venerable, and finally winning, after beheading a Universe overlord of the Zerg Alliance. , Won the treasure, and then immediately escaped and came to this primitive star.

“Monster tribe, Zer tribe, and mechanical tribe, these gangsters want to hunt me?” Luo Feng muttered to himself, his blood-colored eyes filled with coldness.

Because of Brolin, Luo Feng’s destiny track has deviated too much from the original one. The most important thing is that he has lost his Jiuyou clone.

At the beginning, Brolin’s Nine Nether clones were exposed to the various races of the original Universe, which caused a huge shock, which made many powerful people amazed. It also attracted the attention of the Lord of Nine Nethers, and for this reason, the other party went to find Brolin personally and asked him why he had a clone close to him.

Of course Brolin didn’t bother to answer, and the two fell out directly. The Lord of the Nine Nethers couldn’t help Brolin, so he could only hate leaving.

But later, after investigation and speculation, the Lord of Jiuyous determined that this matter had absolutely something to do with the original Primordial City Lord’s request for divine power sea water. Therefore, since then, the lord of Jiuyous owns the divine power sea water and the blood sea of ​​the prince own108. , Immediately monitored closely, the entire Jiuyou time and space, no external creatures were allowed to enter.

It is precisely because of this that Luo Feng lost the opportunity to obtain the avatar of Jiuyou.

Today, his four avatars are the human deity, the golden horn behemoth, the avatar of the demons, and the same huge plant life of a divine body.

In addition to the loss of the powerful clone, because of Brolin, the mountainer can no longer enter the original universe. Without the help of the mountainer, Luo Feng now cannot enter the small universe of the ancestor of the star behemoth. He has not been able to enter. The opportunity of the Beast God Realm never comprehended the master-level secret of the Universe.

Therefore, the current Luo Feng’s strength is much weaker than the original trajectory. Before he killed the Zerg Universe overlord, it was far less simple than killing the Lightning Lord with a single knife in the original life track.

“As expected to be the overlord of the Universe. Although I killed him, I paid a huge price.” Luo Feng could not help but sigh in his heart as he explored the divine body of his golden horn behemoth.

“If Jie Jia was in hand, how could I lose so many divine bodies…” He whispered to himself, his eyes bursting with unconcealable anger.

Because the mountain guest left early, he now, even Jie Jia has not been able to get it back from Emperor Yan.

He had personally traveled to the territory of the Yan Divine Clan of Emperor Yan, and also saw the nominal second senior brother, but no matter what he said, the other party refused to hand over Jie Jia to him on the grounds that he had never received an order from the teacher.

This made Luo Feng extremely angry. He also tried to contact the mountain guest, but found that he couldn’t make contact at all.

In desperation, he could only temporarily give up his plan to return to Jie Jia, and wait for the mountain guest to appear.

Without the robbery armor body, now he, in the battle, the consumption of the divine body is still very huge.

“The teacher doesn’t know where he is going, even the big brother Puti can’t contact him at all.” Luo Feng was a little worried, “The teacher hasn’t told me the whereabouts of the last piece of the crystal slab of the Secret Book of the Nine Tribulations.”

Today, although his genetic level is already extremely high, even if compared with some powerful special beings, it is not much weaker, but after all, he still hasn’t reached the perfect level. Therefore, he was extremely longing for the last copy of the Nine Tribulations Secret Code.

However, the mysterious disappearance of the mountain guest, he did not have the slightest clue to look for.

“Among the four major avatars, the golden horn monster clone is the most powerful, almost comparable to the top universe overlord.” Luo Feng said to himself, “However, compared with the real universe lord, it is not an opponent at all. NS.”

Nowadays, the three pinnacle race groups have joined forces to hunt him, and they have all dispatched the existence of the master level of the universe. Facing such a strong man, today’s Luo Feng is not strong enough.

“I have Star Tatazhu guarding my soul. Even if I am the Lord of the Universe, I don’t want my soul to kill me. I don’t have to worry about the danger of falling.”

“However, once discovered, my golden horn monster clone, I am afraid it will be difficult to keep.” He secretly said in his heart.

Without endless Youhai, a clone that can provide unlimited power, Luo Feng is still a little distressed when he loses a clone of a giant golden horn.

“It’s nothing more than a clone, but the treasures I have collected on Primordial Star during this time cannot be lost.”

It has been a while since Luo Feng entered Primordial Star, and he has also collected a lot of treasures.

After dozens of epochs, the large number of treasures that were born on Primordial Stars are now almost divided by the major ethnic groups, especially the treasures of higher levels and above, which are no longer common and far unable to compare with the original. .

For a long time, because of Brolin’s reasons, all races in the Universe have been extremely targeted at the human race on the Primordial Star. Once it is discovered that a human powerhouse appears to collect the treasure, it will be dealt with by all the powerhouses.

After all, in their opinion, your eternal lord of mankind will not let go of even the Primordial Star, and you humans are too greedy to even come to snatch the treasure with them.

Especially in the series of demons, zerg and other ethnic groups, on the Primitive Star, the powerhouse of the human race has almost become the public enemy of all races. Whenever a human Universe Venerable enters the primordial star, once it is discovered, it will be immediately besieged.

Even the many universe masters of the human race are not very good on the Primordial Star, and they will be regarded as rivals by the universe masters of all races and will be targeted in every possible way.

Therefore, since these dozens of epochs, the human race, from the Lord of the Universe to the Universe Venerable, has rarely entered the Primordial Star.

However, their mentality is not bad. After all, in their opinion, the eternal lord of the race is constantly collecting a whole primordial star, and their human beings will definitely not lack the treasure in the future.

But Luo Feng is different. The relationship between him and Brolin is definitely not good. The other party may have collected a lot of treasures, but he will never, like other strong people in the ethnic group, hope that he will be bestowed by Brolin in the future. That is not his Luo Feng’s character, he has always relied on himself.

Therefore, even if he knew that his human identity would be targeted by the various races of the Universe, he still chose to enter the Primordial Star alone and collect the most treasures by himself.

“During this period, I have gained quite a lot. In addition to the top treasure I just got, I can already exchange for a powerful treasure sword in the treasure house of the ethnic group.” Luo Feng secretly said in his heart, “Never let that. The powerhouses of the three races find me, otherwise, all efforts will be wasted!”

“It would be great if my monster clan clone was here. Relying on the clone’s ability to freely change its shape, it can completely disguise an identity and sneak the treasure out of the original star!” Luo Feng was a little regretful.

In the original life trajectory, Luo Feng entered the Primordial Star. It was the golden horn monster clone with the demon killing clan clone, and his humanoid endless secluded sea clone was the family seated and guarded his own relatives.

But now, Luo Feng has not been able to obtain the Youhai clone, so naturally there is no humanoid clone. Therefore, at present, he can only let the own Demon Kill Clan clone to protect his relatives.

“I hope the teacher of Chaos City Lord will arrive in time.”

Today, the three major ethnic groups have fully mobilized their respective powerhouses to search for his whereabouts on the Primordial Star. Once he shows up, he will definitely be found.

Therefore, what Luo Feng can do now is to wait quietly and wait for Teacher Own to come to the rescue.

“Huh? Teacher’s mail?”

The next moment, Luo Feng’s expression moved slightly, and Chaos City Lord sent him an email message, which he opened immediately.

“What? The teacher actually asked him to save me?”

After reading the email from the Lord of Chaos, Luo Feng’s face suddenly changed.

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