Chapter 497 Save Luo Feng?

Today’s mountain guest, the deity has entered the universe of the universe, looking for his god-king body hidden by the original will of the original universe.

However, one of his clones stayed in the Dragon Pearl world, so that the deity could return from the universe with the help of the ultimate shadow clone at any time, so as not to get lost.

With such a god-king superpower, Brolin naturally does not want to waste resources. In his opinion, the clone of the mountain guest is idle in the Dragon Pearl world. It is better to use it. , Let the other party help him train younger generations.

His eldest son has Samsara eyes and uses the six modes, so you don’t have to worry too much about cultivation, but his second son is different. He only possesses the ultimate shadow avatar, and his life-saving ability is heaven-defying, but in In terms of cultivation, it was much inferior to his Dage.

Today, they are also at the Immortal level, but Brolin’s eldest son, the fairy ancestor, is already at the king level and has mastered Teleport, but his second son is still at the level of the Immortal military lord, and Lianfeng Hou has the immortal body. There is still some distance.

“The person I’m talking about, his Cultivation Base Realm is unimaginable. No one in the universe can compare with it.” Brolin looked at his two sons and said, “You can get his guidance. The luck of both.”

Hearing that, the immortal ancestor and the undead ancestor also showed curiosity and expectation. For their father to comment like this, obviously the strength of this mysterious powerhouse is absolutely extraordinary.

Next, Brolin opened the door of the world and took his two sons directly into the world of Dragon Pearl, and found the clone of the mountain guest.

After learning about Brolin’s coming, Zuoshanke suddenly smiled bitterly.

He is a magnificent king of gods. In Origin Continent, even if he is an eternal true god, it is extremely difficult to get a little mention from him. Now Brolin actually asked him to teach two little guys of only Immortal level?

“Old fellow, you wouldn’t refuse, would you?” Brolin looked at the mountain guest with a smile.

“Eternal Lord, you are all talking about it, can I still refuse?” The mountain guest said helplessly.

Ever since, this clone of Zuoshanke, in the Dragon Pearl world, began to teach Brolin’s two sons to cultivate. With his Realm of the King of Gods level, it is not too easy to coach two Immortals. Had it not been for Brolin’s words, let him deliberately suppress the two Realm and help them lay a strong enough foundation, the mountain guest would even dare to guarantee that he could make them true gods within an era!

However, although he agreed to help Brolin teach his two sons, Zuoshanke refused to accept them as disciples.

He confessed that he will only have three apprentices in the future, namely Puti, Yandi and Luo Feng. Apart from them, he will never accept any more apprentices.

The mountain guest was unwilling, and Brolin did not reluctantly. Anyway, the other side said that he would treat the two of them like his own disciples, and would do his best to teach.

After solving the cultivation problem of the offspring, Brolin completely focused his attention on the Youhai clone who was fighting for the original star in the original land, and the human deity cultivated in the small universe of the creator of the giant axe.

. ……

The years are passing, and soon, more than a dozen epochs have passed.

“Huh?” In a dark palace, Brolin’s figure was sitting quietly cross-legged, asking him to open his eyes, and two thunderbolts flashed through the pitch-black void.

“Interestingly, without the help of the mountain guest, his growth has slowed down for a while, but now he still has to show his edge after all?”

He whispered to himself, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Today, nearly fifty epochs have passed since he left the earth. According to the original trajectory, Luo Feng at this moment should have risen and become the lord of the galaxy. With the Realm of the Universe Venerable, he ranks among the human races in the universe. The ranks of the Lord.

However, because Zuoshanke initially attacked Brolin, he was targeted by the original Universe’s original will and could not return. Luo Feng’s cultivation process was greatly affected to a certain extent.

No mountain guest took him to the small universe of the ancestor of the star behemoth to perceive the way of the beast gods. Luo Feng did not understand the Saber Technique at the Immortal level, and there was no one to kill the universe overlord. strength.

Moreover, Zuoshanke hid the last piece of the secret of the Nine Tribulations in the place where he pretended to be the Hallmaster of the Blood Cloud. He had not had time to tell Luo Feng, so the current Luo Feng’s genetic level has not yet reached perfection. .

Brolin originally thought that even if Luo Feng was able to rise on his own, it would take a very long time for Luo Feng to cultivate after the death of the mountain. The point of the lord.

However, the performance of the other party now is a bit beyond his expectations.

According to the news, not long ago, Luo Feng single-handedly appeared on Primordial Star and started a treasure hunt with a group of alien races.

The battle was fierce, and the Universe Venerable fell a lot. Among them, Luo Feng killed a Universe overlord of the Zerg Alliance one-on-one, shocking the entire Universe!

You know, now Luo Feng, his Realm is only at the Immortal level, but he can do this step, killing many Universe high-level Venerables, and even a Universe overlord has fallen into his hands. amazing?

Soon, all the races in the Universe, including the human beings, are all recognized. At this time, Luo Feng has already possessed the top Universe overlord level combat power!

As a result, the original star, which was already an endless slaughter, suddenly became more lively.

The three tribes of Yaozu, Zerg, and Machine, joined forces to start a big search on the Primordial Star to kill Luo Feng and get rid of another possible powerhouse in the future of mankind!

After all, only the Immortal level can be comparable to the top Universe overlord. This strength can be said to be terrifying. If he is given time, and he will enter the Universe Venerable Realm in the future, wouldn’t he really have the main level of the universe?

The rise of a Brolin in the human race has caused headaches for all races. Now, Luo Feng has also shown terrible talent. Although it is far behind Brolin, the performance is also enough heaven-defying. They It is impossible to let him go easily.

“Well, Chaos sent me a message?” Brolin muttered to himself, checked the own virtual Universe mailbox, and suddenly chuckled.

“Please let me take action and save his disciple?”

Although he has lost his mountain guest, Luo Feng still has a strong teacher, that is, the Chaos City Lord. Since these dozens of epochs, Luo Feng has been able to maintain the speed of cultivation and reach his current strength. Among them, he is absolutely inseparable from the Chaos City Lord. help.

At this moment, Luo Feng was trapped in the hunt of the three clans on Primordial Star, and the Lord of Chaos City naturally got the news.

However, on Primordial Star, even the Lord of the Universe cannot teleport. It is very difficult for him to rush to save his disciples. But Brolin is different. Now in the entire Primitive Universe, who doesn’t know that Daoist-like eternal masters, even the endless divine power ocean clones can freely shuttle between the primitive stars?

The Lord of Chaos City personally sent an email to ask him for help, and Brolin suddenly smiled.

“Chaos still doesn’t know enough about his disciple. With Luo Feng’s character and no one-size-fits-all solution, how can he dare to enter Primordial Star?”

Brolin knew that he didn’t need to take a trip at all, and Luo Feng would surely be able to save himself.

“However, I was not the Chaos City Lord at the beginning, and I couldn’t easily get the divine power of the Lord of the Nine Nethers, and I couldn’t obtain the Nine Nether clones.” Brolin said to himself, “He is kind to me, since he has spoken, I must get Make a gesture.”

“Well, I’ll take a trip.”

A strange smile appeared on Brolin’s face, “I don’t know what Luo Feng’s expression would be when he saw that I came to rescue him.”

Although both are humans, his relationship with Luo Feng can be regarded as an enemy or not a friend. After all, he still forcibly occupy a whole continent on the earth. Moreover, the Deva clan had forged an enmity with the earth humans before, so Luo Feng absolutely did not have the slightest affection for him.

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