Chapter 492

At this moment, the two strongest monsters of the Yaozu Universe, Meng Yaozu led some of the masters of the universe into the Universe Sea. They are also chasing the path of Jinwang Palace. Obviously, facing the temptation that may be an unknown opportunity, The Yaozu couldn’t ignore it either.

However, they also don’t want to be so, and Brolin can safely collect the remaining original stars in the original universe.

Although the Dream Demon Ancestor entered the Universe Sea, the Shaking Demon Ancestor stayed. At the same time, many other powerhouses of the Demon Race Alliance also stayed in the original universe, in order to reappear in the original universe in Brolin. When it came to the ground, interference with him prevented him from successfully collecting Primordial Stars.

“These gangsters know that even if they interfere with me, they can only delay the time for me to capture the Primordial Star. They can’t stop me at all, but they still want to do so.” Brolin was annoyed.

“I collect primordial stars, and I can succeed once ten times. These bastards cannot stop me every time. I can collect hundreds of primordial stars in one epoch. There are nearly a thousand epochs. Even if they keep stopping me, during this time when the Primordial Stars are turned on, I can get all the 10081 Primordial Stars!” Brolin sneered at the corner of his mouth.

If there is no interference from other people, he will collect all the original stars, I am afraid it does not need to spend an epoch!

“Go, go chase it, wait until you chase it all the way along that path, and finally find that it’s just in vain, that’s interesting!” Brolin’s eyes flashed with delight.

The void crack left by the Jinwang Palace all the way forward, I don’t know how far it went directly into the Universe sea. The distance is beyond the scope of the original universe. The three Samsara era creatures are still there. Pursuing the faith, when they go deep enough, they will inevitably find that this void is long enough to make them desperate!

At that time, these creatures would have to give up. After all, they went deep into the area that the original universe could not cover. Even the strongest of the universe would not dare to do such things. It is too dangerous and will get lost in the chaos at any time.


In the initial place, Brolin used the ultimate shadow clone and directly summoned the own endless secluded clone. Then, he opened the door of the world, the entire endless secluded sea spread out, completely wrapped the original star, and used the soldier. The word secret began to drag, dragging the original star into the door of the world!


Just when he started to act, a huge will suddenly descended in the original place, the aura of various original laws began to surge, and a monstrous anger filled every corner of time and space.

“Universe original will…” Brolin’s will was immersed in the endless secluded sea, feeling the breath that suddenly came, and his heart suddenly stunned.

However, he was not afraid, but continued to take in Primordial Stars, and did not intend to stop.

In the initial place, seeing Brolin continue to unscrupulously collect Primal Stars, the anger of the original will became more and more intense, causing the entire time and space to tremble.

“Very angry? But what?” Brolin sneered in his heart, “I am determined to win the Primitive Star. Even you can’t stop me!”

He was not afraid that the original will of the Universe would take action against him. After all, his act of collecting the original star did not violate the supreme rules. Even if this act did harm the interests of the original universe, the original will still could not deal with him.

If the original will of the Primordial Universe can be used, as early as when Brolin captured the first lesson of Primordial Star, he had already shot and directly suppressed him. How could he wait until now?

Just as Brolin tried his best to collect the Primordial Star, several of the 10,080 Universe channels suspended in the original land began to glow, vibrated, and a fuzzy figure appeared. Come over!

“These gangsters are really fast.” Seeing this scene, Brolin’s heart sank suddenly.

“Hahaha, Lord Eternal!”

The Universe channel flickered, and a huge black figure appeared, making a roaring laughter that shook the void. It was indeed the ancestor of the demon clan shocking demon!


The brilliance flickered, and soon, more powerhouses arrived one after another, all at the master level of the Universe, belonging to the Monster Race Alliance.

“Demon Ancestor Earthquake, your demons are really staring at me!” Brolin’s sneer came out in the endless secluded sea.

The demon ancestor who had just entered here, the smile on his face was instantly put away, and he became extremely surprised, because he felt that the Universe’s original will full of anger was here.

Then he wanted to understand, and suddenly he was happy again.

“Lord Eternal, have you seen it? Your act of collecting Primal Stars has already angered the Universe’s original will. If you don’t stop it, it will bring disaster to you and even the whole mankind!” Shaking Demon Ancestor laughed.

Many other universe masters also showed surprises.

Once the Universe’s original will becomes angry, no one can please. I am afraid that the eternal lord of mankind is really going to be unlucky!

“Really?” Brolin heard the words and said disdainfully, “What about the original will of the Universe? If he can do anything to me, do you think he will be angry here in vain?”

Brolin’s words suddenly changed Demonic Ancestor’s face slightly.

“Huh, do it!”

He didn’t continue to speak, because Brolin had already dragged Primordial Star into the giant black gate, and if he didn’t make a move, the other party would succeed.

Suddenly, under the leadership of the ancestor of the tremor, many universe masters joined forces and began to interfere with the endless sea, so that Brolin could not smoothly drag the original star!

“Hmph, the strength is just enough to interfere with me, your demons are really good calculations!” Brolin snorted coldly in the endless secluded sea.

In the past, in order to interfere with Brolin’s collection of Primal Stars, the Monster Race united some other strong men, but now, a large part of those strong men have left the Primitive Universe and went to the Universe Sea to pursue the traces left by the Jinwang Palace. Go, such as the imaginary demon god, the founder of the black universe and so on.

However, they were also prepared and left enough strong players to interfere with Brolin.

Hearing Brolin’s words, Demonic Ancestor Zhen said with a smile, “If they don’t leave enough power to deal with you, how can they leave Mengcha with confidence?”

“Lord, you just give up, with us here, this time when the beginning of the land opens, you don’t want to capture more primordial stars!”

“Stop delusion!”

In the void, many other universe masters also opened their mouths and sneered one by one.

“I don’t know where your confidence comes from.” Brolin sneered when he heard the words. “Before you, so many powerful people joined forces, and you couldn’t successfully stop me every time. Now there are only so few left. Reluctantly Can you use the power to interfere with me, and dare to speak up?”

“Since you came all the way here, I naturally can’t let you go for nothing.” Brolin continued, his words filled with ridicule, “Demon Ancestor Zhen, I’ll take a step first, and you are welcome to go down. A primordial star is coming to me!”

When the words were written down, Brolin immediately controlled the endless secluded sea and separated from the original star. Then, he launched the ultimate shadow clone to transfer the own divine body to other original stars, and continue to collect another one.

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