Chapter 491 Return to the original Universe

Soon, after summoning the super dragon, Brolin immediately began to think about his wish with great interest.

After a while, Brolin had made several wishes in a row, but without exception, they were beyond the capabilities of the Super Dragon and could not be realized at all.

“This waste!” Brolin’s face suddenly became angry.

On the side, the mountain guest was a little speechless, “It’s not to blame it, after all, your wish is really unrealistic.”

Brolin’s wishes are basically similar to “Let me become the lord of Chaos!”, “Let me reach one hundred thousand times the genetic level!” and so on. If such a wish can be realized by the Super Dragon, it would be amazing. That’s weird.

“These wishes of yours, even if the dragon god Salama comes, can’t be realized.” The mountain guest shook his head and smiled, “This is beyond the ability of the god king. Don’t think about it.”

“Fine.” Brolin also chuckled lightly.

In fact, he also knew that these wishes of own were indeed unreliable, and he was only planning to give it a try, in fact, he did not hold any hope.

“This super dragon is probably the same as the previous Namek dragon Polunga, and it can only achieve some wishes similar to helping me have Saiyan blood.” Brolin shook his head and muttered to himself.

The power of the Super Dragon comes from this universe. What he can achieve can’t be separated from this universe. The limitations are too great.

For outsiders like Brolin, the wishes that Super Dragon can achieve are almost tasteless.

In the end, Brolin asked the super dragon to resurrect a universe that had been destroyed by the king before. Although the dragon god Salama created twelve universes, some of them have been destroyed by the king over the long years. Brolin intends to use the Super Dragon Pearl to restore these destroyed universes one by one. After all, in the future, his eternal kingdom and the existence below the Immortal gods will come to this world for training, and a universe will naturally be able to accommodate more people.

After making the wish, the super dragon turned into seven Dragon Pearls and dispersed on their own. Brolin didn’t care about them, he could collect Dragon Pearl at any time if he wanted to.

In the temple, Brolin and the mountain guest stood, and aside, the god-tier officer looked at them in awe.

Through the deterrence of the mountain guest, now, the god-tier officer and the whole angel family have completely submitted to Brolin and become the subordinates who manage the world of Dragon Pearl for him.

And King Quan, because the authority in this world is so great that he can destroy a universe at will, so Brolin directly asked the mountain guest to kill it.

After seeing all the supreme kings killed, the angels, including the god-tier officer, became even more in awe of Brolin and the mountain guest.

“Eternal Lord, now that this universe has been conquered, what are your plans next?” The mountain guest looked at Brolin and asked.

“Naturally, I go back to the original Universe first, get the remaining original stars, and wait for my deity to break through to the Universe Venerable Realm, then I can open another world.” Brolin smiled lightly.

“Back to the original Universe…” Hearing Brolin’s answer, Zuoshanke’s expression suddenly became a little complicated.

“I forgot, you seem to be unable to go back now.” Seeing the melancholy expression of the mountain guest, Brolin suddenly thought that the other party had taken him away from the original universe, but he was directly in the original place. He took out the Palace of King Jin and exploded with power beyond the sixth-order limit, violating the laws of the universe.

If the mountain guest returns to the original Universe at this moment, even if it is close to the Universe Sea area where the three Samsara eras are located, he will definitely be directly suppressed by the Universe’s original will that he has long regarded him as a thorn in his eyes, with the help of the supreme rules!

“If this is the case, then you will simply go directly into the Universe Sea.” Brolin looked at the mountain guest and said, “Just use this period of time to find your Divine King’s body.”

“Once you find your body, when the will and soul are integrated into it, you can completely restore your former god-king combat power. At that time, it will be more convenient to shuttle between other worlds.”

Hearing this, the mountain guest nodded, “I mean it too.”

“Eternal Lord, I would like to thank you for the avatar secret technique you gave me.” The mountain guest smiled and said, “With this avatar technique, I can explore the Universe Sea, but it is much more convenient. .”

Upon hearing this, Brolin also smiled.

Whether it is the infinite avatar technique of the ultimate shadow avatar, or the method of transforming the deity and the avatar, it is definitely a huge help for exploring the Universe Sea.

At least, if the mountain guest has this secret technique, countless clones are dispatched together, and the efficiency will be increased countless times. At the same time, once any of his clones are discovered, his deity can also be transferred there immediately.

Even, he can also place a clone in the place where he originally started. In that case, his deity can return at any time without the slightest danger of getting lost in the chaos.

“You’d better leave a clone in this world, so that you and me can contact me easily, and your deity can come back here anytime and anywhere.” Brolin looked at the mountain and said in a gentle way.

“Nature.” The mountain guest nodded.

Next, the mountain guest began to leave, leaving the world of Dragon Pearl, and heading to the Universe Sea to find his deity who was hidden by the original will of the original Universe.

Brolin, on the other hand, left in the same way and returned to the original Universe.

Of course, both of them have left a clone in this world so that they can return anytime, anywhere.

. . . . . . .

The original universe, the original place.

Brolin’s figure stood in the void, looking down at the primordial star below, with a smile on his face.

“The remaining primordial stars are mine after all!”

“You guys, these gangsters, want to stop me, it can only be a futile effort, that is, to add some trouble to me.” Brolin’s mouth sneered, “It is estimated that when I start collecting Primal Stars, those guys will I’ll be over here, right.”

In the eyes of other races of Primordial Universe, Primordial Star is definitely a super treasure. A single Primordial Star is definitely more valuable than a Xeon Supreme. Brolin wants to collect all the Primordial Stars. I definitely don’t want to see it, especially the Monster Race, Zer Race and other big races that don’t deal with humans.

“Oh? Mengcha went to the Universe Sea to find the so-called adventure?” Searching for various information in the recent period, Brolin couldn’t help showing an extremely strange look on his face.

At first, the mountain guest took out the Jinwang Palace in this initial place, suppressed him, and then directly exploded with powerful power and knocked out the original Universe, heading towards the deepest part of the Universe Sea, leaving an astonishing trajectory along the way. .

At that time, in order to fight against the original will of the original Universe, the Jinwang Palace at the supreme treasure level of God King level exploded with extreme power, almost traversing the Universe Sea, tearing out an endless chaotic void!

This trace of horror was first discovered by the strong of the Skeleton Race, and then the other races also learned the news, and finally caused the shock of all the creatures of the three Samsara eras in the entire Universe Sea.

A large number of super beings are dispatched, following the path of King Jin’s all the way forward, continuously exploring the Universe Sea, hoping to get some kind of mysterious opportunity.

After all, the things that can cause such terrible power must be extremely high!

The strong men of the first and second Samsara era almost came out of their nests and chased them along the path of King Jin’s Palace. Facing Samsara’s limitations, they would not miss any chance.

The strong in the primitive universe era are more rational, and there are fewer strong ones going to explore, especially when facing a large number of primordial stars, and Brolin is constantly collecting primordial stars, like a demon. Clan and other forces, it is absolutely impossible for all of them to be sent to the Universe Sea, thereby creating opportunities for Brolin.

“Hmph, Yaozu… really greedy.” Brolin sneered.

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