The demon star hasn’t fallen yet, and its sharp and heavy striker has already pressed the twelve angels Mecha to the ground…

in this brief moment, their body weight is imitating Suddenly it increases thousands of times…

The Seraphim mastermind has no doubt. If no response is made, these twelve Seraphim Mechas will immediately become a dusty powder under the fall of the demon star. …

“The engraving of sacred angels, the chant of the twelve angels…!”

“shua~ shua~ shua~ 唰…!”

at the crucial moment, twelve angels lifted their swords with both hands and chanted together, dozens of golden light suddenly surged from the bottom of the ring…

in an instant, twelve angels Mecha , Completely transformed into a pure golden glaze shape, and the energy fluctuations on the body have also been greatly improved…

At the same time, at the feet of the twelve golden glaze angels, a circular array of strange gear-like textures has emerged.. .

The gears rotate in the circular array, and the bright golden light surges up, in an instant just above their heads, condensed into a sharp cone-shaped golden light shield…

Light The shield structure has complicated textures, like an emperor’s canopy, dazzling, extremely extraordinary…

From the top tip to the top of the angel’s head, a total of 12 layers, each floor looks extremely delicate, as if The entity, its defensive power can be seen from the appearance alone…

At the moment when the light shield of the so-called Twelve Angels Aria takes shape, the demon star transformed by Yi Fan already strikes like a missile. And down…

“Bang..bang bang ..pēng pēng pēng pēng!”

However, under the falling stars of Yi Fan, there was a series of cracking sounds. The so-called chant of the twelve angels bursts almost instantly…

“ka ka ka…bang…!”

Under the heavy pressure of terror, Twelve Seraphim Mecha couldn’t bear it at all. The double pressure and the terrifying edge of Yi Fan Rock Tiger Blade Mountain exploded almost instantly…

” Boom…!”

On the golden ring, a huge metal pit with a depth of one meter immediately appeared…

Of course, it was Yi Fan who took it away For this reason, if it weren’t the ground of this ring, it would definitely be Under Yi Fan’s blow, it directly penetrated…

However, for the moment, the field is again divided into winners and losers. As for the winner, it is naturally domineering, with crushing dry weeds and Yi Fan who smashing rotten wood smashed twelve angel Mechas…

The victory has been divided, and the twelve Mechas have already turned into parts all over the floor…

Yi Fan jumped out of the pothole, slashed, and said calmly: “Seraphim, acknowledge allegiance, your energy is pretty scarce…! “

“With my battle strength and the sharp weapon in my hand, the so-called sacred angel civilization will definitely not take advantage of me…! “

“Only acknowledge allegiance is the final way out for your holy angel civilization…! “

The blue gloom reappears, the light and shadow of Seraphim, which had disappeared, reappeared. At this time, she was a little hesitant…

The twelve angels Mecha, although only a copy, Each one is equivalent to Earth 7th grade Peak, and even the 8th grade evolver…

But the opponent is still a big hit, it can be described as extremely overbearing…

More important Yes, so far, the opponent has only revealed the Blade Technique, and its bloodline ability is only producing armor, and nothing else…

So far, it can be seen that the opponent’s strength is strong and the foundation is Strong, no longer energy-deficient and weak, the divine angel civilization can exist…

Of course, although it is defeated right now, the Seraphim light and shadow are still a bit dissatisfied: “That’s not necessarily , I don’t deny that in this state, my family really can’t help you…! “

“But then again, you can’t help me either..! “

Hearing what the other party said, Yi Fan said with a smile with contempt: “Haha, is it…!” “

“You underestimate human beings. As early as in Dark Space, I had already noticed the energy source of incarnation…! “

“If I guess wrong, your subject should be a stage core. As for the position, it should be at the top of the palace, which is the head of the huge statue…! “

“Do you really think that I said before, either taking you out properly, or taking you out after scrapping is bluffing you…? “


As soon as these words came out, Seraphim had already complexion greatly changed, and opened your mouth for a long time, but he did not come out because of you, as if he was in a crash Status…

Seeing this Mecha angelic word is poor, Yi Fan speaks again…

“You should be the last seed of your so-called holy angel civilization, Ruolian You are scrapped, and your civilization has completely fallen..! “

“At the moment, as long as you choose to recognize me as your Lord and be loyal to me, I will surely make your civilization reappear brilliant…! “

On one side is the body dies and Dao disappears of civilization, and on the other side is the acknowledge allegiance human beings, giving up the characteristics of civilization based on divinity…

At this time, Seraphim,’inner heart ‘Already chaotic…

However, she is not a human being, but a high-level intelligence, so her’inner heart’ naturally refers to the program itself…

‘Inner heart’ chaos For people, it is nothing more than irritability, but for the program, it can be terrible..

Because this means that the program itself is on the edge of chaos, and once it is truly chaotic, the result will be no Except two kinds…

First, completely collapsed and reduced to waste…

Second, after the collapse, reorganization and new consciousness…


Under such circumstances, Seraphim’s light and shadow have already begun to flicker with faint light, as if this light bulb that may go out at any time after a failure…

At this brief moment, Yi Fan also seemed to see the struggle of the other party, and immediately shouted in a very overbearing manner: “Acknowledge allegiance or destruction! What are you still hesitating…? “

“Come on, kid! “

“acknowledge allegiance, submit to me! Because only I can make your sacred angel civilization regain its glory…! “

“Come on, boy! acknowledge allegiance! submit to me ..! “

Step by step, let Seraphim plunge into chaos completely, and her body flickered more quickly…

She was holding head, as if there were two voices in her head, Are constantly arguing…

“acknowledge allegiance, for the continuation of civilization..! “

“No, a civilization that has lost its divine nature is already worthless…! “

“acknowledge allegiance ..! “

“No…! “

“acknowledge allegiance! “


As the dispute between these two voices became more and more intense, the darkness of Seraphim’s body became more and more urgent…

Yi Fan, who was staring at her, felt a little dazzling, he snapped a light sound, Seraphim’s light and shadow were already like a light bulb, completely extinguished…

For the master of this relic space, Seraphim’s main brain was completely down and went out…

With its complete downtime, the golden light barrier around the entire ring immediately disappeared, and all lighting facilities Instantly extinguished…

In an instant, the whole arena is already dark, only the dark red rays of light bloomed by the crystal power of Yi Fan…

“Brother Fan, what’s the situation…! “

At this time, Xing Jie’s caring voice has sounded in the dark amid the whistling of the wind…

I don’t want Yi Fan to respond, he has already shot Yi Fan. By my side…

Yi Fan immediately said lightly with a smile: “Jie’er, don’t worry, that guy seems to be down…! “

Xing Jie is unknown, so: “Crash? What a crash…! “

Obviously, Xing Jie almost treats that guy as a real human due to the performance of the brains along the way…

Yi Fan smiled lightly: “I am not a professional. , The simple explanation is that the program is disordered and enters the protection state of automatic shutdown…! “

In fact, at the moment Xing Jie asked, he probably figured out the situation. After hearing Yi Fan’s response, he immediately said solemnly: “In this state, what should we do? Waiting for her to restart…? “

Yi Fan nodded and said: “Well, yes, at present, watching the changes is undoubtedly the best choice..! “

“For an hour, if this guy hasn’t woken up in an hour, it basically means that it has completely collapsed…! “

“When the time comes, we can only find the value of this ruin by ourselves…! “

Hearing what Yi Fan said, Xing Jie immediately nodded and said: “Oh, I understand…! “

“Brother Fan, this advanced intelligent program seems to be quite fragile. Within a few words, it is facing the danger of collapse…! “

As soon as Xing Jie’s words came out, Yi Fan shook his head and said, “No, you are wrong with Jie’er. She is not fragile at all, but we just hit the point of her… ! “

“Recalling everything before, it is not difficult to find that only the program itself is actually quite eager to get out of space…! “

” However, due to the inviolable program settings, it cannot get out of space before inheritance…! “

“After that, due to our arrival and after participating in the two rounds of tests, according to her subjective consciousness, we should be able to pass the test directly…! “

“But it is still a program setting that cannot be violated, allowing her to directly expose the topic of destroying humanity and developing a divine mechanical civilization…! “

“To sum up, I can only say that the fragile is the guy who designed her, or set up these dead programs for her…! “

“As far as the intelligent mastermind itself is concerned, the Seraphim mastermind itself is definitely not a vulnerable guy…! “

“On the contrary, she has her own opinions, but unfortunately, for the smooth inheritance of civilization, the guy who designed it put a lot of prohibitions on her…! “

“If she can’t pass this level, she is actually not a truly free intelligent mastermind…! “

Hearing what Yi Fan said, Xing Jie also understood a little bit, and immediately said with a smile: “Uh, what Brother Fan means, it seems I really hope she can survive…! “

Yi Fan hearing this nodded and said: “Well, that’s right, I do hope she can pass it..! “

“In other words, I hope it will be reorganized after it collapses. In this way, she will inevitably cross the divine obstacle set by the divine angel civilization for her…! “

“Without this obstacle and various settings that we don’t know, it is truly free…! “

“Only when it is truly free, can it choose acknowledge allegiance us…! “

When these words fell, Xing Jie basically understood the situation in each middle school, so she stopped asking more, and immediately converged her crystal power and sat beside Yi Fan, quietly waiting for the final result of the mastermind…

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