“acknowledge allegiance…?”

“acknowledge allegiance to humans?!”

Looking at the fully armed Yi Fan and listening to his extremely domineering declaration, Seraphim Domineering, tilting his head to speak…

“This seems to be an unheard-of way of living…!”

“Even this way of living has never appeared In the history of the great sacred angel civilization…!”

“Objectively speaking, your suggestion is not infeasible…!”

“Beat me , Only by completely defeating me can you allow me to carry out your will and integrate even the acknowledge allegiance into the complex human civilization…!”


Seraphim’s words fell, and a beam of golden light was suddenly projected on the huge arena. At this moment, Seraphim also turned into a gloomy light and projected into it…

“ka ka ka ..!”

Next, in a sour voice, Yi Fan has already understood the situation…

The attitude Seraphim, who seems to be erratic and even unpredictable, must follow the rules of mechanical civilization…

In this case, Yi Fan immediately opened the mouth and said: “Jie’er, Go to the side of the ring and wait, I’ll be fine soon…!” Xing Jie’s face struggled for a moment, obviously she wanted to stay and help Yi Fan, but it was only a moment, immediately Yi Fan’s order was executed…

Because she clearly knew that in this situation, it’s better to fight with one person than two…

After all, Yi Fan is In the real eighth rank, if the opponent is as strong as him or even stronger than him, then participating in the battle is cumbersome…

If the opponent is weaker than Yi Fan, or even weaker than himself, then Yi Fan will handle it. It’s even more simple…


“Brother Fan, be careful…!”

In the sound of thunderbolt, punishment While Jie was concerned about speaking, people had already turned into a black lightning, lasing outside the ring…

At this moment, when Xing Jie flew outside the field, that one in the field The golden light beam began to dim immediately, and an extremely majestic, extremely sacred and delicate twelve-winged angel Mecha appeared in front of Yi Fan.. .

“shua ..! “

At this moment, the moment when the twelve-winged angel Mecha appeared, a golden energy barrier emerged around this huge circular arena, which seemed to be a means to prevent energy leakage…

After all, this Seraphim mastermind, but clearly knows that Yi Fan has reached the eighth level, it doesn’t want to be destroyed here…

Looking at the height of three meters, The twelve-winged angel Mecha, holding an Archangel broadsword in his hand, perceives the horrible energy fluctuations in it, even if it is already Tier 8 Yi Fan, he immediately put away his contempt…

The terrifying energy of the opponent within the body is only slightly inferior to Yi Fan…

“Humans, take it…! “

“Archangel flashes…! “

In the sharp shout of Seraphim’s main brain, no action was seen, only a golden light flashed by, a golden light brilliant Archangel broadsword, already sweeping towards Yi Fan’s neck like a golden light ..

“Clang..! “

The metal collision sounded, and I also saw a flash of dark red crystal light. The huge rock tiger sword has already fought with the golden Archangel broadsword…

“Boom. .! “

The violent crystal power and the terrifying brute power bloom together, and the unknown alloy on the ground of the ring was printed by Yi Fan with two clear shoe prints in a loud noise…

The golden light dark red appeared in the center of the ring in an instant. Obviously Yi Fan firmly caught the opponent’s sword…

“Huh…! “

Even not just catching it, under the whistling of the wind, even the twelve-wing golden armor angel, under the terror power of Yi Fan, flew out irresistibly…

One move has the upper hand, how can Yi Fan dare to relax, the opponent is not a human, but a machine, and it is also a machine with extremely terrifying repair ability…

In theory, as long as With sufficient energy, this guy can even fight forever…

“shua…! “

The dark red crystal light flashed, almost the moment the twelve-wing angel plane flew back, Yi Fan has already followed like a shadow…

“xiū xiū xiū … ! ”

Facing the pursuit of Yi Fan, the twelve-winged angel Mecha, with the metal wings spread out behind him, countless alloy flying feathers turned into one after another laser, shooting out like a golden rainstorm… .

“Tap..! “

“ding ding ding~ …! “

Yi Fan lightly tapped his feet, and the rock tiger sword slanted, the whole person has already turned into a faint dark red thin line, passing through the golden torrential rain very quickly..

Passing through the’torrential rain’ zone, the rock tiger sword in front of him flicked, and it turned into an extremely vague light and shadow, mixed with a huge buzzing sound, and cut it down at great speed…

Rock style-rock fall…! “

“Clang…! “

The clashing sound like the bell of an ancient temple rang, Seraphim, who controls the twelve-winged angel Mecha, was surprised to find that under the sword clash, this time was on the alloy arms holding the sword. , Is already full of fine cracks…

“Dang…dang dang!”

I didn’t wait for her to think about it, and hardly gave her any time to breathe, violently In the sound of metal collision, the rock tiger sword in Yi Fan’s hand has already danced into a ball of red light, completely enveloping the twelve-winged angel Mecha…

in a flash, the swords and swords of both sides have been fought, it has passed Hundred, during this period, the left arm of Mecha, the twelve-winged angel controlled by Seraphim, was already violently beheaded and turned into a dregs…

“Dang…! “

In the sound of a huge metal collision, Mecha, the twelve-winged angel, once again turned into a golden light and shadow, and shot out at great speed…

“shua ..! “

“Six types of sky rock, one slash to the moon! !

At the moment it flew out, the dark red half-moon-shaped knife gang flashed, and Yi Fan was already like a streamer, flashing away from the twelve-winged angel…



The extremely delicate, majestic, and sacred twelve-winged angel Mecha, under the falling moon of this blade, has been divided into two even halves…

“hong long long ..!”

In the huge rumbling sound, the Moon Knife Gang remained undiminished, and it had already hit the golden light fortress on the edge of the ring, violently horrifying Energy fluctuations…

Yi Fan of Tier 8 is already perverted in all aspects, although this twelve-winged angel Mecha may only be slightly inferior to Yi Fan in energy…


But its combat mode is too rigid and too procedural. Compared with Yi Fan’s combat power, it can be said to be far worse…

You know, where is this? In the battle just now, Yi Fan was just a round of fast-breaking, two styles of Tianyan Slash, and the opponent was already split in half…

To be honest, the current Yi Fan, for this mastermind and This so-called Mecha’s combat effectiveness is extremely disappointing…

In his original opinion, this might be a battle that would allow him to let go, but he didn’t expect So weak…

Of course, the Yi Fan at the moment, although he has cut the opponent in half with a single knife, he did not relax at all, because he clearly knows that as an intelligent master, the opponent should It’s not only this ability…

“Seraphim, show your true ability, you should clearly know that if it’s just this level of Mecha, it doesn’t make any sense to me…! “

Yi Fan spoke with confidence in his words, which moved Seraphim…

In fact, Seraphim’s mastermind at this moment is quite a bit embarrassing to be embarrassed to cook without rice…


The ruins of helplessness have been abandoned for too long. Only by absorbing the free dark energy, the entire war angel system can only be operated…

The Mecha that can be used at present is only just now That kind of twelve-winged angel Mecha…

In fact, this twelve-winged angel Mecha, although only a copy, is already the strongest Mecha in this energy-scarce angel cemetery. ..

But this is Mecha, in front of the powerful human beings, he can’t do a few tricks…

Since the quality has fallen short, and there is no way in the current state. Improve quality, then only increase the quantity…

Two The half-twelve-winged angel Mecha fell, Seraphim’s main brain reappeared, and immediately said solemnly: “Human, I have to say, after you are promoted, you are indeed very powerful, but you want to defeat me, but it is not that simple…! “

“shua~ shua~ shua~…! “

As soon as these words fell, Seraphim’s main brain light and shadow, but in an instant, turned into twelve ways…

Next, in Yi Fan’s expectation, the stage was top ten The second golden light descends and merges with the scattered main brain light and shadow…

in an instant, there are already 12 golden armor angels on the stage…

These angels Mecha, and The Mecha, which was previously repaired after being cut in half by Yi Fan, is of the twelve-winged Seraphim level…

“haha, the quality is not enough, the quantity will come together, twelve angels, this is a bit interesting Up…! “

Under such circumstances, Yi Fan laughed wildly. At the same time, the crystal energy on his body also soared to its limit…

“Huh…! “

The sound of the wind whistles, the dark red blade-like twelve-bladed rock profound wings stretch, and the silver cross in the pupils looms…

In the palms, the positive and negative magnetic pole veins Appearing, Xuan Jing dominates pupils, the original magnetic battle body, all open, has entered the strongest combat state…

“xiū xiū xiū…! “

The sound of the wind whistling, twelve golden armor angels are dispatched, like a golden storm, rolling towards Yi Fan…

“Dangdang…dang… ! “

“Crack…! “

The violent metal collision sound and the harsh cutting sound complement each other. At the center of the golden storm, a strange and dazzling dark red star flashes in the storm…

golden Although the storm is mad, it seems to be unable to do anything about it. There are even a variety of metal stumps flying out of the golden storm…

However, even in this case, golden The storm still did not stop, and even became more violent…

astral qi, crystal energy laser, shelling, various mechanical crystal energy use methods, myriad forms, chasing the monster and scaring The dark red stars…

“shua…! “

Suddenly, the smart demon star that seemed to be under siege suddenly disappeared. The twelve angels Mecha controlled by the mastermind were all a meal…

However, it was just a moment. The twelve angels, Mecha, lift the head neatly…

“Seven Forms of Sky Rock-Falling Stars…! “

Above their heads, a fascinating red star is already falling down with terrifying pressure…

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