Looking at Yi Fan’s unbelievable expression, Fina immediately asked: “I said, Brother Fan, what’s the matter with you…?”

“Did you not sleep all this month? Are you there? Why do you still have a lot of experience? Tell us about it..!” When Fina spoke, Ji Ruoxue on one side immediately agreed upon hearing this: “Yes, Brother Fan, where’s that little stone? Why is it gone? Is it fuse together with you again to figure out its origin…?”

Yi Fan is shocked here. , Fina and Ruoxue have already thrown a lot of questions…

However, after being shocked, Yi Fan was in a good mood and immediately without omission and in after came back to his senses. Detail’s response…

“Well, in this month, although my body hasn’t moved, my mind is free. I can’t express everything I have experienced this month because it’s really It’s so mysterious and dreamy…!”

“But then again, this month is really crucial for me, and it can even be said to be crucial…!”

“In addition, that small piece of sacred stone, indeed, has completely integrated with me this month…!”

“As for its origin, it is not clear for the time being, but it has been There is a direction…!”

“At present, it is certain that they came from outside the sky, and were originally one, but when they entered Earth, they broke into nine pieces…! “

Yi Fan’s words fell, but Fina and Ruoxue were extremely shocked…!

Flying rocks outside the sky, broken into nine pieces…!

Then there is no doubt that each of these little sacred stones is a rare treasure..!

Although this origin is only a general direction, it has already made them clearly aware that Yi Fan’s gain this time is probably even they are unimaginable…

More, it means that the benefits to Yi Fan and even to them are greater…

As a Yi Fan woman, this kind of benefit is beneficial to Yi Fan and even to their own benefit. Naturally, they are happy to What I saw…

No, Fina heard this and immediately said lightly with a smile: “This way, it’s no wonder that Ruoxue and I were sitting next to you during the cultivation. There is always a very strange feeling in the body…!”

“Except for a certain increase in body strength, there is no abnormality, but the feeling is extremely real. It turns out to be The power of rune…!”

“It has to be said that the power of rune above this sacred stone is really a powerful but mysterious power…!”


Fina’s words just fell, Ji Ruoxue immediately nodded and said: “Sister Fina is right, the power of rune is indeed too powerful and too mysterious…!”

“In a state where we are almost ignorant of its essence, it is inevitable that some people are infiltrated when using it. This issue has become a key issue that we must figure out as soon as possible in addition to improving our strength…!”

“At the moment, there is a detail that I think is worth noting…!”

“The little stone I learned this time was found from the three waste products given by the queen bee. Inside, there is a saying…!”

“It stands to reason that no matter how rich the queen bee is, she has already tried it with her own crystal power or even divine force, but this’ The sacred stone is still treated as a waste product and thrown into the three-no product…!”

“That is to say, the queen bee’s crystal power can’t activate it, or even make no response. Will be thrown into the three no-waste products…!”

“Let’s imagine a bit deeper. From discovery to the end of the queen bee’s hands, this thing will definitely be handled by more than one person. In other words, There are definitely not a few people who input crystal power into it…!”

“But in the end, it was still thrown into the Sanwu-waste product, but when this thing arrived in the hands of Brother Fan, it immediately showed The real body…!”

“For this sacred stone, what is special about Brother Fan is that he has fuse together with one of them..!”

“If this is the case, can we also get an established fact, in this world, only Brother Fan who has been fused with one of them and awakened the special rock system ability can activate it…?”

“In this way, where Brother’s unique and unmatched rock power, and everything he has struggled with, can basically make sense…! “

“Combined with the above, plus what Brother Fan just said, then fuse together the god stone with Brother Fan, it should be the key point of the origin of the special crystal power of the rock system…! “

“After all, in this world, apart from Brother Fan, we haven’t found any other rock series evolver…! “

“So I think that if we want to figure out the strangeness, Fan’s rock strength and the location of other sacred stones, it is definitely the first subject to be studied…! “

Hearing what the two said, Yi Fan startled fiercely. Obviously, what Feina and Ruoxue said woke him up…

especially Ruoxue’s remarks were even more eloquent, which made Yi Fan, the player in the game, sober…

As a key figure in the “Shen Shi” matter, Yi Fan has always been quite calm. I have always looked at this series of issues with a fairly rational eye…

As a person in the game, while Yi Fan is surrounded by this, it is naturally very easy to overlook some of the details, such as if The established fact that Xue just demonstrated…

Rock Power!!!

Yes, it’s his unique and unmatched rock power…!

There is no doubt that this unique and unmatched ability is not directly derived from the god stone, but it is absolutely inseparable from it…

You can think about the process of awakening rock power for a while, Yi Fan suddenly discovered that if the Awakening Rock Power was affected by the God Stone, he could barely say the past…

However, if the Rock Power Awakening was completely benefited from the God Stone, it couldn’t be justified. ..

Because of this rock system ability, but Yi Fan awakened after eating the Spirit Pill in the Sect Ruins…

What’s more weird, Yi Fan When accepting the last inheritance of the Tianyanzong, the elder named Yantiangang, but called his own strength as the Origin Force…

Thinking of this, Yi Fan felt wrong again. Now, this rock power matter seems to be another dead end…

Yi Fan believes that his ability to awaken the rock system must be affected by the god stone, but if you force it to be confused, it will be too much It’s far-fetched, too illogical…

Crossed a mountain, but entered another dead end. It seems that the mystery of this so-called god stone may not be so easy to uncover…

In this way, according to Yi Fan’s current understanding of the situation of this sacred stone, there will be the last one at the moment, and it is the easiest and most direct way…

That is to find and gather together nine divine stones and reorganize the large square divine stones…

In this way, all the secrets in it should be thoroughly revealed in front of Yi Fan. ..

Next, Yi Fan himself, or the entire Heavenly Rock forces, may be busy again…

After all, according to Yi Fan’s knowledge, these sacred stones But they are scattered all over the world, and it will not be easy to collect them all.. .

In addition, the most important point, although Yi Fan is not clear about the specific conditions for fusion with the little god stone, if he is the only one who fuse together with the little god stone, his heart is confident But there are some shortcomings…

After all, the world is so big, there is no lack of strange things, especially in the world after the cataclysm…

Although there are only nine pieces, there are still a few pieces outside…

Thinking of this, the problem comes again. Now in this world, how many sacred stones are left…?

Seven yuan? Or eight yuan…?

Why does Yi Fan have such doubts, or it is a problem…

Because he is a reincarnator…

He is in the last days After seven years of rubbing and rolling, he finally reincarnator after perish together with others in desperation…

As for that little stone, it was the sixth year of his apocalyptic career. Brought out from a small ruin controlled by the Cao Family…

But just now, I saw it in my dreams very real, and there was really one piece of it, and it was the biggest one. Entering a small ruin…

The question is, will there be another sacred stone in the small ruins controlled by the Cao Family in this world…?

If there is, doesn’t it mean that, plus the piece that caused one’s rebirth, ten small sacred stones appeared…?

This is strange, he can see very clearly just now, when this big square sacred stone like a big seal broke and fell, there were obviously only nine pieces, where’s the tenth? A god stone…?

But if it doesn’t, then what I have experienced is all illusory…?

Thinking about this, the many clues that originally appeared have fallen into a dead end again…

After thinking for a while, apart from the derived out, there are more puzzles and more troubles. In addition, I didn’t get any substantive information, which made Yi Fan a bit big head…

Of course, I don’t want to figure it out. This is Yi Fan. Change to a guy with obsessive-compulsive disorder. I’m afraid I’ve lost my thoughts long ago…

For the moment, the most direct way is naturally to start collecting sacred stones…

Yi Fan always believes that no matter what How secret is this sacred stone, as long as you collect it completely, you will definitely be able to figure out all the secrets…

Think quietly for a while, and Yi Fan once again said “Fina, Cher, thank you …!”

“Especially Xueer, you really reminded me, but this sacred stone matter involves so much that I can’t even imagine…!”

“So, in what you said before, the only person I can make a conclusion is that I have the ability to activate these gods that’s all…!”

“For the rock power you said As for the matter, the probability brought by the medicine pill should be greater than that of the strange god stone…!”

“As for the way to uncover the secret of this god stone, in my opinion, it is still the safest way to collect it. …!”

“After all, our current advantage, that is, I have integrated two of them. As long as we continue to find and continue to integrate, one day we will make it complete again… !”

“I have a hunch, as long as we can make it complete again, many secrets will naturally appear…!”

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