In fact, Yi Fan has already affirmed that this is Earth…

As early as the last seven years of his life in the last life, he already knew clearly that Earth was no longer in the original starry sky. …

Looking at the most fringe zone in the starry sky, Earth, which is like a drop in the sea, and the broken rune that represents it, still makes him a little sad…

It can be seen that in this starry sky, if divided according to class, Earth and even the entire solar system, which has been greatly changed, are at the lowest level…

Earth at the moment is close and one far away, guarding The two stars and the eight planets of the original solar system…

However, although the appearance and shape of the eight planets of the original solar system have not changed much, their positions and the conditions inside the planet have undergone a little change. ..

And the one that has changed the most, or the one that attracts Yi Fan’s attention the most, is the most distant Uranus…

It was originally lifeless, but it has changed. Became another blue star…

And most importantly, the rune representing this week turned out to be an extremely complete rune with dazzling silver light, which made Yi Fan a little moved. ..

You must know that the planet appears blue, which means that there are sufficient water resources on this planet…

Water is the source of all things. Once there is The water also means that Uranus may have been born, or that life will be born soon…

In fact, according to Yi Fan’s current speculation, he has every reason to believe that Uranus is currently , Maybe a new life has been born…

Thinking of this, Yi Fan immediately wanted to get closer to Uranus, and wanted to take a closer look..

But in this brief moment, the picture scroll in front of it suddenly dimmed…

Next, before Yi Fan reacted, it was almost at the moment when the picture scroll was dim, Sea of ​​Consciousness The entire star map in the middle of the world began to fade slowly, in an instant disappeared…

As for Yi Fan, at the moment when the star map was dimmed, it was wrapped in a sense of unreasonable exhaustion, and it fell into In a very strange state of dying…

Consciousness is like sleeping but not sleeping, awake but not awake, as if to lose the last consciousness at any time…

In the center of his mind, there is always the last point of clarity. He seems to have fallen into a very dazzling dream…

In the dream, it is attached to a complete square stone, and they travel through Boundless Star ry Sky, crossing countless dimensions, breaking countless space barriers, and finally falling on Earth…

And when they fell to Earth, what was contained in this square “stone” The power seems to have fallen to the lowest level. Finally, after passing through the Earth’s atmosphere, it broke into several small stones and fell all over the Earth…

Yi Fan also seemed to split into several incarnations. , As these fragments fall all over the world…

What makes Yi Fan extremely shocked is that in the place where these little stones finally fell, he saw the appearance of those little stones, that is what he had The familiar kind, irregular small stones full of silver lines…

At this time, Yi Fan realized that in this dream, he seemed to have dreamed of this. The origin of the small stone, or its ultimate origin…

What’s even more rare is that at the same time, in this extremely long dreamland that seems to have lost the concept of time, Yi Fan The harvest is far more than just knowing the origin of the little rock and where it fell…

Many planets, countless magnificent planes, this kind of journey, let Yi Fan see countless things that he has never seen before. Qijing, he has seen countless pictures that he could not imagine before, which greatly increased his knowledge…

The harvest from it is naturally quite amazing…

Of course La, such a boring trip, there are gains and risks. In this state of drifting without the concept of time, Yi Fan has always been on the verge of losing himself…

Fortunately, his mind is very firm It’s already quite rare to not completely lose yourself…

And during the whole shuttle process, the surface of Yi Fan’s body covered by the light cocoon, moreover, from time to time, it bloomed with bright crystals, as if it were The overflow state caused by the excess crystal power within the body…

Fina and Ji Ruoxue are both quite shocked…

Of course, the shock is the shock, the original The two people in the phase space themselves did not waste this great opportunity for cultivation…

When Yi Fan began to release massive crystal power, he immediately sprang out of the phase space and sat in Yi Next to Fan’s cocoon, he began to cultivation…

Time flies, Fina, Ruoxue and even Yi Fan himself, everyone didn’t expect him to be in this attitude. I lasted for nearly a month…

Muddleheaded space, across the vast Star Sea, across countless different levels of dimensions, breakthrough countless space barriers, when Yi Fan’s When I wake up in the dreamless state, the time has come after January, which is the May of the first year of the magic crystal…

May, this is the month of catastrophe, the May of a year ago On the 6th, the cataclysm officially broke out…



Magic Epistar Year, May 2nd, morning.

When Yi Fan broke out of the cocoon, it was naturally Fina and Ruoxue who came first…

I felt the 7th grade within the body. With the violent crystal power and the dark red Tyrant Dragon seed crystals covered with silver rune in the center of the dantian, Yi Fan is in a good mood at this moment…

After all, he is still betting right, this little stone is indeed related to the cause I’m reborn, and the piece of sacred stone that I fuse together has many origins…

Even, according to the previous experience in the dream, the two should be one, but they fell at the end. When I entered Earth, it fell apart for unknown reasons…

For now, with the integration of this second’sacred stone’, it once again brought many benefits to Yi Fan…

First of all, it’s crystal power. It was originally only 7th grade elementary class who is about to enter the middle Yi Fan, and directly enter the middle Peak. It seems that it is possible to enter the 7th grade higher level at any time…

The most important thing is that this improvement in crystal power is not just for himself, even Fina and Ruoxue, who are just nearby, have benefited a lot, and both have entered the 7th grade.. .

Of course, the increase in crystal power will naturally not be the only benefit brought by the god stone, it can only be regarded as the weakest benefit…

‘ ‘What is the most mysterious thing…?

rune! !

Yes, yes, it is rune, or rune power…!

Yi Fan’s Soul Contract, incarnation, Ji Ruoxue’s Magic Eye of Time, and Fina’s Space Jump, all come from the transformation of the power of rune…

This time, Yi Fan has absorbed another kind of sacred stone, and naturally acquired the abilities related to it…

It’s just that, I don’t know why, Yi Fan can obviously feel the body, Or maybe it’s the kind of strange power in the body, but it can’t be mobilized…

It seems that I was not awakened in the divine force after accepting the Aurora Evolution in the Early-Stage of Catastrophe, but it is obviously different from The normal state…

Of course, the physical aspect is not divine force, not so mysterious…

Although the power seems to be unable to be mobilized right now, even in The invisible existence still causes Yi Fan’s body strength to rise again, reaching the level of true sky-defense…

Body strength, divine force, and even a kind of hidden innate talent on the body, this is it The benefits of a sacred stone to Yi Fan…

And, the most exaggerated is that this is not all…

After all, the rune picture in the Sea of ​​Consciousness star sky The volume, and the pipe dream at the end, let Yi Fan know about the whereabouts of other sacred stones, but also let Yi Fan see a magnificent blueprint…

Or, it seems to be guiding Yi Fan , Guide it to slowly approach the truth…

The horror rune picture scroll, the vast sea of ​​stars, the weird sacred stones scattered all over the world, the water blue complete rune of Uranus…

Look The so-called truth is far beyond my imagination…

Thinking of this, Yi Fan’s eyes flickered, but he immediately let go of many thoughts in his chest…

After all, at the moment, apart from collecting the gods, there are many other things that I have no turn to worry about…

Or, I can’t worry about it at all…

“Nana and Cher, you are still there, I should have been asleep for a long time…!”

Yi Fan, who seemed to know that he had been asleep for a while, thought after waking up. The first question to find out is naturally how long I slept…

Fina and Ruoxue looked at each other and smiled, and there seemed to be a flash of crafty in the smile…


Next, Fina said with a smile: “Brother Fan, it seems that you are really confused about sleeping, not very long. You have only slept for a few hours now…! “

“For a few hours, this seems a bit wrong, how do I feel that many days have passed…? “

Yi Fan’s face was dumbfounded, and he was immediately puzzled, even surprised…

To be honest, if it’s not Fina who said this, Yi Fan would probably I doubt it…

“hahaha, Sister Feina, you really guessed it. Brother Fan is so silly now..! “

On the one hand, Ruoxue laughed directly after seeing Yi Fan’s bewildered look. This smile naturally revealed the truth…

Yi Fan also understood the tricky in an instant. This is obviously a little joke between Feina and Ruoxue that’s all…

Fina immediately said with a smile: “Xue’er, you This is the truth, and it’s too unbearable…! “

Ruoxue hearing this said with a smile: “Sorry, Sister Feina, I haven’t seen Brother Fan like this for a long time. It’s so cute, I couldn’t hold it back for a while…! “

After hearing what the two said, Yi Fan pretended to be angry and said: “Okay, you two, I just woke up, you guys united to play tricks on me, it’s too bad…! “

“Quickly talk about it, how long has it been since I fell asleep…! “

Hearing this, Fina didn’t say much, and immediately said with a serious smile: “Brother Fan, you have been sleeping, it’s indeed a while…! “

“It’s May 2nd today. It’s been about a month. I haven’t eaten for a long time. Do you feel hungry…? “

Yi Fan hearing this startled, but it was only a moment, and then immediately reacted: “One month, I actually slept for a month…! “

Yi Fan only seems to hear the first half of Fina’s sentence, and he automatically skips the second half…

PS: Sorry, Lao Mo in the last few days Everything is busy, the update is a bit procrastinated, I hope you guys Haihan will do it…

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