The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 260: : Fool

As the commander-in-chief of the giant whale fleet, Jun Kudo has spent most of his life floating on the sea. He is good at wisdom, especially proficient in naval warfare. He can quickly find opportunities and create opportunities in the changing and complex marine environment. In the maritime exercises inside the East Island, he once created a classic record of severely damaging three enemy fleets with the power of a fleet. The record that has been nearly a decade away is still in the East Island. The major military academies are used as textbooks to analyze and simulate.

In maritime operations, Jun Kudo is a true expert and a top commander.

So he can become the commander of the Whale and the Whale Fleet.

He has encountered various situations on the sea, and he has made a lot of preparations in advance for today's decisive battle in the North Sea.

In the six months before the fleet was triggered, he envisioned various situations and discussed solutions with his subordinates in detail. All the so-called despairs that were considered impossible by the subordinates were brought up by him, and then slowly Find a solution.

It is no exaggeration to say that all of Kudo Jun's work in the past six months has been for today.

The executives of the Giant Whale Fleet analyzed how to move into the North Sea with great advantages and take half of the North Sea to complete the expected combat objectives. Under different advantages, they have different response plans.

Similarly, the top management of the Whale Fleet also analyzed countless situations that are not conducive to their own.

For example, the Wang Clan of the North Sea has sea power that has not been exposed for the time being, and even the sea power of Zhongzhou suddenly intervenes in the battle.

There is no so-called normal situation in the battle, and anything that happens can be said to be a special situation.

In every special situation, Jun Miyamoto has a solution.

But he did not expect that the current situation would be so special.

It was so special that he, as the commander-in-chief of the Whale Fleet, had directly and completely lost command.

His Whale was originally a weapon for him to cross the ocean, but now it has become a prison that imprisons him.

When analyzing countless possible situations, in the most extreme example, it is not that Jun Miyamoto had not imagined that the loyal warriors and even the top of the Whale would defect. Even so, he could still get back the command.

But now...

People did not rebel.

What should I do if the ship defected?

This is completely impossible. It just happened right now. Miyamoto Jun didn't know what was going on, who had control of the fleet now, or even where he was now.

The three fleets shifted their directions on the sea level and gathered their weapons.

Leaving the scheduled battle zone soon.

Miyamoto Jun's face flushed with extreme anger, and roared, "I will fix the communication system immediately. I want to talk to the council."

"Yes, we are doing our best, but it will take some time."

A large number of technicians were scattered in all corners of the Giant Whale, trying to regain the authority. The technical director was banging frantically on the computer in the main control room, and cold sweat kept flowing down his forehead.

Miyamoto Jun's face changed, he gritted his teeth suddenly, and rushed out of the main control room with his mobile phone.


The entire North Sea has completely turned into a huge battlefield.

Fierce battles broke out in every city except the Holy State. The combined forces had brewed for a long time to attack with full explosive power, and it was completely unstoppable in a short time.

The station of the North Navy regiment, the seven sword-bearing families, the city hall...

All important places were attacked at almost the same time.

Fight, entangle, resist, fight back.

The elite of the North Sea and the fighters of the united forces were intermingled with each other in a frantic fight. It seemed that no one could win the war in a short time.

"As expected of Beihai."

Ten minutes ago, I felt Jiang Shangyu in Canglan City sitting on the sofa quietly, looking at the screen in front of him, and smiling lightly and complimented: "It is not difficult to imagine that you can still have this level of combat effectiveness in this situation. What will happen to us if we push the forward line to the Saint State."

The pictures on the huge screen are constantly switching, and the pictures of various local battlefields in various cities are constantly flashing on the huge screen.

"So far, the Wang Clan of the North Sea has dispatched ten masters above the thunder-thunder stage. He has not yet encountered the demon legion. Half an hour ago, a fifty-man army of heavens appeared in Queen City."

Moray summarized the news from all directions and reported calmly.

As invincible masters, as the most high-end combat power among the combined forces, they cannot waste their physical strength and fight with the conventional forces of the North Sea. Countless forces have gathered in the North Sea. Now they can use more than 30,000 manpower.

Thirty thousand elite.

This number may not be comparable to that of the North Sea Regiment, but the main force of the North Sea Regiment is also controlled by Dong Dao. The only thing that the 30,000 people scattered across the North Sea need to do at this time is to do their best to destroy the conventional forces in the North Sea. , Forced Emperor Bingshan to continue using his hole cards.

The internal guards, the heavens, the demons... etc.

When the North Sea Wang's hole cards are almost exhausted, it is their invincibility that they climbed the God Soldier Mountain to a decisive victory.

When negative.

"not enough."

Jiang Shangyu calmly said: "Wait."

He took the remote control to control the switching frequency of the lower screen. The huge screen was instantly completely occupied by the sky of fire and explosion, covered by the earth-shattering firepower, an almost illusory figure struggling to walk through the sky of gunfire, it looked like Very embarrassed.

Everyone is staring at this scene.

Li Tianlan!

Jiang Shangyu can be said to be their strongest combat effectiveness, and Li Tianlan, who defeated Jiang Shangyu not long ago, undoubtedly became a key figure in their eyes that can affect the balance and even the outcome.

"Can you reach the Whale Fleet?"

Jiang Shangyu said suddenly.


Dongdao Grandmaster Tian Hai Wuji, who had been silent most of the time, nodded, looked at Jiang Shangyu and asked, "What do you want?"

"Giant whales, black dragons, and ferocious birds. The firepower of these three fleets against other areas can be reduced a bit."

Jiang Shangyu pointed to the figure on the screen that was embarrassed by the artillery fire but was not very dangerous: "It's best to get him seriously injured at all costs. All the firepower of the three fleets can be concentrated on him."

Tian Hai Wuji was taken aback for a moment, took a deep look at Jiang Shangyu, nodded, and dialed the phone.

The call is connected soon.

A small screen was separated from the huge screen.

The figure of Jun Miyamoto, commander of the Whale, appeared in front of everyone.

This middle-aged Dongdao man with a serious expression did not look at the other Invincible Realms at all, but he saluted Tianhai Wuji: "Your Highness."

"How far is Li Tianlan from Qiushui City?"

"About twenty kilometers."

Miyamoto Jun replied: "We can also perform fire coverage twice during this time."

"Plan to adjust."

Tian Hai Wuji said in a deep voice: "Your three fleets don't need to take care of other battlefields. All the firepower is concentrated on Li Tianlan. We must increase his injuries."


Jun Miyamoto nodded and hung up the communication.


Tian Hai Wuji said.

Jiang Shangyu nodded, looked at the city of Qiushui on the screen, and looked at Li Tianlan walking through the artillery fire, and couldn't help laughing.

The Qiushui City on the screen is full of fire.

In reality, Qiushui City is quiet.

Sporadic fighting broke out in all directions throughout the city.

Li Tianlan finally came to Lingtai Mountain when the battlefield in Qiushui City was about to end.

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