The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 259: : Meet up

The artillery fire ceased without any warning.

The body seemed to be completely transparent Li Tianlan passing through a jungle, the sound and heat of the violent explosion were still spreading behind him, but the sky in front of him suddenly lost all the firelight and turned into a deep and quiet night again.

From extreme excitement to absolute silence, there was a buzzing in his ears, Li Tianlan frowned tightly, suppressing his inner discomfort, squinting, watching everything around him vigilantly.

The night sky seemed completely silent.

There was no sound of shells flying through the air in the distance, and all the attacks seemed to stop abruptly within a second.

what happened?

Dong Dao stunned?

Or lack of firepower?

All kinds of funny speculations flashed in his mind, Li Tianlan stood cautiously for a while, the expected attack still did not come.

The corner of Li Tianlan's mouth twitched.

In the short period of time, the overwhelming artillery fire really covered the positive sky, and the continuous explosions erupted beside him without a half-second pause. That level of firepower has completely surpassed a full-organized heavy equipment in Zhongzhou. Legion, Li Tianlan doesn't know how big the opponent's fleet is, but with that level of firepower, with his current physical strength, no matter how high his combat power is, he is always at risk of serious injury.

Li Tianlan had already made up his mind to pay some price to increase speed. As long as he was close to Qiushui City, how could Shengzhou not say anything, he would move from Qiushui to the sea as soon as possible, and first dismantled the so-called fleet of Dongdao and talked about other things.

But now the endless attacks suddenly disappeared.

Thunder, little rain?


Li Tianlan stood there for about as long as a cigarette, but the attack still did not come.

He was a little surprised in his heart, but he didn't hesitate anymore. In the quiet night, his figure quickly rushed forward towards the direction of Qiushui City.

The phone rang suddenly.

Li Tianlan, who was like an illusory shadow in the night, stopped, took out his mobile phone and looked at it. It turned out to be Qin Weibai's number.

Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Qin Weibai knew what he was doing, and knew how crucial the situation tonight would be. If there is nothing major, he would not be able to call.

But what can happen to the Eastern Palace now?

He pressed the answer button and gave a hmm.

"Tianlan, are you okay?"

Qin Weibai's voice was a little hurried.

The ultimate modern firepower and the ultimate personal force are the strong or the weak, everyone will have a clear answer in their hearts. Even if Li Tianlan has really become a genius, it is impossible to stop the endless bombardment of endless artillery. If Li Tianlan was seriously injured under fire cover as soon as he got off the plane, the whole situation would undoubtedly increase greatly.

"It's okay."

Li Tianlan smiled: "It was supposed to be the Promise Palace fleet on the sea that attacked me just now. The power is terrible, but the duration is very short. I don’t know what happened inside them. Anyway, I haven’t been attacked at all, and I’m rushing towards it. Qiushui City."

"This...this is good news."

Qin Weibai said in a weird tone, and quickly said: "You need to communicate with President Li Huacheng and Speaker Bai. The four air formations in Dongdao are now approaching Liaodong Province, but it is not a war. We control Dongdao. The island’s fleet and air fleet are currently under our control. I need Speaker Bai to vacate a military base and deep-sea dock. The Great Whale on Dongdao is approaching Liaodong, and there are two other fleets. And forty carrier-based fighters, these are our trophies!"

There was a buzz in Li Tianlan's mind, and his whole body was instantly frozen in place.


The spoils of the Eastern Palace?

The amount of information in this sentence is too great, and Li Tianlan can't react to it at all.

No matter how rich Li Tianlan's family is today, there is no way to remain unmoved in the face of this so-called spoils.

How terrible is the cost of an aircraft carrier?

The aircraft carrier of Dongdao came from Star Country. After more than three years of long negotiations, such a big treasure was customized from Star Country. The cost is as high as 12 billion Stars. And aircraft carriers have never been alone. Exist, the place where the aircraft carrier appears is equipped with the most elite fleet of the East Island, cruisers, destroyers, submarines, frigates, everything, every battleship can be said to be the effort of the East Island, plus the aircraft carrier fleet...

Qin Weibai's words can be understood from another angle, that is, two fleets and an aircraft carrier fleet have become the trophy of the Eastern Palace.

The money and meaning behind this, even Li Tianlan was a little dizzy.

"what happened..."

Li Tianlan held the phone, his voice suddenly became a little dry.

This power...

This power...

This force has almost equaled the sea power of the North Sea Wang Clan.

They may be incomparable in terms of total fleet size, but the most important core military aircraft carrier of the navy, the Eastern Palace now also has it?

After hundreds of years of development in the North Sea, now there is only one aircraft carrier.

Li Tianlan was so dizzy that he had hit this gift, and even thought it was a dream.

"To be honest, I am not very clear."

Qin Weibai’s voice also contained a sense of loss: "As soon as you left at night, two people came in behind them. They looked like a pair of masters and servants. The master called Xuanyuan Wushang, and the servants were called Xingtian. Want to join the East Palace. Xuanyuan Wushang claims to be an excellent doctor and hacker. He refused to join the East Palace’s laboratory, so I sent him to the East Island as a battlefield doctor. They should be coming to the East Island soon. Now it’s uncertain whether his medical skills are excellent, but the hacking ability is indeed top-notch."

"You mean?"

Li Tianlan rubbed his forehead subconsciously: "This new doctor invaded the database of the East Island and got the control authority of the Whale and the other two fleets?"

Qin Weibai was silent for a moment.

She understood the incomprehension in Li Tianlan's tone.

As the core of the East Island’s maritime power, the Giant Whale is extremely troublesome to change its operating authority, even the internal operations of the East Island. Its importance is self-evident. If the so-called hackers can invade and get the East Island at will With the operating authority of the weapon system, then the world has long been ruled by hackers.

Hackers can do many things, but they cannot do more.

Randomly invade the most core area of ​​a country. Does that mean that this hacker can make Dongdao blew himself in place?

He can invade East Island, can he invade Central Continent, can he invade the star country?

Can we invade Central Continent and Star Country at the same time?

If he can do it, does that mean he can directly start a third world war anytime, anywhere and even cause the real end of the world?

The whole world is under his control, and the life and death of everyone is in his palm, do whatever he wants?

This is completely impossible.

In fact, even if there is an intrusion in the battle, it is mostly a tug-of-war. Hackers can play a role, but it is impossible to determine the overall situation. Even if your own network is completely occupied by hackers, you can disconnect the network and use the local network to command , Or even communicate commands manually.

Rely on the so-called advanced technology to play a country in the palm of the hand?

Not to mention those soldiers, if there are such people, then Li

What is the meaning of Tianlan's so-called martial arts?

If the so-called doctor could really be so powerful, he and Li Tianlan would fight against him, and Li Tianlan would even be beaten to his knees by a weapon controlled by the other party even if he couldn't find anyone anywhere.

"It's really incredible."

Qin Weibai whispered: "But it's a fact. The current situation is a bit chaotic. Tianlan, this Xuanyuan Wushang is not easy. He once called his mother the queen unintentionally. If there is no special reason, there will be a queen. There is an emperor. It’s still hard to say where he came from, but there must be a master behind him."

"Who can reach this level? If such a person really exists, what else would he join the Eastern Palace for? What we have now, he said he would take it away."


Qin Weibai’s tone was a little weird: "On the contrary, he should be asking you... He said his father asked him to have a good relationship with you, so he called me sister-in-law and said you are his eldest brother... I didn't see any malice in him."


Li Tianlan didn't speak for a long time.


first meet.

No, this **** hasn't met yet. The three fleets including aircraft carriers were sent here. If this is the other side's malice, Li Tianlan really hopes that such malice will be more.

This is his meeting ceremony?

Playing so big?

Is it a bit exaggerated?

Li Tianlan was silent and asked, "He is in Dongdao?"

"It seems it hasn't arrived yet, but it should be soon."

Li Tianlan thought for a while, nodded and said: "I know, Beihai's affairs will end tonight, and I will go to Dongdao to find him then."

Qin Weibai hummed, "These fleets?"

"I will contact the President and the Minister. There is no sea area near Tiannan. We can't use these fleets for the time being, but if Dongdao really can't take away their command authority, then we won't vomit these things. These fleets can temporarily hang the banner of the Border Army Corps and treat them as the maritime forces of the Border Corps. Taking a step back, it is possible to hang them in the Arctic Ocean Corps or the Snow Dance Corps."

Li Tianlan said slowly.

"Nadong Island..."

Qin Weibai's tone was a little strange.

"East Island?"

Li Tianlan sneered, "What does this have to do with Dongdao? When I flew over the sea just now, I saw that these fleets were all hanging the banner of the Promise Palace. Right now, this is a small conflict between the Promise Palace and the dark world. We took away a little weapon from the Promise Palace, Dong Dao was embarrassed to come over and ask for it?"

Qin Weibai smiled and did not speak.

Li Tianlan was holding his mobile phone, and his figure flickered again in the night in a quiet environment without any attacks.

"This Xuanyuan Wushang, what else did he say?"

"When I arranged for him to take a plane, he did not relieve his seasickness symptoms, and didn't want to get on the plane. I think he just didn't want to go to the East Island. And there is no sea near the southern part of the sky, where can his ship be dizzy? He said he was from the Central Plains. I have sent someone to investigate this, but there is no news yet."

"Oh, yes, he seems to be particularly obsessed with a vocabulary."


Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows: "What word?"


Qin Weibai whispered: "He said that I have a shadow of order."


Li Tianlan whispered: "What do you mean?"

"I do not know."

Qin Weibai's voice was soft: "He said that omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresent, is order."

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