The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 254: : Wushang·Changsheng

When he took a shower and changed his clothes in the fastest time, when he walked out of the bedroom, Li Tianlan looked no different from before.

News from all quarters began to increase.

The sound of the helicopter roaring outside the castle was endless, bringing up a gust of wind.

The representatives of the major forces in the dark world came to watch the battle symbolically cared about Li Tianlan's state, and then all hurriedly left.

The engagement was over, Li Tianlan naturally did not leave the nature of their meals, everyone was also very acquainted, and left as soon as possible.

There is currently no official airport in Tiannan. As Li Tianlan returned to Tiannan, construction began more than a year ago, but the military airport that has been obstructed by all parties will not be put into use until at least next winter. Those who came here were all helicopters. After leaving Xuanyuan City, some of them would go to Annan, some would go to Nanyun to take a passenger plane or a fighter jet directly back to the headquarters, or they would go directly to Beihai.

The completely unfolded ruthlessly turned black gorgeous windbreaker was draped over Li Tianlan. When Li Tianlan adjusted his collar and walked out with Qin Weibai, the military officer outside just hung up the phone.

"The saint and aunt Situ are gone?"

Li Tianlan asked casually.

"The helicopter just took off three minutes ago."

The military commander nodded. Tiannan is very far from the East Island, and the decisive battle in the North Sea broke out suddenly. The two helicopters in Invincible Realm will fly to Ningzhou at full speed, and take a fighter plane from Ningzhou Air Force Base to Dongshan Qindao. If everything goes well, it will take about three hours to take off from Kotodo Island.

The situation in Dongshan is complicated. Although the Prince Group has a traditional advantage in Dongshan, the strength of the Southeast Group is not weak. In the case of Qindao, it used to be the place where Bai Qingqian was in power many years ago. Zou Yuanshan also served a few years ago. The mayor of Qindao has a deep-rooted influence, and with the face of the Dongcheng family, arranging a special plane will not cause any problems.

Li Tianlan nodded and walked down the steps.

The military division’s voice rang unhurriedly, clearly and calmly: "I just received a call from the commander of the Liberty Corps Ning Corps. An armed helicopter of the Liberty Corps left the area designated by the Corps privately during training, and the pilot turned off. With the positioning system, the Liberty Corps forcedly restored its positioning within 15 minutes. The position displayed by the helicopter had already bypassed Ningbyon from the direction of Xuanyuan City and entered Nanyun Province."

Li Tianlan stopped and said, "Are you catching the rain on the river?"

"Most likely."

The strategist nodded: "Jiang Shangyu's plan is very clear. He didn't expect to win this battle. In the betting market you and him, a lot of money came from the Jiang family in South America. Liu even belongs to the temple. But he is very confident in self-preservation. He arranged a helicopter in advance and flees by helicopter after the appointment. At this time, it is estimated that the other party is about to reach the Nanyun base. The next step is to go to Beihai. "

The military commander’s tone paused, and continued: “We are currently analyzing and guessing that Jiang Shangyu’s appointment to fight His Majesty has many purposes. The first is to attract the sight of the dark world to Tiannan to complete the final layout in the North Sea. Second, to test your majesty. In order to confirm your true combat power, you can carry out effective targeted actions. In the end, Jiang Shangyu may want to consume Xuanyuanfeng’s energy. At present, his plan has been successfully implemented. This time to Beihai, Your Majesty must Be careful. In Jiang Shangyu's domain, Li Kuangtu's sword, and the cooperation of several invincible masters, the situation is very complicated."

He quickly glanced at Qin Weibai who was next to Li Tianlan. Seeing that she had nothing to say, he continued to speak: "The only good news is that we have successfully contacted Burning. We have already set off a few hours before Burning. With the passage of Ulan State, he will arrive at the North Sea slightly later than His Majesty."

Under the soft light, Qin Weibai's expression did not change at all.

Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows: "Fire?"

"The Dark Lady, Wangyue Xiange."

The military division whispered.

"It's been a long time."

Li Tianlan didn't know what he was thinking, he shook his head slightly and pressed the elevator.

"The helicopter has been arranged. Your Majesty can take off at any time."

The military division followed Li Tianlan, meticulously.

The three of them walked out of the elevator, Li Tianlan shook his head slightly: "No, I will go directly to Ningzhou, faster."

Go directly to the?

No need for a helicopter?

The military division was stunned, and hesitated, "Xuanyuanfeng's energy?"

"It's okay."

Li Tianlan smiled, looked at Qin Weibai next to him, and whispered, "Wait for me to come back."

"Be careful."

Qin Weibai tidyed up Li Tianlan's collar and spoke softly.

Li Tianlan gave a hum.

A sword light lit up in front of the castle in Xuanyuan City.

Jian Guang went straight into the sky, and appeared in the distance in an instant.

The dazzling light beams gathered towards the sky.

The sword light flickered again and completely disappeared in the night sky.

Qin Weibai raised his head and looked at the night sky silently, without speaking.


As soon as the military division's voice sounded, it was interrupted by another voice.

"Hey, hey...hey? I went and left? Why did I leave like this? Really fast...too fast, ah, ah, too fast..."

The military commander turned his head in astonishment.

In the sight, two reminders of very different figures walked over from under the curtain of night.

The simple-looking and festive young fat man trot in front of the military division. It seemed that he was afraid of misunderstanding by the military division. So he stood at a safe distance. Next to him, a burly giant who was at least two meters tall also followed suit. By his side.

The two stopped less than five meters away from the military division. At the same time, they raised their heads and silently looked at the direction Li Tianlan was leaving.


The fat man sighed, "It's a bad start..."

"you are?"

The military commander's expression looked a little confused, but his body secretly tightened, a little wary.

He didn't know the fat man in front of him, and he was certain that the other party was not from the Eastern Palace, because the giant beside him was not from the Eastern Palace.

With an exaggerated height of nearly two meters three, such a person can bring a huge sense of oppression even if he does not understand martial arts. If there is such a person in the Eastern Palace, the military teacher will not be unimpressed.

Nor will this be the representative of the major forces who come to watch the battle.

People who are not from the Eastern Palace, nor are they representatives of major forces.

Such a person appeared in the core area of ​​the Eastern Palace in the sight of countless guards.

The military teacher increased his vigilance in his heart, but he did not take the initiative to take the initiative, because from the opponent, he felt only curiosity, not the slightest maliciousness.

"Who are you?"

Perhaps it is the reason that the appearance of the fat man is easy to be liked, and the voice of the military commander is extremely calm.

The fat man was stunned. He seemed to be only looking after Li Tianlan, and then he noticed the military division and heard the military division's question.

Who are you guys?

The fat man glanced awkwardly at the giant beside him.

The giant lowered his head silently and looked at him silently.

"That one..."

The fat man thought for a while: "We..."

He looked at the strategist, smiled, and cautiously said: "Are we the guests?"


The military commander will not figure out the brain circuit of the opponent for a while, and will be speechless for a while.

The expression and attitude of the other party at this time combined with the content of the speech seemed to have a natural sense of humor, even Qin Weibai was amused, the military commander was a bit speechless: "You are a guest at the door, of course you can be regarded as a guest, but Fatty, how did you get in?"

The fat man suddenly wrinkled his face, looking like a frowning bun: "Fat man?"

He looked down at his figure: "I'm not fat, am I?"

The giant beside him nodded vigorously, seeming to agree.

The military commander is a bit big. He is very strange that he has no desire to attack these two people of unknown origin, but he does not want to accompany each other to babble here, especially at this critical time, he lowered his head and looked at the time. , Just about to speak, Qin Weibai's cold and calm voice sounded: "Speaking of the point, who are you, what are you doing here, and what is your purpose?"

The fat man, who was looking down at his stomach with a sad face, raised his head, and he seemed to see Qin Weibai, his eyes lightened slightly.

In the hazy night, Qin Weibai in a light-colored dress stood there, cold, quiet, dreamy and ethereal.

Her eyes flowed, with a thrilling charm.

The fat man's eyes were a little dazed.

It was not the look in the eyes of dementia, nor the disgusting lust, but the simplicity and joy of seeing perfection.

"Suddenly I want to write a poem..."

The fat man murmured to himself, his eyes gradually became clear, and he laughed.

His smile was serious: "Sister-in-law, you are one of the most beautiful ladies I have ever seen. Only my queen, mother can compare with you."

Qin Weibai had heard countless compliments, but she didn't care about it. What she cared about was the vocabulary that the other party accidentally said.

That is a vocabulary that modern people basically don't have access to but have definitely heard.


? "

Qin Weibai's eyes narrowed.

What the **** is this called?

"It's mother."

The fat man said sternly, he looked at Qin Weibai seriously, his eyes changed, as if he was a little puzzled, and he whispered, "Weird, you have a shadow of order."

Qin Weibai quietly watched him talking gibberish, calmly.

The fat man said something to himself, and then he seemed too lazy to think about it. He just stretched out his thumb, flattering without any lower limit: "Sister-in-law is a goddess."

"I'm not your sister-in-law."

Qin Weibai's voice was a little cold.

"Of course you are."

The fat man has a thick face, hehe smiled and pointed to the place where Li Tianlan had just disappeared: "The one who just left is my elder brother, then you are my sister-in-law."

"Big brother?"

Qin Weibai laughed: "Does your elder brother know you?"

"Uh...I don't know him yet, but I will meet soon."


Qin Weibai shook his head: "Your purpose?"

This question is simple and direct, and there is almost no room for evasion.

The fat man scratched his head and sneered, "This problem is a little complicated."

"My father... uh... my father..."

He seemed to find this title a bit awkward, his tone paused again, and smiled: "My dad asked me to come over and have a good relationship with my eldest brother. Actually, I came here to find a job."

Qin Weibai looked at each other with the military teacher.

There have been countless masters who have taken refuge in the Eastern Palace in the past two years, but most of them are in the inspection period. There are few who can really gain trust. This seems to be the first time they have heard people say that joining the Eastern Palace is a job search. .

The military master glanced at the giant who made him feel a little uncomfortable, then looked at the harmless fat man in front of him, and said lightly, "Your realm?"


The fat man was stunned, and the giant was also blank.

"Thunderstorm Realm? Or Burning Fire Realm?"

The military division asked again.

"Ah, oh oh oh."

The fat man kept nodding his head: "No, I have no realm. I never fight. I used to be a nurse. Now I am a doctor. I am self-taught, doctor."

Speaking of the profession of a doctor, the fat man's face was radiant, with a touch of extremely clear pride.

"You can even call me a biologist, I am a real talent, sister-in-law, I need me here, and my elder brother will also need me."


The corners of the military commander's mouth twitched constantly, looking at the giant beside Fatty: "Where is he?"


The fat man was a little embarrassed: "He has nothing to do with me. Let's run errands with me for the time being. If you have a chance, you can go to be a fitness coach, physical education teacher or something. Well, he plays basketball very well."

Casually, the fat man arranged for the extremely scary giant: "Or let him be a security guard at the door, and he is absolutely committed to his duties. His size is fine, um, no problem."

The military division took a deep breath and calmed down: "Do you have any documents that can prove your professional ability?"

"The security still needs credentials?"

The fat man was dumbfounded.

"I mean! Doctor's card!"

The saint gritted his teeth and spoke word by word.

"This, no..."

The fat man murmured: "But my ability is very good, absolutely professional."

"Then what are you good at?"

Qin Weibai asked suddenly.

"Ergonomics, genetics, genetics."

Fatty answered without hesitation.

"I also worked as a battlefield doctor for a while, and I am very proficient in internal and external medicine."

The fat man boasted with flying brows.

"What is your name?"

Qin Weibai glanced over the giant and asked slowly.

The giant looked down at his young master. Just about to speak, the fat man waved his hand and patted the giant's belly: "He is Xing Tian."

The giant shook his body and said nothing.

"My name is Xuanyuan Wushang."

The fat man smiled and said, "But I prefer the name my mother gave me, sister-in-law, you can call me Changsheng. Ji Changsheng."

Xuanyuan Wushang, Ji Changsheng...

Qin Weibai frowned and asked subconsciously, "Why is the surname Xuanyuan?"

The fat man looked at Qin Weibai sluggishly. After a while, he spoke weakly, "Because my father's surname is Xuanyuan..."

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