The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 253: : As far as the eye can see

It's like the top psychological game.

Whether it is Li Tianlan or Jiang Shangyu, both sides are silently waiting for an opportunity.

It is difficult for Li Tianlan in the shadow state to break Jiang Shangyu's defense.

Jiang Shangyu, who had calmed down, knew this now.

Both sides need an opportunity.

Li Tianlan needed to find a perfect opportunity to explode at the moment he escaped from the shadow and kill Jiang Shangyu with a single blow.

At the same moment of leaving the shadow, that was also an opportunity for Jiang Shangyu to hit Li Tianlan severely.


In the clear cracking sound, Jiang Shangyu finally lifted the small area condensed by the limit.

The thick and obscure darkness madly spread.

The old town of Xuanyuan City became dark in an instant.

Egami Yuu's evasion speed, who had completely freed from the small area, speeded up in an instant. After all, the area was his home field, and his every move in the dark could be said to be like a fish in the water.

Back, dodge.

At this moment, Jiang Shangyu's whole person seemed to merge with the darkness. In the darkness, his figure appeared like a black streamer, appearing 100 meters away in the blink of an eye.

Like a shadow.

In a loud noise, an excavator parked on the construction site flew directly at the moment Jiang Shangyu’s feet landed. The extremely fierce fist wind wiped Jiang Shangyu’s ears and hit the excavator. The huge power was all-round. The blasting, the engine, the oil pump, and the crawler all flew out at the same time and disintegrated in the air. The boom flew into the air. The excavator was deformed as a whole. Amid the huge roar, the fuel tank exploded in the violent collision, and the flames burst into the sky. Jiang Shangyu rushed into a nearby construction site in the shining flame with his shadow.

It's like a hurricane passing by.

The entire construction site became fragmented in an instant.

Steel bars, brackets, wood, oil drums, components, everything in the construction site was completely lifted and deformed in an instant, as if two monsters were chasing and rushing across the construction site.

The shadow is still moving.

Power and pure sword light broke out in each type of dragon fist. It seemed that I didn’t know that he was tired of attacking the vitality of the rain on the river. The nearby explosion sounded, and the fire spread to the construction site, following the overturned oil drum all the way forward. , The fire blazed into the sky, and the sound of fire trucks had sounded in the distance, but the fighting still spread in the direction of the old city.

Resolute, decisive, fierce and crazy.

At the moment the fire spread, the mixing station near the construction site collapsed directly amidst the roar, countless cement concrete poured crazily, Jiang Shangyu rushed through a messy construction site, rushed into the nearby abandoned building, under the shadow of the blue dragon It flashed in the whole building for a second, and the sound of dragons was earth-shaking. Numerous blue arcs raged unscrupulously in the unmanned building. The whole building was like a bomb buried inside, the arc erupted, and the smoke was flying. , The seven-story building seemed to have experienced countless internal blasting, and the entire staircase suddenly became ruins.

The shadow and Jiang Shangyu have become crazy entangled together.

Offense offense offense offense!

Can't see Li Tianlan.

Only the shadow can be seen.

The dark shadow seemed to be completely crazy. The sudden attack turned the shadow into a phantom. All were offensive. Both hands, feet, and limbs of the shadow were all maintaining a high frequency of crazy offensive. Crazy, silent, resolute, every action of the other party seems to clearly convey a **** cruel concept: kill you, kill you, kill you!

Countless fists fell in front of Jiang Shangyu almost at the same time.

Jiang Shangyu was surrounded by a dark shadow, which seemed illusory, but his fists and feet made countless dull roars.


Without any pause, Li Tianlan in the shadow stuck to the rain on the river.

Severe storms and thunder.

Surrounded by the blue electric light, the dragon shadow violently moved and rose, every joint of the whole body was shaking, and the dragon's roar was so high to the extreme, the constantly changing dragon fist slammed into the darkness in front of Jiang Shangyu without any hesitation. Shadow on.

Back, forward, attack, punch.

The shadow that covered the rain on the river became thinner and thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Li Tianlan, who was fully releasing his energy, moved faster and faster.

He and Jiang Shangyu have always kept a close distance of less than one meter. Apart from the shadow, there is only an endless flashing arc between the two.

The shadows dim, and then regroup.

The coverage of the dark area is obviously missing.

"Boom boom boom!"

Countless fists hit it hard.

The darkness in the field surged more and more rapidly, and the shadow that had dimmed to the trough became clearer and clearer, and became solid again, completely enclosing Jiangshangyu in it.

The coverage of the field is still shrinking.

Attack, destroy, repair.

The corners of Jiang Shangyu's mouth rose slightly, somewhat mocking.

Li Tianlan in this state may be terrible in the future.

But now his new discoveries or breakthroughs are not perfect and nothing terrible at all.

The key is, after tonight, will Li Tianlan have a future?

The field stopped shrinking.

The shadow surrounding the rain on the river re-solidified in an instant, unbreakable.

At that moment, all the dragon roars completely disappeared.

Without any sign, Li Tianlan's breath dropped suddenly when the shadow was stagnant, and an extremely dark blue but crazily distorted arc was directly pressed by Li Tianlan on the shadow in front of Jiang Shangyu.

His figure rushed out of the shadow instantly, truly standing in front of Jiang Shangyu.



Jiang Shangyu, whose face changed drastically, cursed.

Li Tianlan, who looked ugly, also snorted.

At the closest distance, the faint blue arc in Li Tianlan's hand was almost directly pressed against Jiang Shangyu's face against the shadow.

The seemingly faint electric arc flickered lightly, dreamy and beautiful. It deformed slightly and looked extremely slow, but in fact it was because of the high degree of distortion that exceeded the speed visible to the naked eye.

The fatal danger suddenly broke out.

It seemed that there were countless thunder-thundering peaks standing on his face and unreservedly shot.

The arc, which had been distorted thousands of times in one second, burst out frantically in an extremely violent manner.

Only Thunder was left in the darkness.

The boundlessness is like a vast ocean of thunder covering every corner.

The roar was earth-shaking.

The dark shadow in front of Jiang Shangyu that had returned to a solid state was completely torn into nothingness in the blink of an eye.

The majestic unimaginable power and sword energy completely surrounded Jiang Shangyu within the nearest distance.

The blood rain is flying.

Jiang Shangyu roared back frantically, but the endless thunderbolt had spread all over every area nearby. He went wherever he was like being attacked by the endless thunder master with all his strength. The blood was dyed red as he roared. His whole body is completely instinctive, he keeps backing away, just wanting to stay away from Li Tianlan.

And almost at the same time when the thunder broke out, Li Tianlan also noticed the differences in the surrounding areas.

One after another black thread appeared in the dark area.

Strips of black threads formed a large airtight net. The black threads were extremely soft but extremely sharp. All the lines crisscrossed and completely sealed the surroundings.

Thunder spread and spread in the field.

The black threads are also entangled crazily, increasing.

The moment the thunder smashed Jiang Shangyu's defense, the dense black thread suddenly tightened and enveloped Li Tianlan.


Densely packed.

The blue arc.

Dark silk thread.

Both sides broke out completely at the same time.

The whole area boiled completely.

Li Tianlan's body was taut, and the extremely dazzling sword light radiated from almost every pore on his body.

The sword intent is vast, and the sword aura rises into the sky.

Layers of black silk threads were covered without any hesitation.

In the crazy collision of sword energy and black silk, it was the entanglement of light and darkness, but Li Tianlan remembered the sound of countless gold and iron symphony.

Knife light sword shadow.

The sound of countless weapons colliding all over the world in an instant.

Li Tianlan's breath stagnated.

In an instant, countless blood came out of his eyes, ears, nostrils and mouth.

Qiqiao bleeds.

The black silk thread suppressed the sword light in an instant, and countless lines fell on Li Tianlan's body.

At this moment, Jiang Shangyu was surrounded by endless thunder, and Li Tianlan was wrapped in countless black lines.

Jian Guang, Hei Si, the same blood splashed continuously on the two of them.

It can't be said that it is the tacit understanding of each other or the fighting consciousness of both sides is at the same level.

At the point in time when it seemed most unlikely to break out, the two almost made the exact same choice.

When the mad eruption in the shadow was about to break Jiang Shangyu's body barrier, Jiang Shangyu shrank the field and began to repair the barrier in front of him.

Li Tianlan has always maintained his offensive rhythm.

That was destined to be Jiang Shangyu's most anxious moment. He contracted his domain just to fight back with all his strength.

But during the whole process, Li Tianlan never took action. He allowed Jiang Shangyu to repair the barrier in front of him. The moment after the repair was completed, which was also the moment when Jiang Shangyu subconsciously relaxed, Li Tianlan rushed out of the shadow.

Opportunities are fleeting.

Perhaps in less than half a second, Li Tianlan shot with all his strength, desperate.

Jiang Shangyu might have anticipated this, but the time was too short, he was a little slower for a second, and also went all out to counterattack when Li Tianlan revealed his real body.

As a result, the black silk thread in the sky burst out at the same time as the thunder.

Jiang Shangyu was seriously injured, and Li Tianlan also suffered serious injuries.

The harsh sound of weapons rubbing crazily echoed in his ears.

Blood flowed down his body, and Li Tianlan's whole body's will was completely hit. In the dark realm, he seemed to be the only light source. The endless sword light radiated out in pieces around him, getting brighter and brighter. Getting brighter.

The two sides are far away from the Eastern Palace. No one in the Eastern Palace can see the scene here, but even at a long distance, the masters in the Eastern Palace can still feel the power of the constant riots spreading in the distance.

The dense white mist completely enveloped Li Tianlan's body.


Only the purest light was left around him, hot, pure, and raging like fire.

The sky above the old city of Xuanyuan City centered on Li Tianlan, and the shock waves visible to the naked eye were continuously spreading. The light around Li Tianlan was already bright to the extreme, dispelling the darkness.

His whole person seemed to be a round of sun.

The thunder that spreads all over the field merges with every ray of light, and the powerful and unparalleled destructive force impacts every corner of the field.

Li Tianlan took a step forward.

His bare feet stepped on the ground, a little cold, but extremely stable.


The ray of light was overwhelming, and the endless turbulent sword light burst out like countless torrents, and the dense darkness was squeezed together, twisted, deformed, and broken.

In the deafening sound, Jiang Shangyu surpassed the peak invincible realm and was completely torn apart in the endless sword light.

The light disappeared.

But there was a thick fog in the old city late at night.

The vast white mist completely enveloped Li Tianlan, and also blocked the sight of others.

A lot of vitality in the white mist poured into Li Tianlan's body.

The wounds in his body began to heal quickly, quickly stopping bleeding.


In a heart-piercing cough, Jiang Shangyu coughed up blood and barely stood up.

Bai Wu kept repairing Li Tianlan's body.

Li Tianlan squinted his eyes and watched Jiang Shangyu. The vast white mist merged with him with him as the center. His breath continued to rise at a speed visible to the naked eye.

What made Li Tianlan a little surprised was that Jiang Shangyu's breath also began to rise from the trough. It seemed that a considerable part of the terrorist attack had not hit him.

Li Tianlan frowned. To be precise, all the attacks were partially transferred when they hit Jiang Shangyu.


"It's a good game, but the strength is just that."

Li Tianlan's voice was cold.

Jiang Shangyu is not the strongest among all masters he has ever seen.

But it can definitely be said that he is one of the strongest opponents he has encountered. The key is that this kind of opponent who spends his life is elusive. Even now, Li Tianlan has not seen all his hole cards.

"But so?"

Jiang Shangyu laughed.

The breath of the two picked up at the same time.

Li Tianlan's recovery speed is countless times faster than Jiang Shangyu.

But Jiang Shangyu seemed to have transferred part of the damage, and his overall recovery speed was not much slower than Li Tianlan.

"Can you still enter my shadow?"

Jiang Shangyu twisted his neck and said lightly.

"Do you want to try?"

Li Tianlan's tone was cold.


Jiang Shangyu looked at Li Tianlan and said seriously: "If you have the ability, how about you let me try again?"

Li Tianlan fell silent.

Enter the shadow of Jiang Shangyu again?

He didn't know how he did this just now, but now he has escaped from the shadow and wants to merge with the other's shadow...

Li Tianlan couldn't do it at all.

Even Li Tianlan could not replicate the integration just now.

He needs to think, he needs to meditate, and a path has faintly reappeared in front of him. After the end of the martial arts, that path is faint and incomparably blurred. Li Tianlan still needs a long time to explore before he can continue to try.

He can clearly feel the feeling at that moment.

From the moment he entered the shadow of Jiang Shangyu, his original flawless martial arts has become no longer perfect. This is not a bad thing, because this imperfection is not due to any defects in his current martial arts, but in his After the once-visible perfect martial arts and martial arts ended, it seemed that a new road appeared. Li Tianlan didn't know how long that road was. Maybe it was just a step and a half, but no matter how long, the road always existed.

His whole world seems to have changed a little because of the shuttle in that moment.

"You should try something else."

Li Tianlan's fingers moved lightly.

"Are there anything else you can let me try?"

Jiang Shangyu sneered.

Li Tianlan also laughed.

His smile is not arrogant and arrogant, but a touch of pity.

"Did you misunderstand something?"

Li Tianlan whispered: "I haven't seen a domain-type character who has broken through the peak invincibility, so I will play with you, don't take it seriously... after all..."


Xuanyuan City under the curtain of night suddenly blew a gust of wind.

The wind howled, fierce as a sword.

The Eastern Palace was the starting point of the wind, and the moment the wind sounded, the violent wind had swept across the entire Xuanyuan City.

Li Tianlan's subsequent voice was extremely clear in the wind: "I haven't used a sword yet..."

Above the night, the entire sky was lit with dim light.

One after another, colorful bright rays of light gradually converged from afar, and they were colorful.

Jiang Shangyu seemed to have thought of something bad, his face became extremely ugly, and his facial features became distorted in an instant.

"This sword again..."

He murmured to himself, then turned away without hesitation.

The memories in my mind became clearer and clearer like a nightmare.

Jiang Shangyu's heart is cold, his speed is getting faster and faster.

In fact, he had already had Li Tianlan's psychological preparation for this step in his heart, so he would pull Li Kuangpu.

But in this situation, in a ruthless state, even if Li Kuangtu came, it didn't help.

Li Tianlan now has the destructive power that surpasses the peak of invincibility with his bare hands. The weak arc directly blasted his domain. If he adds ruthlessness, Jiang Shangyu has no idea.

His figure soared into the air at full speed, passed the construction site in a flash, and rushed towards the courtyard.

Li Tianlan stood still, looking at his leaving back, motionless, expressionless.

The dim light in the air had completely enveloped Xuanyuan City, and the colorful rays of light drifted in the air little by little.

Swordsmanship surged out of Li Tianlan, and merged with every colorful light in the sky.

Rain on the river flew farther and farther.

Li Tianlan held his palm deep.

Suddenly a sword sound resounded throughout the world in the Eastern Palace.

Before the sound of the sword rang out of the Eastern Palace, the ruthless burning of the colorful sword aura appeared in Li Tianlan's hands.

The terrifying sword aura and energy blend perfectly, sweeping the city in an instant.

The night in the sky was trembling violently, and Li Tianlan stood in place. At this moment, he seemed to be completely integrated with Ruthless.

Ruthless energy is Jian Qi.

And his sword aura became energy.

An unspeakable power spread out crazy centered on Li Tianlan.

The air in front of me, the sky above, everything in my sight seemed to be constantly distorted.

Li Tianlan raised the ruthless in his hand.

His voice resounded across the world in an instant.

"As far as I can see..."

Jiang Shangyu's body suddenly stopped in the air.


As if endless darkness suddenly surged from Jiang Shangyu's side.

A wall that completely condensed from darkness into substance appeared beside Jiang Shangyu.

The forcibly condensed limit field consumed a lot of physical strength and will, and Jiang Shangyu's blood flowed crazily throughout his body.

Li Tianlan's voice came from afar, shaking the night sky, it was deafening and majestic.


The diffused energy immediately rushed to the domain with Li Tianlan's voice.

Colorful rays of light rushed to the field.

The strongest defense condensed by the limit, even the small area that Jiang Shangyu could not eliminate in a short time, disappeared at the moment of contact with the light.

It's not broken or dissipated.

The thick and hard field seemed to have no signs, and even the opportunity to react was not given, so suddenly it disappeared completely.

Perhaps most people have no way to understand this scene.

But Jiang Shangyu was obviously prepared for this, or that he was waiting for this moment.

The moment the domain disappeared, his whole figure suddenly flickered and appeared directly 100 meters away.

Jiang Shangyu's figure kept flickering and rushed out of Xuanyuan City before the colorful rays of light entangled.

Li Tianlan held mercilessly in his hand, squinted his eyes and went silent.

Everyone in Xuanyuan City can feel the tremendous power that is constantly roaring in the air, and all the masters above the thundering realm can feel the incredible burning and consumption of the huge ruthless energy.

He didn't hesitate for a second.

The colorful lines in the sky suddenly disappeared.

Li Tianlan didn't finish saying this after all. The moment Jiang Shangyu escaped from Xuanyuan City, he put away the ruthlessness in his hand.

The ruthless sword body became a lot dim in a short moment, the sword body quickly disintegrated, and became the thirteenth building sword formation again. Countless famous swords slowly rotated around Li Tianlan, and finally disappeared gradually.

The night sky was calm again.

The darkness surging outside Xuanyuan City, Jiang Shangyu's figure jumped from the darkness to a barren mountain area outside the city, his body staggered as soon as he fell, and a big mouth of blood suddenly spurted out of his mouth.

Blood beads rolled down from all parts of the body, countless wounds were healing quickly, Jiang Shangyu's body was trembling, his expression was distorted, but the moment the whole person fell on the ground suddenly burst into laughter.

Shaking out of the phone, he dialed a call.

The call was answered quickly, and Li Kuangtu's somewhat cold voice came over: "How?"

‘I lost and fled, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. ’

"You are very happy?"

Li Kuangtu remained calm.

"Happy, of course I am happy."

Jiang Shangyu’s laughter was a little crazy: "I have confirmed Li Tianlan’s state, and also confirmed the ruthless state. We are discussing that the limit state of Zhongtianjiao does exist. Although Li Tianlan has not reached the true limit, it has Prototype, but it's a pity...the ruthless energy is running out. I let Li Tianlan use that sword. In his current state of ruthlessness, Li Tianlan still has one sword at most, either against you or against me. He is dead, hahahaha ."

He crushed a button on his body, poured the powder in the button into his mouth, and walked forward staggeringly. In the distance of his sight, a Liberty Army gunship was parked.

"You can come to Beihai."

Fan Li's voice was calm and indifferent.

"How's it going?"

Jiang Shangyu took a few breaths and asked directly.

"It's going well for now, we have limited time and we need to speed up the pace."


Jiang Shangyu nodded: "See you in Beihai."

"See you in Beihai."

The phone was hung up.

Jiang Shangyu took a deep breath and strode towards the helicopter.


When the night was quiet, even Li Tianlan felt a little fatigue and weakness.

The vast white mist continued to penetrate into his body, his wounds healed quickly, and his breath became stable again in a very fast time.

Even though he is confident and invincible now, he still has to admit that Jiang Shangyu is a difficult opponent, especially for the first time playing against the opponent without knowing the martial arts of the opponent. It is not easy to defeat the opponent with bare hands or at any price. It wasn't an inspiration at that delicate moment. Today's engagement is destined to not end so easily.

Jiang Shangyu fled in embarrassment.

Li Tianlan still stood in place, recalling scenes of the engagement.

He successfully entered the shadow of Jiang Shangyu.

But until now, he himself didn't know how he did it all.

At that moment, he suppressed his strength at the peak of the Thunder Realm, all his strength was concentrated in one point, and his will was concentrated like never before.

He locked Jiang Shangyu's position in the sky full of sword rain at that moment.

Out of the almost instinctive sense of fighting, he wanted to quickly approach Jiang Shangyu to complete his body.

Under the circumstances at the time, there was only one **** that could do this most conveniently.

That's the Shadow Word Jue that Jie once gave him.

Just don't know why, he wanted to place a shadow in front of Jiang Shangyu but was disturbed by the domain without success, but he succeeded in changing the position of the shadow that had not been placed successfully.

At that time, the sky full of thunder and darkness completely distorted the space. When Li Tianlan appeared next to Jiang Shangyu, he was already in his shadow.

Li Tianlan frowned tightly.

There seemed to be no clue what was in his mind, but some of the details made Li Tianlan more confused as he thought about it.

The road at the end of the martial arts has appeared in front of him, but it seems to be separated from him by a heavy barrier. Li Tianlan can't see the way to walk on that road for the time being.

Thunder, darkness, shadow, space...

All the pictures played back in my mind, little by little, one at a time.

He simply sat down on the ground, hugged ruthlessly, frowned, and the whole person was as quiet as a statue.

Quick footsteps rang from nearby.

Li Tianlan raised his head and glanced.

The saints and military divisions rushed over first.

Then Situ Cangyue with Qin Weibai.


Seeing Li Tianlan sitting on the ground, Qin Weibai's face suddenly changed.

"I'm fine."

Li Tianlan shook his head and stood up: "I'm just thinking about something."

The white mist became thin and transparent a little bit.

Qin Weibai came to Li Tianlan and touched the wound on his body.

All the wounds have begun to heal, but Li Tianlan, who is covered in blood, still looks a little shocking.

"Just fine."

She raised her palm and touched Li Tianlan's face.

Li Tianlan smiled and pinched her nose.

"Your Majesty, there is something in Beihai."

The voice of the military division rang, somewhat out of place, but extremely necessary.


Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Why didn't Wang Shengxiao contact me?"

"Half an hour ago, all communication signals in Beihai were cut off. Our intelligence personnel hiding in Beihai have lost contact with us. Beihai has very strong technology in this area. However, Chen Fangqing agreed with them in China and they have made sufficient preparations. It will take at least half an hour to resume communication. No one knows what is going on in the North Sea at present, but judging by all the signs, we are almost certain that the decisive battle in the North Sea has begun."

"Half an hour ago..."

Li Tianlan squinted his eyes and sneered, "They will find time."

It was exactly when Jiang Shangyu appeared in the Eastern Palace half an hour ago. All this was obviously planned.

His gaze swept across Saint and Situ Cangyue.

They should have set off for the East Island yesterday, but with various considerations, Li Tianlan left them behind and watched the final battle.

Domain-type masters who have surpassed the pinnacle of invincibility are still enemies of the Eastern Palace. As deputy palace owners, they need to have a certain understanding of their opponents, but this time the engagement, they can see really not a lot.

Li Tianlan shook his head subconsciously.

"Your Majesty, we will leave for the East Island immediately."

The saint’s voice is calm. Although he and Situ Cangyue are not on the East Island, the East Palace’s power on the East Island is already extremely strong at this time. The new Nightmare Legion has set off under the leadership of Lin Youxian and Li Baitian, Xu Chu and Du Han Yin took the first batch of elites to the East Island a few days in advance, and now the East Island is only two of them invincible masters.


Li Tianlan nodded, and said silently: "Be careful about everything."

The saint and Situ Cangyue looked at each other, turned and left in a hurry.

Li Tianlan looked at their backs, thinking about the decisive battle between his martial arts and Beihai, with some regrets.

It seems that the road after the end of the martial arts can only be studied after tonight.

"Let's go back, I'll go to Beihai."

Li Tianlan said slowly.

The palms tightened slightly.

Qin Weibai held Li Tianlan's palm and whispered: "You are the one who should be most careful. Jiang Shangyu may not have lost the fighting ability, and Li Kuangpu, don't underestimate them."

"rest assured."

Li Tianlan patted her palm, and said lightly: "The ruthless will go with me."

When he went to Beihai, he wanted to meet not only Jiang Shangyu and Li Kuangtu, but also the worry that Lin Fengting said, and even Wang Tianzong.

Li Tianlan took a deep breath, just about to say something.

The ruthlessness in his arms shook suddenly.

At almost the same time, Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai turned their heads at the same time and looked to their true north.

At the end of the line of sight, there was a white mist that gradually dissipated, but there was nothing else.

Li Tianlan gave Qin Weibai a strange look.

Qin Weibai was also looking in that direction.

Her eyes were a little confused.

"What do you see?"

Li Tianlan asked.

"do not know."

Qin Weibai shook his head blankly: "Instinctive reaction, I just wanted to take a look."

Li Tianlan looked at the ruthlessness in his arms.

Ruthlessly and quietly, without any reaction.

Looking in that direction again, Li Tianlan moved his finger slightly.

The ruthless sword body wafted out a ray of colorful light, united with the sword energy in Li Tianlan's hand, and quickly swept across the area.


Li Tianlan shook his head, not hesitating.

"Let's go."

The white mist surging slightly, Li Tianlan hugged Qin Weibai and took a step forward, and the silhouettes of the two of them quickly disappeared in place.

The mist drifted away in the darkness and gradually became thinner.

In the direction where Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai had just met, in the thin white mist that almost disappeared, a retching sound suddenly sounded.

In a mess of ruins, a young man who looked less than 30 years old and dressed extremely neatly stood up in the mess. As soon as he stood up straight, he bent down and retched again, but what Did not spit it out.


The young man helped his gold glasses, his face hurt: "I said I should take seasickness medicine, it's too irritating... vomit..."

An extremely generous hand fell on the young man's back and patted gently.

The young man stretched out his hand.

A large bottle of pure water fell into his hand.

He barely stood up straight, unscrewed the water bottle and washed his face.

The water drops on the ground.

The white mist around him seemed to slowly surging towards him.

The young man touched the cool water in his hand and washed his face vigorously, as if he was a little more awake.

He put the water to his mouth and drank most of the bottle, then he let out a long breath, and narrowed his eyes with some enjoyment.

The young man is not tall, looks like a meter and a seven-year-old, is slightly fat, has a round face, and wears a pair of glasses. He looks very simple and honest. His appearance is not handsome, but he is extremely clean. The more comfortable people look at.

Holding the water bottle in his hand, the young fat man looked at everything around him comfortably. After a long time, he gently sighed, "The place of my dreams... finally came."

"His Royal Highness, this is..."

Standing next to the young man was a sturdy figure with a height of at least two meters. Compared with the fat man, he was completely like a giant.

"Yes, my father left here back then."

The young fat man's eyes had some very simple and beautiful emotions: "He can let me come back this time, and my brothers are afraid to be envious."

He seemed to remember something, and reached out with his toes.

The giant bends down wisely, letting the fat man pat his shoulder.

The fat man happily said, "When going out, boys must learn to protect themselves and call me young master in the future."

"Yes, Dian...Young Master."

The giant nodded seriously.

The fat man drank again and took a few steps forward.

"It smells good."

Muttering to himself, he said softly.

The giant sniffed, and said with an urn sound: "Master, what's the smell?"

His voice was low, like thunder.

The young fat man laughed: "The taste of fate."

He moved forward slowly and stopped for a moment somewhere.

I don't know if it was a coincidence. The place where he stayed was exactly where Li Tianlan rushed out of the shadow of the rain on the river.

The fat man stood there silent for a while before shook his head and sighed, "What a terrible lunatic."


(Nine thousand words big chapter~)

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