The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 940: : snowflakes fluttering

People's courage needs to be practiced.

Xuanyuan Wushang deeply realized the correctness of this sentence.

He dared to say one thing about a dead girl, and the next sentence would call him a bastard. His style changed, and Feng Qingwu's strength was average.

During the whole process, Xuanyuan Wushang truly experienced the joy of soaring adrenaline. The trembling was transmitted from the heart to the brain, extending to the limbs and bones. The fear and excitement of provoking taboos caused the brain to be deprived of oxygen, causing shortness of breath and blood loss. Boiling, all the factors mixed into an indescribable joy.

Feng Qingwu's strength is average, how many people in the entire starry sky dare to say this? That was the pinnacle ruler who had already begun to come into contact with power. It was no exaggeration to say that the entire camp could 100% defeat her. Only a few supremes placed Feng Qingwu in the top ten in terms of comprehensive strength in the neutral camp. No problems at all.

Xuanyuan Wushang now said that her strength was average, but the other party didn't dare to come out yet. Thinking of how aggrieved His Highness was now, Xuanyuan Wushang even felt that this era had not been in vain. It was really worth it.

Xia Zhi sat on the sofa, took a sip of water, and said slowly: "Is Feng Qingwu not as bad as you said?"

Wang Shengxiao on the side suddenly glanced at Xia Zhi, then glanced again, his brows moving slightly.

Xuanyuan Wushang's basic IQ was still there. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "I didn't say she was bad. I just said her strength was average."

These two words "general" have an inexplicable meaning. Xuanyuan Wushang feels that if this joke is spread among the stars, Feng Qingwu will probably be nicknamed "general sister" from now on.


The corners of Xia Zhi's mouth curled up, half-smiling but not smiling.

"Compared to your other options."

Xuanyuan Wushang controlled his emotions and tried not to let himself get too high.

Qin Weibai was waiting for Feng Qingwu to show up in Tiannan. His current task was to provoke Feng Qingwu, not to really insult the eldest princess. Otherwise, if he didn't say what Feng Qingwu did to him, it would be really insulting to Feng Qingwu. Qingwu's words were equivalent to a slap in the face for Xuanyuan Wushang. It was fine to provoke him, but just to vent his anger, there was no need for anything else, it was really unnecessary.

"Now there are five supremes in the neutral camp. Sister-in-law, Qin Weibai's position is also in the neutral camp. After all, there are six supremes. I can tell you clearly that there are six supremes and five major forces. As long as you nod to any force, you can get the attention from the Supreme and the best resources...

Compared to the Supreme, Feng Qingwu's strength is indeed average, this is a fact.

Following her is not the most suitable path for you, and your choice will also make your future journey much more difficult. "


Solstice is noncommittal.

"This is a fact. If you don't mind, I can give you a detailed analysis of the pros and cons of the five major forces in the neutral camp from my perspective."

Xuanyuan Wushang said seriously.

"tell me the story."

Xia Zhi's smile slowly spread.

Wang Shengxiao couldn't help but glance at Xia Zhi again, his eyes twinkling.

Xuanyuan Wushang didn't notice this and continued following his own train of thought: "Among the five major forces, first of all, the one that is most suitable for you personally is the God of War Realm.

Within the camp, the God of War specializes in martial arts. He is dedicated and pure. His martial arts strength is the best among all. The God of War's peak state is higher than that of my eldest brother, oh, even Li Tianlan.

If you can become a student of the God of War, what he teaches you will definitely be the top martial arts in the entire camp.

This is the benefit of going to the God of War world.

But there are also disadvantages to going to the God of War world, and that is the problem of competitors.

The God of War's martial arts strength is the strongest, so the martial arts authority in the entire God of War world is also the strongest. For this authority, the competition within the God of War world is very fierce, and at this time, a student of the God of War is something you absolutely don't want to see. , his potential, talent, and all aspects are stronger than yours. If you go to the God of War world, he will be your most direct competitor. "

Xuanyuan Wushang suddenly patted his forehead and laughed: "The Emperor's Armed Forces Mountain was not like this before. Now, you should know who split the Emperor's Armed Forces Mountain with a sword a few years ago, right?"

Wang Shengxiao was shocked.

But Xia Zhi remained calm: "You mean Li Dongcheng?"

"That's right."

Xuanyuan Wushang glanced at Xia Zhi in surprise, unable to understand her calmness, but continued: "Li Dongcheng is now a student of the God of War, an eighth-level peak Shura. It is said that the nine divine forms are natural and perfect, and he I have briefly experienced the power from martial arts authority, and the possibility of promotion again. If you are 30%, he is 100% due to a series of reasons such as his parents' bloodline.

Your potential is very strong, but Li Dongcheng is stronger than you. If you go to the God of War Realm, although you will get the best teachings, you will have to make way for Li Dongcheng in other aspects. Do you accept this? "

The summer solstice was dull and silent.

Wang Shengxiao looked at his mother silently, and the strange feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger.

"Next, let's talk about the Human Emperor's Palace. We won't discuss the Human Emperor's identity here. Sooner or later, you will know what he wants to say. In short, the Human Emperor has great goodwill towards you, but the biggest problem with the Human Emperor is that he His own condition is not very good. Although this problem will become a good thing in the next era, at least for now, he is not as strong as other supremes.

Because of his low profile, the resources of the Human Palace, especially some special cutting-edge resources, will be scarce, and your growth will also encounter some problems. "

"Then, the space-time corridor."

"The Time and Space Corridor doesn't have so many problems. It is the strongest force in the camp now. You don't have to worry about resources and inheritance issues, but you will encounter other problems. Moreover, because of my elder brother, the Time and Space Corridor will not take the initiative to accept you. , in a short period of time, you will not have access to the time and space corridor."

Xia Zhi poured herself another glass of water.

The weird feeling in Wang Shengxiao's heart became more and more intense.

In his impression, his mother has always been a very cultivated person. No matter who she is facing, whether it is friend or foe, since the other party is sitting in front of her and talking, she will definitely not be so stingy that she will not even give him a glass of water. Well, but now...

Xuanyuan Wushang also wanted to drink water, so he took out a bottle of his own special 50-pound Coke, and then continued: "The next force, strictly speaking, is not even a force. One person, Taihao.

His power has not yet taken shape, so the uncertainty is very high, and I have received news that he seems to be overwhelmed by the authority of the order camp, and he has no time to take care of him in a short time. The most important thing is that he and his sister Feng Qingwu is all about lies.

Martial arts authority is not a field they are involved in. As for you, it is a complete waste of your talent to switch to lying authority with your potential.

And because Taihao hasn't had time to form a force yet, and the team around him is mediocre, your inheritance problem is not easy to solve.

Lin Jiu is a good teacher, but this is about his own strength. There is something wrong with his character. I can't imagine how he teaches students. So currently, it seems that following Taihao and Feng Qingwu is simply the worst choice. . "

Xia Zhi still had the same half-smiling expression: "Next, is it time to talk about the Xi Dynasty?"

"In my opinion, Xi Dynasty is the best choice for you."

Xuanyuan Wushang nodded: "This place can completely meet your needs in any aspect."

"In terms of inheritance, there is no problem with the inheritance of the eldest brother. He also controls the authority of martial arts. Even if the freedom is not as good as the limit, it is still close to it, and freedom is more functional. And this is only one-third of the authority of the eldest brother. He has If I come to teach you, the inheritance will still be top-notch.

Moreover, the eldest brother is the number one supreme in the camp, and having a strong enough teacher means too many things.

You don’t have to worry that your elder brother will have grudges because of the past between the Beihai Wang family and the Eastern Palace. In fact, that is not a problem at all. A future God of Death, even for the Supreme, is worthy of letting go of most grudges. of.

Another point is that the Xi Dynasty has just started. You can say that the Xi Dynasty is the weakest force. The weakness here is the weakness of the overall lineup. But in terms of cutting-edge power alone, the two supremes are not weak at all. This can be seen The prospect of seeing.

The dynasty will eventually come out from here, and then sweep across the entire starry sky at the fastest speed, transcending the time and space corridors, and becoming the strongest force.

The process of dynasty growth and expansion can perfectly match your growth.

You will start from the surface stage and go to the depths of the starry sky, growing with the dynasty and getting the most perfect training. "

"Do you know what this means?"

Xuanyuan Wushang looked at Xia Zhi: "This means that you are definitely involved in the future of the dynasty. Your potential can make you the most eye-catching person at every stage of the authority. This means your personal growth, your Merits and reputation can be perfectly realized within the dynasty. Once you reach the top, everything you experience can allow you to directly cross the boundaries of princes and become a great king. You personally and your family will be shrouded in the light of the supreme. Underneath, get the most direct protection.”

He took a deep breath and suddenly smiled: "You are from the dynasty. With such good conditions in front of you, why should you abandon the near and seek the far away and follow Feng Qingwu? There is no future."

He paused and laughed a little evilly: "She may be hiding in a corner right now, shivering and worried about being scolded by her parents. As a child, what future can I have with her?"

Xia Zhi looked at Xuanyuan Wushang and suddenly laughed: "What you said is somewhat personal, right?"

"Let's discuss the matter."

Xuanyuan Wushang waved his hand: "What I said are all facts, and they are the most pertinent facts... The fact is that her strength is indeed average."

After a pause, he nodded and emphasized to himself: "That's quite ordinary."

"Actually, that's not a bad thing to say."

Xia Zhi nodded: "Compared to the Supreme, her strength is indeed average, but did you overlook one thing?"


Xuanyuan Wushang was stunned.

"Compared to the Supreme, Feng Qingwu is just an average person..."

Xia Zhi looked at Xuanyuan Wushang and said quietly: "How does it compare with you?"

In her clear and deep eyes, the figure of a little girl appeared silently.

The figure of the little girl was rapidly growing in size, and in an instant, she became stunningly beautiful and magnificent.

She stood in Xia Zhi's eyes, also looking at Xuanyuan Wushang.

An indescribable coldness instantly swept through Xuanyuan Wushang's whole body.

His chubby body jumped up from the sofa and shouted: "Sister-in-law, she..."

The exiting sound disappeared instantly.

Xuanyuan Wushang's shouting stopped abruptly.

His voice was collected.

The power of lies and authority began to spread unbridled.

Xuanyuan Wushang was pleasantly surprised.

Do you dare to use collection...

Your mother is watching you, you still dare to collect it, just wait, hahahaha, my mother has one second to arrive at the battlefield... to arrive... to...

Why haven't you arrived yet? !

Xuanyuan Wushang's eyes suddenly solidified in surprise.

In his sight, two clear lights appeared in Xia Zhi's eyes.

The clear lights merged with each other, slowly forming a somewhat blurry figure.

A cold voice rang directly in Xuanyuan Wushang's ears: "Go on, since my strength is average, why are you shaking?"

The blurry figure tilted his head: "Why haven't your reinforcements arrived yet?"

I also want to know why my reinforcements haven't arrived yet...

where is the guy?

I don’t care whether my little brother lives or lives...

Xuanyuan Wushang found that he could speak, but he was speechless. All the words he spoke became stuttering and extremely messy: "You, you, you, you, you...I, "

Under the influence of Xuanyuan Wushang, Wang Shengxiao also began to tremble. He finally understood why his mother seemed strange just now.

Did Feng Qingwu and Xia Zhi just merge briefly?

"I, I, I..."

Xuanyuan Wushang trembled, and finally managed a smile that was uglier than crying: "Your Majesty...Your Majesty...I just said it casually...Ah, no, I drank too much just now...I didn't mean it, it's not right , I was wrong, don’t..."

The space fluctuated invisible for a moment.

A dark space passage suddenly appeared behind Xuanyuan Wushang.

The space channel tore at Xuanyuan Wushang's body, directly pulling his chubby body into the space channel.

Xuanyuan Wushang struggled wildly and let out an unprecedented scream of terror: "No, no, don't... Calm down... Calm down, Your Highness, we have something to discuss... I was wrong, let me go, let go quickly I...Feng Qingwu!!"

"You're stammering. Since you can't speak well, I'll take some time to teach you how to speak again..."

Feng Qingwu said slowly.

Xuanyuan Wushang was pulled into the space passage. His hands were still grabbing at the edge of the passage, trying to rush out, but the space passage had begun to slowly close and became smaller and smaller.

Xuanyuan Wushang's figure disappeared little by little. At the last second when the passage closed, Xuanyuan Wushang let out one last hysterical scream: "No!!!"

The passage disappeared.

Feng Qingwu also disappeared at the same time.

Calmness returned to the aircraft, and everything was as if nothing had happened.

Until the very end, Xuanyuan Wushang didn't get the reinforcements he wanted.

Xia Zhi and Wang Shengxiao, mother and son, looked at each other.

Wang Shengxiao was silent for a long time before silently taking out a small piece of metal from his pocket.

The metal turned into a small speaker under his transformation.

Wang Shengxiao made a signal and turned on the speaker.

In the aircraft, a melodious and soothing song sounded unhurriedly.

"Snowflakes... fluttering, the north wind... rustling, the sky and the earth are one, vast~"

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