The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 939: : New and old grudges

Ms. Summer Solstice...

To Xia Zhi, this was a very unfamiliar title, one she had almost never heard of.

As the mistress of the Beihai Wang family, although she has lived in seclusion many years ago, she can still gain great respect in the public occasions that she occasionally has to attend.

However, this kind of respect seems to be only because she is the mistress of the Beihai Wang family, and the names that those people give Xia Zhi are the ones she is most familiar with.

They called her...Mrs. Wang.

This is the label that accompanies the summer solstice throughout its life.

In Xia Zhi's memory, she seemed to have never heard the formal title of Ms. Xia Zhi that separated her from the Beihai Wang family.

Xia Zhi moved her body unaccustomedly and took a deep breath.

"Whatever you want to talk to me about."

She spoke slowly: "At least you have to tell me what happened today and why we... met..."

She remembered that she and her son had repeated it again and again, but she didn't notice it at all. The feeling was inexplicably suffocating, and she couldn't adapt to it at all.

From Feng Qingwu to Qin Weibai, to now Xuanyuan Wushang, and even Li Tianlan...

Neutrality, order, five major forces, starry sky and authority...

Xia Zhi knew too little about these things, but from what she knew, she had already seen an obvious, straightforward, and even cruel fact.

That is, at the level of the entire universe and camp, under the influence of various authorities, there is no living space for ordinary people at all.

The energy displayed by various authorities is clear, telling everyone almost every moment that if you want to live and live better, you must become stronger.

Mediocre people don’t even deserve to live.

The entire camp is constantly struggling in the face of the crisis of survival. The hopeless resistance externally directly creates an environment that is so cruel internally that it lacks any mercy or etiquette.

What kind of world is that?

Permission means everything.

Under the raging power of various authorities, consciousness can be controlled, science can be modified, souls can be distorted, thoughts can be collected, elements can be reversed, time and space are no longer stable, and death and life can be truly touched. Touch something.

When the so-called strong men are like ants struggling desperately for survival, ordinary people are not even puppets. They are toys that can be manipulated, mastered and dominated at will. Everyone is a slave of authority. .

Xia Zhi felt extremely depressed.

She recognized this but was powerless to change anything and had no choice but to accept it.

At this moment, she was eager as never before to become more powerful, just like Feng Qingwu said, to fully realize her potential and reach the level of peak authority. Only then can she truly be qualified to control her own destiny. Control the fate of your family.

"You can understand... because of some special reasons, my sister-in-law doesn't want you to see Sister-in-law Yuetong now. This is not directed at you, but it can also be said to be because of you."

Xuanyuan Wushang said slowly.

Xia Zhi suddenly became a little less interested and just said lightly when he heard this.

She had a lot to say, she wanted to say that Yuetong was her daughter, and as a mother, she had the right to see her daughter.

She wanted to say that even Li Tianlan was considered her junior.

There was a lot she wanted to say, and she had too many reasons to say, but when the words came to her lips, Xia Zhi suddenly didn't want to say anything.

Because it makes no sense at all.

A new era of authority has officially arrived.

In such an environment, how ridiculous is the so-called truth?

This is destined to be an extremely crazy world.

If Qin Weibai and Li Tianlan were willing, they could even make people all over the world recognize one thing: Wang Yuetong is Xia Zhi's daughter, so why and what qualifications does Xia Zhi have to see Wang Yuetong?

This is not a sick sentence.

This is a ridiculous truth to the extreme, but it is completely possible to become a reality. ’

Only permissions are real.

All principles can be modified at will by authority. As long as the strong person with authority is willing, couples can become strangers in an instant, blood relationships can also directly become sworn enemies, men can even have children, and lovers can eventually get married. It is a truly heinous crime.

What is truth?

If you have authority, you will be justified.

Wang Yuetong is the daughter of Xia Zhi.

But if Qin Weibai wanted to change, she could even make Xia Zhi sincerely think that she was Wang Yuetong's daughter. How could it make sense?

It makes no sense to say this at all, so there is no need to say it anymore.

"When can I see Yuetong?"

Xia Zhi asked in a calm voice.

"Perhaps soon, when the sister-in-law catches her daughter, or some other time..."

Xuanyuan Wushang laughed, and there was a hint of excitement in his voice that he was not even aware of.

Feng Qingwu abducted Xia Zhi.

But Qin Weibai didn't want to give up on the future God of Death, so in her mind, it was easy to catch Feng Qingwu, the cheating daughter.

No matter how she turned her elbows outward, Qin Weibai wanted Feng Qingwu to feel something about maternal love.

Xia Zhi follows Feng Qingwu, so as long as Feng Qingwu follows him, Xia Zhi will also follow him.

This is Qin Weibai's logic.

Li Chaoxi is now by Qin Weibai's side, and Feng Qingwu and the little guy are still in a state of temporary fusion, which means that unless Feng Qingwu keeps herself in the secret disability, as soon as she appears, Qin Weibai Bai can directly catch Feng Qingwu through Li Chaoxi.

And if she never appears, there won't be any big problems between her and Li Chaoxi before the new era comes. And if she doesn't appear, it's not a bad thing. If she can't be caught, the Xi Dynasty can also use Wang Yuetong. relationship to win over Xia Zhi.

This principle is the same as the operation method of Renhuang Palace and Feng Qingwu. Wang Yuetong is a biological daughter and has an inseparable blood connection. When the Xi Dynasty gives Xia Zhi enough resources, as long as she uses the resources of the Xi Dynasty to grow up, then When the time comes, I won’t be able to leave even if I want to.

At least in Xuanyuan Wushang's view, Feng Qingwu's only way to break the situation was to suddenly appear, hide Xia Zhi from Qin Weibai's perception, and take Xia Zhi away.

It's just that this method is okay in theory, but it is simply impossible to implement it.

No matter how bad Qin Weibai's condition is, he is still the supreme one. Feng Qingwu, a peak ruler who has just been able to use a small amount of power, how can he fight with his own mother?

Xuanyuan Wushang was a little excited. Only at this moment did he truly experience the joy of a fox pretending to be a tiger.

He knew that Feng Qingwu had been paying attention to Xia Zhi, and now he was poaching people in front of that bully Feng Qingwu. With her own mother intimidating her, she didn't dare to come out, so she could only watch. It felt so good. Now, I have the capital to brag when I go back.

Xuanyuan Wushang had already made up his mind. After pretending, he would stay near Li Tianlan until the new era came, so that the bully would not be able to take revenge.

We will look at the specific situation after the arrival of the new era. If Feng Qingwu chooses to control the power and enter silence in the new era, then he will continue to make waves. If Feng Qingwu has not accumulated enough and is still active, then he has almost accumulated enough. In the new era, he will start to hit level nine immediately. Permission to enter a state of silence.

At that time, Xuanyuan Wushang himself will become the object of attention and protection of the entire camp, and Feng Qingwu will be unable to retaliate.

As for the longer future, it doesn't matter. If the attack on the ninth-level authority fails, Xuanyuan Wushang will either be assimilated and become a member of the order, or completely turn into cosmic dust, leaving no trace. There is no need to consider anything else. If he succeeds, If so, he would be promoted to Destiny. Even if he couldn't defeat Feng Qingwu, he could still afford to hide.

As soon as he thought of this, the old grudges and hatreds from the past suddenly rose up in Xuanyuan Wushang's heart.

Your dad and I are half-brothers. I call your dad brother, and you call me uncle. Is there anything wrong with that? ah? What's wrong? Taihao has already called me uncle. How about you ask people to block me and force me to call you aunt? Let me ask you, is it serious? !

My fiancée is the backbone of the Dragon Clan! A big shot with level nine authority said you were too domineering, and without saying anything else, you broke off her dragon horns? ah? Do you know that my favorite thing to touch is her horns! do you know! Why the **** do you still want to cramp your muscles? You still want to... How dare you even think about it!

I just said something after drinking that I must stay away from you after becoming destiny. Isn't this the truth? Are you telling me the truth? As a result, you let me stand outside your palace for thousands of years while you were sleeping, and you also added a fourth sister who loves me the most. Are you sick? Are you sick? I am the supreme heir and your uncle. Do you think I am a security guard?

In the offensive and defensive battle of the desert star sea, the Behemoth Army is my trophy, the trophy I snatched from Doomsday. Although Wang Jinxiu is helping, why are you bullying her? What are you doing to steal my trophy! A total of 600 million mechanical lives, take them away if you want! How about playing? What's going on?

The past events echoed crazily in Xuanyuan Wushang's mind.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Wushang really felt that if he didn't pretend to be so angry, he would be really sorry for himself.

He wanted to slap him in the face, he wanted to take revenge. It took him several epochs to wait for such an opportunity. At this moment, behind him was Qin Weibai who was staring closely at Feng Qingwu. Xuanyuan Wushang was not afraid of anything.

"Before we get down to business, let me first introduce you to the current pattern in the starry sky..."

Xuanyuan Wushang smiled and his tone was leisurely.

"I already know."

Xia Zhi said calmly: "The four major forces of the neutral camp, the Corridor of Time and Space, the God of War Realm, the Human Emperor's Palace, and the Xi Dynasty, plus Taihao, are the fifth largest force. Taken together, the Xi Dynasty is currently the weakest."

Xuanyuan Wushang was stunned for a moment, but he didn't look too surprised. He nodded: "That's right, but did that **** girl tell you that although the Xi Dynasty is the weakest, His Majesty Li Tianlan is the strongest among all the Supremes? The strongest among them.”

Damn girl...

I called it this name.

I actually screamed.

Xuanyuan Wushang was trembling slightly, his scalp was a little numb, half trembling and half excited.

When he shouted this title, nothing changed around him. Xuanyuan Wushang immediately laughed wildly in his heart and acted even more unscrupulously.

"I don't care about that right now."

Xia Zhi said silently: "I just want to know when I can see my daughter."

"Sister-in-law Yuetong is directly related to this matter. To be precise, it is that cheating little **** who is most directly related to this matter."

Xuanyuan Wushang took out a cigar from nowhere and lit it. He took a deep breath and felt so happy that his whole body shivered.

Wang Shengxiao looked at him with extremely strange eyes. He couldn't figure out where this fat guy got the courage. When you faced him in the morning, you were like a mouse meeting a cat. Is it really okay to be so arrogant now? I'm afraid you'll be beaten when you go out..."

"That dead girl and Xiao Tide are temporarily fused together. You should know this."

Xuanyuan Wushang smiled calmly: "And she did something stupid like turning her elbows outward, which made her parents a fool. Children who make mistakes must be beaten, severely beaten. They should be hung up and whipped. If they don't go to bed for three days, they will be beaten." Jewa, right?

But the problem is that my sister-in-law can't find her whereabouts yet.

And because of the fusion, as long as Xiao Chao Xi is by her side, the dead girl will be discovered by her sister-in-law the moment she comes out. When the time comes, she will be caught and you can see Sister-in-law Yuetong.

Ms. Xia Zhi, you have the potential to become a peak powerhouse. No big force will give up on this potential, and you are now the dead girl. Of course, this is not important to my sister-in-law, but the dead girl Who this girl belongs to is very important.

So, sister-in-law, I want to keep Xiao Chao and Sister-in-law Yuetong with me for the time being, so that we can find that **** at any time. Of course, if you want to go to Tiannan now, we welcome you, but that **** girl probably won’t let you go. If you throw yourself into a trap, once things develop to that extent, the conflict will be huge, and no one will think of that step, so things are temporarily deadlocked..."

"Of course, if you, madam, can't wait to see your daughter, there is nothing you can do. At least, we still have another choice, and it is the most correct choice. If you promise to join the Xi Dynasty, I can take you with you right away. You go to Tiannan.

You may not understand the value of a killing god. Even if it is a future killing god, this value is enough to wipe out all the dissatisfaction that eldest brother has against the Wang family of Beihai. If you are willing, I can make a promise on behalf of eldest brother: From now on, Beihai All the grudges between the Wang family and the dynasty have been wiped out. After the establishment of the dynasty, the Beihai Wang family will be the first Shangqing family in the dynasty.

And as your authority is promoted in the future, the title given to you by the dynasty will continue to the Maharaja or Heavenly Monarch, and your family will become one of the core of the dynasty. This will always be valid. "

Xia Zhi listened to Xuanyuan Wushang's words quietly. She didn't express anything, she just narrowed her eyes.

"Believe me."

Xuanyuan Wushang met Xia Zhi's eyes without any hesitation: "This is your best choice. Staying in the Xi Dynasty is far more valuable than following Feng Qingwu. To be honest..."

He took a long, deep, and exaggerated puff of the cigar. In the swirling smoke, his voice was full of condescending banter: "That girl, her strength is average. At least compared to her parents, she is still Far from it, too tender..."

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