The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 917: :collect

Energy, flame, high temperature, radiation...

The void completely lit up after the darkness.

The roaring light formed a torrent like an ocean and covered the entire starry sky. If observed from an extremely far distance, it seemed as if a sun suddenly rose in front of Taihao.

The sun exploded as soon as it gave off its first ray of light.

A huge circular shock wave spreads rapidly in the void, sweeping across everything within the light-year range. A high-energy ray that shines so brightly that it cannot be supported is emitted from the exploding star core and penetrates the void.

As the center point of the explosion, Taihao's figure and the gray-white mist around him had been completely submerged. The entire battlefield was filled with light, pure light with destructive power.

This is fate.

The power of authority spreads infinitely in the starry sky, not only in this battlefield ruins, but further away, in the area belonging to the Order camp, a large number of stars also suddenly extinguished, and all the energy was gathered together by the Human Emperor in the blink of an eye. , let the energy explode around Taihao.

This is the end of destiny set by the Human Emperor for this void.

The destiny authority reaches the ninth level, and can set the destiny for all things, the actual existence, and even the concept of nothingness.

At this moment, the stars in the distance, the entire battlefield ruins, everything, no matter what the meaning of their own existence, became the weapons of the Human Emperor under the setting of the Human Emperor.

Under this setting, the meaning of their existence here is to attack Taihao's weapons, so the endless energy completely exploded, and their fate also came to an end.

Taihao could clearly feel the danger caused by the energy explosion, and he also felt the confinement of the surrounding battlefield.

Under normal circumstances, he has many ways to avoid this energy explosion, and the most convenient way is to walk on nothingness.

But just when he instinctively wanted to walk on nothingness, his ability to walk on nothingness suddenly entered a state of failure. The entire space seemed to be seamless and seamless, and the void space needed for walking on nothingness no longer existed.

This is Taihao's fate.

In fact, the space has not changed. The destiny authority has no ability to affect the space at all. However, the Human Emperor forcibly affected Taihao's destiny and disturbed his destiny, so that at this point in time, temporarily, in a very short time He lost the ability to walk in nothingness.

In other words, Taihao's ability to walk in nothingness was temporarily sealed.

Taihao suddenly stretched out his hand and opened his palm.

His eyes lit up instantly, the surging and exploding star energy twisted crazily in front of him, and the endless destructive energy suddenly froze for a moment.

It was an extremely subtle, but extremely noticeable change in the eyes of the Human Emperor.

Time and space seemed to have briefly stagnated, and all the energy and bright light surrounding Taihao suddenly disappeared completely.

In the distant and unimaginable realm of the Order camp, surging energy exploded, completely igniting nearby planets and stars. Within dozens of star sectors, all the stars exploded one after another in this sudden force, and a large number of them exploded. On the planet, several mechanical civilizations did not even issue warnings, and were completely reduced to dust in this sudden explosion.

Taihao deceived time and space.

He forcibly transferred the energy that was supposed to explode around him to the range of the Order camp, making this happen in another space.

The bright light caused by the energy explosion disappeared.

But the light on this battlefield is getting brighter and brighter.

In silence, one after another sparkling stars appeared above Taihao's head.

A large number of stars dragged in extremely exaggerated trajectories, and each one converged towards Taihao's head like shooting stars.

A dozen, dozens, hundreds...

The entire battlefield was illuminated once again, and the blazing high temperature completely dispelled the coldness in the void. The stars quickly grew in size in Taihao's eyes, turning into stars one after another in the blink of an eye, along with a large number of planets orbiting the stars. Satellites and asteroids crashed down at the same time.

Like a shower of stars.

They appeared here when they least should have appeared, and regarded Taihao as the target of a suicide attack.

This is the fate of all stars.

Taihao's fingers moved, but before he could make a specific reaction, a white and slender palm directly grasped Taihao's fingers.

A kind of fluctuation that was familiar to Taihao but not particularly familiar spread out.

Familiar because this kind of fluctuation also falls under the purview of lies.

I'm not particularly familiar with it because although this kind of fluctuation belongs to the authority of lies, it actually belongs to other authorities.

A smile appeared on Taihao's lips, he turned his head and saw his sister who suddenly appeared next to him.

He knew that the Human Emperor had a trump card, and the so-called weakest supreme was just other people's opinions.

It's really hard to say who is stronger and who is weaker, between a newly promoted Supreme and a Human Emperor with a problem, but so what?

Belonging to the same camp, there is no point in comparing strengths and weaknesses. Today's battle is just a friction caused by robbing people. Both strong and weak can be let go. After all, he is not alone.

Although his younger sister Feng Qingwu, who has the same authority as him, is not yet a Supreme, she is now the strongest master among the ninth-level authority. With her current level and the absence of other competitors, she can already use it for a very short period of time. The most basic power that belongs to authority, even though it is just a scratch, it is enough to put her far away from ordinary ninth-level authority.

The third and final authority of lies: mutilation.

A large number of stars fell down like rain.

This time it is no longer an energy explosion, but an entity directly moved here by the Human Emperor's forcefully set destiny.

Burning stars, solid planets, weird moons...

The stars that could easily destroy a surface civilization kept falling down like raindrops in various postures, but they disappeared suddenly before they were about to hit Taihao and Feng Qingwu.

This world has become incomplete because of Feng Qingwu's existence.

In this incomplete corner, there are no rules, no concepts, no authority, nothing.

All attacks were in a mutilated state the moment they landed here.

The Human Emperor's eyes suddenly became extremely deep.

Taihao's eyes fell on his sister, and the corners of his mouth were raised, still smiling, but the next moment, the smile at the corners of his mouth suddenly froze.

Because Feng Qingwu stretched out her palm and pointed it in the direction of the Human Emperor.

On the battlefield where the Supremes fought, he looked at his sister beside him, and there was only one thought in his mind.

What do you want to do?

What the **** do you want to do?

Taihao opened his mouth, and before he could shout out a word, Feng Qingwu's palm already lit up.

That is an ability that lies at a low level of authority, but it is also an ability that is extremely easy to use even with high authority, and can be applied to most situations. It is also an ability that makes people with other permissions feel disgusted.


What the **** do you want to do...

Taihao repeated this thought in his mind.

Feng Qingwu is a ninth-level master, and a master who is infinitely close to the peak of the ninth level. Compared with Li Tianlan's half-baked collection, there is almost nothing that Feng Qingwu cannot collect.

Whether it is an entity or a concept, or a thought.

But her level is here after all, she is not a supreme being, and her collection will hardly be effective against a supreme being.

But what if the other party’s Supreme actively cooperates?

In an instant, the Human Emperor in Taihao's eyes completely changed.

At the feet of the Human Emperor, the black ocean suddenly disappeared, his human form disintegrated and shattered, and a huge Rubik's Cube phantom expanded in the void in an extremely exaggerated manner and began to rotate continuously.

At the same time, the rain of stars above Taihao's head completely disappeared.

The burning suns, the huge planets, everything was collected by Feng Qingwu.

Feng Qingwu let out a soft sigh, seeming a little surprised and confused.

As the master of lies, Feng Qingwu expressed emotions that even Taihao couldn't distinguish between true and false.

The only thing he could feel was the sudden surge of sword energy on Feng Qingwu's body, which contained extremely explosive power.

Feng Qingwu's collection this time not only collected the star fields in the sky that the Human Emperor smashed over, but also collected the Human Emperor's abilities.

Half of the human emperor’s abilities!


This description was accurate enough to make Taihao unable to look directly.

Because this is half of the human emperor's ability, it is ability, not combat power.

What does the Human Emperor's half ability mean?

He is the top killing **** who holds the power of destiny. Because of his authority, he can also be said to be the top destiny. This is also the reason why the Human Emperor is in a bad state: the two powers of martial arts and destiny cannot complement each other, but conflict with each other.

What can Feng Qingwu collect in her collection?

She is not the supreme being, so she can never hide her authority.

So when she took action this time, she directly collected all the Human Emperor's abilities as a God of Killing.

In other words, the Human Emperor temporarily...lost all abilities within his martial arts authority.

But he happened to get the power of destiny from the level of the top killing god.

Now that the killing god's strength has been collected, what does the Human Emperor have left?

It's authority.

Pure authority that belongs to the authority of fate.

No matter how stable Taihao was in his heart, he couldn't help but his vision went dark at this moment.

Collection can be said to be the signature ability of Lie Authority. In most cases, it is also the most useful and most disgusting ability.

But Renhuang's situation is obviously not normal.

Otherwise, why did he play for a long time except for using the collection once when he first came into contact with it, and endured the use of it the rest of the time?

Because of the current state of the Human Emperor, he wished that a master-level figure could use Collection on him.

Therefore, facing Feng Qingwu's collection, the Human Emperor directly changed his destiny and actively cooperated.

He changed his destiny to be able to be collected by Feng Qingwu with all martial arts authority.

So in an instant, after temporarily putting down his martial arts strength, the Human Emperor directly showed a form that belongs exclusively to destiny: the Rubik's Cube.

In this state, the Human Emperor has no restrictions. Before the martial arts strength is restored, he will be the supreme authority of pure destiny, letting go of the shackles and being invulnerable.

The huge shadow of the Rubik's Cube instantly filled the entire starry sky.

The Rubik's Cube rotates rapidly.

Chain after chain appeared out of thin air, flying unconsciously in the surrounding void.

Feng Qingwu, who could only use the superficial power, snorted.

The incomplete state of her and Taihao was directly compensated by the most complete logic.

At the same time, the entire starry sky nearby began to fold, and a large number of ancient texts appeared line by line.

The remains of the battlefield, the wreckage of the explosion, and the chaotic energy are all woven by the power of fate. The real world they live in is turning into a story of nothingness in an extremely perfect way.

Taihao suddenly stretched out his hand, trying to collect this story.

But as soon as his collection was used, the weaving power turned into a story. The collection failed, and there was just one more line of text in the void.

The corners of Taihao's mouth twitched slightly.

This situation can explain everything.

Favorites on knitting....

At the same level, with different permissions and abilities, what is the difference?

But the current situation is that the Human Emperor is trying to weave this battlefield together with Taihao and Feng Qingwu into a story.

Taihao tried to collect this unfinished story directly.

In a head-to-head collision, not only did his collection fail, but his counterattack was woven by the Human Emperor's logic.

This is the most direct manifestation of strength.

It's not that collecting is worse than knitting.

But as a newly promoted supreme, in front of the temporarily flawless Human Emperor, his overall strength is not as good as the opponent.

If he is stronger than the Human Emperor, then this story should be successfully collected now.

Everything seemed to be doomed the moment Feng Qingwu started collecting.

Taihao didn't even have time to think about anything and directly grabbed Feng Qingwu's shoulder.

Walking in nothingness.

The fate imposed on Taihao that he could not walk in nothingness for the time being was only temporary after all.

Taihao disappeared directly into the story with Feng Qingwu and appeared in the realm of order.

What can I do if I can't beat him?

If you don't run away, will you stay and be beaten?

The huge shadow of the Rubik's Cube is still turning. In the void, its shadow has become larger and larger. Its volume far exceeds the largest star, and it almost crowds the entire galaxy.

Countless virtual lines spread rapidly at an incomprehensible speed, which is far beyond the speed of light and does not even belong to the physical category at all.

At this moment, there is no concept of space in the Human Emperor's authority.

The virtual lines turned into chains. Wherever the chains passed, the void, the form, the wreckage, everything was wiped out, disappeared from the real world, and turned into a story of nothingness.

The real world becomes a story. Without reality, the speed of chain extension naturally exceeds the scope of physics.

It's like someone is turning the pages of a book.

The protagonist in the book spent thousands of years traveling an endless and distant road from the beginning to the end of the story.

His paths are real in the world of the book.

The Human Emperor's current weaving is equivalent to turning directly from the first page of the book to the last page. The real world in the book is just like turning a page to him.

There were more and more virtual lines, like chains and tentacles. As Taihao escaped, he rushed directly into the territory of the order camp.

A large number of stars exploded completely at the same time.

All creatures of order were shattered and turned into pure energy that maintained this story.

The fates of Taihao and Feng Qingwu are also being strongly disturbed by inexplicable forces.

Taihao did not dare to continue walking in nothingness.

Launching the Void Walk when one's own destiny is forcibly disturbed will not have any good results at all. Either the Void Walk fails, or the direction of the Void Walk is completely opposite to what one expects, and even appearing directly next to the Human Emperor is a problem. possible.

"Return his martial arts authority."

Taihao said in a deep voice.

A flawless Human Emperor is a well-deserved veteran supreme.

The so-called weakest supreme is when the human emperor is in a bad state.

Feng Qingwu's divine assist, after taking away the Human Emperor's martial arts strength, seemed to have successfully weakened the Human Emperor, but in fact it was equivalent to helping the Human Emperor stand at its peak state.

The collision just now fully demonstrated that Taihao could not defeat the Human Emperor in this state. If he wanted to take action, he would have to return the Emperor to his original state.

There are various permissions and abilities. At this stage, there is no level. What kind of ability is powerful depends entirely on the user's own status.

Taihao is now inferior to the Human Emperor at his peak level, which means that no matter how perfect the lie authority is, he will be crushed and runaway by the Human Emperor's destiny authority.

This is definitely not the result he wants to see after taking the initiative to provoke.

Feng Qingwu, who had unknowingly become a pig teammate, shook her head: "I tried, but he rejected me."


This is also the ability of destiny authority. When encountering some kind of crisis, opponent, or powerful attack, you can forcibly modify your destiny and make yourself appear in a state that should not be this destiny. This is rejection.

In the state of Destiny Rejection, a certain crisis will be resolved. If you encounter an opponent you don't want to meet, the Rejection state can also make the master with Destiny authority disappear instantly. In the face of an attack, if Destiny Rejects rejects the attack, then the attack will fail. Not to the other party.

Feng Qingwu wanted to return the other party's martial arts authority.

But the Emperor chose to refuse.

So she wanted to return the things she collected, but she couldn't return them yet.

The only way now is to delay time until the Human Emperor regains the strength of his martial arts authority.

But delaying time...

Facing the supreme time with the authority of destiny, especially the supreme authority of destiny who is weaving everything...

There is no strong or weak authority, but there are levels.

The fact that the Human Emperor has lost his martial arts strength and is at a higher level than Taihao means that no matter what Taihao does to counterattack, his counterattack will be woven into a story.

Taihao gritted his teeth, grabbed Feng Qingwu's shoulders and disappeared again.

This time, he did not use void walking, but directly deceived the space and forcibly changed his position before the logical lines chased him.

The next second, the entire starry sky lit up again.

Endless artillery fire completely engulfed Taihao and Feng Qingwu the moment they appeared.

His battle with the Human Emperor finally attracted the attention of the Order Realm.

Doomsday, a man with technological authority in this area, reacted immediately and launched a counterattack while Taihao penetrated deep into the realm of order.

The mechanical lifeforms all over the sky began to crazily combine into a huge figure.

Taihao's eyes suddenly lit up with a bright light.


The next second, the Doomsday Speedy Combination froze.

His identity, his abilities, his authority, his knowledge, everything was collected by Taihao.

Doomsday in the void began to tremble violently. With nothing left, it completely lost all its goals. In extreme chaos, his huge body suddenly lit up with fire.


In the huge roar, Doomsday's figure completely disintegrated.

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