The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 916: :Confidence

To a certain extent, Taihao's attitude can be regarded as provocative.

Xia Zhi cannot be said to be the direct descendant of the Human Emperor, but she is the wife of his descendants. The Beihai Wang family worships their ancestors every year, and Xia Zhi also regards the Human Emperor as their ancestor to kneel down and worship. In other words, Xia Zhi is the queen of the Human Emperor. Man, there's really nothing wrong with that at all.

And this is not just a descendant. With Xia Zhi's potential, she can be said to be one of the most outstanding descendants of the Human Emperor.

From the City of Miracles to the starry sky, from the Space-Time Corridor to the Imperial Palace, it seems that only a few hundred years have passed in the City of Miracles, but this time has been stretched countless times in the infinite space of the universe, for thousands of years and millions of years. The age of the Human Emperor can definitely be called ancient.

He has many descendants, and his descendants have even more descendants. Passed down from generation to generation, the size of the royal family in the Human Palace can be said to be quite large.

But among so many descendants, so far, there is only one who has the potential to reach the ninth level of authority and has successfully fulfilled his potential.

Summer Solstice, which has potential but has yet to materialize, is the second one he hopes to see.

This number sounds small, but in fact it has completely destroyed the God of War world. After all, even though they are supreme, they do not have a supreme wife who belongs to the order to help future generations cheat.

Under this situation, none of the descendants of the God of War have been able to break through to the ninth level of authority.

For the Human Emperor to have such a descendant, he is definitely better than the God of War. This is a happy event for the entire Human Emperor.

But unfortunately, the only descendant of the Human Queen who broke through the ninth level of authority married the God of War and became a member of the God of War world.

A happy event turned into a 'tragedy'. The War God Realm won, but the Human Emperor lost miserably.

Now the summer solstice has finally appeared, and she is not her daughter, but her daughter-in-law who has entered her house, so she won't be abducted this time.

But just when he was full of expectations, Taihao stretched out his claws and snatched people away with a tough attitude, and even confidently wanted to fight him.

He said he didn't want to take action, but who didn't know what the whole sentence meant?

The Human Emperor was inexplicably confused.

Do you really think you have no temper?

As the top destiny in the universe, holding the power of the source of destiny authority, why do you become a soft persimmon in the eyes of others while you are still alive?

His doubts are definitely not self-deprecating, but really incomprehensible.

In the eyes of other people, in the eyes of most people, the Supreme of the Human Palace is indeed the weakest Supreme at present.

His main problem is that he chose the wrong path, or in other words, took the wrong authority.

It is simply outrageous to hold the power of destiny at the level of a top-level killing god.

This also directly caused the current Human Emperor to seem a bit nondescript. He could not use the top killing god's methods because he was interfered by the authority of fate, and he was also unable to use the means of the authority of fate because he was interfered by the authority of martial arts, so his Authority, his authority, are now in question.

Every time he makes a move, the two powers of destiny and martial arts are intertwined with each other, but he obviously has not reached the level of Li Tianlan, so the two powers of martial arts and destiny are holding back each other, and the power is greatly reduced.

In the minds of the top powerhouses and top princes in the neutral camp, the real power of the Human Imperial Palace will probably wait until the world restarts.

After the death of the Human Emperor, he returned again. After the world restarted, he had enough time and means to truly control the authority of destiny, and thus fully control the authority of reincarnation.

In that case, all the problems that are currently plaguing the Emperor will cease to exist. His current tragedy will instead become a strong capital at that time.

That will be a true supreme in the field of destiny. While at his peak, he can also perfectly master the power of the top killing god...

In that state, the Human Emperor's comprehensive strength may be second only to Huang Xi in the ranks of supreme beings, and tied with the Great Emperor in the Space-Time Corridor.

This is the human emperor's own track, and there are some mistakes, but the final result is worth looking forward to.

The most important thing is that among the three powers of martial arts authority, Huang Xi controls freedom, the God of War controls limits, and the other one has always been vacant.

Vacancy status...

This means that after the world restarts, the Human Emperor truly has destiny authority and has perfect control over it. He can even continue to exert force on the path of martial arts authority. With his authority level as the top killing god, he will undoubtedly He is the person closest to martial arts authority.

Just like Feng Qingwu is now the top master closest to the authority in lies.

The closest distance does not mean success, but it does mean the greatest hope.

If the Human Emperor becomes the Supreme with dual authority, the ranking of the Supreme's strength will be completely rewritten.

Among the five supreme beings in the neutral camp, no matter whether Li Tianlan can be promoted to become a real person or not, after his complete return, his strength will be the real number one.

Emperor Xuanyuan, who holds the authority over destiny, possesses the authority over lies and the ninth level of martial arts authority, is second.

The God of War, whose martial arts strength surpasses the stars, ranks third.

Taihao, who holds the power of lies and has no ups and downs in status, ranks fourth.

The Human Emperor, who is known as the weakest and supreme, is fifth.

This is the state of the world right now.

But once the world restarts after it ends...

Once the Human Emperor grasps the power of reincarnation and also the power of martial arts...

The supreme power of dual authority is undoubtedly stronger than the Xuanyuan Emperor with single authority. The other two paths are only ninth-level strength.

Such a human emperor would rank second only to Huang Xi in the ranks of supreme beings.

As for Ares, the situation is the least clear.

His track is completely different from that of the Human Emperor.

Rejecting any other authority and focusing only on martial arts, he walked on the most extreme path and cut off all his retreats on this single path, wanting to touch the theoretical 'reality', his thoughts Unlike everyone else, after becoming a Supreme, the path is also different from other Supremes.

No one can be sure whether his choice will succeed or fail. If it fails, the God of War will replace the Human Emperor's current position and become the weakest Supreme. If he succeeds, even if the Human Emperor becomes the Supreme with dual powers, he may not be able to suppress him. of edge.

As for Qin Weibai, she is special among all supremes.

She only belongs to the neutral camp, but her actual status is that she is the supreme leader of the order camp. She cannot participate in the current ranking, and she will not form other forces.

The authority of the order camp...

Even if the major forces in the neutral camp were crazy, they would not dare to let Qin Weibai form their own forces.

This is the current view of the entire neutral camp towards the Human Emperor and all the supreme beings.

Combining the current end and restart of the world, it means that Huang Xi is at the critical point of transformation and promotion, Emperor Xuanyuan is still stable, the future of the Human Emperor is promising, the future of the God of War is unclear, Taihao is showing his talents, and as for Qin Weibai...

Can't afford it, can't see it, don't know it.

So no matter how you look at it, no matter what the future holds, at least the Human Emperor is the weakest now.

That's the so-called soft persimmon...


This is just what most people think.

And the truth is in the hands of a few people.

He is indeed the weakest on the surface. He has risen from martial arts to the top killing **** step by step. However, after mastering the power of reincarnation, he was instilled with the power of destiny by the power.

Permission conflicts, limited performance, and poor status. Even if the future is promising, at least it is not strong now.

But this is obviously a problem that countless people know...

Countless people know it, but doesn’t the Human Emperor himself know it?

He is the Supreme. Now that he knows the problem, will he not try to solve it? ? ?

The problem of supremeness is a blind spot even for the top experts.

But Taihao, who is also the Supreme, wouldn't understand. Even if he really didn't understand, wouldn't the other side of the Time and Space Corridor not remind him?

This is obviously impossible.

Even if the Space-Time Corridor gives up the fight for Xia Zhi, for them, Xia Zhi is more acceptable with Taihao than with the Human Emperor.

My condition is really bad.

Strictly speaking, the Human Emperor is in the worst condition among all the Supremes. As for whether he is the worst in terms of strength, maybe he was before, but after the newly promoted Taihao came to the top, it is hard to say whether he is still the worst.

The Human Emperor in Taihao's eyes: a soft persimmon.

Taihao in the eyes of the Human Emperor: a soft persimmon.

So right now, it's a war between soft persimmons.

A black ocean surges in the void.

The Emperor took a deep breath.

Suddenly, all the dark energy, dark matter, stellar storms, cosmic radiation, and chaotic energy mixed with various authorities in the surrounding starry sky were sucked into his body with his deep breath and turned into pure power.

"Now go back and give up on the summer solstice. I can pretend that this never happened."

The Human Emperor spoke in a calm voice.

"I still say the same thing."

Taihao's voice was calm: "If you beat me, everything will be yours. Everything you say is right."

The Human Emperor twitched his lips.

Obviously, Taihao wants to have a fight with him, and whoever wins will be Xia Zhi's teacher.

There is no use in talking more.

In an instant, the surrounding starry sky went out without any warning.

The reflection of the remains of the battlefield ruins, the dim starlight, the surging solar storm, all the light was extinguished in an instant.

When absolute darkness suddenly fell, the ultimate burning light seemed to completely shatter the silent void, and a huge roar exploded along with endless bright light.

Taihao's eyes were only dark for a moment.

The next moment, the environment around the two people had changed dramatically.

Everything in the battlefield ruins has completely disappeared.

Those ruins, wreckage, corpses, land masses, everything was completely gathered together in an instant.

All the energy in the nearby starry sky was gathered by the Human Emperor, forming a super-massive star.

The intense high temperature brought with it a torrent of light that instantly submerged Taihao's figure.

The huge star exploded in front of Taihao in the most violent way.

This is its destiny.

The Human Emperor's voice echoed in the void: "Where does your confidence come from?"

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