The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 905: : Four underground floors

The elevator went all the way down from the top of the castle, quickly reached the first floor, and then continued to sink without stopping.

Minus one floor.

Negative second floor.

The two-story space used as the East Palace logistics warehouse is peaceful.

Further down, from the third underground floor to the twelfth underground floor, almost all can be regarded as confidential areas of the East Palace.

The third underground floor belongs entirely to Yu Donglai. From the establishment of the East Palace to the present, Yu Donglai, who lives in seclusion, except for a small amount of time when he goes out to see his granddaughter, spends most of his time in the space on the third underground floor. , conducting an experiment he has been studying for most of his life.

The effects of the chaos continue.

But in Qin Weibai's place, the power of chaos has been completely eliminated, and some memories of the past have begun to become clearer.

Qin Weibai remembered a plan that once belonged to the Li family and was obviously very important, but she didn't know when she completely ignored it.

Lee's Tree of Life Project.

This plan is no longer too amazing in today's era of resurgence of authority, but before the resurgence of authority, the Tree of Life plan was absolutely radical and crazy.

The entire three underground floors are Yu Donglai's private space.

In this space belonging to Yu Donglai, there are at least hundreds of highly toxic specimens, animals, and plants of various types concentrated.

When necessary, this place will also become a natural barrier for the East Palace: when the East Palace encounters an irreversible crisis, everyone will withdraw from the ground into the underground castle. In this way, all the space on the three underground floors will When all the poisons are used, the toxins here can theoretically kill nearly ten thousand people.

Leaving such a special place entirely to Yu Donglai was a sign of Li Tianlan's absolute trust in the old man.

And among the hundreds of poisons in the entire three underground floors, there are only three core things.

Cardinal, Xuanjia, toxin immune body.

This is what the Tree of Life program is all about.

The so-called Tree of Life Project, to put it bluntly, is that during Li's peak period, he used various resources and technologies to form the top biology and genetics team, and then after countless attempts, he exhausted all means to achieve the ultimate goal. The fastest way to promote the comprehensive evolution of three organisms.

The evolution of any species takes an extremely long time to calculate, which may be thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years or even longer.

The Tree of Life Project strives to compress this long time and shorten this process to a few decades.

The original intention of the Tree of Life Project was actually very simple, it was poison.

Poison can sometimes play a more critical role than guns in the dark world, so the initial goal of this plan is to develop a toxin that is a fatal threat to even the peak invincible state. A toxin must be extremely secretive, and its existence form cannot be too simple. It can be in gaseous or liquid state.

The red bird and black armor are the carriers of toxins.

The initial form of the cardinal is just a blue-capped bird. Because of the special breeding method, it is not common, but it is not rare. Because it naturally has toxins, the toxicity is not strong, but it is very troublesome to remove, so after many experiments Later, Li regarded the blue-capped bird as the best carrier of toxins.

Along with the blue-capped sparrow, there was also a deep-sea creature with extremely cold bloodline called the Cold Turtle that was selected as the toxin carrier.

The top team formed by Li at that time was therefore divided into two parts to conduct research on these two creatures respectively, prompting them to complete their evolution and infinitely strengthen the toxins they carry.

It’s hard to tell how many experiments it had to go through and how many difficulties it encountered, but the final result was that the team did succeed.

Both viral vectors have clear evolutionary paths.

A lot of theories have become reality bit by bit.

Blue-crowned Bird (Poison) - Fire Cloud Bird (Poisonous) - Magma Bird (Liquid Toxin) - Poison Bloodwing (Toxin Fusion Mutation) - Cardinal (Hot Poison) - Suzaku (?)

Deep sea cold turtle (poisonous) - Dark lurker (latent toxin) - Yinhan turtle (assimilated toxin) - Xuanjia (extremely cold poison) - Xuanwu (?)

This is the evolutionary path of the two viral vectors. With Li's continuous research and heavy investment, each evolution of the two organisms is considered another species compared with the previous ones. The entire plan continues to advance. At the beginning Two creatures that were not very threatening eventually evolved into Cardinal and Xuanjia. Although they did not reach the final ideal state, Li got what they wanted: the extremely hot poison and the extremely cold poison.

This is also their original intention.

If the two toxins are completely combined, there is almost no cure. Even if you are in the peak invincible state, you will definitely die from this fused poison. This is undoubtedly the secret heritage of the Li family, but because these two toxins are too refined, Difficulty, integration is equally difficult, so large-scale mass production has never been possible.

The team has been conducting continuous research, changing from improving toxicity to enhancing toxin production. They have tried in all directions. It was not until Li Honghe's generation that Yu Donglai took over the project.

He also had no way to increase the production of toxins, but he accidentally discovered another interesting thing.

That is, when two toxins with completely opposite properties are fused in a special substance, a state similar to solidification will be formed. In this state, the three substances are completely integrated into a whole, and will instinctively Rejects all other toxins.

In other words, when two poisons are fused in a special substance, as long as it is eaten by someone, the person who eats it will have a physique that is invulnerable to all poisons and is not afraid of any toxins.

It's just that the kind of substance that can be fused with the two toxins is equally rare.

So in the Hongque and Xuanjia projects, Yu Donglai at that time designed a brand new carrier that could fully carry two kinds of poisons and allow them to be completely integrated.

That is a kind of plant, and when designing an evolutionary chain for this plant, Yu Donglai discovered that after the fusion of two poisonous poisons, its vitality is extremely tenacious, because it can independently reject other toxins, so its activity is also incredibly strong.

Then Yu Donglai came up with an extremely crazy idea out of nowhere.

Make a person invulnerable to all poisons? He felt that this pattern was too small. What he wanted to do was to use the characteristics of this fusion toxin to have extremely strong activity and vitality, so that this toxin could directly replace the vitality of the human body, and let the toxin form a new human immune system and replace the vitality of the human body.

Because this fused poison is in a completely solidified state, it has an absolutely long lifespan and can survive for at least three hundred to five hundred years.

This also means that if Yu Donglai's research is successful and someone eats his research results, because of the existence of this toxin, the other person will have at least three to five hundred years of life.

Not to mention five hundred years, even if it is only three hundred years, this life span is extremely exaggerated.

Because of this idea, Yu Donglai identified a brand-new carrier that could fuse two toxins: ebony wood-toxin fusion-toxin mutant-toxin immune body-tree of life.

This is the complete Tree of Life plan.

Yu Donglai has advanced the new carrier to the stage of toxin immune body. In other words, when the two toxins from cold to hot are combined with the toxin immune body, as long as this thing is eaten, then any poison will no longer be a threat. .

And once the toxin immune body evolves into the tree of life again, after a short experiment, the three substances are fused, allowing people to live for at least hundreds of years.

In an era when authority has not recovered, a person can live for hundreds of years. What a bold, crazy and exciting plan is this?

But the difficulties involved are obviously too great to imagine. At least Yu Donglai has been studying it for many years, but he still doesn't have a clue.

According to his words, he is now eliminating all kinds of mistakes. As for the results, that is a matter for the next generation, or even the next generation.

Qin Weibai remembered that she was also very interested in the Tree of Life project at that time. At that time, neither she nor Li Tianlan had the authority to recover, and they had no extravagant hope of immortality, so hundreds of years of life were very tempting to them. , she even visited the third underground space.

But she didn't know when it started, but this plan was inexplicably forgotten by her. Even if she saw Yu Donglai on weekdays, she would subconsciously ignore the tree of life plan. It wasn't until now that she suddenly recalled it.

in other words...

Could it be that he was already affected by the chaos when he first visited this place?

But the Tree of Life Project...

The Suzaku Black Tortoise Tree of Life was just Li's plan. Why was it inexplicably related to Chaos?

Li Tianlan...

No, did Huang Xi have some influence in this?

Qin Weibai recalled carefully...

If you don't consider Jiang Shangyu, well, there is really no need to consider Jiang Shangyu. Jiang Shangyu's chaotic nature was only recently exposed. Before that, Jiang Shangyu himself might not know what chaos was.

If this is excluded...

Qin Weibai carefully recalled the first and only time he visited the third underground floor. If he was affected at that time, then the influence at that time should be when the chaotic aura first appeared. It can even be said to be chaotic. The source, but what kind of source would be so strange? It doesn't affect anything else, but instead comes to torment two animals and a plant?

Even if there is an old man named Yu Donglai, what is the special meaning of torturing them?

This kind of chaos is obviously a bit weird, and its impact is too single. It is exactly the same as the chaos in the main underground city of Youzhou. Rather than saying that chaos is playing a role, it is better to say that chaos is being used.

? ? ?

Qin Weibai's body suddenly shook.

Chaos... being exploited? !

She seemed to suddenly realize something, and all kinds of thoughts flashed crazily in her mind.

"Sister Qin..."

In the elevator, Yu Qingyan's voice suddenly rang out, her voice trembling, filled with confusion and fear.


Qin Weibai looked at Yu Qingyan: "What's wrong?"

Yu Qingyan said nothing, her face was pale, she stretched out her hand and pointed at the electronic screen of the elevator.

Qin Weibai looked over.

In her sight, the bright red numbers on the elevator screen had stabilized, and the elevator had stopped.

But the floor is wrong...

The elevator stopped at the fourth underground floor instead of the third underground floor where she pressed the button.

Qin Weibai glanced at the elevator buttons again.

On the row of elevator buttons, the -3 button that Qin Weibai had just pressed personally disappeared silently at some point.

Qin Weibai suddenly sneered.

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