The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 904: :Answer

Qin Weibai's voice was calm.

And there was nothing pointed about her question.

But it was such a question that seemed normal to them, and could be answered almost without thinking, but Yu Qingyan opened her mouth and couldn't answer it.

Ning Qiancheng also opened his mouth, but like Yu Qingyan, he couldn't answer this question.

The strong sense of dissonance seems to have reached its extreme, as if some clearly forgotten people and things are showing traces of their existence in reality.

How did Yu Qingyan and Qin Weibai know each other?

This seems like nonsense.

She is Ning Qiancheng's fiancée. She must have met her through Ning Qiancheng.

This is the standard answer.

But this answer was so wrong that neither Ning Qiancheng nor Yu Qingyan could say it.

This seems to be the case, but no matter how much I think about it, something feels wrong.

If Yu Qingyan met Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai only because of Ning Qiancheng, then how could Yu Qingyan and Ning Qiancheng come to them immediately after 'that person' disappeared?

Is this normal?

It was just a missing person, so she should only look for Ning Qiancheng. After all, Yu Qingyan and Li Tianlan were not familiar with them.

So what does the missing person have to do with Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai?

Where is he? Does this person really exist? Why can't I remember it all of a sudden?

Yu Qingyan suddenly covered her head in pain, her body began to tremble violently, and a large number of memories in her mind began to surge. Those were her memories, but a considerable part of the memories suddenly appeared when they surged. Blank.

Just like many things, one person suddenly and unexpectedly lost the participation. Because of this, all those memories became inexplicable and even illogical.

no logic...

Qin Weibai stared deeply at Yu Qingyan's painful appearance.

There is no logic, no explanation, no explanation...

It all follows the rules of chaos.

It's just that this so-called chaos affected Yu Qingyan and Ning Qiancheng. Even she was affected, which was a bit outrageous.

Qin Weibai believed that this impact on him was only temporary.

After all, she has spiritual authority and is one of the sources of all spiritual power. Even if her spirit and cognition can be affected, she will react quickly. Now she doesn't know who the missing person Yu Qingyan mentioned is. Who, but maybe tomorrow, maybe after some sleep, she can think of it normally.

But even so, this impact is quite exaggerated.

This is a level that can temporarily affect the supreme, even the spiritual supreme. Even if this influence is temporary, it is very outrageous. As the supreme in the spiritual field, Qin Weibai should not accept any influence.

The only explanation for this is probably that Qin Weibai and the missing person may know each other and are familiar with each other, but there is not much cause and effect between them, so when they have not paid attention to each other recently, they did not realize that the other person was missing.

There are actually many similar explanations, and the so-called chaos is also divided into levels. Obviously, when it comes to the supreme level, the so-called inexplicability will also have the most basic context.

For example, the cause and effect between the missing person and Qin Weibai, such as Qin Weibai's current state.

Qin Weibai's current state is incomplete. This incompleteness refers not only to her state of being suppressed and unrestricted in the real environment, but also the most important... field.

In fact, every authority is closely related to the field, but among them, the most closely related is the spiritual authority.

Qin Weibai is the creator who controls authority. Within her domain, she can achieve absolute control in the true sense. Within the scope of her domain, everyone, from soul to consciousness, everything can be modified at will.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Qin Weibai expands his own domain, even if she is suppressed now, the domain can only cover Xuanyuan City, but within the scope of Xuanyuan City, all life will completely become Qin Weibai's puppet. In this state Under the circumstances, every being's thinking is not free, and all their cognitions can be modified and played with by Qin Weibai at will.

So after realizing that something was wrong, it was very simple for Qin Weibai to find the missing person. The most convenient way was to let his domain cover the entire East Palace. At that time, in the actual space, deep in everyone's thinking and soul, There will be pairs of densely packed eyes, and the source power of the spiritual realm will truly crush everything. In such a state, the influence of chaos is completely non-existent to Qin Weibai.

And being able to allow Qin Weibai to use this method to solve the problem also illustrates the level of the chaos currently affecting them.

That was at least a chaotic creature on the same level as Qin Weibai.

In other words, he is the supreme leader of the chaotic camp.

But how is this possible?

In terms of the current health of the world, it is impossible for chaotic creatures to have authority in the chaotic camp. The highest level is probably like the chaotic creature that parasitized Jiang Shangyu. The authority level reaches level nine, but the whole thing is very incomplete. kind of.

And that level can't affect Qin Weibai.

Where did the chaotic creatures that could directly affect Qin Weibai come from?

Qin Weibai was silent for about half a minute. In the end, she did not choose to expand her territory.

Silently, the majestic mental power was continuously released with her as the center. The transparent mental power suddenly distorted the space of the office. In the blur of light and shadow, Qin Weibai's eyes lit up with a hazy and illusory light, a pair of Another pair of eyes continued to appear in her eyes, layer by layer, more and more.

Qin Weibai's mental power directly entered the depths of Yu Qingyan's consciousness.

Yu Qingyan, who was holding her head and shaking, suddenly stiffened up. A pair of superimposed eyes also appeared in her eyes, and her aura began to look exactly like Qin Weibai's.

Ning Qiancheng was suddenly startled and subconsciously wanted to say something.

Qin Weibai had already raised his palm to signal her to be silent.

Invasion of consciousness.

Mental authority level five: The ability of the mind ruler to forcibly invade the opponent's consciousness with mental power and temporarily control the target's body.

The performance of this ability is even more exaggerated in the supreme stage. At this moment, Qin Weibai's consciousness has completely suppressed Yu Qingyan. Under the invasion of consciousness, all of Yu Qingyan's actions, consciousness, thinking, and memory were all controlled by Qin Weibai. Weibai was in control, and even some of her subconscious thoughts were no longer secret in front of Qin Weibai.

Every bit of Yu Qingyan's past life appeared in front of Qin Weibai, including things that she herself had forgotten, all appeared in Qin Weibai's sight bit by bit.

Yu Qingyan's memories are constantly surging, and the blank and incomplete things in her memory are also completely captured by the control.

Chaos modified Yu Qingyan's memory and cognition.

But now Qin Weibai has directly replaced Yu Qingyan's memory and cognition. In the extreme disharmony, the power of chaos has collided with the dominance of the spiritual realm in the most direct way.

If the missing person had no causal connection with Qin Weibai before, then now Qin Weibai's consciousness has forcibly established contact with the missing person through Yu Qingyan.

No force can exert a strong influence on **** in the spiritual realm.

Therefore, the moment the two parties established contact, Yu Qingyan's distorted cognition and memory were directly corrected by the power of dominance.

All the blanks and incompleteness in the memory became complete in an instant.

The shadows of countless eyes in Qin Weibai's eyes disappeared at the same time, and she stopped invading her consciousness.

"Yu Dong is here!"


Qin Weibai and Yu Qingyan's voices rang out at the same time.

Ning Qiancheng was stunned for a few seconds, and then a broken voice sounded in his mind. When he heard the name Yu Donglai, he had already remembered everything, and he fell into a deeper confusion.

Is it because Yu Qingyan met Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai?

This idea that was taken for granted just now is now such nonsense.

Yu Donglai, the poison doctor of the Li family, is now the senior consultant of the Donghuang Palace Biological Laboratory. He can even be said to be the number one poison master in the dark world.

When Li Tianlan first entered the world and entered Huating, Yu Donglai could be said to be the first important person of the Li family that Li Tianlan came into contact with, and it was Qin Weibai who took Li Tianlan to meet him.

So Qin Weibai knew Yu Qingyan long before he met Ning Qiancheng.

How did you and your fiancée forget about this kind of thing just now?

The old man is such a big person. We had dinner and drinks together two days ago, and then he forgot about it in the blink of an eye? !

Ning Qiancheng didn't feel guilty at all, he just felt a little scared.

"When was the last time you saw Mr. Yu?"

Qin Weibai narrowed his eyes and asked softly.

"The day before yesterday!"

The young couple said in unison: "We had dinner together the night before yesterday, and then..."

Ning Qiancheng's face turned ugly.

Yu Qingyan's voice was trembling. It should be that the night before yesterday, she and Ning Qiancheng had dinner with her grandfather, and then she accompanied Ning Qiancheng to work overtime. The next morning, as soon as the two got up, they completely forgot about Yu The existence from the east.

Qin Weibai nodded, stood up and said, "Let's go."

Before the establishment of Donghuang Palace, Yu Donglai, known as the Poison Doctor, was a cook. He opened a small restaurant called Yu's Private Kitchen in Huating. Later, he came to Tiannan and occasionally cooked.

After the biological laboratory of Donghuang Palace was established and on track, he joined the biological laboratory of Donghuang Palace, but because of his age, he only became a senior consultant.

This seems to be a dispensable position, but in fact Qin Weibai knows very well that since the fall of the Li family, Yu Donglai has actually been in possession of an extremely important information about the Li family, or in other words, a person who is currently Plans in progress.

Therefore, in the East Palace, Yu Donglai could be said to be truly reclusive and rarely left the gate of the East Palace on weekdays.

His disappearance just disappeared from people's consciousness.

Now that we know Yu Donglai, it's not difficult to guess where he is.

Qin Weibai walked toward the door in a hurry.

Behind her, Ning Qiancheng and Yu Qingyan followed.

Qin Weibai's expression remained calm, but his eyes gradually became serious.

What they were going to was the underground space of the East Palace Castle.

The third underground floor is a laboratory dedicated to Yu Donglai.

Qin Weibai had an inexplicable premonition in his heart.

Regarding the chaotic power that could indirectly affect him, the matter that Li Tianlan deliberately ignored, the changes in the main city of Youzhou caused by the chaotic power, all the problems...

There will be an answer on the third floor underground.

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