The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 901: : old world

At this moment, not only Li Tianlan, but also Qin Weibai felt his scalp numb.

There is no need to doubt the facts.

At their current level, there is basically nothing in this world that they cannot explain.

What are the permissions?

To put it bluntly, permissions are part of the world's capabilities.

They have reached the pinnacle of authority and have mastered authority. This level is called supreme in the neutral camp, but in fact, the most correct way to say it is that it has become a symbol of this universe in some aspect.

Life, domination, truth...

These can be regarded as symbols of the world itself in a certain field.

Life represents the vitality of the entire world to a certain extent.

Domination symbolizes the thinking of the world to a certain extent.

Truth is a perception of the world to some extent.

They are the top few people in this world and the vast starry sky, which means the end of a certain ability.

If you regard everything in the world as a matter of authority, at their level, there will be almost nothing that cannot be explained.

Except chaos.

The chaotic camp is also called the shadow camp. The chaotic creatures are not unexplainable, but they themselves are symbols of the unexplainable.

If you don't think it's a bad idea, you can just call them the unexplainable camp.

Because they have no logic, are messy, and have no rules.

All unexplainable phenomena and all unexplainable abilities in the universe can be summed up as chaos authority.

The word chaos itself represents the supreme being and the doubts of the world.

Nowadays, in the entire starry sky, there are only a few people who have really seen the chaotic camp, five to be precise.

People, Huang Xi, Taiyi, Xibai, Qin Weibai.

Just a few people.

Now the most powerful Supreme Xuanyuan in the Time and Space Corridor.

Even including order, death, despair, light in the order camp...

Even the world itself.

Everyone lacks sufficient understanding of the Chaos camp.

They may occasionally see one or two, or a small group of chaotic creatures, but they are not the chaotic camp.

At least it wasn't the chaotic camp that Li Tianlan and Xi Bai had seen before.

Under normal circumstances, the chaotic camp is invisible. They really exist, but they will not appear.

And when the chaotic camp actually appears, it can only mean one thing.

Relevant memories are constantly reviving in my mind.

Li Tianlan remembered more and more things.

Chaos means destruction.

So whenever the power of chaos begins to appear as a camp, it means the death of the world.

Not the end, but complete annihilation and death.

Ending is just the process of expansion and contraction of the world, which can be called a restart.

The death of the world is complete destruction.

It is a death in which all conceptual authority such as life, death, order, truth, lies, etc., will be completely torn apart, and the mark of reality will be completely shattered.

The basic particles in the universe make up everything in the world, the sun, the moon, the stars, and billions of races.

Life is resisting the world, but even when it is resisting, life has to admit that their flesh and blood, cells, brains, hearts, and thoughts are all made of basic particles.

And such a composition will be redispersed when life dies and decays, and different basic particles will be randomly combined with other basic particles to change into something else again.

And when the authority reaches its peak and a real mark is formed, every basic particle in the peak strong person's body will be fixedly arranged and will reject all basic particles that are different from him. Therefore, even if the body collapses, after a long time, the peak strong person will become the strongest person. The basic particles of the player's body will also be rearranged exactly according to the previous combination. This is regression.

But all this is done on a global scale.

Even if the real mark is given to the peak powerhouse and the supreme basic particles are imprinted with eternal stability and almost eternity, these basic particles still come from the world.

They are not afraid of the end of the world, nor are they afraid of falling, but what if the world dies?

All basic particles are destined to become nothingness, and the imprint of reality will naturally have no meaning.

"I think of the Feather Clan..."

Li Tianlan said in a low voice.

Qin Weibai and Xibai bit their red lower lips at the same time, their eyes flashed at the same time, and there was unavoidable panic deep in their eyes that looked calm.

The Yu tribe is the master of the old world.

The so-called old world refers to the time when there was no death in the previous world before this world appeared.

At that time, the Yu Clan was equivalent to the current Human Clan, and even more powerful than the current Human Clan. At its peak, the Yu Clan had more than ten supreme beings, and could already rule all races in a true sense.

What about the current human race?

Li Tianlan, Qin Weibai, Xibai, Taiyi, Ren, Xuanyuan, Taihao...

In the entire neutral camp, including those who are not in perfect condition and those who have fallen and begun to return, there are only seven Supremes in the entire neutral camp.

In other words, if the human race wants to reach the heights of the Yu Clan in the old world, the most optimistic estimate is that it will take at least two or three more world endings.

It's just possible.

And that kind of Yu Clan, at its peak, was still completely destroyed with the death of the old world.

More than ten supreme beings, dozens of peak experts, various eighth-level peaks, all masters.

In the end, only four people barely survived.

To be precise, only Huang Xi and Xi Bai were barely alive at the beginning, while Ren Ren and Tai Yi both barely recovered after a long time.

They are people from the old world, the last of the Feather Clan, and precisely because they are people from the old world, they are the only ones in this world who have incomplete memories of the chaotic camp.

People always have to face the world, but they cannot fight against the world, and they cannot even see hope.

The world will always face chaos, but it cannot fight against chaos and cannot even see hope.

So everything dies, even the end of death itself is still death.

Li Tianlan suddenly recalled the cause of the old world's demise and a small part of the process.

That... is a ridiculous process.

When chaos completely arises, facing unexplainable abilities, facing unexplainable phenomena, facing unexplainable disasters...

The Yu Clan and Order, who had been fighting each other since the beginning of the old world, chose to cooperate.

Yes, cooperation.

Nowadays, the neutral camp and the order camp have begun to give up all hostile ideas and join forces to fight against chaos.

Perhaps because this incident was too funny and important, Li Tianlan recalled it easily.

The reason why Qin Weibai was able to control the power of the Order camp was also the reason why the two camps cooperated with each other in the old world.

In a desperate situation, all hatred was put aside, and all unwillingness was suppressed. The two camps completely eliminated the means of stumbling upon the enemy, and the two sides joined forces in a true sense without reservation.

During that special period, under the doomsday of the entire world, the most outstanding neutral creatures could control the authority of the order. The Yu clan who were stuck at the peak of the eighth level could directly enter the ninth level of authority. All restrictions were completely relaxed, and the cooperation between the two parties Full of sincerity.

Both sides are doing their best to fight against the chaos.

As for the final result...

There is no need to say it anymore.

In the end, only Xi Bai was left with the authority of the order.

Of the more than ten supreme beings in the Yu Clan, there are only three left.

Together, the four of them became the so-called people of the old world.

The world is dead.

If the world is compared to a person.

Order is the immune system of the world.

Neutrality is a virus that resides in the human body.

Such chaos means that when life is approaching death, everything in the body begins to be completely out of balance.

Various organs began to lose their function, began to fail, and began to become chaotic. The world was rapidly weakening under the influence of chaos. Specifically speaking of the lives within the world, it was an imbalance of authority.

An imbalance similar to that at the end of the world, but far more serious than that at the end of the world.

The Doomsday Society, which has the authority to control technology, suddenly finds that it has lost all its energy and has completely lost contact with mechanical civilization, but it has mastered spiritual power.

Masters with martial arts authority will find that they have lost all their power, and then their thinking speed suddenly begins to speed up.

The vitality of masters with spiritual authority began to flourish, but their spiritual power was gone and turned into elemental power.

Masters of destiny authority will find that they are unable to weave reality, but instead inexplicably learn the ability to hypnotize.

Chaos began to appear, and then various influences became stronger and stronger around the world. All creatures, including order, began to have more arbitrary organs at any location. They controlled the system and the authority from top to bottom. It will be twisted into a mess that can be used but cannot exert its strength.

Then the chaos will continue to increase, affecting concepts, making various concepts messy, all the way up, touching authority, touching the world...

Chaos breaks out completely, and even the supreme authority will be distorted to the point where it is almost impossible to form combat effectiveness.

The world is heading towards death in increasing chaos, and will eventually be eternally extinct. Order, neutrality, and everything about the world will turn into dust.

Whether you can survive and how you survive depends entirely on luck.

The entire universe will inevitably move from order to disorder as chaos ferments, dies, changes, and new worlds emerge.

At that time, there may be lucky humans from the old world who appear in the new world and play roles similar to Li Tianlan, or there may be nothing left at all. Then after a long time, the new world will have life again and understand again. In order to resist, he began to fight against the order, and together with the order, he waited for the chaos at the final point of the race...

Life has no sense of existence in the eyes of chaos. Their essence is chaos. They have neither goodwill nor malice towards the neutral camp. They instinctively make the world chaotic and then die. In this process, what does life do? Chaos doesn't matter, and you won't think about anything, but in the unexplainable unknown, every time they come, it represents unexplainable despair.

Feather clan...

In the original Yu Clan and the old world, the sign of chaos was that the power of chaos invaded the realm where a certain supreme being resided.

And now...

Li Tianlan stood at a height of at least five thousand meters and looked at the main city No. 1 below.

This time, the power of chaos began to invade his domain without Li Tianlan noticing.

Everything seems to be happening again...

Just...why so fast?

The world is still very young.

From order to disorder, at least two or three endings are needed, at least.

Why would my authority to lie be affected by the power of chaos at this time?


Li Tianlan raised his hand and suddenly slapped himself **** the face.

Qin Weibai, who was floating in the air with his arms around his waist, almost fell. After subconsciously grabbing Li Tianlan's shoulders, he and Xibai looked at him with angry eyes: "What are you doing?"

"I must have overlooked something..."

Li Tianlan murmured to himself. He stretched out his hand and grasped his hair fiercely: "There is definitely something, or there is something that I have ignored... There is definitely something, and it must be related to the current situation, but I ignored it...what on earth is it...what on earth is it!!"

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