The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 900: :confusion

Nearly a hundred meters deep in the underground space.

Li Tianlan stood on the flat ground and looked quietly at the No. 1 main city that had just been built in front of him.

The so-called main city No. 1 is the tentative name decided by Li Huacheng and others.

They couldn't think of suitable names for the major cities for the time being, so they could only use the most basic numbers for the time being. Because of the special nature of Youzhou, the super main city underground in Youzhou was named Main City No. 1. , Isenbul, who appeared first, became No. 6 instead.

Li Tianlan doesn't care about this. If there are no accidents, the core of the dynasty will be here for a long time in the future. His palace, the heads of the four major systems and their headquarters, all of them will converge here, and here too It will become the largest and most populous main city.

So in a short period of time, he used the ability of void walking to travel to many places, and finally found the super suture monster in front of him.

This is a huge city with an area of ​​more than 40,000 square kilometers. It is the main city that Li Tianlan spliced ​​together bit by bit.

Li Tianlan wanted to create things from scratch, but it was far less convenient than Qin Weibai.

The ninth level of spiritual authority itself is called the Creator. Qin Weibai has mastered the authority again. Everything she fantasizes about, whether true or false, will eventually become true.

So in her fantasy, all kinds of strange buildings will appear.

Li Tianlan needs to simulate the spatial structure.

Space is the essence of lying authority.

Even for concepts that have risen to a high level, the initial foundation extends from the spatial level.

What Li Tianlan needs to remember is the impact of the existence of buildings and cities on space, as well as the specific structures they form in the surface space.

Then he replicated this structure in the underground space to create matter in reverse.

In other words, if Qin Weibai wants to create a building, he only needs to imagine that there should be a building here, and then this building appears. Create something out of nothing, and can change into whatever Qin Weibai likes according to Qin Weibai's will.

But Li Tianlan couldn't make something out of nothing. If he wanted a building, he had to see the building somewhere else first.

An empty flat land and a flat land with a building are two completely different spatial states in Li Tianlan's eyes.

Because the existence of that building will inevitably have a completely different impact on the entire space than on flat ground.

To be more specific, a gust of wind blowing across the flat ground is definitely different from a gust of wind blowing across a building. The former will blow over without obstruction, while the latter will be blocked by the building.

This so-called obstruction is the different states of space.

Li Tianlan took advantage of these different states, and the blocked wind was only one of them. Li Tianlan could completely see, analyze, and draw conclusions about all the states that the building produced in this space that were different from the flat ground.

Then he will appear underground and replicate this spatial state exactly.

He is not creating things, but adjusting the state of space.

The wind blows through the obstruction formed by the building. The building standing on the ground will make the land more solid or loose. Under the light, the shadow formed by the building, the space disturbance caused by the elevator going up and down, the weak air flow when opening and closing the door, Open flames when cooking, etc., all the details.

These details will cause disturbances in space, and such disturbances will affect the distribution of a large number of elementary particles in space.

Li Tianlan analyzed all of this, then began to transform it in an empty space, and presented exactly what he remembered. What would be the result?

He completely displayed all the disturbances caused by a building, an area, or even a city on the surface of Youzhou underground, and made the arrangement of basic particles in the underground space exactly the same as that on the surface. Then as the space changes, buildings that are exactly the same as those on the surface will inevitably appear in the underground space.

This is using the authority of lies to modify space and create matter in reverse.

If such a method cannot succeed, then we cannot say that such a method is nonsense. We can only say that such a method is not correct.

There are countless details among them, which require extreme thinking speed to analyze. If there is anything wrong, or even if there is an error in the arrangement of one basic particle, such a copy will not be successful.

But as long as all the details are completely correct, then as the space changes, all matter will inevitably appear.

Li Tianlan copied the entire Hidden Dragon Sea from the surface of Youzhou to the underground.

What kind of impact did the Hidden Dragon Sea have on space on the surface of Youzhou? Li Tianlan took all the impacts into consideration and then copied them all underground bit by bit. Then a building exactly like the Hidden Dragon Sea must appear. In the underground space.

Otherwise all this is unreasonable.

From a conceptual level, this is equivalent to Li Tianlan standing at the end point and forcibly deleting all processes. He controls the results, so the process, that is, the accumulation and change of matter, is not important.

The deformation of lie authority is similar.

The essence of lie authority is space, and after the transcendent space reaches the conceptual level, the core is reality and illusion.

Reality and illusion, this was something that Li Tianlan once mistakenly thought was the concept of martial arts, but he didn't realize it until recently.

Reality and illusion, how can it be martial arts? The ultimate direction of this concept is lies.

Material things never mattered.

In the eyes of the lie authority, there are only two distinctions in this world, real and illusory. These two concepts can truly encompass everything, and the function of lies is to make the real appear false, or to Make the fake and make it real.

Li Tianlan's extremely lack of experience in lie authority was constantly recovered with his operations. His personal understanding of lie authority continued to deepen with the construction of the main city, and as his understanding of lie authority deepened , the memory recovery in his mind became faster and faster, and he began to remember more things. Because of this, Li Tianlan suddenly found that he had inexplicably ignored something.

He didn't know what it was, but he instinctively felt that it was extremely important.

A large number of memories in his mind are still reviving. Li Tianlan stood in front of the No. 1 main city deep underground, carefully recalling every detail of the construction of this city, and analyzing the pictures that kept emerging from the depths of his memory. His face twitched slightly, and his extremely fast thinking speed was constantly analyzing every picture that came to his mind and analyzing every detail of building this city.

He wanted to find out what he had overlooked, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't figure out what he had overlooked.

The air around Li Tianlan fluctuated slightly for a moment.

Qin Weibai, who was burning with the fire of life, suddenly appeared next to Li Tianlan.

The fire of life in her body began to separate automatically, forming the appearance of Xi Bai on the side.

Li Tianlan turned to look at them and nodded.

"This so weird."

Qin Weibai pursed his lips and said strangely: "I almost got lost just now."

"My abilities are limited, so I can only piece it together here and there."

Li Tianlan pinched his eyebrows. His ability was not yet able to analyze the spatial traces of the entire city. At best, he could only analyze a part of it. Therefore, the super main city he built was also a patchwork of stitching monsters. .

At present, this super main city can be said to combine the characteristics of countless cities, such as Isenbul, Xuanyuan City, Youzhou, Huating, Fogdu, Southwest, Shengzhou...

A mess.

Li Tianlan copied and pieced together parts of different cities to form the current super main city. Therefore, the city in front of him can be said to have brought together all the architectural styles of the East and the West. There is even a section of the rushing Canglan River in the center of the city. , at the other end of the city, Li Tianlan even completely copied a beach on Qindao.

In the underground city, there are beaches and rivers. What a strange style of painting is this?

"This is our husband seeking benefits for ordinary citizens, right? Living underground will inevitably lead to a lot of mental stress. If you can't stand it anymore, you can come to the beach to relax."

Xibai smiled: "It's just that the space distortion here seems to be too large. It will be very difficult to create a teleportation array with the current space distortion, and it has no practical significance."

She looked at Li Tianlan, a little confused: "Are you planning to hang a false sun in the sky for decoration?"

The space where the super main city is located is of course distorted by lies.

Building a city nearly a hundred meters underground, what does it mean if everything is normal in the space?

That means that once a few skyscrapers appear underground, their height will be enough to pierce the surface. The depth of about a hundred meters underground cannot accommodate buildings that are too tall.

Therefore, Li Tianlan must distort the space where the main underground city is located.

The ultimate direction of lie authority is truth and illusion.

Li Tianlan replaced the real height of a hundred meters with an illusory height of thousands of meters.

Only in this way can Li Tianlan place an entire city in a space a hundred meters underground.

Such a move is naturally not meaningless, but crucial.

In a real environment, using illusion to distort reality is itself a test of the real environment. If he wants to integrate the real environment and be promoted again, such a test is indispensable.

At present, it seems that the results of the test are not bad. Li Tianlan is still suppressed by the real environment, but he is not deliberately targeted, which means that he can carry out the second step of the test.

Both Xibai and Qin Weibai could understand this temptation, but they couldn't figure out why Li Tianlan wanted to distort space to such an extent.

In their original plan, a height of one thousand meters was used instead of a depth of one hundred meters. That is to say, on the ground of the super main city that is 100 meters underground, one has to fly one thousand meters upward to truly touch the underground city. ceiling.

But Li Tianlan obviously didn't do the space distortion according to the plan. The degree of space distortion is much greater than they planned. The plan was to use one thousand meters instead of one hundred meters, but now, Li Tianlan is using at least five thousand meters. Go instead of a hundred meters...

What's the point of distorting space to this extent?

The only explanation Xi Bai could think of was that Li Tianlan planned to use this height to hang a fake sun in the sky as a sign of humanistic care. In fact, this was of no use at all. Instead, it was increased because of the increase in spatial distortion. Describe the difficulty of the teleportation array.

Li Tianlan was stunned for a moment. He didn't answer Xibai's question. He directly stretched out his hands, hugged the waists of two Qin Weibais on the left and right, and walked in vain.

The next second, the three people appeared directly at the highest point of the underground space, looking down at the No. 1 main city below.

There was a dim light in Main City No. 1.

There are buildings of different styles, rushing rivers, surging seas, calm beaches, lush forests, and even a few small mountain peaks.

Although the entire city looked a bit chaotic after being haphazardly pieced together by Li Tianlan, looking down from a height of at least more than five thousand meters, the outline of the entire main city still had a different kind of stitched beauty.

Li Tianlan hugged the two Qin Weibai and looked down at the blurry outline of the city below. His expression silently became extremely ugly.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Qin Weibai and Qin Weibai realized something was wrong at the same time and asked in unison.

Li Tianlan twitched the corners of his mouth, and there was no emotion in his voice: "The distortion of space is too great..."

The two Qin Weibai blinked at the same time and looked at Li Tianlan.

Li Tianlan took a deep breath and said expressionlessly: "I built the No. 1 main city. It is ninety-five meters underground... I plan to twist the ninety-five-meter depth into a thousand meters. This is mine. Plan, do you understand? In other words, this is the limit of my ability. I can twist this depth into thousands of meters at most..."

The faces of both Qin Weibai changed at the same time.

"But now..."

Li Tianlan looked down.

At least five thousand meters high...

This height has far exceeded Li Tianlan's current ability limit.

He simply couldn't twist the depth of ninety-five meters into five thousand meters.

Not to mention five thousand meters, even fifteen hundred meters or eleven hundred meters, he can't do it. His limit is one thousand meters.


Li Tianlan couldn't do this, so where did the five thousand meters come from?

What force turned Li Tianlan's twisted one thousand meters into five thousand meters, and the whole process was not discovered by Li Tianlan?

Li Tianlan's face became increasingly ugly.

In fact, this is equivalent to him being the supreme authority of lies. As a result, another unknown existence spread the word in front of him, and he also completely deceived Li Tianlan.

This was something that was impossible to happen, but it happened to him.

It's impossible to explain at all.

For Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai, being unable to explain does not mean being clueless.

It cannot be explained, and it represents a direction in itself.

From the perspective of the world and permissions, all things that are unexplainable, illogical, and completely unknown can point to a permission.

Confusing permissions!

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