The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 796: : Donghuang (9)

Jiang Shangyu didn't take action or run away. He turned around completely and stared at Li Tianlan silently.

Li Tianlan looked at him calmly.

His body is suspended in mid-air, and his gorgeous and complicated coat has a dim luster. His expression is calm, his aura is calm, and his breathing is slow. Not only his eyes, but his temperament seems to be changing invisibly.

In the past, Li Tianlan was also very quiet, but that quietness had an edge that could not be concealed. He stood at the pinnacle of the dark world with absolutely invincible strength, ranked first on the God List, young and energetic, and showing off his sharp edge.

But now Li Tianlan seems even quieter.

After losing his martial arts strength, the edge in his body seemed to have completely disappeared, and his whole person looked extremely indifferent and gentle. This temperament and eyes did not change at all even when he saw Jiang Shangyu.

At this moment, Jiang Shangyu suddenly understood the meaning of this temperament and eyes.

When you are walking on the road and see ants and birds on the roadside, how do you feel?

The only feeling is that there is no feeling.

The ants and birds were obviously there. They clearly saw them and were aware of them, but they seemed not to see them.

It was a state of seeing something but not paying it any attention or taking it to heart.

Nothing the eyes see can cause any mood swings or emotional ups and downs.

So I stand here, so I am seen by Li Tianlan...

He saw himself, but he didn't see it in his eyes or take it to heart. It was a kind of extreme indifference and indifference, without any emotional fluctuations, so he seemed to have something different.

The so-called gentleness and indifference.

Jiang Shangyu surprisingly didn't feel angry, he was in a daze.

From rain on the river to rain on the river...

Two time and space.

To use the best way to describe it, Li Tianlan was equivalent to his nightmare.

Jiang Shangyu himself had reflected countless times on where his hostility towards Li Tianlan came from.

In another time and space, Li Tianlan forced himself to death.

This is a hatred that can never be circumvented.

But Jiang Shangyu understood that even without this incident, his hostility towards Li Tianlan would not disappear.

Those murderous intentions, hostility, hatred...

Everything comes from jealousy.

This is the emotion Jiang Shangyu least wants to admit but it is real.

Just jealousy.

Two time and space, two timelines, what would have happened if there was no Li Tianlan?

Jiang Shangyu was tired of thinking about this problem.

He is not jealous of Wang Shengxiao at all, nor is he jealous of Gu Hanshan, the former young master of Kunlun City who has now become a useless person.

Even if they don't want to admit the power behind them, the heritage of martial arts, and the intricate connections, the fact is that those who have all these are really superior to others, and they are qualified to do all kinds of things.

Jiang Shangyu couldn't decide his origin. He couldn't enjoy the treatment like Wang Shengxiao, so he had nothing to do with it. What he pursued was to let his descendants enjoy treatment similar to Wang Shengxiao's.

But only Li Tianlan could not get around it no matter what.

Jiang Shan is a senior member of the House of Representatives. Strictly speaking, the Jiang family is not a poor family, but his aloof attitude towards the Prince Group also means that Jiang Shangyu will not have much help behind him.


The Li family has been in decline for many years. The original Li Tianlan was naturally not from a wealthy family. He could rely on the Li family's past to help him, but strictly speaking, he was even weaker than Jiang Shangyu.

From this point of view, neither of them has a better background than the other. Even because of their status, Li Tianlan's situation is much worse than him.

But it was such a person who crushed him time and time again in both time and space.

If Li Tianlan didn't exist, Jiang Shangyu, who was not bad in talent, character, and ability, would be another Li Tianlan.

He will show off his abilities little by little, accumulate connections, build forces, overcome all obstacles and lead his family to the top, suppress Kunlun City, suppress the Beihai Wang family, enter the God List, and even make the Jiang family become the best after the Beihai Wang family. The second dynasty...

With his current strength, it is possible to accomplish all of this, as long as there is no Li Tianlan.

But Li Tianlan just showed up.

Two pieces of time and space...

Jiang Shangyu no longer wants to think about time travel, or the story before rebirth.

He and Li Tianlan appeared in the sights of all forces at about the same time. Because of Wang Yuetong's relationship, Li Tianlan entered the Wang family in Beihai, and then began to move up unstoppably.

Jiang Shangyu's light that should have been dazzling completely dimmed.

In that time and space, Li Tianlan has been inactive almost since he entered the world. He has not yet graduated from Sky Academy. The reputation of Beihai Gemini has spread throughout the dark world. Later, no one even mentioned the title of Gemini. Since then, he has been with Wang Shengxiao. As flat as Wang Xiaoyao.

Enter Zhongzhou, destroy the Gu clan, and defeat the Sword Emperor...

ten years

In the meantime, the waves are magnificent and vigorous, even if you die, it will be earth-shattering.

That was the era that truly belonged to Li Tianlan. How brilliant was Li Tianlan in that era?

His light shrouded the entire dark world and turned into a shadow in the hearts of others. As people who lived in the same period as him, the so-called Wang Shengxiao, the so-called Gu Hanshan, and even Jiang Shangyu himself were so dim that almost no one remembered them.

After arriving in this time and space, Li Tianlan's path became even more outrageous. The appearance of the Reincarnation Palace directly gave Li Tianlan unparalleled confidence. Qin Weibai was even more of a lunatic and helped Li Tianlan pave the way to the top at all costs.

Jiang Shangyu recovered from his injuries with difficulty, and walked up step by step, trying to kill Li Tianlan by any means, besieging him again, besieging him again, and besieging him again.

Failure or failure fails again.

In the end, he was driven out of Zhongzhou by Li Huacheng, like a bereaved dog that had lost everything.

Just when he had nothing left, Lucifer gave him a chance. He took away Li Tianlan's strength and successfully intercepted Hu, a perfect result.

He has entered the so-called genius level, has invincible strength, and possesses the characteristics of a master.

With such an advantage, he tried to kill Li Tianlan, but failed.

Not only was it a failure, Li Tianlan, who had lost all his strength, actually regained his strength in less than half a month...

He appeared in front of him silently, with that kind of aura, that kind of look...

At this moment, Jiang Shangyu really felt like an ant.

The nightmare that enveloped him in both time and space was once again overwhelming.

Come here, there is no way to escape.

Why? Why?

I am obviously invincible, why did you recover so quickly?

Your martial arts skills are gone, how can you recover?

Why, I just can’t get rid of you, why don’t you die...

Jiang Shangyu closed his eyes.

A fire seemed to begin to burn deep in his heart. The fire kept getting stronger, burning all his reason and calmness.

Apart from his talent, he really didn't think he was any worse than Li Tianlan. Even in terms of talent, he wasn't that much behind.

How could Li Tianlan crush him again and again, and even if he had nothing, he could quickly regain his strength and put on a disgusting high profile in front of him?

That little flame kept growing stronger and turned into a wildfire, engulfing everything.

Jiang Shangyu suddenly didn't want to think about anything.

He just wanted Li Tianlan to die.

But his voice was still calm, without any ripples: "Lucifer..."

He spoke slowly and in a calm tone.

"Huh? Oh..."

Lucifer laughed, and the strange light in his eyes began to flicker.

"Your terms..."

Jiang Shangyu spoke slowly: "I agreed. I need you to help me with all your strength. Kill him. You can use the other me as your own body."

The flames of jealousy burn everything.

Jiang Shangyu had had enough.

He didn't know Li Tianlan's current strength, and he didn't know what authority he had after losing his martial arts. It didn't matter, just casual, he had really had enough.

kill him.

The fat man is not here, Wang Shengxiao is not here, and Qin Weibai is not there.

Li Tianlan was alone without any help.

Kill him!

Another self, just kill Li Tian

The price Lan needs to pay.

He needs Lucifer's full help.

Lucifer's various abilities are very strange. Many times, he himself doesn't know what abilities he has.

He could take away Li Tianlan's strength, evade the tracking and locking of technology, and escape from the hands of the law priests, but from beginning to end, he did not show too much fighting power.

But Jiang Shangyu knew very well that Lucifer had a trump card.

Lucifer has been contaminated by the aura of chaos for more than half a year. What does this mean?

Chaotic creatures long for chaos. In the past half a year, no one knows how many people Lucifer has contaminated.

Thousands of people? Tens of thousands of people? Or even hundreds of thousands?

Rather than fighting head-on, what he prefers to do is to contaminate other people and create more chaotic creatures, or chaotic puppets.

Lucifer, the angel group, and all those polluted by him are his puppets.

Strictly speaking, he is just a breath of chaos.

And this breath needs a body that can fit it in order to exert its full power.

Two Jiang Shangyu met his goal, but he couldn't get it.

So he can only try to create it himself.

Creating a body that suits you may sound impossible, but there is no need for logic within the chaos of rules.

Those puppets contaminated by him are all Lucifer's family. After preparation, he can gather all the puppets together, squeeze everything out of them, and use everything they have to shape a body that suits him.

So Lucifer has been saving his family fortune.

But now, Jiang Shangyu can directly provide him with his goal of saving a fortune and the body he wants. The only requirement is that

He contributed the wealth he had accumulated during this period.

It will take a long time for Lucifer to build up enough wealth. In this situation, he will undoubtedly earn it with blood.

"With all my strength...with all my strength...hehehehe...I promise you."

Lucifer laughed a little maniacally.

Jiang Shangyu also smiled.

He also has the aura of chaos, but he doesn't want to become a madman, so he has been using the martial arts tree to suppress the chaos.

But he also knew how terrifying it would be for Lucifer to be in his current state, once he went all out and didn't care about his family's fortune.

He has polluted so many people...

So many people...

Jiang Shangyu stretched out his palm towards Lucifer: "Come on."

Without any hesitation, Lucifer held Jiang Shangyu's hand with a strange smile.

His body once again turned into a pile of black mucus and merged with Jiang Shangyu.


The moment the two of them merged, Jiang Shangyu's shadow suddenly twisted.

An extremely wild and dark atmosphere instantly covered the entire island.

In the shadow of Jiang Shangyu, endless chunks of meat began to fall out, piling up in an extremely disgusting manner, and instantly turned into a mountain of meat.

The aura of chaos raged crazily in every corner.

The still-growing mountain of meat began to squirm with difficulty, and the pieces of meat began to slowly come together, pieced together into **** men.

They stood still around Jiang Shangyu.

These pieces of meat are all puppets contaminated by Lucifer, and now they are constantly appearing here. The chaotic aura takes the essence, and the best of the best are constantly pieced together to become more powerful puppets.

One, two, three, four.

The meat mountain is being consumed rapidly.

Every puppet has complete strength

Quan Yiyi is the pinnacle of the genuine fourth-level authority. If the characteristics of the fifth-level authority mastered by Jiang Shangyu are not considered, the strength of these battle puppets even exceeds Jiang Shangyu himself.

This is a creature of chaotic authority.

Chaotic authority... Because there is no regular reason, they may have the strength of any kind of authority, or they may have some messy abilities, but no matter what the ability, these puppets that consumed all Lucifer's family wealth are genuine four The pinnacle of level authority, the strongest combat effectiveness in a real environment.




The huge, seemingly endless mountain of meat was being consumed rapidly.

When the fifteenth puppet appeared, the meat mountain was silent for a long time, and then all the pieces of meat slowly faded and disappeared.

There were only fifteen puppets surrounding Jiang Shangyu, standing silently.

This is all Lucifer's savings.

They only last a few hours.

But during these few hours, with them around, Jiang Shangyu was absolutely invincible.

A ranger with the characteristics of a fifth-level grandmaster, and fifteen puppets with peak fourth-level authority...

This is still a siege.

A siege of the highest standard before the world has changed and the end has come.

Jiang Shangyu's smile became more and more obvious and more ferocious.

Lucifer's consciousness was laughing wildly in his body. Jiang Shangyu could clearly feel that something was moving away from him. His eyes and expressions were twisting uncontrollably, becoming sinister and violent.

Li Tianlan was still floating in the air, and he just watched, letting the puppets appear one after another.

, allowing Jiang Shangyu's aura to continue to expand after merging with Lucifer.

His breath didn't change at all, he just raised his hand casually and straightened his collar.

Jiang Shangyu stared at Li Tianlan and took a step forward.

Fifteen puppets with peak level four authority took a step forward at the same time.

"How do you want to die?"

Jiang Shangyu looked at Li Tianlan and asked with a sinister smile.

Li Tianlan's eyes stayed on him for a moment: "That's it?"

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