The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 795: :Donghuang(8)

When the piercing siren suddenly sounded under the night, most people in the city had already entered a deep sleep.

In the dead of night, the siren continued to sound, and the loud sound echoed in the sky, becoming more and more harsh.

The alarm first sounded in Tanshan City, and then in every nearby city in less than a few minutes.

More and more people were woken up abruptly and lost their sleep in the constant harsh noise.

People in communities, hotels, and various places looked out through the windows.

The sirens continued.

The lights outside the window are already bright. The night lighting in the city is turned on to the maximum. The whistling sound echoes from the air. The helicopters roar and fly over and over. There are always people who stay up late in the long night. Those who react the fastest are the ones who stay up late. Already realized something was wrong when the alarm sounded and reacted correctly.

A large number of heavily armed elites rushed into the city to maintain order on the streets.

There was a long queue of cars, and the sound of sirens and sirens were mixed together. Along with the chaotic voices of people, it became more and more noisy and chaotic.

The locked phone automatically unlocks.

A turned off TV is forced on.

The running computer was forced to exit the current interface, and games, live broadcasts, movies, and worksheet were all closed. A figure that is familiar to most people, and even if they have not seen it, they have at least heard of it, appeared on the TV that was forcibly turned on. , mobile phone, computer screen.

This is an urgently recorded video.

The figure in the video is neatly dressed and repeats a short and stern message with a serious expression.

"Citizens of Virginia, I am your Speaker Cade. According to our observations, in the next few hours, Virginia will usher in an irresistible disaster.

We are temporarily unable to pinpoint the exact location of the disaster, so we have decided to relocate all citizens of the state of Victoria.

Our fleet is already in action. Now, all citizens are asked to take action immediately, go to the airport, dock, and use various methods to leave the confines of Weizhou. Please believe us, Weiyi still has enough time to save itself.

Please obey the order and don't panic. We still have enough time. Please respect and cherish your lives. "

Billboards in the city also lit up.

Speaker Cade’s video was repeated over and over again throughout the state of Virginia.

The sirens continued.

There are more and more helicopters in the sky.

Ports, terminals, and airports all entered the busiest state in the fastest possible time.

Riots inevitably broke out, but were quickly suppressed by a large number of elites who entered the city.

In cities across Victoria, order is on the verge of collapse.

Holding on, the panicked crowd began to leave one after another.

Speaker Cade's video is still being played repeatedly. Under the manipulation of thoughtful people, the video is spreading all over the world along the Internet.

Central Continent, European Union, Snow Country, Eastern Island, Annan

More and more people are seeing this video.

Amid the global uproar, some people began to analyze the content of this video, especially the disaster that Speaker Cade said could be observed hours in advance and was unstoppable, but it was not stated clearly.

A large number of entrepreneurs seemed to have seen the traffic, or received some inspiration, and began to make assumptions and put forward various possibilities.

Some people say it was a meteorite impact that could destroy the entire state of Virginia.

Some people say that they have detected huge vibrations in the Pacific Plate.

Some people say it was an undersea volcanic eruption.

Others say this is a large-scale weapons experiment.

Among the various speculations that were barely based on science, some inexplicable things gradually began to appear, such as the end of the world, super tsunamis and so on.

The video of Cade, which lasted only a few dozen seconds, spread throughout the entire state of Virginia as quickly as possible, and also spread throughout the world.

Driven by various forces, this incident directly surpassed all major events and became the focus of the world's attention.

The irresistible disaster is gradually causing uneasiness in the hearts of people all over the world. Various news continues to impact people's nerves, and related push notifications are becoming more and more dense.

Victoria has many names. It is located in the center of the Pacific Ocean. Thanks to the push of various information, this world-famous so-called tourist attraction and holiday paradise has become the source of disaster in the hearts of countless people in the fastest possible time.

Weiyi Prefecture is also called Weiyi Islands. More than 100 islands make up a land of less than 20,000 square kilometers, surrounded by sea. In such an environment, ordinary people have only two ways to leave, either by plane or ship. The pressure to evacuate people is naturally extremely high.

Amid the heated discussions around the world, as time goes by in Virginia, which is the focus, the uneasiness and fear have gradually reached the limit, and the order that has been barely maintained is becoming more and more fragile.

In the corner of Weiyi State, the small island named Baiyu Port has now become the center of the entire Weiyi State. It is the headquarters of the Deep Sea Fleet. As one of the most important forces of the Star Kingdom at sea, the Deep Sea Fleet is even placed in Central Continent. , can be said to be a top-level main fleet. Let alone the seven motherships of the Deep Sea Fleet, they are the strong muscles of the Star Kingdom that show off to everyone in the Pacific and are enough to intimidate most people.

At this moment, most of the deep sea fleet's forces have begun to move

After getting up, various escape resources within the fleet were distributed in batches, and the three motherships patrolling in the distance had also received orders to begin their return.

In the busy and solemn headquarters, Commander Putslang looked at the satellite map in front of him with a stern expression, and said in a deep voice, "What did the Ministry of Defense say?"

The assistant on the side shook his head, "I just contacted him. Minister Reinhardt is talking to Marshal Dongcheng in Central Continent. There is no specific news yet. Speaker Cade's order is to continue evacuation and prepare for the worst."

Puterslang subconsciously raised his head and looked at the clock on the wall.

He clenched his fists with a ferocious expression, "Still on the phone? Half an hour. Were they chatting for half an hour? Do you want to send them a cup of tea or coffee?! Within half an hour, they were close. It’s nearly 700 nautical miles from Victoria, and this speed is already faster than the speed of sound! Asshole, what do they want to do? What do they want to do?!”

The assistant glanced vaguely at the satellite map in front of him, lowered his head and said nothing.

There are two red dots on the satellite map that are a bit dazzling.

They flashed on the screen, approaching Victoria at a speed that seemed unpleasant but actually exceeded the speed of sound in the real world.

Evacuations have been going on for some time.

Judging from this speed, in less than an hour at most, the two small red dots on the map can officially enter the scope of Weiyi Prefecture.

For this archipelago, that almost represents the real end.

The video that Speaker Cade urgently recorded was vague and did not make it clear what the so-called irresistible disaster was.

But ordinary people don't know, so how could they, the people in the game, not know?

Meteor impacts, weapons experiments, volcanic eruptions, plate movements

All speculations are nonsense and pure fart.

In fact, it was only two people who caused all this and were regarded by the Ministry of Defense as an irresistible disaster.

Li Tianlan.

It rains on the river.

Li Tianlan, who had regained his strength, could be said to have caught everyone off guard. When most of the forces thought that he had been completely destroyed and was about to fall into silence, and even recovery would take a long time, his sudden recovery made all the forces outside of Central Continent... My heart sank.

But before they could figure out what this meant and how the situation would change in the future, the fight between Li Tianlan and Jiang Shangyu had already frightened countless people.

The Houshi Islands, which is nearly one-fiftieth the size of Weizhou, were completely buried by the sea in just a few minutes, leaving no ruins. A maritime force belonging to the East Island that was close to the range of the two men's battles was not even The entire army was wiped out without anyone seeing it, and the satellites over the ocean locked onto the two men.

Shadow, and then saw the two of them fighting thousands of miles in a very short time at a speed exceeding the speed of sound, from the East Island into the depths of the ocean, and then approached Weiyizhou.

The battle continues.

And judging from the analysis of satellite images, the originally evenly matched stalemate seems to have been broken. Now Jiang Shangyu is running and Li Tianlan is chasing. Jiang Shangyu has no intention of changing his destination, and Li Tianlan has no intention of giving up. If it really takes two days, When people come to Weiyizhou, no one dares to imagine such a result.

Perhaps Speaker Cade was optimistic, but everyone who had enough time and understood the situation knew that it was nonsense.

There are nearly two million people in the entire state of Virginia. It is simply impossible to complete the evacuation in a few hours when they can only leave by plane and ship.

The only way to save Weiyizhou now is for Reinhardt to contact Zhongzhou, and then Zhongzhou will contact Li Tianlan to ask him to give up the pursuit.

This is also the best way.

But similarly, this method that sounds reliable is actually very unreliable.

If you want to avoid the disaster in Weiyizhou, it is also possible to let Jiang Shangyu change his destination and escape to another place.

But the problem is that they can't contact Jiang Shangyu at all now.

So what are the chances that Zhongzhou can contact Li Tianlan?

Putslang is waiting for news.

But there was no reply from Reinhardt. He had even been talking to Dongcheng Wudi for half an hour. What could he talk about for half an hour?

Putslang didn't believe that the other party didn't even have time to convey an order.

But in fact, the other party did not convey any orders.

This attitude is already obvious, Reinhardt has begun to shirk responsibility, or in other words, at such a critical period, he does not intend to issue any clear orders to Victoria.

He threw all the responsibility, initiative, and possible consequences into Puterslang's arms.

"General, the current situation is that the Ministry of Defense has not received any reply, but time is running out. We must make a decision."

The assistant was silent for a moment and reminded carefully.

Putslang's face was ashen. He was silent for half a minute before gritting his teeth and saying, "What decision can I make? I will only do what I should do!"

The assistant's expression changed and he hesitated to speak.

"Monitor the movements of Li Tianlan and Jiang Shangyu in real time. When they approach a certain distance, send fighter planes to warn them and expel them from the area."

Puterslang said in a cold voice, "If they refuse to leave, then stay, they are just two people, I don't believe they can really stop my fleet!"

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