The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 785: :free

Li Tianlan's figure reappeared in the void.

This is an area that has not been affected by the war. There is still a calm darkness in the space. Stars hang in the dark space, emitting light and heat. In the space that can be seen, planets keep rotating around the stars. state.

Both the God of War and the Human Emperor have disappeared.

The God of War's most extreme sword slashed the end of the world, which only meant one thing: the death of the world was imminent.

No, it should be more accurately called the end.

The universe without a singularity means that it can no longer continue to expand and expand. A world that has lost its singularity will instinctively change from a state of outward expansion to a state of inward collapse. This cannot be stopped.

Everything in the starry sky will collapse as the world collapses and become ashes. This is the end.

When the universe collapses faster and faster, and the coverage area becomes larger and larger, the world will also become smaller and smaller. Such small meetings will always continue, and eventually a singularity will be formed again.

Then there will be a new Big Bang, and everything today will start again, ushering in a new era.

In this process, everyone will fall, the strongest and the most powerful, without exception.

The true imprints of the peak powerhouses and the Supremes will be completely shattered, and the forces sheltered by their true imprints will also fall silent.

The shattered real imprint is not affected by the collapse of the world, and the basic particles that make up the real imprint will drift aimlessly in the indescribable nothingness.

Until the universe collapses to the extreme, forming a new starting point, it explodes again, forming a new starry sky.

Those little bits of elementary particles will re-aggregate due to the influence of the real imprint.

, return to the peak again, and the civilizations hidden in their blood and true imprints will also reappear in the new era with their complete return, becoming the fundamental strength of the human race.

The Supreme Master holds the power and uses the power of power to force his way to the end of the world and restart the world.

This is the neutral camp’s biggest trump card.

People always have to face the world, but they are unable to fight against the world and cannot force the world to restart. The war between the camps will not have the second result for life. The only possibility is extinction, complete extinction.

After taking control of the end of the world, the neutral camp can completely sacrifice one or more supreme beings in an unsustainable desperate situation, allowing the supreme to enter the end of the world with authority and forcibly restart the world.

In this process, the supreme and peak powerhouses can concentrate some of the most elite power in each star field, integrate the star fields into their own blood, integrate the true brand, and provide protection.

Most of this kind of asylum will be lost in the battle before the end comes, but some will be preserved.

As the world ends and the fragments of reality are scattered and reunited, their return will also awaken the power in the imprint of reality that they have sheltered.

And this part of the power can control the second authority in the new era, and can also try to hit the peak level. Once the latter succeeds, it can protect more elites in the next end.

The foundation of the neutral camp is that it continues to strengthen with each ending.

This is an extremely cruel process. It seems that we have the initiative and the end of the world, but every time the world ends, to put it bluntly, it means the neutral camp.

The vast majority of civilization must be sacrificed to preserve the most elite forces.

The Supreme is the pillar of life, but every Supreme is also the greatest executioner.

Li Tianlan stood quietly in the void. His true will had completely disappeared after the God of War's sword. Huang Xi once again returned to the past where he should have existed, and Li Tianlan, who existed in the past, returned to the present.

The surrounding power of death is slowly gathering. Even the true will does not kill death in an instant. The existence of the true will only completely suppresses the concept of death in the shortest time, leaving the end of the world in the most extreme state. Reality, a state that can be destroyed.

Now that the end of the world has begun, death does not continue to entangle Li Tianlan. He is a part of the world, absolutely cold. When his own end is unavoidable, what he will do next is even more difficult than entangling Huang Xi here. important.

Li Tianlan closed his eyes, and in the silent space, he seemed to hear the sound of ticking.

That was the countdown to the end of the world.

"How many more times do you think it can last??"

Li Tianlan suddenly spoke.

His voice rang out in the space where no sound should exist.

"I am not sure."

A subtle light was outlined around Li Tianlan.

The Human Emperor appeared next to Li Tianlan: "Three or five times shouldn't be a big problem, but for us... it's not enough. We need new variables."

New variables...

Li Tianlan was silent for a while and shook his head: "I can't see it."

The Human Emperor paused and shook his head slightly. He stopped continuing the topic and looked at Li Tianlan and said, "Long time no see."

Li Tianlan


haven't seen you for a long time...

He wanted to say this when he saw the God of War and the Human Emperor at the end of the world, but he didn't have time.

Now I am talking about it, but without the God of War, it loses a lot of meaning.

He suppressed his inner emotions, looked at the Human Emperor whose body seemed to be condensed by starlight, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Your current state is too bad. In the Supreme, your state can be said to be at the bottom, and it may even be that of your little nephew." If you can't even catch up, don't you think it's embarrassing for you as an uncle?"

The Human Emperor twitched the corner of his mouth and said calmly: "I know you have a good son, so there is no need to show off to me. There is a problem with the real environment of the City of Miracles. Isn't it because of you? If you didn't kill Emperor Zhou back then, you wouldn't have meeting..."

He paused suddenly and did not continue.

From the perspective of the City of Miracles, Emperor Zhou is known as the last human emperor. The titles from human emperor to emperor may seem inconsequential, but the influence has lasted for thousands of years, and the world has also been officially affected. It should not have been able to In the Miracle City that was affected, most of the permissions were blocked, and the remaining martial arts were nondescript. This directly led to the wrong choice made by the Emperor before his return.

In fact, this is not a mistake at all, because in his era, when he was in the City of Miracles, he had no choice but martial arts. From martial arts to now, he has mastered the power. The level of the supreme is there, but the supreme However, his strength has been greatly reduced, just like Li's. Now he can't even defeat the new supreme Taihao of his nephew's generation. It's an absolute tragedy.

Ultimately, all this is Li Tianlan's fault, but from Emperor Zhou to Lin Shiyi, to the new authority, if everything

If Huang Xi had made the move at the beginning, then the game of chess was obviously not over yet. At least for now, it seems that the stupid move that led to the fall of Emperor Zhou has the tendency of a divine move. It is still too early to say how it will develop.

"Will he become a new variable?"

The Human Emperor suddenly asked.

"It's hard to say. He is outside my scope of authority and I can't communicate with him."

Li Tianlan shook his head.

"All in all, the situation is not optimistic."

The Human Emperor said calmly: "Even if there are three or five chances, even five times, judging from our current situation, there is still no hope."

"I will return much earlier than you this time."

Li Tianlan said quietly: "I will find a way. No matter what, at least we have mastered the end of the world, much better than we did at the beginning."

The surface of the human emperor's body, gathered by the starlight, fluctuated slightly for a moment.

He, Li Tianlan, the God of War, and Xi Bai were all creatures from the old world.

The so-called "original" refers to the Yu Clan period. At that time, the Yu Clan did not grasp the end of the world, and the world at that time was not the world now.

In such a world, the sense of oppression is even stronger. Without the initiative, they will be driven out by the world almost every time. The elites protected by the True Brand will be lost in the end of the fight, and all life in the entire starry sky will be completely destroyed.

The winning world will expand unbridled until it expands to the extreme, collapses to the starting point, and explodes again. Life will reappear in the process of the explosion of the universe. Except for the strong ones with the true brand, nothing will be left. No trace can be left behind.

The entire Yu Clan period has been like this. The world has ended time and time again.

Only the pinnacle figures and the Supremes barely managed to return alive. No one had both powers. There was very little fresh blood, and most of the skills were accumulated from scratch. Therefore, they never won, kept resisting, kept being destroyed, and finally until the world died completely.

It's death, not the end.

So nothing was left of the Yu clan, only a few of them from the old world barely survived, faced the new world, and started the era of the neutral camp.

Huang Xi found the end of the world here and took some initiative. Life has a way to end the world in advance and accumulate foundation. The foundation is constantly increasing, so there are people like Xuanyuan Wushang who have three kinds of authority. , there are also top experts who can advance smoothly without taking many detours.

The current situation is much better than during the Yu Clan period.

But to this day, the Human Emperor still sees no hope of stabilizing life.

Because the world will die.

Not the end.

For the world, the end is just a new beginning, but death is not.

End the world in advance time and time again, or let the world continue to expand. One day, the expansion of the world will reach the limit. At that time, the world will officially enter the doomsday period, losing the ability to expand, and will no longer collapse. The universe changes from order to disorder, the world completely dies in absolute chaos, a new world reappears, and a new race becomes a new neutral camp.

Everything seems destined.

Life seems to be a tragedy from the beginning.

If you want to get rid of such an ending, you must let everything calm down and form a stable state before the world dies.

Want to achieve this

To achieve this goal, life must completely master the world.

But the current situation, let alone control, they didn't even have hope of confrontation.

If you want to control the world, you must have enough authority. When the authority reaches its peak, you must master the corresponding authority. When there are enough authority, life can truly control the world.


This is the end of every authority, and each authority has three kinds of authority.

As for the current neutral camp, even including Huang Xi and Xi Bai, there are only six Supremes.

Although Huang Xi controls three powers alone, it is still far from enough.

"I don't know how many variables there will be in the future, but what I can be sure of is that when Xiaobai and I return, she can be regarded as a variable."

Li Tianlan said slowly.

"What's going on with her?"

There was a strange emotion in the Human Emperor's voice, which seemed to be certain but also somewhat doubtful: "There are two of them in the City of Miracles. Even I can't tell the difference between them. unusual."

"I don't know the details. I died earlier than she did. She couldn't tell clearly before returning."

Li Tianlan hesitated for a moment and shook his head: "But what is certain is that the Yu Clan period is obviously not the earliest, and that world is not the earliest either.

At the beginning of time, each race developed to the end, fighting against the world, and then perished. With the death of the world, a new world opened...

This process is constantly being repeated. Likewise, in this process, there must be races unknown to us who are further ahead than the Yu Clan on the road against the world, and further than we are now.

Xiaobai in the new world

When the world opened, she seemed to have inadvertently obtained some information, or data, that was earlier than the Yu Clan. Her current situation should be her own attempt. She can gain authority on the road of order, which in itself is It's already very strange. There are definitely secrets in several authority levels of the order. "

The Human Emperor fell silent.

The starlight condensed into his body was completely stable without any fluctuation.

"Aren't you leaving yet?"

Li Dao: "The end is imminent. Your time is limited, so you should collect information, whether it is the information of the human race or your own information."

"There's no rush."

The Human Emperor's voice became gentle: "I'll see you off, it should be soon."

Li Tianlan laughed.

He only had half a blink of an eye.

From the time he appeared in the starry sky until now, even though he has extended the time, his true body on the desert island is about to open his eyes.

He can actually return, but he still wants to wait for one more thing.

"Just don't be irritated. As I said, your condition is so bad that you may not even be able to keep up with your nephew."

The Human Emperor sneered and said angrily: "I am helping you resolve family conflicts. Do you think I am willing to babysit your children?"

Two cold stars suddenly appeared in the quiet and infinite void.

The misty light is approaching at an unimaginable speed in the void.

But in the blink of an eye, Two Point Hanxing had appeared in front of Li Tianlan.

The misty light drew two extremely gorgeous lines of light and shadow under the starry sky.

Two crystal-clear long swords appeared in front of Li Tianlan. The long swords were slender and dazzling. They were so gorgeous that it took people's breath away.

This is Wei

The king is Xuanyuan Feng, the ruthless...

But after tearing apart the end of the world, they have completed their transformation under the ultimate will of the God of War.

The thick sword body was split into two, and the dark sword body became crystal clear.

Now they are no longer rebellious.

The imperfect authority condensed from the imperfect martial arts originally created by Huang Xi has completely transformed in the most correct martial arts of the God of War, from rebellion to freedom.

Li Tianlan looked quietly at the two bright long swords in front of him.

If they are brought back to the City of Miracles, the real body's martial arts strength will be restored in an instant, and the combat power will reach the true limit of level four, and have the characteristics of high authority. The real body in that state will Horrible beyond imagination.

But he has found his own path. At least for now, martial arts strength is not absolutely important to him.

"You should play a bigger role."

Li Tianlan's aura was declining rapidly.

At the last moment, he waved slightly.

‘Freedom’ silently shattered the void.

The Human Emperor, who had been standing next to Li Tianlan, did not say hello and disappeared along with the disappearing 'Freedom'.

Another corner of the starry sky.

On the vast battlefield, a martial arts Shura who was flawless in appearance and temperament was surging with a brilliant and almost brilliant sword light, raging crazily through the endless mechanical life.

His authority may not be the highest on the battlefield, but his overwhelming destructive power makes him one of the focuses of the entire battlefield.

In the sharp edge, the void around Shura suddenly fluctuated for a moment.

Without any warning, two crystal clear swords passed through the unknown

How far away it was, it appeared quietly in front of him.

The sharp edge blew past him like the wind, bringing his state back to its peak in an instant. The wind blew through the void, and around him, the infinite mechanical life turned into the tiniest fragments at the same time. .

The two long swords vibrated slightly, instantly communicating with the martial arts Shura's consciousness and completing extremely detailed communication with him.

The entire battlefield seemed to be silent for a moment.

No, it was completely silent.

All creatures belonging to the order camp on the battlefield fell into a sluggish state at this moment, motionless.

Shura, whose appearance and temperament was extremely perfect because he inherited it from his mother, silently looked at the two long swords in front of him. He had no expression and did not seem to be surprised. While holding the long sword, he seemed to have a guilty conscience, subconsciously He turned around and looked around.

Then, as expected, he saw a young man who vaguely resembled himself.

The appearance of the two people is only vaguely similar, but the almost perfect charm and temperament on their bodies are exactly the same.

He was standing behind Shura, as if he suddenly appeared, and the overwhelming aura emanated from him, turning into lies one after another. Under the cover of lies, the entire battlefield was completely frozen.

Shura's expressionless face became even stiffer. He suddenly felt that the two long swords that fit him perfectly in his hands were a little heavy.

Behind him, the young man who had frozen the battlefield stood there, looking at him silently, his eyes a little complicated.

The look in his eyes was like that of an older brother who sees his younger brother getting pocket money from eccentric parents but has nothing.

No, not like.

This is a fact.

It's the truth!

The corner of Shura's mouth twitched slightly, and he called out unnaturally: "Brother."

at the same time.

Under the starry sky, the city of miracles.

A desert island in the North Sea.

Li Tianlan opened his eyes.

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