The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 784: : End

In the palace, the black shadow that was constantly changing slowly moved forward.

The breath of eternal silence rushed towards my face, vast and vast.

This breath was blocked and melted by the gray mist the moment it approached Huang Xi.

The black figure had no eyes, but as he moved forward, a huge, irresistible will instantly filled every corner of the huge palace.

The palace began to roar, and all the scenes in front of him began to distort and dissipate.

The palace disappeared, the chaos disappeared, and the passage completely disappeared.

Only an obscure, oppressive, and extremely silent gloom completely enveloped the surroundings.

It was indescribable silence and emptiness, with a distinct, clear smell of death.

The ever-changing black shadow began to gradually grow larger, and his figure gradually became ferocious. Sharp barbs grew on his body. The black shadow's body was broken bit by bit, and one after another appeared on his body. There are densely packed black holes, and fatal dangers are constantly brewing in every black hole.

Huang Xi narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the 'old' opponent in front of her.

He actually has no name, no title, and does not even have a specific form.

Describe his words from the standpoint of the neutral camp.

He is the end of the elemental authority and the symbol of all the forces of death in the universe. He represents all concepts of death in this universe. He is death itself.

Among the order camp, he is second only to the strongest person of order.

If I had to give him a name, his name would be death.

This is just the opinion of the neutral camp.

In fact, apart from the perspective of the neutral camp, the so-called order, the so-called chaos, and the so-called death

Death is something that does not exist.

In the eyes of the world, there is only yourself.

All the things divided into neutral camps are part of the world's power.

Representing death, the silent and gloomy environment is eroding the gray fog bit by bit.

The dense black holes on Death's body connect the space of the entire universe and appear on every battlefield. The fierce fighting on the battlefield. The continuous death brings him power that will never be exhausted. The huge will locks Huang Xi, Death Finally a response was given.

The response was like a void explosion all over the starry sky, like a star that had burned out its erupting energy, like a storm in the dead silence of nothingness. It was harsh, messy, and filled with deep malice. It became the language of all races: "You only have one The power of the strike.”


Huang Xi laughed.

His state is special and time is tight. He comes briefly after time and space merge into chaos, and he really only has the power of one blow.

But this blow was the true peak of his power.

Death itself is immortal, but immortal death will also be terminated.

"I can't kill you."

Huang Xi said calmly: "But no one can stop me."

His eyes fell on the God of War.

The God of War holding the broken sword closed his eyes. His aura had declined to the extreme. His aura was completely silent, and all his power was shrinking, gathering, and returning to his body.

He's still here, but unable to communicate.

Huang Xi's eyes fell on the Human Emperor again.

His figure has dimmed and almost disappeared, but the continuously circulating power still bursts out from him, and he is also silent and silent.

because he stayed

What is here is just an image, and the true form of the Human Emperor has become the logic that fills the entire starry sky. He is the end of the world of heaven and earth, the end of the reincarnation of all races, and he is single-handedly affecting the logic of authority. All life, gather their strength to make this place stable.

Huang Xi looked at the two old friends with some regret.

Old friends meet again, but there is no way to reminisce about the past.

His eyes stayed on the two of them for a long time, and then moved to Death little by little.

"When I officially return..."

In a voice that seemed to be muttering to himself, gray mist surged violently around him.

The constantly changing forms of death exploded.

One, two, ten, hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands or even more...

Densely packed, pitifully small but incredibly massive black holes suddenly took shape as the death body exploded.

The black hole swallowed everything, and in less than a second, all the black holes turned into white holes.

The piercing whistling sound shook the entire chaotic space, which was the scream of the world.

Countless white holes were connected into one body, spewing crazily in a completely violent state.

What it spits out is no longer matter, but a pure and single concept transformed by the power of death into matter and elements.

Death concept.

The gloomy and hazy light rushed into the realm of gray fog with desperate silence.

The idea of ​​death erodes everything.

Under such a concept, vitality has no meaning at all, because it directly changes the state of existence from the conceptual level, from a living state to a dead state. No matter how strong the vitality is, once it is eroded by this concept,

That would also lead to death while possessing strong vitality.

Huang Xi opened her hands.

A large amount of extremely dense gray mist around him boiled completely.

In the boiling gray mist, golden light and pure white lines began to blend at the same time.

The three authorities began to merge continuously at this moment.

His aura rose crazily, seeming to open up the starry sky and tear apart the chaos.

The merged authority seems to have no power, but it has clearly transformed into another concept.

In front of the world, there seems to be a lie that keeps spreading in the blur and becomes the truth.

It is a will that can confront the entire world in an instant.

It has no power, but is absolutely real.

Under the radiation of the true will, everything in the world, no matter order or death, all power took on an illusory state in a short period of time.

The realm of death has disappeared.

The surrounding chaos also disappeared.

The void of nothingness also disappeared.

The true will is eroding all space, and this so-called chaos reveals its truest appearance.

The power belonging to the world was completely cut off by the true will at this moment.

The figures of Huang Xi and the God of War appeared in an empty space.

This place is infinitely small and yet infinitely vast.

He and the God of War seemed to be compressed into dust countless times smaller than basic particles.

The density here is infinitely large, the volume is infinitesimally small, the silence is as quiet as death, and it contains everything.

Countless cracks appeared in Huang Xi's figure, and his true will continued to spread, making everything here clearer.

Ares opened his eyes.

A recurring force swept across

his body.

Reincarnation in an instant.

The wounds on the God of War were completely healed.

The broken giant sword in his hand became whole again.

The divine forms belonging to the God of War were completely restored.

His breath reached the limit of martial arts in an instant.

He grasped the edge of the sword, and his body began to expand continuously in this space with infinite density and infinitely small volume.

Shining sword lights continued to gather from every pore on his body. The sword lights became brighter and brighter, carrying the desire of countless civilizations, the anger of all life, and all the struggles and resistances stemming from unwillingness.

The sword light surged and boiled, completely violent.

Under the shroud of true will, in the bright sword light, the body of the God of War was completely melted by the sword light, turning into the most powerful sword energy in the history of the human race.

In the neutral camp, he is the God of War, and he is the Supreme.

In the eyes of the world, he is one of the three extremes of martial arts authority, the ultimate of everything in the world. He holds the strongest authority in martial arts authority today: the limit!

His speed, his strength, and his sword energy are all the limits of martial arts.

The space enveloped by true will becomes completely stable under the power of reincarnation.

Stability means solidity.

And the sword energy that represents the ultimate limit under the starry sky continues to bloom in this space, tearing apart darkness, tearing apart void, tearing apart chaos, tearing apart time, completely exploding this infinitely dense space. .

This is the singularity of the universe.

According to the neutral camp, this is the end of the world.

The sword light of the God of War completely erupted at the end of the world.

His body bloomed to the extreme at the same time with the sword light, and then as the sword light continued

It dissipates like light and mist, spreading across the starry sky.

Between the vast galaxies, there are star fields and battlefields.

Light and fog appear without warning.

Pieces of light mist representing the extreme covered the void and covered the scorching sun, making the entire universe become a dream.

One of the four supreme beings in the neutral camp, the God of War in the God of War world, the limit of martial arts authority, has completely fallen.

On the battlefields across the starry sky, after a short period of silence, all the beings in the neutral camp entered the wildest killings like crazy.

And at the edge of the starry sky, in the unknown place that no one can explore, space is rapidly expanding at a speed far exceeding the speed of light. The expansion of the world generates huge energy, and the infinite energy turns into misty moving clouds. The traveling clouds gathered a large amount of matter, bringing out huge light and heat. Stars were brewing in the traveling clouds, then planets, and finally turned into galaxies one after another.

The expansion proceeds silently.

The diffuse light mist spreads to the edge of the starry sky, blending with the expansion of the world.

The end of the world was completely chopped into pieces by the sword light.

So at one point, the expanding universe suddenly came to a standstill, and then in less than a trillionth of a second, the entire universe began to explore inward from all directions.

Space is shrinking at an unimaginable speed, and the collapse continues at an almost extreme speed. All the galaxies along the way are wiped out in the moment of the world's collapse, leaving only an indescribable nothingness.

After being completely torn apart at the end of the world.

Before the neutral camp is about to enter a desperate situation.

With the fall of the God of War, the end of the universe,

Officially arrived.

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