The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 616: :confusion

The counterattack is completely out of instinct.

A huge, deadly danger approached his back silently, and made a sound without warning. His distorted body slowly poked his head out from behind like a poisonous snake. In Wang Xiaoyao's sight, it was the other party who was twisting. The upper body that is constantly being stretched.

The skin has been stretched to the extreme, revealing incomparably weird lines, the lines began to break when they appeared, and cracks appeared in the skin, dark red, with a little black blood flowing out from the wound, dripping with the rain all over the sky A, the rain-soaked red hair sticking together, the face smiling, furtively, furtively, with a perverted expression of pleasure. . .

Perception and sight become clear at the same time.

On Wang Xiaoyao's body, the sudden condensed sharpness exploded.

The rain all over the sky was completely shattered into mist in an instant, and the trees within tens of meters around fell down with a roar. He raised his palm, and the light of the knife shone on his fingertips.

The power of Wang Xiaoyao's left and right were concentrated and condensed at the fastest speed in his slight breathing, and then began to pour out with an incomparably terrifying momentum.

The shining knife light tore through the air, and with an explosive hum, it slashed like a horse.

The line of sight became clear at this moment, and time seemed to slow down. Wang Xiaoyao looked at the perverted smiling face in front of him.

The other party was still smiling, facing the light of the knife, he blinked slightly.

In the next second, black blood shot up into the sky.

Wang Xiaoyao waved his arm.

A head with red hair flew up.

The body twisted from behind fell to Wang Xiaoyao's side in stiffness, twitching continuously.

Blood pooled under the feet.

Wang Xiaoyao was stunned.

At the moment when the other party's whereabouts were confirmed, he had no time to think about anything at all, and his subconscious counterattack was the fastest and most ruthless. In that state of blank mind, there was no thought in his brain, and all the power was concentrated in one At this point, it erupted completely, and the strength of the peak invincible state was completely compressed in this palm.

Then the opponent was killed by him. . .

Killed. . .

It was like a punch that had been charged for a long time hit the cotton directly.

Wang Xiaoyao's face was cloudy and uncertain, and his chest was constantly heaving due to the depression in his heart. It took half a minute before he opened his mouth. . .



Blood spurted from his mouth, and his body hadn't reacted from his sudden outburst until now, Wang Xiaoyao wiped the corner of his mouth, with a dazed look on his face, he couldn't laugh or cry.

It seemed that the other party didn't know what method they used, but they just wanted to ambush here to scare him. He thought that the person who appeared behind him would be some kind of super expert. He was still thinking about fighting to the death with the opponent regardless of his injuries. . .

But the head is so flying. . .

Heads are flying.

Wang Xiaoyao was emotionally incoherent, and shook his head in confusion, thinking that my pants are dragging you so **** show me this.

Standing under the heavy rain, he looked at the destroyed woods around him, opened his mouth, and murmured, "This... is it crazy?"


Weird laughter rang out as Wang Xiaoyao muttered to himself: "Crazy... what is it... is it fun..."

In sight, the headless body that had stopped twitching suddenly began to move.

He opened his two arms, waved them aimlessly in the air, and then crawled around Wang Xiaoyao on all fours.

The blood is still flowing.

But the vitality of the body is getting stronger and stronger, and the movements have become more sensitive.

Wang Xiaoyao looked at this scene in a daze. At this moment, he only felt that his three views were completely shattered, shattered into a mess.

He didn't notice where his head fell.

But the chaotic voice still came from a certain direction.

"Where's the head? Where's my head? me find it, help me find it, I'm sorry, thank you...ah, I forgot to ask, what are you looking find it together the way, look for my head...oh oh you can't find me can't find me, you can't find me, you can't find guess where I am...come to me, idiot ..."

A sphere with fiery red hair floated up, and floated in front of Wang Xiaoyao's sight.

The two hands on the body grabbed it, and the head turned flexibly to hide behind Wang Xiaoyao, the piercing laughter continued: "Can't catch me...haha...can't catch me...what are you looking for. ...Ah...what are you looking for, what are you looking for, what are you looking for...together, what are you looking for..."

The head fell on Wang Xiaoyao's shoulder, and he kept talking, repeating the content over and over again, making people upset.

Consciousness is a little trance.

The world seemed to start spinning.

In the dark sky, there are wind and rain falling, beating on the river, woods and isolated islands, amidst the rustling sound, an unspeakable strange aura envelopes everything in sight, terrifying and unreal.

Own. . . Must be dreaming. . .

Wang Xiaoyao was thinking in confusion, and the broken body in front of him began to circle around him to grab his head, the head was flying around, avoiding, cursing, screaming, and laughing wildly. . .

At a certain moment, Fei's cheerful head merged with his body, and then he suddenly cried: "Ah, it's reversed...pretended reversed... woooooo...haha, it's reversed... "

Wang Xiaoyao stretched out his hand subconsciously, and tightly covered his ears.

The incomprehensible scene in front of him already made him doubt life.

The figure with the head turned upside down held his own head, and turned his body around little by little.

He looked at Wang Xiaoyao, his eyes were full of whites, and his pale eyeballs seemed to glow strangely: "You are in this state...I really want to eat you...Can you be my seed... Not good... um... **** Li Tianlan... I can't eat you for the time being, what a pity, woo woo woo, I'm so pitiful, hehe, I really want to die, what are you looking for, head Let me play for you, do you want it?"


Wang Xiaoyao stubbornly endured the trembling in his heart.

He gritted his teeth and looked at the figure in front of him that had crushed his countless notions.

In his life, Wang Xiaoyao had never been afraid of any opponent, even Li Tianlan at his peak, he would be afraid, but not afraid.

But this thing in front of him, he appeared too unexpectedly, and behaved too unexpectedly. Wang Xiaoyao has seen heads, blood, broken bodies, and extremely chaotic scenes like hell. In the dark world, He is definitely knowledgeable, but he has never seen this kind of thing before him.

Some illogical scenes in previous horror films appeared directly in front of his eyes when he was not mentally prepared.

Wang Xiaoyao was a little bit overwhelmed, and even more at a loss.

The bright knife light condensed and dissipated in his hands, repeated several times, and he finally chose to give up.

Because he doesn't know **** this thing.

"Who are you..."

He closed his eyes, took several deep breaths, forced himself to calm down, and asked.


He introduced himself: "I am Lucifer De La Tour Bond Benjamin Williams Mike Thomson Walker..."

Standing in front of Wang Xiaoyao, he spoke rapidly, continuously, without stopping.

Lucifer has been talking, talking, talking, talking about hundreds of names, but no surname.

Wang Xiaoyao didn't remember most of the names, but the first name made his eyes narrow slightly.

Taking advantage of the time when Lucifer kept reporting his name, he managed to stabilize his mind. Seeing that Lucifer was still talking, he couldn't help but interrupt, "Why didn't you die?"

The eloquent Lucifer stopped, blinked his eyes, and asked strangely, "Why should I die?"

He waved his hands, approached Wang Xiaoyao, and showed that sneaky smile that made people feel a little uncomfortable: "I'm here... I saw you were looking for something... I was going to wait for you to find it." I'm coming out, I'm going to scare you, but you've been looking for it for too long, I can't wait, so I just..."

"I'm asking why you didn't die!"

Wang Xiaoyao increased his tone.

A person whose head was beheaded was still alive and kicking. If it was a movie or something, Wang Xiaoyao could easily accept it, but how could he accept what actually happened in front of him?

"Ah, I ate it, I ate it tonight... uh... I forgot, steak... It seems to be eaten yesterday, uh, maybe the day before yesterday?"

Wang Xiaoyao frowned tightly. He stared at Lucifer for a long while before asking, "Are you Lucifer, the one from Xingguo?"

The Angel Monarch Group is now well-known in the dark world. This organization, which has always been extremely low-key, was unprecedentedly active on the night when the alliance besieged Li Tianlan. It did cause some troubles that cannot be ignored in Central Continent. From then on, it began to spread throughout the dark world.

Wang Xiaoyao has long known about the existence of the Angels and Lucifer, but this is the first time he has seen him in person.

"Yes, as long as you like it."

Lucifer smiled: "What are you looking for... I can help you... Or, if I hide, can you find me?"

He looked at his body and touched his arm: "This... can I hide this here? Shh, shh... Let's hide it quickly, so that he doesn't find out..."

The corner of Wang Xiaoyao's mouth twitched, he looked at Lucifer, but stopped talking.

The other party's terrifying eyes with all the whites seemed irrational at all. He knew that Xingguo's technology in transforming super weapons was ahead of Central Continent. Probably because of the huge gap in gene potion technology, they took the initiative to change the track , used various methods in an attempt to overtake on a curve.

It is said that Lucifer is infinitely close to the peak invincible strength, which seems to say that the star country has succeeded, but, this kind of transformation, is it possible to transform the other party into a lunatic who doesn't understand what he said?

His question and Lucifer's answer are completely different things.

It seems that the question he asked, when heard by the other party, becomes something else.


Wang Xiaoyao looked at Lucifer: "You can't communicate? Then why do you want me?"

"I won't die, it's not a matter of vitality, it's just... I won't die, I won't die hahaha... There is logic in life and death, this is order. When order doesn't exist, life and death, what's the point? I'm not going to die, ah, I'm already dead, hehe, haha, I'm still alive..."

Lucifer stared straight at Wang Xiaoyao suddenly: "Do you want to learn, I'll teach you..."

Wang Xiaoyao looked at him expressionlessly, and after confirming that the other party was not pretending to be crazy, he fell silent.

All this was beyond his expectation.

Since this period of time, he has been busy fighting with Wang Shengxiao, and has not participated in any actions in the dark world at all. On the level of the dark world, he, Wang Shengxiao, and the entire Beihai Wang family should have fallen silent.

Wang Xiaoyao doesn't think he has anything to do with the Angel Group. At present, it seems that it can only be the Angel Group. At least, seeing Lucifer here should not be the meaning of Xingguo. If Xingguo wants to contact him If so, he wouldn't send this kind of insane person who can't communicate.

The meaning of the angel group. . .

As the leader of the Angel King Group, such a lunatic, what is he going to do when he comes to find him?

Wang Xiaoyao had a headache.

Lucifer stood in front of him and smirked, his terrifying eyes fixed on him for a moment.

"Have you eaten?"

He instinctively found a topic that was not very nutritious. As soon as he uttered this question, he suddenly froze.

"Ah, I'm Lucifer... yes, the one from Xingguo."

Lucifer laughed.

"What I hate the most is being followed. What's your purpose?"

"I can communicate, our communication is very pleasant... Isn't it like this?"


Wang Xiaoyao took a step back subconsciously.

The conversation between himself and Lucifer flashed again in his mind.

The other party can't communicate?

seem. . . like. . . Probably not.

He asked a question, but the other party's answer seemed irrelevant. . .

But if all the conversations are sorted out and the order is rearranged, it seems to be barely a normal conversation.

The other party's answers were in a messy order.

No, the other party answered his question in advance even before he asked it.

No, not at all, some questions, the other party answered in advance, and some questions, the other party made a mistake later, but no matter what, it seems that they have answered.

It's just that all the answers are confusing.

And was this chaos caused by himself, or by Lucifer?

Is it temporal confusion, or psychological confusion?

Got your timing wrong?

Or, is there a hearing error?

still. . .

Is Lucifer really crazy?

Wang Shengxiao had a splitting headache, and obvious blue veins appeared on his forehead, which were constantly beating.

"Your condition looks very bad..."

Lucifer tilted his head, only the white eyes looked at him silently: "Is it because you can't find something... I can help you find him, but you have to promise me one thing, okay?" ...I'll help you find what you want, and you have to help me find what I want, okay? Ah? Okay, okay, okay?"

Wang Xiaoyao's breathing became short of breath, he tightly covered his forehead, his headache began to intensify, and a low growl came from his throat.

"Don't get excited... don't get excited... we can work together, relax, I'll help you find it, calm down, calm down... don't be angry, I'll bark like a dog, okay? Meow meow... .Hee hee hee...beep..."

His voice echoed in the stormy night.

As his voice spread, countless voices began to appear densely in the woods.


Wang Xiaoyao knelt down on the ground, his severe headache seemed to reach its limit, and it exploded. He felt as if his brain had exploded completely, but at this moment, countless perspectives appeared in front of his eyes.

It is cold in the North Sea.

The snake, still in hibernation, began to crawl.

The mouse in the hole ran out.

A dense colony of ants crawled out of their nests.

Squirrels, hares, caterpillars. . .

The breath of life began to howl.

The wind and rain are still falling.

On the cold isolated island, every animal became Wang Xiaoyao's eyes, and everything they saw was immediately fed back to Wang Xiaoyao.

The pain is constant.

Wang Xiaoyao rolled and howled on the ground.

Lucifer danced excitedly at the side, he twisted his body, giggled, and kept asking: "Did you find it, did you find it, did you find it there, right here? Is it over there...uh ...ah...sorry, I forgot to ask..."

"What are you looking for..."

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