The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 615: :What are you looking for

For the entire dark world, the alternation of Li Tianlan and Jiang Shangyu is undoubtedly a big event.

Just like the alternation between Wang Tianzong and Li Tianlan back then, the old and new eras intertwined. It happened so suddenly that everyone was a little caught off guard, which eventually led to the current situation.

But this time, although things happened just as suddenly, various news were released little by little, and then confirmed. As time passed, all forces had a chance to express their attitudes.

Guo Wentian's reaction must have been slow.

Perhaps it was because Li Tianlan brought him too much pressure, or because he was a little far away from the dark world, but the others were completely different. After knowing that Li Tianlan's strength was taken away by Jiang Shangyu, and Jiang Shangyu used this to break through and recover from his injuries , The pressure brought by him has turned into a shadow like substance, frantically dispelling Li Tianlan's breath, and began to impact the entire dark world.

New chaos suddenly came.

Some people plan to speculate, some people stand on the sidelines, and some people plan to go all out to grab more benefits. All levels of the dark world are constantly in turmoil. Storms have formed within the star country. The European Union, the Snow Country, the major giants, and even the dying heroes Yes, Mrs. Jiang, all the forces of the dark world entered the Snow Country with different messages, expressing a clear attitude that could affect the entire dark world.

Tianjiao stepped onto the peak, Jiang Shangyu, who had nothing at first, began to gather forces around him at an unimaginable speed.

Xingguo is ready to accept all of these, and Reinhardt is still in charge of the overall situation, coordinating various interests.

If it takes a long time to catch up with the gap between Xingguo and Zhongzhou, then with Jiang Shangyu's breakthrough and Li Tianlan's loss of power, at least at the level of the dark world, because of Jiang Shangyu, Xingguo has already After seeing the looming overlord's edge, one step forward is the dynasty.

For such a situation, some people care about it, while others ignore it.

Wang Xiaoyao belongs to the latter.

Of course, he was aware of the news that was raging in the dark world. He also thought about the consequences of the alternation between Li Tianlan and Jiang Shangyu, and then put it aside.

because. . . Can't care.

What the future holds is ultimately a matter of the future.

In front of Wang Xiaoyao is a pile of troubles.

Central Continent has passed the first month, and February has come to an end. While Central Continent seems to be in a calm situation, the interior of the North Sea is already full of turbulent waves.

Since the meeting where Zhong Youwei had an accident, in his weakest state, Wang Shengxiao has really launched a counterattack.

And it's an all-round counterattack.

At the end of February, the order signed by Wang Shengxiao was conveyed to the entire Beihai Juntuan.

Nearly 300,000 maharajas equipped with various kings started to advance southward from different cities, and the temporary base was built on the banks of the Canglan River, which was mighty and mighty.

early March.

Various orders from Dibing Mountain are issued more and more frequently, and hundreds of thousands of maharajas have different actions every day.

In the south of the Canglan River, everyone in Wang Xiaoyao's group has become tense.

Although rationally speaking, Wang Xiaoyao doesn't think that his nephew wants to fight himself desperately at this time, bypassing the level of the dark world to start a real big war, but out of instinct, he still needs to make preparations .

The Chenxi Juntuan also began to gather towards the north.

And according to the actions of the Chenxi Juntuan, the intelligence department of Dibingshan was fully mobilized, and in less than 24 hours, they directly corrected nearly forty dark men of Wang Xiaoyao's Beihai regiment.

One of them is even a backbone figure from the Sword-Holding Family. Looking at the entire Beihai, he can barely be called a high-level figure.

Although he was injured, Wang Shengxiao, who had broken through the invincible realm, killed all the lurkers himself.

Almost at the same time, the troops of the heavens broke up and crossed the Canglan River, and then divided into several groups, and began to assassinate and instigate rebellion against the middle and high-level members of the Chenxi Army.

After the **** storm passed, a large number of elites from the Chenxi Juntuan began to abscond and re-entered the Beihai Juntuan.

Naturally, Wang Xiaoyao would not sit still, and all his methods were aimed at Dibing Mountain while his side was losing blood.

The contest between the two sides continued to escalate, and the friction became more and more intense.

Although Wang Shengxiao doesn't seem to suffer any losses in a short period of time, the loss is objective after all. After all, this place is Beihai. After hundreds of years of operation, the background is unfathomable. Wang Shengxiao has some means to spend with Wang Xiaoyao. Among these means, There are some things that Wang Xiaoyao knows, but some things he doesn't know.

Under normal circumstances, it is in Wang Shengxiao's best interest to consume each other like this.

However, Wang Shengxiao's offensive posture was extremely urgent, and he wanted to overwhelm Wang Xiaoyao head-on regardless of the cost. Therefore, for a while, Wang Xiaoyao, who seemed to have suffered no big losses, was just coping passively. , it was Wang Shengxiao, he had enough confidence and was not afraid of losses at all, so now it seems that although the losses of both sides are similar, Wang Xiaoyao is really facing difficulties.

Taking advantage of the chaos and occupying half of Beihai, he naturally has to take risks, and this is what he should bear, so even if it is difficult, he can only stand up, and even pretend to be calm on the surface. Breezy gesture.

And this attitude was more obvious when he was drinking tea with Guo Yang.

Guo Yang is the new governor of Beihai, or he is about to become the new governor. The appointment of the parliament has been issued. Guo Yang came to Beihai, but he did not immediately go to Shengzhou to take up his post. He had about half a month's vacation, so when he came to Beihai After that, he came directly to Canglan and stayed with Wang Xiaoyao all day, intending to learn more about the situation here through Wang Xiaoyao.

Wang Shengxiao knew everything and said it frankly, but as time went by, the more he talked, the more subtle Guo Yang's attitude became.

"When I was on the phone with my uncle yesterday, my uncle said something, um, about Beihai... He was still a little worried about me, and he took a lot of effort to provide me with a few breakthroughs..."

Not long after night fell, in Wang Xiaoyao's study, Guo Yang, who was tall and relatively ordinary, played with the teacup in his hand and said with a smile, "I want to hear Xiaoyao's suggestion."

Guo Yang is Guo Wentian's nephew, uncle and nephew. Before coming to Beihai, he was in Nanyun.

Going from Nanyun to Beihai was a compromise between Li Huacheng and Guo Wentian. He left Nanyun to make way for the new group, and Guo Wentian put him in Beihai with Li Huacheng's support, which was tantamount to paving the way for his nephew.

Sending his nephew to Beihai to expand the territory of the group is not only trust, but also a test. If Guo Yang does well in Beihai, he will make further progress in a few years. This will not only be a fatal blow to the Wang family of Beihai, but also In the parliament, he can also be seen.

Wang Xiaoyao took a sip of tea, looked at Guo Yang, and said with a smile, "What did the president say?"

Guo Yang's expression froze, he shook his head and said, "Although there is a breakthrough, what Uncle means is to take it easy and wait for the right time..."

He put down his teacup, looked at Wang Xiaoyao, his tone was tentative, as if he was joking: "So, I'll come to Xiaoyao to see if you can give me a chance.

Uncle has been paying attention to the matter of Beihai for many years, not only him, but all the giants are thinking about this place. I am a little anxious because Zhongzhou is anxious.

To tell you the truth, I am under a lot of pressure when I come to Beihai. If we can quickly open up the situation, it will be good for you, me, and Central Continent, right? "

"That's the reason."

Wang Xiaoyao nodded: "But you should know that the situation on my side is actually very telling. My nephew is a little sensitive now, and he is going to beat me to death.

Look at what he has done during this period of time, using various methods to eliminate my influence in the Beihai Juntuan, and then crossing the river, using a small group of elites to assassinate my middle and high-level officials. At the same time, several groups below me, some commercial forces, They were also hit.

What is the current state of Beihai's economic system? Internal and external troubles are good, to put it bluntly, it is precarious, but even so, he is fighting with me regardless of losses, and all kinds of resources. . .

Outside. . . "

Wang Xiaoyao smiled: "The sea has been blocked, nothing can get in, and air transport is not allowed. Whoever dares to come, my nephew dares to shoot down...

Now he is like crazy, what does this mean? "

Guo Yang's brows were already tightly wrinkled.

"Now, all I can do is deal with it. I will play whatever he wants. I will return his methods intact. I dare not do any drastic actions. The 300,000 yuan on the other side of the river, If you are in a hurry, you will really rush over in minutes, there is no need.

The best way, in fact, is to consume so much. Young people, with high spirits, can understand. Now he is the most aggressive. What we have to consider is to avoid it first. I believe that my nephew can persevere. One month, two months, three months, or even longer, he can persist, I believe.

But after a long time, the people around him will consider gains and losses. Those people are his pressure and his help. When these people start to make different voices, it will be my chance. Now, I just carry it, and I get beaten when I get beaten. Occasionally, I find the right opportunity to retaliate and give the opponent a punch or two, but it still takes time to win. At this time, I also go to provoke him casually. It doesn't make any sense other than going crazy. "

Guo Yang hesitated to speak.

Wang Xiaoyao waved his hand and continued to laugh: "Actually, if you want to talk about the breakthrough, my place is the one, and it's the most appropriate place. Governor, your location is in you know about Shengzhou?

Here is Canglan. . .

Shengzhou, at the foot of Dibing Mountain, your every move is under the nose of others, that's why the president said, let you find an opportunity.

To put it bluntly, I don't know which breakthroughs you mentioned, but I don't need to know.

Over the years in Beihai, there is no breakthrough that can be found out by outsiders. However, if it is not a fatal thing, it is meaningless. , It's just causing some trouble for Dibing Mountain, it's not worth it.

If you really want to do something, after arriving in Shengzhou, you can start with the conflict between me and Dibingshan, persuade and mediate, of course there will be no effect, but at least it can be regarded as a voice, so that others can understand your will . . .

Of course, this is my personal suggestion, you decide for yourself. "

Guo Yang's eyes lit up, with excitement visible to the naked eye.

"Insights, but that's all."

He spoke contentedly, even with a little gratitude.

Wang Xiaoyao shook his head, picked up the cigarette case in front of him and handed it to Guo Yang: "Do you want it?"

Guo Yang took out one and lit it, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled the smoke, closed his eyes, his expression was a little calm after thinking about it.

Wang Shengxiao looked at him without speaking.

He didn't know much about Guo Yang, but judging from the situation of the other party after he came to Beihai, he could roughly understand the other party's thoughts.

These days, the other party has always had a smile on his face. When talking about the future, he also has ambitions and longings, as well as gentleness and boldness, but Wang Xiaoyao has never seen such calmness on his face now.

So he pointed out a way for the other party. Anyway, this way is good for him, and it is good for both parties.

"I understand what you mean."

Guo Yang opened his eyes and looked at Wang Xiaoyao. He even imitated the ancients and cupped his hands towards Wang Xiaoyao: "In the future, Xiaoyao still needs to take care of him."

Wang Xiaoyao could see through his state of mind.

And Guo Yang himself did not hide his state of mind.

When he came to Beihai, the burden and pressure on him were extremely great. Standing in his current position, he could really open up the sea and the sky, and if he took a step back, he could really be irreversible. He had expectations for the future in his heart, and he also had expectations for the future. Fear of the status quo.

Including the speaker, among the thirteen councilors in Beihai, twelve of them have the same position at present, and he is the only one who belongs to a big outsider. What kind of living environment is this?

Being targeted, ignored, and left out in the cold, Guo Yang was already mentally prepared.

But what he was most afraid of was losing his life here.

This worry is not an exaggeration at all, after all, he is going to the Holy State.

what is that place

To catch a place on the street where ordinary people would desperately support Dibing Mountain was a world completely unfamiliar to him, and he seemed to have vaguely felt the hostility of that world before he got there.

This kind of fear and worry has been weighing on his heart all this time, almost suffocating him.

Guo Wentian did give him a few breakthroughs. If these things are really taken out, they can be regarded as three fires for the new official to take office. The possibility of this is something Guo Yang dare not think about.

Fortunately, Wang Xiaoyao gave him a way now.

A path that suits him best now.

The north-south dispute in the North Sea is the best entry point and breakthrough point for him right now.

It would definitely be useless for him to mediate the conflict between the uncle and nephew when he saw Wang Shengxiao, but at least, this attitude would let others know.

When Wang Xiaoyao was facing a difficult situation, he went to mediate, which is considered to be biased, but once this attitude comes out, first of all, those who have a tendency towards Wang Shengxiao in their hearts will give him some support, openly or secretly. Xiaoyao has friendship, but no one who really betrayed Dibingshan will not be too embarrassing for him. These people are the ones he can win over. After all, he is the governor. This banner is raised, with the help of Wang Xiaoyao's influence , it should be no problem to barely stand still in a short period of time.

Bei Hai is indeed actively working hard to eliminate Wang Xiaoyao's influence, but to be honest, Wang Shengxiao is active in this matter, but it is not easy to completely eliminate this influence?

Now most of his attention is focused on the interior of the Beihai Juntuan, because this is the foundation of Beihai's foothold, as for the level of behavior in Beihai. . .

After all, this is not a dark world, we must follow the rules and follow the rules. With the arrival of Guo Yang, after his flag is erected, he is inclined to Wang Xiaoyao at this level, but he is the one who is least afraid of being exposed. Gathering under the banner of Guo Yang, Di Bingshan has nothing to do with them, first form a team and stop being alone, and then. . .

After a while, my uncle was taking tough measures to replace one or two councilors from Beihai. . .

In this way, life can at least go on.

Such a team may still not be able to shake the status of Dibingshan in a short period of time, but at least, this is already a circle, which means that the power of the parliament has formally affected here for the first time, as long as this is done One step, Guo Yang is already very, very satisfied.

He felt that there should be something in return for Wang Xiaoyao.

At the beginning, regarding Wang Xiaoyao and Wang Qinglei's joining the Prince's Group, the voices within the group were extremely chaotic. No matter what the intentions of some people were, in short, a considerable number of people at that time expressed their clear understanding of their arrival. , not welcoming attitude.

Especially for Wang Xiaoyao, all kinds of doubts basically never stopped.

But time sees people's hearts.

Today, such doubts may still exist, but after all, there are not many.

Because Wang Xiaoyao is ruthless enough.

With the strength of the peak invincibility, he can be regarded as an absolute big shot in the dark world.

But for such a big man, his most famous incident seems to always be aimed at the Wang family of Beihai.

At the beginning, he left the Beihai Wang family to break through and enter the invincible state.

Privately and forcefully detained tens of thousands of elites from the Beihai Army, and broke with Dibingshan.

Dragging Wang Qinglei away from the Southeast Group, he forcibly occupied Wu Yue.

During the decisive battle in Beihai, he stood on the side of Jiang Shangyu, Gu Xingyun and Li Kuangtu, showing no mercy.

The alliance acted to assassinate Xia Zhi, which caused Xia Zhi to be abolished, and Wang Shengxiao was seriously injured.

Occupying half of Beihai, confronting his nephew **** for tat. . .

Very promising.

This is not an irony. With this step, Wang Xiaoyao is still alive, and he is indeed very promising. Similarly, after he has done a lot of things, most people no longer doubt his position.

So Guo Yang thought that at this time, he should give Wang Xiaoyao something in return.

"During this time, Canglan's condition seems to be not very good, if you need anything, Xiaoyao, you can just ask.

The Wang family of Beihai does have a profound background, but if you really want to talk about the background, it won’t hurt to show some of the family background in the group. The master team, confidential information, logistics materials, and the king’s preparations. . .

Everyone is on their own now, and it is necessary to support you. As long as you ask, these things can be brought in at any time. The blockade of Beihai is meaningless. No matter how rampant Wang Shengxiao is, he will not fight with Zhongzhou. "

Wang Xiaoyao glanced at Guo Yang.

He seemed a little surprised, thought for a moment, and finally began to smile: "It's not the time yet, but I appreciate it, thank you."

He knew that Guo Yang really intended to help.

He even knew that Guo Wentian was also waiting for his words.

The truth is very obvious.

As far as the background is concerned, Wang Xiaoyao can't compete with Dibing Mountain at all, no matter what, because the gap is too big, it is almost irreparable.

But if the prince group is added, the two sides will fight for their background, and then they will be evenly matched.

The Prince Group's plan for Beihai has already achieved results, and it is impossible to give up no matter what. As long as Wang Xiaoyao opens his mouth, the next step will be support from all sides.

But now. . .

Really not yet.

Asking for help with such a little difficulty, the weight in Guo Wentian's heart is probably the same.

Even if this can be ignored, but now that the Prince Group is directly intervening in the civil strife in Beihai, even if it wins, Wang Xiaoyao will not be able to speak up when distributing benefits, and he is not even worthy of speaking.

He joined the Prince's Group, and the two sides cooperated, aiming to be the patriarch of the Beihai Wang Clan, not to be the dog of the Prince's Group.

It is absolutely not necessary to ask for help at this time, and it is absolutely unnecessary.

He is facing difficulties now, and it is not easy, but it is far from being unbearable. In a short time, he and Wang Shengxiao can still afford it.

"Xiaoyao, why be polite, if..."

"Remember what I said?"

Wang Xiaoyao interrupted Guo Yang with a smile: "At this time, don't be in a hurry. This is a matter between me and Dibingshan. You come to Beihai and belong to the Prince's Group, but if the Prince's Group really wants to get involved, then It’s like officially entering the game.”

Wang Xiaoyao pointed to the direction opposite the Canglan River: "When the time comes, there will be a fight. I don't doubt my nephew. When there is no way to retreat, he will really work hard. He would rather die than die." Waquan, I have never forgotten these eight characters in Beihai for hundreds of years."

Guo Yang's face was a little stiff.

What Wang Xiaoyao said happened to be what all parties were trying to avoid at this time. Even Wang Shengxiao was unwilling to take this step, but if things really came to an end, Wang Shengxiao would not lack the courage to take this step. When Shi's power began to rush from all levels without rushing for any cost. . .

Guo Yang gritted his teeth and did not speak.

"So, you have to slow down, grind, procrastinate, consume...Actually, I am also anxious, more anxious than you, but even so, you can't be impulsive, take your time.

When I need it, of course I will speak up. We are all on our own, so why should I be polite? "

Wang Shengxiao looked at Guo Yang with a deep meaning in his smile.

He and Wang Qinglei.

One is the person who knows Dibingshan best after the betrayal, and the other is the person who knows the Southeast Group best after the betrayal. Wang Qinglei can say something, but Wang Xiaoyao's current operations are not understood by the Prince Group. He didn't explain anything, and he still has a lot of methods that he hasn't used, but still the same sentence, don't be in a hurry now, even if Wang Xiaoyao is very anxious, but in terms of methods, he still has to take his time, and he can't completely push Wang Shengxiao into a hurry.

Guo Yang took a deep breath, nodded, and slowly said: "Anyway... In short... here in Beihai is a big event, and the only ones here are you and me. In the future, we should take care of each other, so ...Ah..."

"I understand...all of them."

Wang Xiaoyao nodded with a smile, picked up the teacup, and gestured to Guo Yang.

About an hour later, Guo Yang got up to bid farewell and left.

Wang Xiaoyao sent him to the door and watched his car disappear from sight.

He stood there, silent, without moving for a long time.

Since taking half of Beihai, from Qiushui to Canglan, Wang Xiaoyao didn't have any fixed residence, nor did he build any palaces or palaces.

He is now only staying temporarily in a hotel in Canglan Riverside. The hotel is his property. It was a birthday present from Wang Tianzong when he was an adult. It is a chain hotel group, and both inside and outside are his people. Living here, during this period of time, is quite comfortable.

There was wind blowing from the street in front of the hotel, carrying the smell of the Canglan River.

Wang Xiaoyao looked back on the steps and looked at the hotel behind him.

He pursed his lips slightly.

Silently, his figure seemed to turn into a sword energy, and disappeared without any warning.

The sword energy traveled in the wind and crossed the river.

There was icy rain falling from the sky, hitting the surface of the river and turning into dense ripples.

A fine waterline rose up on the undulating water surface, and the straight waterline blossomed into a ring of ripples, extending all the way, and finally disappeared on a small island in the center of the Canglan River.

This used to be the headquarters of the Jiang family of the sword-wielding family.

The Canglan Jiang family is not in Canglan City, but on the Canglan River, as a core node connecting the north and the south of the North Sea.

It's just that with the rain on the river occupying Beihai, everything has become a thing of the past.

Wang Xiaoyao walked on the island silently, seemingly aimlessly.

In the center of the island, the Jiang family's flag and the Wang's sky and sea flags in Beihai are still flying. Accompanied by the wind and rain at this moment, under the gloomy sky, everything feels inexplicably desolate.

The figure of Wang Xiaoyao passed by the flag, passed by the still uninhabited small building, and walked into the woods beside him.

He kept walking in the woods, circling in circles, frowning more and more tightly.

The wind howled through the woods.

The rain is getting heavier.

The raindrops fell on the leaves, and with the rustling sound, the drops fell on his head, which was icy cold.

Wang Xiaoyao wandered back and forth in the woods for about half an hour.

Until a laugh suddenly sounded behind Wang Xiaoyao.

The laughter was soft and weird, with a hint of furtiveness, and it exploded behind Wang Xiaoyao like a thunderbolt.

Wang Xiaoyao's hair stood on end for a moment.

that laugh. . .

from behind him.

To be exact, it was tightly attached to his back.

When the laughter sounded, he could even feel the other person's breath, which was cold, gentle, and indescribably eerie.

Wang Xiaoyao stayed where he was stiff, motionless.

The opponent's body was almost leaning against him.

But from the beginning to the end, he didn't find the existence of the other party. This seemed to only explain one thing, that is, if the other party killed himself. . .

I may not even have the strength to resist.

Wang Xiaoyao's breathing suddenly became rapid.

Slowly, a hand was placed on Wang Xiaoyao's shoulder.

A head slowly stretched out from Wang Xiaoyao's back, his body seemed to be twisting constantly, the head extended from behind to Wang Xiaoyao's eyes, and then looked at him at the closest distance.

At such a close distance, Wang Xiaoyao could no longer see the other party's face, only the fiery red hair of the other party.

"Hee hee...hehe..."

A complicated and chaotic voice rang in Wang Xiaoyao's ears, as if he had discovered some secret, he quietly asked, "You...what are you looking for? Shall I help you?"

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