The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 589: : Sword and Mushroom

The darkness quickly dissipated and day reappeared.

The sunlight that seems to be exactly the same as before has a different temperature.

Helicopters from afar break the city's sluggishness.

In the cabin of the plane, Qin Weibai silently looked at the Annan Capital bathed in the sun, and asked expressionlessly, "Is this the ruin you mentioned?"



The knight opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Her expression was not disbelief or stupefaction, but a kind of astonishment that had been so dazed that she was unconscious.


She got the exact information last night, as well as real-time photos and videos.

The capital of Annan Kingdom in the picture is in ruins, and only a dilapidated hotel is left, which is barely a building.

And if the knights can get similar photos, it means that other forces will also get the news as soon as possible.

This is a fact recognized all over the world.

But how...but how...

How long has it been...

In less than twenty-four hours, the ruins suddenly returned to their former appearance...

It's all just like a dream.

How did you do it?

Does Zhongzhou already have the strength to rebuild a city overnight?


The knight's voice was a little anxious: "You saw the report, and those photos, and those can prove that what I said is true, not my own hallucination, unless the hallucinations appear in the whole world, but..."

After a pause, she said in a daze, "Did we come to the wrong place?"

Qin Weibai glared at the knight angrily.


"It's a good thing," she said softly.

The knight froze for a moment, then nodded silently.

This is indeed a good thing.

They read related reports along the way.

No matter how backward the Annan Kingdom is, it is still the capital, and Annan doesn't look very good. It is compared with Zhongzhou. In the early years, he dared to brag that he was the third in the world. Except for the five strong Well, although Annan is still not very good, it is not the worst. It is considered medium. Although their capital is not large, it can barely be called prosperous.

Such a city is qualified to attract foreign attention.

And the disappearance of this city, to be exact, turned into ruins, and the night when the Tiannan Treaty was signed, the combination of all these will naturally cause violent repercussions.

Because of Li Tianlan, Zhongzhou suppressed this news for the time being and has not announced it yet.

Perhaps it was because the deterrence of the Tiannan Treaty was sufficient, or because some people were frightened by the inexplicable turning of a city into ruins, so several neighbors around Zhongzhou did not comment on this matter.

But Xingguo and the Continental Union have already gone crazy.

All kinds of comments can be said to be overwhelming.

Various so-called authoritative media have expressed their views.

Some people say that Annan chose the wrong direction, and the signing of the Tiannan Treaty was met with retribution.

Some people say it is God's punishment, because of the cowardice of the Annan people.

Some say this is the price of being near Middle-earth, and this is only the beginning.

There are many things to say, but the basic point of view is very consistent.

Xingguo is obviously unwilling to let Annan's **** betray him just like this. The guidance and exaggeration of public opinion can be said to spare no effort, coupled with the full cooperation of the European Union.

First treat Annan as a negative teaching material, and then demonize Li Tianlan, forming an inherent impression on the whole world. Next, they will continue to pour more dirty water over.

When this incident happened, Xingguo was already off work. After a night of deliberation, the news continued to spread through various channels. Although it has not been long, a huge public opinion has been formed. Besides, everyone who should know the news already knows it.

This hand is really beautiful.

Public opinion is a weapon that will never become obsolete, no matter what age or environment it is in.

When Li Tianlan has formed a monster-like stereotype in the eyes of people all over the world, under the control of someone with a heart, this impression can completely radiate to the Shengshi Fund and Zhongzhou by virtue of Li Tianlan's relationship.

Boycotts, protests, condemnations, these seemingly innocuous behaviors will turn into visible pressure once they take hold on a large scale.

Shengshi Fund's external expansion will inevitably encounter obstacles.

And Zhongzhou's reputation will also be affected.

Taking a step back, if it is really time to use force, under this kind of public opinion, the European Continental Union and the Star Country will also receive the greatest support from their own families.

After all, Li Tianlan couldn't kill the whole world.

In some extreme cases, the most terrifying and destructive people in this world are not high-tech weapons or money wealth, but... ordinary people.

Qin Weibai has been paying attention to this matter.

During the flight of the helicopter from the East Palace to Annan, she had already called Han Donglou several times, asking him to contact all allies of the Shengshi Fund around the world and use all the media power to directly counterattack. , but at least make another sound first.

This is obviously a stand-up battle at the level of public opinion.

It needs preparation, it needs brewing, it needs games, it needs fighting, it needs long confrontation and stalemate...

Qin Weibai obviously saw it that way, and was already making preparations.

But when they flew to the ruins...

What I saw was a completed city without any damage.

Qin Weibai and the knight were a little confused, but they also knew that this was a good thing.

And this so-called good thing, in the eyes of Star Country and Continental Union, is obviously a nightmare.

Cities become ruins, and ruins become cities. This is a miracle and the greatest magic.

Because this incident was so bizarre, Qin Weibai couldn't even imagine the mental state of the opponents in the European Union.

He swears that Annan suffered the so-called divine punishment because he signed the Tiannan Treaty and approached Central Continent. Various photos and speculations are all listed together, which seems to be the case.

Turning around, the so-called ruins turned into a city intact.

What is this called?

The most important thing is that, on this point, the Continental Union cannot even block the news.

The Dark Knights, the Forest Clan, and the Sanctuary are all the top snakes in Europe.

The large-scale expansion of Shengshi Fund has also deeply grasped a lot of media power in Europe.

Plus a group of wealthy allies...

The Continental Union simply cannot stop it.

The most critical thing is Annan himself.

If the city is really in ruins, then there is nothing to say, and Annan can only continue when the other party throws dirty water.

But now the city is intact...

Annan can make a fuss.

What will be the result of all these factors?

Before coming here, what Qin Weibai wanted was to block this public opinion war first, and use her own media power to form public opinion opposition. She didn't even think about fighting back, she just wanted to form two oppositions, one strong and one weak.

But now...

Facing this intact city...

Any public opposition and any formal counterattack can be skipped directly.

The combination of all these factors is a lore!

In the seemingly free and open atmosphere of Continental Europe, countless so-called authoritative media tried their best to spread rumors, insisting that a well-existing city was a ruin...

This kind of blatant rumor making is still so big.

What would ordinary people in continental Europe think?

Anger may not be enough, but there will definitely be a resentment that one's IQ is being fooled.

At such a time, the forces belonging to the Eastern Palace enter the arena, form new public opinion, and skillfully guide it, there is a considerable possibility that this resentment will be turned into dissatisfaction.

This is a seed.

Then, the capital power of the major European giants will make this seed germinate and bear fruit. If it is done well, it can even directly affect the power structure of the European Union.

Qin Weibai is actually not very familiar with this kind of thing.

But it does not matter.

Shengshi Fund, as well as its allies, are experts in this matter. No one is willing to let go of such a good opportunity in front of them.

"Contact the military division."

Qin Weibai said: "Tell him the news here, and then, let him run this matter, the bigger the trouble, the better."


The knight nodded. After discovering that the city had changed from ruins to its original state, he had already started editing the message. After receiving Qin Weibai's order, he immediately sent the message out.

The helicopter slowly approached the capital of Annan amidst the humming of its rotors.

The knight looked at Qin Weibai with a calm face, and finally couldn't help asking: "Boss, if I say that this city really turned into ruins last night, would you believe it?"

The news was told to him by Marth himself.

No matter which position Ma Si stands on, there is no reason to lie to her. If this is a so-called joke, it is too low-level.

"I believe."

Qin Weibai nodded.

The knight breathed a sigh of relief: "But..."

Subconsciously, she stretched out her hand and scratched her head.

She is a very standard snow country beauty, tall and plump, with a flamboyant and gorgeous appearance. With this movement, she suddenly looks stupid and cute.

"Why did it become like this?"

The knight muttered to himself, feeling that everything in front of him was extremely absurd.

"There must be a reason."

Qin Weibai said: "We don't understand, but there must be something happening here that is still beyond our understanding."

"Related to His Majesty?"

"It's inevitable."

A smile appeared on Qin Weibai's face, and his tone was a little proud: "Although I don't know how he did it, it's obvious that he is showing his strength...

He is telling the world that he can destroy a city in an instant and rebuild a city in the blink of an eye.

Remember what he said when the alliance besieged him? "

"The sixth strongest person in the world?"

"After this happened, what do you think those people who don't recognize Tianlan's status will think?"

The knight finally recovered from the sense of astonishment and absurdity, and realized what this incident meant.

The destruction and rebirth of a city.

The public opinion formed by this matter will make people with ulterior motives feel ashamed.

But that's just the basics.

Destroying a city with one sword is truly terrifying.

But such horror, from the overall point of view of the five powerhouses, is actually nothing, from the overall point of view, it is nothing.

Because they all have mushrooms.

When a mushroom goes down, they can also cause great damage in an instant.

But after causing such damage, there is currently no force in the world that can restore the damaged place in the blink of an eye.

But this kind of thing sounds unbelievable...

Li Tianlan did it.

Under such circumstances, the so-called mushrooms, really... Really... Is there any deterrent effect?

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