The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 588: : Reason for giving up

"It's the truth..."

Youzhou, Sany Hutong.

Xuanyuan Wushang looked in Annan's direction, muttered to himself, and then said, "No wonder..."

His image at this time is not deep and tall at all, Li Tianlan has been standing by the window waiting for his sword.

Xuanyuan Wushang watched as long as Li Tianlan stood there.

He changed from standing in front of the window with his hands behind his back to hugging his shoulders, and then asked Xing Tian to move a chair for him, and finally walked to the yard, sitting on a stone bench, with his upper body fully lying on the stone table On the top of the table, put your chin against the table, hang your hands down, completely relax, and finally completed the image transformation from a worldly expert to a dead house salted fish.

He even asked Xing Tian to bring him a clean glass vessel that was bigger than a washbasin.

A long straw was inserted into the container, and Xing Tian poured a basin full of Coke into it. Xuanyuan Wushang was watching the play, whimpering, combined with his strange posture of gulping down Coke, the scene was extremely weird.

"the truth..."

Standing beside Xuanyuan Wushang, Xing Tian thought for several seconds but didn't feel that the name had any profound meaning, so he shook his head and commented: "This name doesn't sound very good."

"You know shit."

Xuanyuan Wushang didn't even look at him, he sneered and said, "Do you think everything needs a domineering name?"

"A sword, called the truth, young master, don't you think it's strange?"

Xing Tian thought about the famous magic soldiers in the starry sky. It is true that not all magic weapons have a domineering name, but there seems to be no such strange title as the truth.

"That's not a sword."

Xuanyuan Wushang straightened his body. He originally wanted to pick up the glass vessel in front of him that was bigger than a washbasin, but found that the Coke inside had bottomed out. Shaking his head, he took another one-liter bottle and unscrewed it. , raised his head and took half of the bottle in one breath, then calmly said: "That's the essence, the scariest things are often things that look and sound normal, but it's a little strange..."

Xing Tian glanced at him, a little puzzled.

Xuanyuan Wushang frowned, and said softly: "I thought that big brother would go get Wuyou first, even if you can't get it now, you should wait for the right time, after all, Wuyou is the core...

In the end, he took the truth first, so how could he touch Wuqing?

Tsk, the core is missing, it's a bit strange..."

"Master, are you saying that His Majesty's return is not smooth?"

Xing Tian asked, his tone a little serious.

"It's not that it's not going well, it's just that I don't understand this way for the time being... Or, I'm limited by my own vision. I think it's not good, but it may not be really bad..."

Xuanyuan Wushang thought silently, and finally shook his head.

He still doesn't know why Li Tianlan temporarily put down martial arts, or even gave up.

In his memory, Li Tianlan really didn't like martial arts very much.

But this kind of dislike is not looking down upon, but...

no need.

What is martial arts?

This is the most intuitive way to increase a person's destructive power.

Strength, speed, physical strength.

Nothing fancy, intuitive and clear.

It also means simplicity.

There are also many bottlenecks in martial arts, and there are also natural moats that are difficult to overcome, but compared to other paths, this is really the simplest.

So looking at the entire camp, martial arts has the largest audience, and it can even be said that the authority of the vast majority of people is martial arts.

It seems that the upper limit is not high, but the lower limit is the highest and the audience is the widest.

Out of a hundred people, there may be ninety-five people who are not suitable for other paths, but among these ninety-five people, at least half of them can practice martial arts, just to see how far they can go.

This is the foundation for the human race to survive in the starry sky, and it is the most important weapon. When survival is threatened and one is not suitable for other paths, martial arts is the only and the best choice.

Its existence may not be high-end, but it is the easiest power to master.

When Huang Xi built the framework of martial arts back then, it was equivalent to endowing all beings with the ability to struggle in desperate situations.

And he himself...

In fact, it is not necessary.

He has his own ability, and he has already been at the forefront, that is, the fraud authority with the highest upper limit and the lowest lower limit in the neutral camp.

People who are not suitable for this path really can't play it, and they can't do anything if they try their best, but those who are truly talented can become the most troublesome characters for others.

Huang Xi walks on this path, most of the time she doesn't use martial arts.

That's why he doesn't like it very much.

Because compared to his own ability, Martial Dao seems somewhat troublesome.

But no matter how much he doesn't like it, that's his own ability, so there's no need to give up.

Li Tianlan is only returning now, and his limitations are actually extremely great.

From Xuanyuan Wushang's point of view, it is simply unrealistic for Li Tianlan to lose his martial arts due to the chaos.

The brand of truth had already been initially activated the night the alliance besieged Li Tianlan. If Li Tianlan didn't want to, that black man wouldn't be able to take anything away.

But the fact now is that Li Tianlan has given up his martial arts strength.

The only explanation is that Li Tianlan did it on purpose.

He may not have realized this himself, but subconsciously, he definitely decided so.



If you want to maximize combat effectiveness and make it all-round...

Li Tianlan's best choice should be to go to Beihai to get worry-free.

It doesn't matter if you can't purify Wuyou's pollution for a while, that kind of pollution can hardly cause harm to Li Tianlan. With his strength, after two years of injury, it's not too difficult to forcibly control Wuyou after Wuqing recharges his energy.

Worry-free is the core, under the huge compatibility effect, no matter it is ruthless or worry-free, it can become Li Tianlan's combat power at that time.

When things come to this point, Li Tianlan can break through again, and when he realizes the truth of this world, the comeback will be officially started.

But now Li Tianlan ignored Wuyou, and what he got back first was his own essence.

Xuanyuan Wushang didn't dare to comment on the right or wrong of this kind of action, but at least one thing is certain, Wuwu is in his hands at this time, and he has no core and cannot be compatible...

Li Tianlan can't stand the ruthlessness in front of the East Palace now.

This martial arts abandonment is really thorough enough.

So what is he thinking?

Xuanyuan Wushang was silent for a while, then suddenly took out a Rubik's Cube.

The Rubik's Cube slowly turned in his hand, opening and closing constantly.

Xuanyuan Wushang took out a notebook from the Rubik's Cube and opened it.

Xing Tian had automatically turned into a pen and fell into Xuanyuan Wushang's hands.

Xuanyuan Wushang thought for a while and began to write.

"To the space-time corridor and the entire camp.

I am Xuanyuan Wushang, the guide of the City of Miracles.

After several detailed observations, I am very sure that His Majesty Huang Xi's return process is very smooth.

After the initial revival of the brand of truth, His Majesty has once again grasped the truth, and everything is moving in a better direction.

But what I didn't expect was His Majesty's choice. He gave up ruthlessness and chose the truth.

I thought His Majesty would choose to forcibly take Wuyou (named after the city of miracles) after getting Ruthless. That is the core. If I remember correctly, the confidential document shows that it should be a trial, and it can also be called—if .

This is the most correct order in my mind.

But His Majesty first chose the essence, the truth, he did not touch Wuyou, which means..."

"Stop writing."

A voice suddenly rang in Xuanyuan Wushang's ear.

Xuanyuan Wushang raised his head abruptly.

The God of War in a black dragon robe was standing quietly in front of him.

His sharp and masculine face was extremely pale, but there was a faint smile in his sharp eyes.

Xuanyuan Wushang's mouth twitched.

When the God of War was in the Time-Space Corridor, there were festivals between them, big or small, and it was nothing to say, but their relationship was not harmonious.

But now...

It's different.

Xuanyuan Wushang was a little aggrieved, but he stood up immediately and bowed solemnly: "Your Majesty the God of War."

"I know what he's doing."

The God of War said calmly: "His choice order is not wrong. It is correct not to touch Judgment first. It is also his intention to give up martial arts."

Xuanyuan Wushang looked at him without speaking, but his eyes were still full of confusion.

"Carefree and ruthless..."

God of War smiled: "They are indeed one, but they can also be viewed separately, what I mean, do you understand?"

Xuanyuan Wushang nodded.

Carefree and the stars it's not called that at all.

When they were trinity, they were King Wei.

And even if they separate, they have other names.

When there was no title of King Wei at first, it was a stone.

Huang Xi used this stone to create the most incredible magic weapon in the starry sky, not only because of the special nature of this stone, but also because of what Huang Xi bestowed on this stone.

When the two are combined, there is a true king of Wei.

"You are their guide, so you should have read most of their confidential information."

God of War said slowly: "So, why isn't Xibai Xibai?"

Xuanyuan Wushang was stunned for a moment, and didn't understand for a while.

"Xibai is the internal name of our camp, it is her name, but the name is meaningless in the eyes of some creatures, jumping out of the entire camp, from the perspective of the entire starry sky, who is Xibai?"

Ares asked.

Xuanyuan Wushang was silent for a while, he seemed to understand something, and replied: "Dominate."

"Yes, domination.

Qin Weibai, Xibai, Gu Xianyan, anything is fine, the name is just a title.

When she is in the starry sky, she is dominating. "

God of War smiled: "But why is Huangxi Huangxi? No matter where he is, he is Huangxi, why?

Because a mere symbol cannot cover his existence, so his name has really become an identity, he bestowed those things that should have been his name, um, King Wei..."

"When King Wei is divided into three parts, there will be different names, such as worry-free, it is called the truth.

As for Wuyou, you did not make a mistake just now, but you were also wrong. At the beginning, Wuyou was an if, and it turned into a trial in the end.

Ruthless name, you know? "


Xuanyuan Wushang asked with some uncertainty.

"Yes, but not entirely."

The God of War said slowly: "It's just close to killing. You can refer to my old man and father-in-law for this. He is also at the height of the Supreme, but he is still a little bit transformed. The correct name for ruthless is rebellion."


God of War suddenly shook his head: "He was still a little careless about martial arts back then, so martial arts has gradually become the path with the lowest upper limit over a long period of time. But his audience is the widest. If the upper limit can be raised, even if it is only a little ..."

Xuanyuan Wushang became short of breath, of course he knew what it meant.

"Raising the upper limit of martial arts...this is what you have been doing all along."


God of War nodded: "But it's not easy, because the current martial arts are still Huang Xi's martial arts. To be precise, because of Huang Xi's existence, martial arts are restricted."

"So, Your Majesty, he just gave up?"

Xuanyuan Wushang blurted out.

"It's a temporary abandonment."

God of War nodded: "And it was taken away by chaos. Under such circumstances, the whole martial art is no longer logical. In other words, the current martial art is unlimited. In this way, my pressure will be much, much less. ..

His choice now is tantamount to helping me, and it can be regarded as cheating me once. You can understand that he helped me reduce the pressure, but he wants me to help him work, and finally let the killing become a real killing. Increase the upper limit of martial arts. "

Be it God of War or Lin Xuanyuan.

This is also the name and title within the camp.

Like Xibai, placed in the entire starry sky, he also has another name or title.

It's just that his name is relatively ugly now, and his combat power has not really reached its peak.

Because he was practicing martial arts, and it was restricted by Li Tianlan.

Now that Li Tianlan has given up martial arts, this path has become unrestricted. God of War can use this to transform, and even transform Li Tianlan's martial arts at the same time, and then increase the upper limit of the entire martial arts.

This is undoubtedly a good thing, and it is also a subconscious cooperation between Li Tianlan and God of War.

The only bad thing is...

Xuanyuan Wushang's expression suddenly became a little strange.

"You also thought of it?"

God of War suddenly laughed.

Xuanyuan Wushang felt a little bit pained.

Raising the upper limit of martial arts is indeed a good thing.

But the problem is...

Once God of War breaks through the limit and raises the upper limit, subtle changes in the entire road can affect the overall situation.

Li Tianlan, who temporarily lost his martial arts, could not enjoy such benefits.

But that doesn't mean others can't enjoy it.

This also means...

Jiang Shangyu, and even Wang Tianzong in the future, will become more difficult to deal with.

In the process of mastering his own essence, Li Tianlan needs to gradually become familiar with...

This is so...

"Don't worry, it's not a big problem."

God of War continued.

"The problem now is that the rain on the river can't stay, and it can't die, at least until you transform. Are you sure this is not breeding tigers? We know too little about chaos, a breath, who knows what it will turn into in the end ? When the time comes, will His Majesty really be able to bring back martial arts?"

Xuanyuan Wushang asked.

"There is domination."

God of War hits the nail on the head.


Xuanyuan Wushang shook his head: "I understand."

"He still needs to be familiar with the truth, but I don't know much about it, so it should be fine, but just in case, you have to pay more attention in the future, don't you think your life is too leisurely now?"

Xuanyuan Wushang rolled his eyes.

The other party was just looking for something for him to do, but he still had nothing to say.

God of War smiled, and casually pointed to the Coke beside Xuanyuan Wushang: "Drink less of this stuff, it will..."

His figure slowly disappeared without finishing his last sentence.

Xuanyuan Wushang looked at the direction where he disappeared, and after a long while, he rolled his eyes, and whispered: "Bastard, how dare you trick me..."

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