The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 542: :fever

The three people in front of the TV looked at their phones almost simultaneously.

Li Mutong didn't respond.

Mr. He's face suddenly changed, and his pupils shrank, as if he was extremely shocked.

Only He Yishui's doubtful voice sounded: "Shuai Li? Isn't he called Li Tianlan? Why is he called Shuai Li again? Li..."

His voice suddenly paused, he suddenly came back to his senses, opened his eyes wide, and said with an exaggerated expression: "This guy is a marshal?!"

There are only three marshals in Zhongzhou now.

Among them, Li Huacheng is still in name.

The other two were Dongcheng Wudi and Ye Dongsheng.

Both of these two can be called gods and are recognized by the whole world.

As for Gu Xingyun, it was naturally the same, but not many people knew about it.

As a result, this very sudden push now directly exposed Li Tianlan's identity.

marshal? !

He Yishui was a little confused, and muttered to himself: "Isn't this too exaggerated?"

Li Mutong was silent.

The identity of Li Shuai was actually not uncommon more than two years ago. After the chaos broke out in the Snow Country, Li Tianlan, who directly controlled the Xuewu Legion to go to the Snow Country, already had this status at that time.

Obviously, Zhongzhou intends to expose Li Tianlan's identity layer by layer.

Li Mutong doesn't know what this means, but at least he knows that for Li Tianlan, he has an identity standing in the sun. Although it will be a little troublesome on weekdays, in the long run, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages Yes, among other things, the fact that this notification can appear on everyone's mobile phones at least shows that a strong force in Central Continent has decided to support Li Tianlan.

Li Mutong doesn't know how powerful this force is, but it is definitely a force that can overwhelm all opposing voices.

"I see..."

Mr. He whispered to himself softly, with a complicated tone.

"Dad, do you know something?"

He Yishui was a little curious.

She didn't pay much attention to Li Tianlan. After all, she didn't know him, let alone contact him. The height difference was too far away. It was like ordinary families rarely talked about Li Huacheng. It was meaningless at all.

Li Tianlan's youth is indeed very attractive to people's curiosity, but this kind of thing, apart from gossiping with his best friend Li Mutong, there is nothing left.

She is more concerned about Tiannan and Tiannan's future development opportunities.

But after all, Li Tianlan is the focus of this incident. Now that his identity has been leaked, the combination of such a young face and the word marshal really has a ground-breaking effect. It's hard not to be curious.

Moreover, various previous tweets indicated that letting Li Tianlan preside over the signing ceremony was not for merit. All signs seemed to indicate that Tiannan's ability to join Zhongzhou had the most direct relationship with Li Tianlan. People who don't know the inside story don't know In the process, it may take dozens or hundreds of years before there will be vague decryption information, but most people know that Tiannan and Li Tianlan are related.

This is really opening up the territory for Central Continent. This kind of feat, a marshal, seems normal...


Really too young.

"You don't know how to read it yourself?"

The old man glanced at her: "What's the first sentence above?"

He Yishui turned on the phone, glanced at it, and read out softly: "Special Advisor to Zhongzhou, Marshal Li Tianlan..."

She froze for a moment: "Special advisor?"

"In a sense, Marshal is just a kind of honor, an affirmation of their achievements, and a status, but it is not an actual position."

The old man said slowly: "Special adviser, this is his actual position."

He Yishui thought for a while, and said with some uncertainty: "Special advisor, this position is more of an honor than marshal, right?"

"There are some things that would never be brought to the surface, but now the council seems to be trying. Since it is an attempt, it will naturally not move too fast. It is similar to an honorary position and a real achievement. All these are combined. Let’s face it, there are many sayings in it.

And a lot of what sounds like a false job can actually have a scary scope of authority, Special Counsel, hey, Special Counsel..."

He thought about it seriously for a while, and his eyes became a little sad: "Your Uncle Liu, you haven't forgotten, have you?"

He Yishui was silent for a while, then nodded slightly.

When her father was young, he joined the emperor. The so-called Uncle Liu was his father's comrade-in-arms. He had a very good relationship. It could even be said that he was a life-and-death friend. It was said that his father had saved Uncle Liu's life when he was young.

Later, my father retired, but Uncle Liu was always in the Junzhong. The two families had no contact for a long time until Uncle Liu was transferred to Dongshan.

It is precisely because of this person that the He family has been able to develop smoothly over the years. His elder brother can become the director of Qingzhou when he is in his forties. The current assets of the He family are largely due to that Uncle Liu. .

It is a pity that there was no news of Uncle Liu five years ago, and it was not until three years ago that there was news that he had died.

For this reason, my father also suffered from a serious illness, and it took half a year to recover from it.

But from the beginning to the end, He Yishui didn't quite know what the elder who was closer than his uncle was doing.

"Your Uncle Liu was a team leader before he died."

Mr. He said softly: "Doesn't it sound big? His team has only six people, but he is in charge of all the special affairs in Qingzhou. Do you know what this means?"

The old man deliberately emphasized the words "special affairs".

He Yishui understood, but didn't seem to understand, and said uncertainly: "Dad, you mean... Li Tianlan and Uncle Liu have the same job nature?"

"It should be like this, but the height is much higher than your Uncle Liu, special advisor, hey...Your Uncle Liu was a team leader in charge of all the special affairs in Qingzhou. If I guessed correctly, this Li Shuai... now he should be in charge of all the special affairs in the whole of Central Continent.

Advisors sound like that, but how powerful that is is up to you. "

All special affairs in the whole of Central Continent...

He Yishui's heart skipped a few beats.

What is a special transaction?

The He family may not have a high level, but in the eyes of ordinary people, they are also a wealthy family, so they will naturally know more about it.

For example, some of Uncle Liu's previous jobs.

The so-called special affairs refer to matters that are difficult to be affected by all conventional forces that occur within Central Continent or even externally.

They are walking on the most dangerous edge, and most of the things they do are secret and unknown, but they really exist.

This kind of person, looking at the entire Central Continent, can be regarded as the elite of the elite.

And such a group is now led by such... such a young person?

He Yishui felt a little absurd, and said softly: "This is too young." "In this special system, age and seniority are not important at all, what matters is personal strength."

The old man thought of the old friend who had died for several years, and remembered some words he said.

"If someone from Central Continent fled with a lot of internal secrets to Star Country, Snow Country, or Europe, then we have to recover these secrets, and even get rid of the traitors directly. Do you think Central Continent can send 100,000 Maharajas to do that? Is this thing?"

He Yishui shook his head in a daze, and then curled his lips subconsciously: "How is it possible? If such a thing really happened, it would probably be something like a strong protest and severe condemnation?"

This is the most commonly used method in Zhongzhou, and it is also regarded as weakness by many people.

"Condemnation and protests are naturally necessary in order to gain grounds, but don't think that there are no other actions behind the scenes in Central Continent. If this kind of thing really happens, it is a special matter.

A traitor that cannot be dealt with by a 100,000 army can be dealt with by someone with super personal strength. If he has done something that a 100,000 Maharaja cannot do, then his existence is more important than a 100,000 Maharaja. "

The old man looked at the phone with a complicated tone: "Why can he become a special adviser? It is because he is strong enough. Youth is never a shortcoming for this kind of person, but it is the biggest advantage, because youth means that he can shock other people." power for a longer period of time."

"If you say that, isn't he the most powerful person in Central Continent right now?"

He Yishui was a little disbelieving: "Is it the leader of the martial arts?"

"Central Continent is the strongest overlord, and the strongest person in Central Continent must be the strongest person in the whole world."

The old man looked at his daughter: "This is not the leader of the martial arts, this is invincible in the true sense of the world."


He Yishui smiled, and touched his best friend with his shoulder: "Tongtong, do you believe it?"

"I believe."

Li Mutong said softly: "Uncle is very reasonable, he is invincible."

Although her face was a little pale at this moment, there was an inexplicable brilliance in her eyes.

She still couldn't help but think of their first meeting.

Ordinary entrance ceremony.

Ordinary him.

On that day, Li Mutong never thought that he would have a daughter with him.

Never thought that he would reach the real peak so soon.

Invincible in the true sense of the world?

Li Mutong pursed his lips lightly, feeling a little lost for no reason.

The old man glanced at her thoughtfully.

Even if she abandons her appearance, Li Mutong will not be a simple girl, the old man is clear about this, and He Yishui is also clear.

Ordinary families can't raise such a daughter at all. The appearance may be negligible, but the character, temperament, and knowledge are not what you can say.

If you haven't seen enough wonderful things, you just won't have that kind of thinking and tolerance.

The He family treated Li Mutong very well. The elders treated her like their own daughter. When she was working, the second elders took care of her children and treated Xiaochao as her own granddaughter. If Li Mutong wanted to hide something at first, Now she has not concealed much about the He family, but she has not explained who Xiao Chao's father is, nor has she revealed her own background.

In the group's recent decisions, Li Mutong has clearly participated in them. Indeed, his vision is precise and the group has gained a lot.

He Yishui's eldest brother, who is now the director and deputy speaker of Qingzhou, had a chance to approach Dongshan Speaker some time ago, but he also gave up under He Yishui's suggestion.

At that time, many people didn't understand that the boss of the He family had not been going well since Team Leader Liu left a few years ago, and now he gave up a chance to climb a high branch, and he didn't know how much he got ridiculed.

But it turns out that not long after, Dongshan Speaker was transferred to Youzhou and became idle. Dongshan’s interior was reshuffled, and the boss of the He family went further to become the deputy speaker. This once again proved how clear Li Mutong’s judgment on the situation was. .

This clear judgment obviously cannot be explained by accurate vision. The only explanation is that Li Mutong's background is not simple, and he may have had access to some information that the He family could not have access to before he ran away from home.

Pregnant before marriage, ran away from home, and raised her daughter alone...

After a careful study, there are undoubtedly many stories about Li Mutong, but the He family did not look down on her, but pity her even more. They would intentionally or unintentionally not bring up these topics on weekdays, let alone Li Chaoxi's father.

But now the old man had to think more.

Because Li Mutong was more certain than him when he mentioned the four words "Unrivaled Under Heaven".

Could it be that Li Mutong's family had contact with these special powerhouses?

Even on some occasions, Li Mutong is qualified to have seen Li Tianlan with his own eyes?

If Li Mutong's family is qualified to meet Li Tianlan... then the other party's family background is a bit outrageous, at least not comparable to the He family. Such a family, even if it is not a wealthy family, is not too far away from a wealthy family.

The old man thought for a while, shook his head secretly, and watched TV.

The map of Asia on TV has completely disappeared.

The figure of the moderator and experts also disappeared.

What appeared on the screen was Annan's relatively 'simple' capital, although it was very modern.

The screen jumps to the airport.

Headed by Speaker Li Songping, a group of important figures in Annan stood neatly.

There are banners everywhere in the airport, and the words of warm welcome can be seen everywhere.

In addition, there are ready salutes.

welcome band.

Children holding flowers.

In a seemingly warm atmosphere, the sound of engines roaring from far to near.

Zhongzhou's special plane appeared in everyone's sight, and it also appeared on the TV screen.

The plane landed, taxied along the runway, and came to a stop.

Li Songping strode forward.

The crowd moves with it.

The door of the plane opened and the gangway was lowered.

In the eyes of the whole world, a young figure appeared in front of the cabin door.

The slender figure is a little thin, and the short hair is not handsome, but it can be said to be delicate and clean, but not youthful.

He was dressed in a clean and tidy Jun uniform with shiny epaulettes. It was different from the shields that people in Central China recognized, but a new golden long sword with dazzling golden light and dazzling sharpness.

His eyes were not sharp and indifferent, nor were they gentle and friendly. They were extremely indifferent and peaceful.

Not counting the accident at West Lake.

This is the second time that people from Zhongzhou have officially met Li Tianlan.

Unlike the first video of Li Tianlan's New Year's greetings with a faint smile, he now has no expression in his military uniform, but he looks more angular, with an extremely strong smell all over his body.

The salute was roaring, the band began to play, the colorful flags fluttered, and the banners fluttered. Annan welcomed the guests from afar with the greatest sincerity.

Li Tianlan still had no expression on his face, just stood in front of the cabin door and waved according to the procedure.

Qingzhou. Li Mutong looked at it bewilderedly.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to be far away, only the face on the TV was shaking, occupying her entire consciousness.

The bits and pieces of getting along with each other in her mind emerged uncontrollably.

Li Mutong's gaze was soft, but with a kind of strength, as if he wanted to completely engrave the opponent's figure in his memory.

For more than two years, nearly three years, this was the first time she had seen him.

The demeanor of the other party seemed to be changing invisibly, the original calm gradually transformed into indifference and majesty. Although he looked young, he had an aura of a real superior.

But his condition doesn't seem to be very good.

He was a little tired and seemed a little dazed.

He's done it all, so what's left?

The exclaimed voice of my best friend came over.

"It's really young, but it seems to be different, well, it's not the same as in the New Year's greeting video..."

She looked at the TV with her chin up, with a smile on her mouth: "It's still very comfortable to watch, and the more comfortable it gets, I guess if the parliament doesn't control it, I don't know how many girls and young women will be in the circle of friends after today." Accompanied by this picture, my husband is crazy...

Too young, and in a high position, so against the heavens, how many people is going to be the dream lover, I really don't know what kind of woman can hold him. "

Li Mutong's body trembled slightly.

He Yishui glanced at her in surprise, and suddenly laughed: "I can just look at Tongtong, or let's go to Tiannan. Although he is in Youzhou, Tiannan joined Zhongzhou because of him. I will definitely be very concerned about it, and maybe I will go there often. If there is a chance, we will meet him. Maybe this Li Shuai will fall in love with you at first sight. When you tell him that you have a daughter, ask him Would you like to be a catcher..."

"What nonsense!"

The old man glared at his daughter severely, with a stern tone.

"Just kidding..."

He Yishui groaned, she was different from her parents, she had a good relationship with Li Mutong, and she had no scruples in speaking on weekdays, some questions her parents dared not ask, He Yishui accidentally said it but found that Li Mutong was not very angry, Gradually, I don't care anymore.

"If you want to see people, you can only watch TV. If you want to have the opportunity to see them with your own eyes, you must at least multiply the assets of the group by ten times, or wait until your eldest brother becomes the governor. Maybe on some occasions, You can have a chance to meet and even have a word."

The old man said something angrily, and glanced at Li Mutong intentionally or unintentionally.

If he guessed correctly, Li Mutong's family should have such qualifications.

Li Mutong didn't speak, just watched the TV silently.

This is not news, but a live broadcast, so every process is not skipped, and it is extremely detailed.

She saw that Li Tianlan seemed to say something, but she didn't hear what he said at all. The figure was all in her mind. She could vaguely feel the huge exhaustion behind the calm appearance of the other party. She felt a little distressed, and her thoughts were even more chaotic. Yes, what the father and daughter were saying beside her was ignored by her.

Compared with the prosperous metropolis of Central Continent, Annan's capital is not big, and it is not exquisite. In addition, the traffic has been controlled, so in the aerial live broadcast, Annan's luxury motorcade used to receive VIPs took less than half of the time. We arrived at Heroes' Square in an hour.

The square is crowded with people.

Li Tianlan stood on the stage prepared in advance and delivered a speech for about ten minutes. He didn't prepare any speech script, but the content he said was clear, with only one core theme, which was strong.

In addition to being strong, it is still strong.

The signing of the treaty went extremely smoothly.

The entire live broadcast process only lasted about an hour. As for the welcome dinner after the ceremony, it was obviously irrelevant that there was no need for publicity.

Li Mutong watched the live broadcast quietly, from beginning to end.

She didn't lower her head until the news started, not knowing what she was thinking.

at the same time.

In the children's room specially prepared by the old couple for Xiao Chao, Li Chao, who is less than three years old, is lying on a soft pink bed with his mouth open, sleeping extremely soundly.

He Yishui's mother, Aunt He, was lying on her side on the bed, looking at the little girl in her sleep, stretched out her hand and gently pinched her little finger, all eyes and brows were smiling.

The old couple have both sons and daughters, but their respective marriages are not happy.

The daughter-in-law died of illness a few years ago and has no children.

He Yishui got married, but divorced again, and also had no children.

The arrival of Little Tide can be said to make up for the considerable regret of the old couple. What Auntie He likes most now is to take care of Li Mutong's children. When she is free, she will buy some beautiful little clothes and shoes for the children, and research some suitable for children. healthy recipes.

The He family really didn't treat the mother and daughter as outsiders, especially for Xiao Chao, the care of the old couple can be said to be quite meticulous.

The bedroom is very quiet and cozy.

Aunt He made a small quilt for Li Chaoxi, and she was already thinking about the scene of sending the little guy to kindergarten in a year or two, and couldn't help laughing again.

What she didn't realize was that right next to Li Chaoxi, a little girl who was exactly like Li Chaoxi was sitting quietly by the bed, silently watching all this.

Her figure, who had already returned from the East Palace, was faint, like a phantom.

Her body seems to be constructed from countless illusory lines.

At this moment, countless illusory lines are gradually merging into Li Chaoxi's body in his sleep, while the figure of the little girl sitting beside her is getting fainter and fainter.

Li Chaoxi moved her body lightly, she seemed a little uncomfortable, and her little eyebrows frowned.

The little girl who was exactly like her smiled slightly, looked down at her, and suddenly asked, "Do you want to see Dad?"

Xiao Chao, who was still asleep, naturally couldn't respond.

The little girl looked at her quietly, and after a long while, she said something to herself.

Silently, her figure drifted away into an illusory line, completely merging with Li Chaoxi.

Li Chaoxi's movements suddenly became louder, and she made a sound with her small mouth slightly flattened. She opened her small hand to grab something, and subconsciously cried.

Aunt He quickly hugged her, coaxed her softly, and lowered her head to kiss her forehead.

She froze suddenly, frowned, and kissed Li Chaoxi's forehead again.

Then she put her forehead on it.

Xiao Chao, who was sleepy, cried louder and louder in Aunt He's arms.

Aunt He didn't continue to coax her, but quickly walked out of the bedroom with her in her arms and went downstairs.

In the living room on the first floor, several people who were watching the news looked over at the same time.

Li Mutong had already stood up to take the child.

"Yi Shui to drive."

Aunt He walked hurriedly, holding Li Chaoxi carefully: "Xiao Chaochao has a fever, and the high temperature is a bit scary. We are going to the hospital."

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