The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 541: :handsome


At half past five in the afternoon, He's villa.

Mr. He sat silently and seriously on the sofa in the living room, watching TV seriously.

The map of Asia on TV was extremely clear.

The area from Central Continent to Annan is marked by a red line.

A red dotted line directly connects Youzhou to Annan Capital, forming a beautiful arc.

The plane that is now being watched by the whole world is advancing a little bit along the dotted line, starting from the starting point, and now it is infinitely close to the end point.

There are two small windows on the left and right sides of the map.

The well-prepared host is interviewing well-known experts and scholars, asking them about their outlook and opinions on Tiannan joining Zhongzhou.

Because more than one expert was interviewed and involved different fields, various analyzes became extremely detailed.

From the overall international situation to basic necessities of life, food, clothing, housing and transportation, China’s national strength, external exchanges and relations, the positive side of the future, Tiannan’s future status and development prospects, etc...

Almost all the questions that people are interested in were mentioned, and the interviewed experts gave their answers seriously.

This is not an expert who can only talk nonsense in the usual sense, but a small group of people who can be called authorities in a certain field. Most people don’t even know their names on weekdays, but their All kinds of suggestions and opinions are actually affecting the development of many fields in Central Continent.

Everyone here can be called a national treasure in a sense.

And now, these national treasures are being interviewed one by one. Before the interview, some of their current positions, such as the parliament, the cabinet, a certain heavyweight department, will be marked on the TV screen...

This series of positions fully shows that they can be regarded as the top staff.

In this interview, the host is very serious, and the interviewed experts are also very serious.

The show was a total anthem.

Everyone is extremely optimistic about Tiannan's prospects. They use the current state of Xuanyuan City to describe the future of people's livelihood, use Tiannan's rich resources to talk about future development, use Zhongzhou's strong national power to talk about frontier security, and use Tiannan's current state to talk about the future. job opportunity.

Unanimous support and optimism.

All experts believe that in the next few decades, Tiannan may not be able to become a super-economically developed region like Wu, Vietnam, and Guangdong, but considering Annan's various conditions, Annan can definitely become an area whose overall strength is in the middle and upper reaches of Central Continent. In the future, this will be a new home where at least 50 million people can live and work in peace.

The new home needs everyone's joint construction, and now Tiannan is full of opportunities...

When Mr. He heard this, his brows moved slightly, but he didn't speak.

Although every expert interviewed finally stated that this is only their own personal opinion, but seeing the positions that are specially marked, no one with a little brain would think that this is really their personal suggestion.

If it was really a personal suggestion, I would not turn on the TV now, even the children's channel is broadcasting this program.

At this moment, as long as you turn on the TV, you will see this program on any channel, so that everyone in the country who turns on the TV can see the personal advice of these experts.

This is a very serious task.

The voices of these experts represent the attitude of the entire Central Continent.

When they are unanimously optimistic about the future of Tiannan, it means that Zhongzhou will give Tiannan great support in the future.

This clear signal is extremely important to many people.

"Dad, it looks like Tiannan will make a lot of big moves in the future. Do you want to take this opportunity to open a branch in Tiannan?"

He Yishui is also watching TV. Although she loves to play, she also has a sense of professionalism. Naturally, she will pay attention to such a big news. Through a series of interviews, she almost instinctively sensed the opportunity.

The old man glanced at him and said calmly: "Branch, what are you going to do?"

"A construction company, or real estate."

He Yishui's eyes are shining brightly. New Tiannan actually has the most abundant resources. Oil, natural gas, steel and even gold mines are the most popular, but their He family has no strength to intervene in such projects. .

Taking a step back, construction companies and the real estate industry will definitely explode in Tiannan next. The addition of the new province will save many real estate groups that are on the verge of bankruptcy. The construction industry will undoubtedly become even hotter.

The main business of the He family is trade, but they have also dabbled in real estate. With careful preparation, it is not difficult to get a share of Tiannan's feast. After all, this is a provincial plan. If it is a piece of cake If it is enough to support countless people, it is impossible to monopolize. As long as you have the strength, it can even be said that it is very easy to win some projects.

The old man waved his hand and was about to speak when his eyes suddenly turned and he said with a smile, "What do you think, Tongtong?"

Sitting next to He Yishui was a young woman, about twenty-four or five years old, with exquisite short hair, beautiful face, clean clothes, neither plain nor extravagant, the woman's beautiful face appeared extremely pure, once The enchanting and lively nature of her body has disappeared, replaced by a kind of gentleness and tranquility that makes people feel more and more comfortable.

Just looking at her appearance, she looks like a young student who just graduated from school. People who don't know her can't imagine that she is already the mother of a two-year-old child.

At this time, the young mother was staring blankly at the TV. Her body seemed to be tense because of tension. She was holding the mobile phone in both hands and staring at the TV. She didn't know what she was thinking, and she didn't hear the old man if.

"Of course Tongtong supports my opinion. If she is not reluctant to leave her too far away from me, she is the most suitable general manager of Tiannan branch."

He Yishui put his arms around his best friend's shoulders and said with a smile.


Li Mutong suddenly came back to his senses, his eyes were in a trance: "What?"

He Yishui was stunned for a moment, and said: "I said that I want to open a branch in Tiannan, and my father asked your opinion."

She flattened her mouth subconsciously: "Why are you absent-minded today?"


Li Mutong shook his head subconsciously: "I'm watching TV."

She looked at the old man on the side, and tried her best: "Uncle disagrees with Yi Shui's opinion?"

"Just asking for your opinion."

The old man smiled and waved his hands.

Regarding this best friend who appeared next to her daughter more than two years ago, the old man now completely treats her as her own daughter. What He Yishui said is actually good. It is a good thing to open a branch in Tiannan. If you want to talk about candidates, Li Mu Tong is the most suitable person to master the branch.

But don't say that He Yishui is reluctant to transfer her to Tiannan, even the old couple is also reluctant.

"Are you feeling unwell today?"

The old man looked at Li Mutong with a kind voice: "I've been in a daze all the time. If you have something on your mind, it's not convenient for me to talk to you. Just talk to Yi Shui, or your aunt."

"I'm fine."

Li Mutong forced a smile, watched the TV, and continued to be in a daze.

The old man was a little anxious, but he couldn't say anything. As a father, he had to be careful with his own daughter, let alone Li Mutong, no matter how concerned he was, some things were beyond his ability to ask, and he could only wink at his daughter .

He Yishui shook his head, but did not speak.

She naturally noticed the situation of her best friend, but she didn't know what was going on.

After waking up today, my girlfriend was obviously in a good mood, and she said she was going to make a cake for Xiao Chao at noon, but for some reason, when it was almost noon, she seemed to suddenly lose all her strength, and her whole body became very strange.

The cake is naturally not made.

The originally planned lunch was also ruined. He Yishui took the mother and daughter to their parents' place for a lunch. It was simply a community, which was very convenient.

But Li Mutong obviously had a poor appetite. He only ate two green vegetables for lunch, and then he would be in a daze from time to time, asking her what was going on without saying anything, and He Yishui was also a little weak.

Come to think of it, nothing happened today at all.

Li Mutong didn't receive any calls, let alone see anyone, and she didn't do anything.

He Yishui only found out that something was wrong with Li Mutong when he was discussing the push. Today is just a normal day, and my best friend didn't come to her aunt's day. What's wrong?

"Tongtong, why don't we go shopping?"

He Yishui tentatively said, "Go and choose some toys for Xiao Chao?"

"I watch TV."

Li Mutong reacted for a while, then shook his head, and said blankly.

He Yishui reached out and touched her head to make sure that she didn't have a fever.

"Didn't you never be interested in news before? I've never seen you read any news. When did you start paying attention to national affairs?"

Li Mutong didn't speak.

She really didn't dare to watch the news before, and even subconsciously avoided many things related to it.

But today's program, as well as the upcoming news, she wants to watch.

I really want to see it.

"There is a new province joining today. For such a big event, this program, these analysis, and the following news are all worth watching. It may be of great use to the group's business."

Li Mutong said softly.

"You perfunctory me."

He Yishui was a little dissatisfied.

Li Mutong smiled, but did not speak.

The experts on the TV screen were still talking about their analysis.

On the map, along the dotted line, the plane has completely coincided with An Nanguo.

Next is the live broadcast.

Li Mutong looked at his watch.

Five fifty-eight in the afternoon.

The special plane is expected to land at six o'clock.

Live broadcast...Live broadcast...

Li Mutong clenched his fists subconsciously, and even felt a little suffocated for a moment.

During the live broadcast, she will meet the people she most wants to meet but who she dares not to meet the most.

She really didn't want to see it, but she really wanted to.

Want it so so much.

The time is beating second by second.

It was six o'clock.

On the TV screen, the old man's mobile phone, He Yishui's mobile phone, and Li Mutong's mobile phone rang at the same time.

A new push took everyone's attention.

The title of this tweet revealed for the first time a little bit of Li Tianlan's identity amid the curiosity of the whole country.

Who is Li Tianlan.

Everyone wants to know this question, but most people don't know it.

Until this push appeared in front of everyone.

"Li Shuai's special plane lands, Tiannan joins Zhongzhou, the signing ceremony will start soon" Click to view the live broadcast...

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