The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 534: :Every

Unlike the other squads of the Angel King Corps, the Lucifer squad does not have a clear base on the surface.

To be precise, the entire Lucifer team, on the surface, does not exist.

As the strongest team in the Angels, even within the Star Country, most of the time they exist in various specious rumors. They are shadows in the dark, silent, and have no sense of existence. , performing various tasks that may not be considered dangerous but are destined not to be exposed all year round.

Few people in the star know their existence, and even fewer people know their location.

Only a few people know that the base of the Lucifer team is near the six-star building of the Ministry of Defense. On the surface, it is disguised as a small supermarket, and the small base of about two football fields under the supermarket is the Lucifer team. residence.

When the team members are not in hibernation and are not on special missions, the underground base is where they relax and have fun.

The Lucifer team only has seven people including the captain Lucifer, but there are nearly thirty people in the base who all serve them. When they are dormant, these people are responsible for maintaining the dormant chamber and taking care of some facilities of the base. In their waking state, these people can also make the best guards, cooks, psychologists, and even physical counselors.

In this small base, most of Lucifer's reasonable and even unreasonable requirements can be met. It can be said that this place is backed by the huge resources of the Star Country, but it only belongs to Lucifer himself. exclusive kingdom.

When Brigadier General Dontes walked into the base led by a hot female staff member, Lucifer was sitting in the restaurant eating.

His long fiery red hair stands upright, not only the hair color, but also his whole body is also wearing a fiery red suit, and his whole person looks like a burning flame.

Standing in the dining room, Dontes couldn't help frowning fiercely, the corners of his mouth twitching uncontrollably.

Lucifer was eating. The plump and tender bluefin tuna was sliced, and even a large piece of fish was grilling. This kind of fish is very large, and it was eaten by Lucifer in various ways. French, sashimi, grilled fish, boiled, and even oriental hot pot.

Most of the ingredients were fish, and Lucifer squatted on a chair to feast on it, even his face was covered with large oil stains.

The restaurant was a mess.

The plate containing the dipping sauce was smashed on the floor, the sticky dipping sauce was everywhere, the chair was broken, the pieces were scattered randomly, and the bitten fish that had not been treated in any way fell to the floor in lumps On the floor, a large number of paper towels were crumpled up and thrown everywhere, vegetables and fruits rolled on the ground with a rotten smell, and some men's and women's pajamas were even scattered in some less obvious corners.

There are a few portraits hanging on the wall, which are now painted in a mess. The faces of the characters in the paintings are painted into the shape of clowns with various colors of oil paint, and some are painted with masks.

The whole restaurant is like a garbage dump. Lucifer is squatting on a chair in the garbage dump and eating almost sky-high prices. Like a madman.

"Since when did you get used to enjoying food in the dump?"

Brigadier General Dontes felt uncomfortable all over. He kicked away all the garbage under his feet a little violently, and even his breathing began to become rough.

All this in front of him is simply **** to him with moderate obsessive-compulsive disorder, no, this is even more disgusting than hell.

"Isn't it beautiful?"

Lucifer looked up at him, showing a more distorted smile: "My aesthetics seem to have changed a bit recently, look, look at my restaurant, this is my work... you don't like it? Yes, it is Yes, hehe, hahaha... I don't like it very much, I'm still missing something, a lot of things are missing, Dontes, my friend, you are my only friend hahaha, tell me what's missing , I need your advice."

"You are short of a maid who will clean up for you."

Dontes suppressed the disgust in his heart, and his breathing was even a little difficult.

"You send Delatu to Annan."

He said in a hurry, he just wanted to finish the business as soon as possible and leave here: "The Defense Department needs an explanation!"

This is the main purpose of his coming here.

After Lucifer's application to go to Central Continent to assassinate Li Tianlan was rejected many times, the department in charge of Dontes discovered that the official member of Lucifer's team, Delato, had secretly entered Annan when he was supposed to be dormant. The entire department is currently a little confused , Dontes didn't even dare to tell Reinhardt about this matter for the time being.


Lucifer forked a piece of raw fish and put it into his mouth, a faint blood flowed down the corner of his mouth, he was thinking silently, as if he was lost in thought.

Dantes' Adam's apple visibly twitched a few times, and he almost spit it out. He instinctively shifted his gaze, with a cold face, and said impatiently: "You can put the explanation later, and now the Defense Department needs you to immediately Recall Delatu who entered the mission state."

The independence of the Angel Monarch Group is already extremely strong.

The Lucifer team is even more special.

The Ministry of Defense can indeed direct them to perform various tasks by command.

But once entering the task state, except for the captain Lucifer, other people can't grasp the situation of the team members at all.

"Why are you recalling Dratu?"

Lucifer looked at Tangtes in surprise: "I sent him to Annan to make contributions to Xingguo. It is a great contribution. Maybe he is about to succeed?"

Dontes's eyes darkened. Although he already had a definite guess in his heart, he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy when he heard Lucifer say this, and his tone was also tentative: "Contributing? What kind of merit?"

"I want him to kill Li Tianlan."

Lucifer laughed mysteriously: "He sneaked into Annan a week ago. I know that Annan and Zhongzhou are negotiating, but I am not sure when the signing will be signed. My original plan was that if there is no news in the near future, Delato He will enter Tiannan to assassinate the high-level people in the East Palace and stay in Tiannan. Now that he is fine, he will directly kill Li Tianlan, hehe, hehehe...

Li Tianlan's plane is about to arrive in Annan, right?

Let me take a look, look at the map...

Three hours, two hours...

Well, in a few hours, we will hear the news of Li Tianlan's death, get ready, prepare the celebration banquet, I want the best champagne, hahahaha..."

Dontes looked at Lucifer blankly.

At this moment, he finally decided on one thing.

That is, Lucifer, who has been in the most unstable state since the establishment of the Angels, seems to have completely become abnormal.

This is a big deal.

He had to report to the Ministry of Defense immediately, forcibly correct Lucifer's behavior, and even forcibly destroy him.

No, compared to this, what is about to happen to Annan is the most urgent.

"Are you **** crazy?!"

Dontes gritted his teeth, his expression a bit ferocious: "Why did Delato assassinate Li Tianlan?! Celebration banquet? I celebrate you..."

He gritted his teeth fiercely, and didn't let himself say too harsh words, but his whole body was indeed out of anger.

Under the great anger, he even ignored the surrounding environment.

Delato's status in Lucifer's team is not low. He is the executive captain who is second only to the captain and vice-captain. His combat effectiveness is not bad, and he can be regarded as a top half-step invincible. But with this strength, to assassinate Li Tianlan?

Dontes really didn't know what Lucifer was thinking.

What left him speechless the most was that Delato actually went.

One is really daring to do it, and the other is really daring to do it.

"Is **** all you have in your head?"

Dontes almost yelled: "Now I order you, immediately recall De La Tu, immediately!"

"What if I don't?"

Lucifer, who was acting a little crazy, suddenly stopped laughing and looked at Dantes with clear eyes.

"I'm not negotiating with you."

Dantes' voice was cold: "This is an order, and you have no room to refuse. If you dare to disobey the order, I will forcibly freeze all your authority and report to the Ministry of Defense. If the matter develops to that point, I will not rule out the whole way." The possibility that the Xifa team will be completely destroyed."

Lucifer picked up a piece of fish and played with it in his hand, his palm soon turned bloody.

He licked his palm and said with a smile, "Are you threatening me?"

"This is an order!"

Dantes' voice became colder and colder.

Judging from his actual position, he does not have the qualifications to command Lucifer on the surface.

The department he leads has no clear records in the Ministry of Defense, and it is called the No. 4 Office to the outside world.

Dontes' brigadier general status is because he is in charge of the No. 4 office.

The only job of the No. 4 office is to be in charge of docking with the various teams of the Angel Army, providing internal and external assistance to the Angel Army in all aspects, and keeping track of their movements.

He has no power to command Lucifer.

But in a sense, once Dontes, who has mastered all their movements, reports their recent status, it is equivalent to mastering their life and death.

So Dontes' threat at this time is very powerful.

Destruction is the most severe punishment for a super weapon like Lucifer.

"I refuse..."

Lucifer was still laughing, but before he finished speaking, he suddenly fell off the chair.

Almost instinctively, he hugged his shoulders, and the smile on his face completely disappeared.

He curled up, and there was a kind of extreme fear in his eyes.

Not just him.

Even the female staff member responsible for bringing Dontes in curled up.

Her body was trembling constantly, and her face was pale. In the sight of Dontes, her face changed little by little, and finally became...


Dontes' body suddenly froze in place, and it took more than ten seconds before he came back to his senses, and subconsciously wanted to rush out of the restaurant to call the doctor at the base.

But when he rushed out of the restaurant and out of the underground villa, he found that the dozens of people in the entire base who were active outside were all huddled up.

It seems to have encountered an irresistible natural enemy.

Everyone was terrified to the extreme.

Likewise, everyone on the base...

They all turned into Lucifer.

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