The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 533: :fear

In today's dark world, the topic of killing Li Tianlan, no matter where it is brought up, can shake people's minds.

This topic is like a taboo. I know that the possibility of success is not high, but I can't help but join the discussion and fantasize about myself. Even if it may be only theoretical, it still makes people unable to help continuing go on.

Everything in the world, anything, as long as you put an if in front, then nothing is impossible.

Cade and Reinhardt looked at Jiang Shangyu at the same time, with deep anticipation in their eyes.

Kill Li Tianlan...

As long as this is mentioned, anyone who is hostile to Li Tianlan will be relieved.

"Jiang, what did you lose?"

Reinhardt couldn't help but took a few steps forward, looking at Jiang Shangyu, his eyes were extremely burning: "No matter what it is, I can help you get it back at any cost. Where is that thing? Central Continent? If so If so, we can try to make a deal with Central Continent and put pressure on them through normal channels, or we can use the resources of Star Country to build something for you, what is it?"

Jiang Shangyu lowered his head slightly, hiding the disdain and disdain in his eyes.

Build another one with the resources of Xingguo?

Xingguo has fart resources.

"Unfortunately, that thing is not in Central Continent."

Jiang Shangyu shook his head: "I have already lost it, but don't worry, I have some clues now, I will get that thing back myself, and if you need help, I will tell you."

Reinhardt subconsciously glanced at Cade.

This is his habitual action. The two have been cooperating with each other for too long. The tacit understanding has even surpassed words. Every time he encountered such a situation in the past, he would see Cade's eyes, a look , Reinhardt knew what to do next.

But this time when he turned his head away, he found that Cade didn't look at him at all, but looked down at a document, the pen was turning flexibly on his finger, he was silent, but his posture was extremely Leisurely.

That is a kind of indifference that has nothing to do with oneself.

Reinhardt felt a little cold in his heart.

He knew what Cade was thinking. During the last period of his tenure, what he wanted most was stability. He didn't want to do anything, and he didn't want to deal with any troubles.

Sending the Angels to infiltrate Europe to hunt Lin Fenglin, this order is indeed issued by Cade, but it does not mean that he really intends to do so, it is just what he must do in this position, his personal opinion How doesn't matter at all.

And that is apparently the case at the moment.

Kaide didn't care about what Jiang Shangyu lost. He didn't even care whether Jiang Shangyu could kill Li Tianlan. As for the concern and curiosity he showed on the surface, it was just a routine within the scope of his duties, and he didn't care at all what the truth was.

Reinhardt smiled to himself.

He suddenly realized that it was meaningless to continue discussing the matter of killing Li Tianlan here.

Cade would not give any other suggestions. They stayed here to discuss, not only did not give Cade a sense of participation, but the other party might think it was a waste of his time.

Reinhardt took a deep look at Cade, changed the subject suddenly, and said calmly, "I don't know what position Mr. Speaker has given Jiang?"

"My order will be signed shortly."

Kade opened a page of information, looked up at Jiang Shangyu, and said with a smile: "Jiang Gang came to Xingguo, and there are still many unfamiliar places. I really hope that he can get familiar with the environment as soon as possible and truly regard Xingguo as his own." The homeland, Reinhardt, this is also a task entrusted to you, please be sure to entertain our friend well, from now on, he is our own."

Reinhardt took a deep breath and looked solemn: "Of course, I will let everyone know how generous we are to our friends."

"That's good."

Kaide said lightly: "During this time, Jiang is still focusing on getting familiar with the environment. Other things can be put aside for the time being, but this also reflects the importance we attach to Jiang. Let Jiang defend first. Ministry, you still need a deputy, right?

Familiarize yourself with the environment in the defense department first, and we can make arrangements after adapting to the rhythm of the star country. "

Jiang Shangyu has been listening to the conversation between the two with a smile. Seeing Cade's gaze, he nodded with a smile and said softly: "This arrangement is very good, I have no objection. Reinhardt is an excellent Commander-in-Chief is also a good teacher worthy of my study, and it will be good for me to learn from him for a while."

Reinhardt's eyes changed.

He looked at Cade with a look of obvious dissatisfaction, but he was also somewhat grateful and relaxed.

Let Jiang Shangyu temporarily enter the defense department as his deputy.

This arrangement can be said to be very arbitrary.

Jiang Shangyu's status in this position can be said to be very high, but the power in his hands is actually the same. This position is largely regarded as a false position.

With such an arrangement by Cade, it is obvious that Mingzhe wants to protect himself and not want to join forces indiscriminately.

Jiang Shangyu's familiarity with the environment is obviously not something that can be familiarized with in a day or two, and Kaide's tenure is still a few months away. After a few months, when the newcomer takes over and he retires smoothly, Jiang Shangyu's environment is almost familiar. Naturally, the new Speaker will worry about the arrangement, and it has nothing to do with him.

And this arrangement obviously has another meaning.

Giving Jiang Shangyu a false position with a high enough status vaguely expressed some degree of doubt and distrust towards Jiang Shangyu.

After all, Jiang Shangyu had just left Central Continent, and with Caide's prudence, it was impossible for him to completely believe in his position in a short time.

So hang on for now.

Even if Jiang Shangyu really changed his position in the future and betrayed Xingguo, the responsibility for this matter cannot be held to him who has retired.

In the last few months, he only did what he should do, and he didn't care about anything else.

Reinhardt was somewhat dissatisfied with such a decision, but also heaved a sigh of relief.

Because he was really under a lot of pressure during this time.

Some aspects of Lucifer's abnormalities were not concealed in front of him. Now in Reinhardt's heart, Lucifer has almost become the spokesperson of the devil. Whenever he thinks of that figure, his scalp tingles.

Just because of his responsibilities, he must contact Lucifer in the near future.

If Jiang Shangyu was by his side, his sense of security would still be strong.

Because Lucifer's attitude towards Jiang Shangyu is a bit strange.

When he had dinner with Jiang Shangyu for the first time, when he left the restaurant, the first time he opened the door of the box room, he saw Lucifer who was sneaking and eavesdropping.

At that moment, Reinhardt even thought that there would be an extremely fierce conflict between Lucifer and Jiang Shangyu, even a life-and-death battle, and he had clearly considered a series of consequences.

But in fact, although that meeting was not pleasant, the two sides did not do anything after all.

Lucifer has become more and more abnormal recently. He seems to have set his sights on Jiang Shangyu, but he seems to be afraid of something and has not made a move.

Leaving Jiang Shangyu in the defense department, in the short term, this is the sense of security that Reinhardt needs most.

"Since Jiang has no objections, let's do it first."

Thinking in his mind, Reinhardt saluted Cade perfunctorily, and said in a cold voice: "If there is nothing else, I will take Jiang to the ministry first."


Cade said something indifferent, the pair of partners who used to cooperate very well, felt more and more alienated from each other's tone.

Reinhardt nodded to Jiang Shangyu, made a gesture of please, turned around and left.

Cade didn't even raise his head, looking at the materials he had read several times, he was already thinking about today's dinner.

Leaving the white palace, Reinhardt and Jiang Shangyu sat in the car.

Vehicles move slowly along the street.

Reinhardt took out the red wine from the car refrigerator, poured a glass for Jiang Shangyu, and said with a smile, "Jiang, we can talk now. What kind of help do you need from me about the thing you lost?"

"At this stage, no help is needed."

Jiang Shangyu shook the wine glass in his hand, smiled and said: "The timing is not right, I will take the initiative to speak when I need it."

"it is good."

Reinhardt's smile didn't change, but he knew very well in his heart that it was a sign that Jiang Shangyu didn't fully trust him.

But this is also human nature.

If Lucifer hadn't turned into a monster inexplicably, he wouldn't dare to trust Jiang Shangyu now.

"If... I mean if you get that thing, is there only a 70 to 80% chance of killing Li Tianlan?"

he asked slowly.

"Seventy percent."

Jiang Shangyu thought for a while: "It will take time for me to find that thing. In a few more years, Li Tianlan will almost break through."

He drank his red wine and laughed: "You have no way of imagining what Li Tianlan will be like after the breakthrough, that is an absolute power.

I can be sure that once Li Tianlan breaks through again, not to mention the sixth strongest person in the world, even if he is the only strong person in the world, he is qualified.

Your so-called mushrooms can't even pose a big threat to him. As long as he is given time, he can truly flatten the whole world by himself.

In that case, I'm 70% sure of killing him, and you know what that means. "

"You mean... as long as you get that item, even after Li Tianlan breaks through, you..."

Reinhardt's expression changed.


Jiang Shangyu calmly said: "If I can get that thing now, I don't need to grasp it at all to kill Li Tianlan, I can press him to death with one hand.

Unfortunately, he needs time to break through, and I also need time to prepare. "

He looked at Reinhardt and said with a smile: "Don't worry, as long as I can get that item, even if I can't kill Li Tianlan, it's not difficult to suppress him.

At that time, I will hunt and kill Li Tianlan all over the world. Are you looking forward to such a scene? "

Reinhardt thought for a while, his eyes gradually became fiery: "I'm looking forward to it."

"Hehe...haha...I'm looking forward to it too."

Jiang Shangyu's laughter grew louder and full of joy: "Hahahahaha..."

He kept laughing, and the hand holding the wine glass began to tremble.

His expectant and delighted laughter gradually distorted, his face turned pale, and his pupils shrank to the extreme.

The red wine spilled out of the wine glass and onto his clothes, a bright red color, like dazzling blood.

Jiang Shangyu's body began to tremble, and the trembling frequency became faster and faster, and his body even began to curl up.

"Jiang, what's wrong with you?!"

Reinhardt looked bewildered.

"I...I'm fine..."

Jiang Shangyu was still smiling, but his body curled up more and more obviously.

"I should be very happy..."

There was no trace of blood on Jiang Shangyu's face, and he said in a trembling voice: "But... I don't know... I don't know why... It's so scary... I suddenly... I'm afraid... What is it? Something is coming, something is coming!"

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