The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 306: : open the door

There are no words to describe the shock and absurdity in Lin Shiyi's heart.

The coveted end is exempted at the moment of approaching the body.

The specific situation shown is that Li Tianlan's palm holding the catastrophe trembled inexplicably, and then the sword light that was twisted to the extreme almost brushed past him against his face, and exploded behind him.

Heaven and earth change color.

For a time, it seemed that there were countless Li Tianlan who were at their peak at the same time.

The violent sword qi poured out in a very small area, and then the center of the explosion continued to spread. The layers of sword qi were like a tsunami that continued to spread. A messy battlefield was completely swept away, and the completely out of control sword light surged and spread to the battlefield. Besides, the whole city is in turmoil.

Buildings, streets, trees, billboards, cars and shops along the road...

The sword qi passed all the way, there was no deafening momentum, but everything collapsed silently the moment it touched the sword light.

After the end, nothing can keep its original form.

Half of the city was collapsing silently, but Lin Shiyi, who was excited to die in front of Li Tianlan, was unscathed.

He opened his eyes dumbfounded, and the corners of his mouth twitched wildly. From Li Tianlan's point of view, he could clearly see that Lin Shiyi's eyes had lost their luster little by little, like a salted fish who had completely lost his dreams.

What is Neutral Aura?

The so-called halo, is literally.

The owner of the neutrality halo is protected by the neutrality rules. This thing is not a characteristic, and has nothing to do with life strength, and it has nothing to do with combat power. If you specifically describe the role of the halo...

Two words can probably sum up the role of the halo.

The most incomprehensible two words.


Those with a neutral aura are lucky to get a bonus in a neutral-aligned area.

To what extent can this kind of luck be exaggerated?

Simply put, you get what you need.

Beggars who have no money can pick up money when they go out, buy a lottery ticket and win tens of millions of generals. The probability of confessing to the goddess is zero, and it is easy to get the favor of the interviewer during the interview. You can get promoted and raise your salary. All kinds of top talents put down their faces and come to kneel and lick. Countless white rich and beautiful are just as mindless as they have been hit by the halo of intelligence. On the battlefield where bullets are haunted, they can dodge bullets without doing anything, which is fatal and dangerous. All can be automatically avoided, and any credit can be placed on oneself...

Etc., etc...

This is the neutral aura.

Or change the name, this is the protagonist's halo that comes with the ultimate Ouhuang ray and eliminates the drawbacks of Ouhuang's extremely short lifespan.

When all the factors are present, no matter how few these factors are, the neutral halo can turn it into reality, which is very hard, and even has a kind of comical and overbearing ignoring logic.

The finish cannot be dodged.

Lin Shiyi couldn't. In theory, even the God of War couldn't. The God of War might have a way to resist the end, but he couldn't dodge the end's attack.

The fact that the end could not be evaded did not mean that Li Tianlan's attack could not be evaded.

Li Tianlan was injured after all.

The explosion of the last energy of the broken mecha blew Li Tianlan away. Although such an injury was nothing to Li Tianlan, theoretically, this injury might indeed have an impact on Li Tianlan's body.

It's theoretically possible, which means the odds are infinitely low...maybe 1 in 10,000, or even 1 in 100,000.

But the aura of neutrality means it doesn't matter.

For Ou Huang, the probability of 1 in 10,000 is exactly the same as the probability of 100%.

Therefore, when Li Tianlan stabbed the sword out, his palm trembled slightly, the sword energy shifted, and the momentum of the sword that destroyed half of the city was shocking, but in fact it was useless.

How hard is this luck?

East Mountain Province in Middle-earth.


In the villa bathed in the morning sun, an eye wrapped in golden light laughed out loud.

The young mother was still asleep on the bed.

The young girl sat quietly, looking in Annan's direction, playing with her small pistol in her hand.

The golden eyes floated beside her, shaking with the laughter.

The power of lies is everywhere in the room.

This kind of power fills every corner of the room, wrapping a trace of golden will, prolonging its existence.

The power of lies begins to perturb in the laughter.

Li Tianlan's voice rang in the room: "I can't help it, hahaha, I can fully imagine how much his heart has collapsed right now, being exempted by the neutral halo, he must want to die, he must want to die, hahahaha ..."

The girl pouted a little speechless, and said silently: "Is it because you have been asleep for too long? Father, your smile is so low now..."

The laughter in the room solidified for a moment, and then a dry cough sounded.

The golden light spread in the room, passing through the blockade of lies.

The golden will with Huang Xi's true imprint was outlined in the room, and it once again became Li Tianlan's appearance.

The golden will broke through the blockade of lies. Li Tianlan, who was completely composed of light, stretched out his hand and gently touched the girl's head: "I think that boy is very unpleasant. If he is unhappy, I feel very happy."

"Who is he?"

There was some curiosity in the girl's voice.

The neutral aura can be called the protagonist's aura. Naturally, not everyone can have it, especially the advanced neutral aura, unless it is given by some special existence. For example, Ruthless gave Li Chaoxi an intermediate neutral aura. , or an incomplete version.

A complete high-level neutrality aura means that he is one of the protagonists of the neutral camp. How many such people can there be?

Feng Qingwu currently has a high-level neutral aura.

This kind of thing, even if they set foot on the peak authority, not everyone has it. Several princes in the space-time corridor have a complete intermediate neutral aura.

The halo does not represent combat power, but it is also directly linked to combat power. The halo is something that you explore, research, polish, master the rules of neutrality, and finally slowly condense a complete halo.

The logical order of this is very important. It is not the aura that will become stronger, but the stronger the aura will be.

What level of powerhouse is Feng Qingwu?

The eldest princess of the Time and Space Corridor, looking at the entire starry sky, is also one of the human races closest to authority. If the neutral camp also makes a ranking of the so-called top ten powerhouses, even if Feng Qingwu cannot rank in the front, but in the top ten, absolutely There is also a place.

Lin Shiyi has the same aura as hers, which means that at least in the peak period before his fall, the other party has the strength close to her.

There are actually not many such people, but Feng Qingwu has never heard of such a big problem in the return of such a person.

"You'll know when he returns."

Li Tianlan said softly.

"After returning..."

The girl muttered with some dissatisfaction, how many years would it really be?

Li Tianlan smiled and said softly, "I'm leaving too. I'm very relieved that the City of Miracles has you to take care of me."

"Can your current body withstand the end?"

the girl asked quietly.


Li Tianlan was stunned: "It's just a little reluctant, it's better to wait for me to break through again, but the War God Realm obviously doesn't want to wait."

"God of War... hum..."

The girl snorted softly, "I don't like him."


Li Tianlan laughed.

The girl thought about it, but didn't know the specific reason. Maybe it was because he felt dangerous every time he saw the other party, or because of other reasons. People who were too sharp would rarely feel close to them. There are a few particularly annoying women.

The Linglong Jinxiu of the God of War Realm, especially the former, is almost Feng Qingwu's natural enemy, and the two parties themselves have not been able to explain why they are feuding. Wind Qingwu, Wang Jinxiu.

Two legendary women standing at the pinnacle of authority, for Feng Qingwu, if there is really one sentence to describe the relationship between her and Wang Jinxiu...

That is the fight has never been lost, and the quarrel has never been won.

It's hard to say.

The girl pursed her lips, and suddenly said angrily: "The women around the God of War are so annoying, especially Wang Jinxiu. After you return, you must help me teach her a lesson!"


Li Tianlan was silent for a long time.

My daughter and Wang Jinxiu...

Of course he didn't understand what happened, but he was sure that it was the follow-up...

Li Tianlan knew very well that once Lin Shiyi was sent away today, and when the other party returned again, the relationship between Feng Qingwu and Wang Jinxiu would evolve into the most complicated relationship in the human race.

This kind of relationship is called between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law...


Li Tianlan shook his head, what a mess.

He slowly got up and adjusted his state.

With the current strength of his body, it is really reluctant to endure the end, especially if the specificity of the end is raised to a level that is enough to obliterate the true imprint of Lin Shiyi's shattering, this will cause great harm to his body, even if there is a first Two hearts cannot be made up in a short time.

He will officially return to his original body, and then destroy Lin Shiyi. He must be quick, not only to reduce his physical burden, but also to prevent the precious girl beside him from discovering anything.

Once Lin Shiyi's true imprint disappears completely, as the most important person in his life, Feng Qingwu will definitely be able to determine his identity at that moment. Once the girl becomes self-willed, with her strength, she will definitely be able to press on. She was beaten in the head by her father, so the location of the end must not be in Tiannan.

The energy response in the room began to increase continuously, and the increase was so great that the girl quickly frowned.

"Your body can't handle the force..."

The girl whispered.

Lin Shiyi can exempt Li Tianlan from the end of the fur.

Colin Eleven can have an advanced neutral aura.

How could Huang Xi not have it?

Huang Xi also has a halo, and it is more advanced than the neutral halo. It is the halo engraved in his true brand. With the return of his true will, Li Tianlan's halo will also be activated. It is the power that can completely destroy him.

With such strength, Lin Shiyi could hardly bear it.

Li Tianlan himself is also very difficult to bear.

After the end of this formula, the most optimistic result is that Li Tianlan is seriously injured, and even if he has a second heart, he will not be able to recover in a short time. If the result is worse, it will even delay Huang Xi's return process and waste a lot of money. time, and time in real circumstances.

"Father, you paid so much to Lin Shiyi, is it worth it?"

The girl's voice was faint.

Li Tianlan, who was covered in golden rays of light, gave her a strange look, thinking that now you know that you feel sorry for your father, but if you know Lin Shiyi's identity, I'm afraid you would like me to pay more, right?

He thought silently, then laughed: "It's worth it, strictly speaking, this is a transaction, the transaction between me and Lin Xuanyuan, how much I pay, he must pay next, even more than I pay. Much more, none of us shy away from giving, and some attitudes have to be expressed.”

"The world of the God of War is watching here, and the God of War has two goals. If I solve Lin Shiyi, the task is half completed, and the remaining half is what he will give me in return."

"What half?"

The girl was a little puzzled.

Li Tianlan didn't explain any further, just raised his head slightly.

The golden true will instantly pierced through the sky.

His gaze seemed to span an endless distance and saw the target he wanted to communicate with.

"Get ready to open the door."

Li Tianlan said softly.

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