The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 305: : exempt

Li Tianlan has changed.

Lin Shiyi can clearly point out this change.

change in identity.

Li Tianlan, who holds Xuanyuan Feng's sword in every move and every style, is Li Tianlan.

And Li Tianlan, who held the catastrophe and put down the sword twenty-four, was Huang Xi who never returned.

In fact, Li Tianlan himself didn't realize that with the continuous breakthrough of his strength, his kendo has gradually shifted from the direction of Jian 24, and he has embarked on a path that once belonged to him.

Jiuzhong Tianque is completely different from Sword Twenty-Four.

It's even different to the point where it doesn't even make sense to compare it to a higher or lower level.

The God of War is now recognized as the pinnacle of martial arts in the starry sky, and no one can match him.

But strictly speaking, what the God of War can really represent is kendo.

Sword Twenty-Four can be said to be the most extreme sword energy under the starry sky. What it pursues is the most extreme edge. Everything, all kinds of weapons, and countless substances will become swords in the hands of the God of War.

God of War doesn't need anything else, his martial art is kendo.

Pure, focused, extreme, without distractions.

And the Nine Heavenly Towers... that is, the Nine Heavens Towers. After the extreme sublimation of the nine gods, there is nothingness that contains everything.

The period in which Huang Xi was in did not allow him to focus only on a certain field. He needed to survive, guard, stand, and develop. He would do what he could do, and what he could not do. I grit my teeth and try my best to do it.

The Jiuzhong Tianque was a product of that kind of situation, and it belonged to Li Tianlan's own invincible way.

The complete Jiuzhong Tianque is not only martial arts, but a collection of various permissions that Huang Xi masters perfectly blended together.

When Huang Xi needs a sword, it is the strongest swordsmanship, and when Huang Xi needs other things, it can also become anything else.

Li Tianlan naturally can't do this now.

He is not qualified to connect to other permissions now, even if it is the martial arts part of the Nine Heavens Tower, he has only mastered a little bit of fur.

To be precise, it is a little bit of fur of the catastrophe known as the first heaven in the Nine Heavens Towers.

A very small part, but not at all funny.

After all, this is Li Tianlan's own sword qi, and his own path. There is no such thing as a so-called fit. This little bit of fur is enough to make Li Tianlan stand at the real peak, and what he has never mastered is precisely the real environment. suppressed.

Li Tianlan lowered his head slightly, looking at the thread of life between the two.

From death to new life.

His brain was in an unprecedented trance at this time. This feeling was very strange and airy. There were many memories that he knew but could not explain to him constantly appearing in his mind, and there were also extremely familiar but extremely unfamiliar figures. .

At the moment when life was completely terminated, the memory fragments poured up like a fountain, messy, complicated, and messy.

The world seems to be in chaos.

Most of the pictures are clearly clear, but he doesn't know which pictures are telling what.

The disordered memory brought about disordered cognition. In the limited picture he could understand, he saw Jie died in the hands of Gu Xingyun. He remembered that he and Ning Qiancheng were not familiar with each other. I saw Situ Cangyue who died in the hands of Wang Xiaoyao, and Wang Yuetong who walked into Kunlun City in a white wedding dress...

Many things that had never happened had formed the most specific images that appeared inexplicably in his mind. The confusion of memory brought confusion of cognition. Li Tianlan shook his head vigorously.

There are more images in my head.

The body also seems to be changing.

He instinctively condensed the strange and ferocious long sword in his hand, but another kind of power seemed to gradually boil in the body in a more obscure way.

The kind of power that seems to be able to completely shred everything burns blood and bones, penetrates into the soul, and is becoming more and more clear in a not swift but unstoppable gesture.

The brain is getting more and more confused.

For the first time, Li Tianlan came up with the idea of ​​leaving the station, not giving in and compromising.

It was the doubts brought about by the extreme chaos that made him subconsciously want to find a quiet place and slowly sort out his memory cognition and emerging power.

If you want to leave the station, you must first kill Lin Shiyi.

The thread of life has now been completely suppressed.

The situation became extremely clear.

The thread of life had failed, he and Lin Shiyi were at their peak at the same time, and Xuanyuan Feng's remaining energy was not enough for him to cross the threshold of the realm again.

With catastrophe in hand, Li Tianlan had to face Lin Shiyi, who was almost a realm taller than him.

"I'm in a hurry..."

Li Tianlan spoke softly, his voice a little dull: "Need... calm down... send you first... on the road."

"It's not easy at all."

Lin Shiyi's voice paused: "But... now you do have a chance."

The inexplicable aura between heaven and earth continued to exist.

Lin Shiyi suddenly opened his hands.

The almost-completely scrapped mecha wrapped around him suddenly detached from his body.

Liquid metal quickly converged between the two.

Li Tianlan just narrowed his eyes.

The liquid metal has directly turned into a sphere.

Lin Shiyi didn't say a word of nonsense, the huge force suddenly erupted, and the sphere formed of liquid metal shook.

Elemental Martial Arts Fierce Fire Fist!

The extremely hot high temperature melted the surrounding frost in an instant, and the metal spheres collided rapidly in the fire. Without the slightest brewing time, the last remaining power of the mecha was completely detonated.

The earth-shattering explosion broke out without warning.

Li Tianlan raised the catastrophe in his hand.

His response was simple, just a sword.

In an instant, the sword energy swept the city.

The sharp edge shrouded the entire city almost in an instant.

The sword light and the explosion are completely intertwined.

The street shops in the center of the station, along with several nearby residential buildings, were razed to the ground in an instant.

Thick smoke billowed up.

Li Tianlan, who was at the forefront of the explosion, was completely enveloped by the devastating explosive force when he pulled out his sword. The annular explosion shock wave shattered all the nearby wreckage into powder. The flying fallen leaves were blown away by the spinning and fell heavily on the ground.

The corner of Lin Shiyi's mouth twitched, seeming a little embarrassed.

Blood flowed from Li Tianlan's body.

Li Tianlan stood up with the catastrophe in his hand, and was silent for a few seconds.

The atmosphere suddenly got weird.

Li Tianlan seems to have proved one thing with practical actions.

In any case, as long as I'm not embarrassed, it's someone else who's embarrassed.

The sword qi that filled the whole city dissipated silently.

The inexplicable atmosphere in the city has become more and more obvious.

Li Tianlan's eyes were extremely calm, and he said softly, "Come again."

The slender blade of the catastrophe pierced straight.

Li Tianlan's figure seemed to be pulled frantically by the sword, and he passed a distance of dozens of meters in an instant.

This time, there is no sword energy in the city.

Only an extremely distorted sword light burst out at the tip of the sword.

The majestic sword qi surged wildly in front of Li Tianlan.

The sword qi that was infinitely close to the threshold of Tianjiao completely erupted countless times at the same time.

Is it familiar?

This was Li Tianlan's most powerful form before activating the catastrophe.

Reduce your own combat power to the maximum limit that your body can withstand, and then twist an attack thousands of times to burst out in the shortest time.

This is also a catastrophe.

The catastrophe has a big exaggeration, and the large attack range makes people feel a little desperate, but if it is purely about the power, among all the gods of the peak martial arts figures, the power of the catastrophe is not even in the middle, and the unique way of exerting power It is doomed that the catastrophe is to completely unleash its own power, and radiate all areas into pieces.

And this kind of force is reversible.

It is also a catastrophe, completely reversing the unique way of exerting force, and the sword energy that is extremely diffuse will become absolutely concentrated in an instant.

All the power will be infinitely distorted in the process of concentration, and finally concentrated into one point, which will be transformed from the largest attack range to the top single-target damage.

This was originally Li Tianlan's path.

Before activating the catastrophe, Li Tianlan's sword was completely forcibly condensing his strength and forcibly breaking out, which placed a huge load on his body, so he had to suppress his own strength in the thundering realm or half-step invincible realm.

But now holding the catastrophe, the previous forced cohesion has become a technical guidance concentration, guiding all the forces to concentrate in one place, and completing multiple explosions with a single sword energy.

Naturally, it is impossible for this kind of explosion to erupt thousands of times in an instant.

But in this way, the physical strength requirements of this sword are also greatly reduced, so that Li Tianlan does not have to suppress his own strength at all.

Moreover, although Li Tianlan's previous explosion seemed to produce destructive power at the same time, in fact, there was always a gap. This gap was extremely short, but in the eyes of an opponent who had reached a certain height, this might be an opportunity.

The catastrophe is a real simultaneous outbreak, there is no gap.

Although Li Tianlan was currently unable to perfectly concentrate the power that erupted many times, he was able to reduce the scope of this sword to the extreme.

Lin Shiyi at this moment was equivalent to facing the siege of Li Tianlan in countless peak states.

The realm is low, and it is made up by quantity.

hung up.

This is equivalent to a real opening.

The sword light shining with colorful luster stabbed at the same time along with the sword edge.

On the calm and peaceful battlefield, a few meters of space around Lin Shiyi suddenly shone with pure black and white.

The thread of life between the two began to tremble wildly, constantly tightening, and it seemed that it would completely collapse at any time.

Li Tianlan's breath has climbed to the extreme.

In Lin Shiyi's vision, all the indicators on Li Tianlan's body had turned into the purest data.

Countless data began to soar with this sword, and Li Tianlan's combat power, accurate to a few decimal places, rose wildly in the shortest time.

The hysterical outpouring of the sword energy of catastrophe.

The slow recovery in Li Tianlan's body seemed to burn the power inside and outside of his body to completely break out of the confinement, perfectly merging with the sword energy.

Lin Shiyi, who was madly ravaged by sword energy and had scars all over his body, immediately received a prompt from his mind center.

"Target Open Feature: End."

"Warning! Warning! Warning! You are end locked."

"You are in a suppressed state, your life strength is suppressed, your characteristics are suppressed, and all resistance is suppressed."

The sharp and urgent warning sound echoed wildly in his mind.

In line of sight, Li Tianlan, catastrophe, sword energy, heaven and earth, everything turned into data.

The sword light representing the data stabbed with the ending he had longed for.

The last warning in my mind, cold and indifferent.

"You have a 0.0001% chance to save this damage."

The sword light waved over.

The next second, another voice rang out.

"The target character's soul is incomplete, the high-level neutrality aura takes effect, and you successfully avoid this damage."

Lin Shiyi's eyes turned dark, and his mentality was completely broken: "Fuck!!"


(If you try to write a big chapter in these two chapters, probably one chapter should probably be enough.)

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