The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 302: : Gamble (below)

"Middle-earth is not invincible."

In the afternoon of Xingguo, standing in the office of Speaker Caide, the sun was shining from the outside, Reinhardt waved his arms, his voice was extremely passionate: "In this world, only those who unite most of the forces are invincible.

The hegemony of Middle-earth will oppress others even unintentionally, directly or indirectly harming the interests of all.

Zhongzhou has a very interesting vocabulary, reincarnation. I like the word, if our operation is successful, then this is a reincarnation between Star Kingdom and Middle-earth. "

Frenzy, excited, enthusiastic.

Speaker Cayde silently looked at the old buddy who had been unable to extricate himself. After a while, he slowly asked, "So, which forces are you planning to unite?"

"European Continental Alliance, Red Maple, Snow Country, Goryeo, Dongdao, and all the forces that are dissatisfied with Central Continent."

Reinhardt's expression suddenly calmed down: "Actually, this is our only chance, and everyone will realize this fact. So when we unite, more and more forces will take the initiative to join us, Continental The alliance has sent a clear signal and is waiting for our cooperation, as long as we can reach a consensus, then we can unite most of the forces."

"What signal?"

Speaker Cade was stunned.

"The Continental Union shared Annan's real-time footage with the world."

Reinhardt said quietly: "So, people all over the world now know that Li Tianlan is no longer invincible. He has fallen into a disadvantage in the battle with the enemy and is very embarrassed. Anyone with ambition, in the face of such news, Impossible to ignore.”

"That's why you made this plan?"

The corners of Kaide's mouth twitched: "I must remind you that Zhongzhou is not Li Tianlan's Zhongzhou. Even if your plan can kill Li Tianlan, does it have any special meaning for Zhongzhou? When Li Tianlan falls, Zhongzhou will be angry. , but it will be a lot easier, maybe they will condemn our actions on the surface, but they will thank us in the heart.”

"I want to kill Li Tianlan, just to continue the plan of the alliance formed by the Beihai Wang clan."

Reinhardt said flatly: "The alliance's plan is to destroy the Eastern Palace."

Cade narrowed his eyes.

Reinhardt has already continued quickly: "Our satellites are also monitoring Tiannan. Although the alliance's mid-to-high-end combat efforts to encircle and suppress Li Tianlan have failed, their operations in Tiannan have been very smooth. The Dismantling Legion, the Gu family, the Temple, and Rothschild's elites had converged and rushed into Xuanyuan City a few hours ago. The Free Legion suffered heavy losses, and Xuanyuan City suffered an unprecedented blow.

And although Li Tianlan hasn't fallen yet, his mysterious enemy has shown a stronger fighting power than him. According to the pictures we have seen, Li Tianlan's fighting power has dropped significantly. If this goes on, he will lose. There is no suspense in the battle, and the possibility of his own fall is as high as 90%. Even if he can survive, it is difficult for him to talk about combat power, and he will definitely not be the opponent of the Angels.

We continue the alliance's plan to kill the East Palace, which means that Zhongzhou will directly lose Li Tianlan, lose Saint Wei Kunlun, lose Li Xi, and lose Situ Cangyue. Isn't this result worth the temptation? "


Cade's tone was extremely calm, and he nodded slowly: "If it was before, I would definitely be tempted, but now it's different."

"What do you mean by the difference?"

Reinhardt forcibly suppressed the restlessness and urgency in his heart.

"The situation in the dark world is different."

Kaide said indifferently: "The most high-end super combat power in the dark world now belongs to Central Continent, Men in Black, Fantasy World, Jiang's, Heroes Club, Shadow Throne, Polar Alliance, Samsara Palace, Temple... Let's see, My minister, look at what has happened in the past few years, most of the superpowers in the dark world are now weaker than ever before, and we don't have much leverage at all.

Your plan is like a big gamble with all the chips at all costs. If you lose, we will no longer have the slightest voice in the dark world for many years to come. But what if you win? Without the Eastern Palace, Central Continent, the Beihai Wang Clan, the Purgatory Legion, and Jiang Shangyu, they are still invincible. Under such circumstances, what is the point of us destroying the Eastern Palace? "

"Gu Xingyun is dead."

Reinhardt spoke suddenly.

Speaker Cade was stunned.

"The East Palace is like the Kunlun City before."

Reinhardt explained seriously: "At least for now, before the Eastern Palace became a real dynasty, they were just like Gu Xingyun, and they may become the second Beihai King in the future, but that is the future. And now, Your Excellency, do you remember that Li Huacheng stayed in Tiannan for a month before?

It was obvious that the council had reached some kind of agreement with Li Tianlan. This agreement, at least in Li Huacheng's view, was to ensure that the Eastern Palace would be able to stand with them, so if Li Tianlan fell, Zhongzhou would not thank us, at least Li Huacheng would not, he would. I feel that this is the loss of Middle-earth.

We have studied Li Huacheng, and such a person either does not make a decision. Once he makes a decision, he will basically not change it, so his position will not change. "

"Li Tianlan was able to reconcile with Li Huacheng, which shows that Li Huacheng put the future security of Zhongzhou on Li Tianlan, and Li Tianlan also accepted that as long as the East Palace is destroyed, the power of Zhongzhou in the dark world will be weakened to an unimaginable level. That's our purpose."

Cade stood up from behind the desk, holding the battle application submitted by Reinhardt in his hand, and his face kept changing: "The existence of the King of the North Sea, you seem to have ignored it?"

"There will be no stage for the Beihai Wang Clan in the future."

Reinhardt said softly: "Unless Wang Tianzong can wake up and recover directly from his injuries, Beihai will not be able to care about Zhongzhou. Chenxi Corps has already intervened in Beihai's battle. Facing Emperor Bingshan, Dongdao has a good chance. For the Dawn Army, the current Dongdao has no chance at all.

Therefore, Dongdao will fail, Dibing Mountain will also fail, and the Morning Sun Corps will establish its new headquarters in Beihai Province. The next most important task of Beihai Province can only be to fight against Wang Xiaoyao and help Central Continent? They won't have that power. "

Cade hesitated.

Reinhardt sneered suddenly: "As for Jiang Shangyu, his position is a little vague, isn't he? He cooperates with the Sanctuary, cooperates with the Temple, I don't see any so-called family country for such a person. The most important thing is that even if he can do something for Zhongzhou, Li Huacheng will not trust him, so Jiang Shangyu will not be an obstacle for us, on the contrary, if it is possible, I think we can even reach a cooperation."

Cade gritted his teeth fiercely: "You seem to have forgotten Li Kuangtu?"

Li Kuangtu has now returned to Central Continent, and he has successfully made a breakthrough in this operation. The four characters of Tianjiao in the world, after the fall of Li Tianlan, represent the true supremacy. Even if there is no Beihai and no rain on the river, as long as Li Kuangtu is in Central Continent , Middle-earth has absolute dominance in the world of darkness.

"Traitor, how can you be loyal?"

Reinhardt's tone was a little disdainful: "He is the last thing to worry about, the destruction of the Eastern Palace, he will recklessly annex the things left by the Eastern Palace, and pounce like a mad dog, as long as we can give him enough benefits, He can be our dog, a good dog, it can be used in Dongdao and Zhongzhou, why can't we use it in Star Country?"

Speaker Cayde stopped walking back and forth.

He stood there, silent for a long, long time.

"The situation is already clear."

Reinhardt said in a hurried tone: "Destroy the Eastern Palace, win over Li Kuangtu, we can even use Li Kuangtu to interfere with the situation in Beihai, then we can regain the initiative and catch up with the gap between us and Central Continent, as long as With the fall of Li Tianlan, Zhongzhou will lose most of the right to speak in the dark world.

We must admit that this is actually the most difficult thing, but now is the best chance. Li Tianlan and his opponent are both in very bad condition. My plan has a high chance of succeeding. In this case, Your Excellency, we Why not do it? "

Speaker Cayde held Reinhardt's battle plan tightly in his hand, and his eyes slowly fell on the screen in front of him.

On the screen are collapsed buildings and a cluttered street.

Li Tianlan and Lin Shiyi are still entangled.

In the sight of the speaker, he clearly saw that Lin Shiyi kicked Li Tianlan's chest, kicked his whole body out a distance of more than ten meters, and suddenly saw that a wall was smashed.

Li Tianlan's condition is getting worse and worse.

As his opponent, Lin Shiyi was also not much better. Both of them were shaking slightly. The mecha on his body had been shattered countless times, and the liquid metal seemed to have lost its activity and became Incredibly broken.

best chance...

Cade's eyes twinkled.

If this battle is not fought, Li Tianlan will be truly invincible in the world. At that time, there will be no existence similar to Lin Shiyi in the entire dark world.

Hundreds of years ago, Central Continent united most of the forces and completely pushed Xing Ning down from the position of overlord and replaced it.

Today, hundreds of years later, there is an opportunity for the star nation to unite most of its forces.

The premise is that they suppress the most important and core part of the power and make a big gamble at all costs.

Winning, what they get is the chance to surpass Middle-earth again.

If they lose, in the dark world in the future, at least for decades, Xingguo will no longer have the slightest room to breathe. If a full-scale battle cannot break out, they will retreat again and again in any sensitive game, at most. Shouting slogans, there is no power to participate at all.

What is even more terrifying is that all the countries outside the Middle Continent will fall into this state of embarrassment together with the stars.


This also means that unless the high-level Central Continent is a group of pigs in the future, yes, a group, not one, it must be a situation where everyone is a group of pigs, and there is a big accident in Central Continent, otherwise they will never surpass Central Continent again. The chances of the two will only be pulled by Central Continent, and the distance between the two sides is getting farther and farther.

"Do you really want to bet once?"

Cade asked suddenly.

"We have no choice."

Reinhardt looked awe-inspiring: "Your Excellency Speaker, you have overestimated the consequences of our failure, and you have also underestimated the future of the rise of the East Palace. Our failure means that the East Palace will rise completely, but we now have a great possibility. Sex, why not push it? As long as the East Palace is destroyed, our plan will be successful.

Taking a step back, if the Eastern Palace still exists and Li Tianlan survives, then no matter what we do or not, when the dynasty appears, the only thing we can do is to face Zhongzhou and Li Tianlan. Concession, and constant concessions, so it makes no difference whether the Angels are present or not.

That being the case, I'd rather go for a gamble. "

The screen in front of the two suddenly vibrated.

The screen is divided into two pictures, one picture is still Annan's battle, while the other picture becomes a communication request.

Cade's pupils shrank a little, his eyes focused on the string of numbers sent in the communication, and his face was serious.

That is the number of the leader of the European Union.

You don't have to think about it and know that once connected, what he will see is the top level of the entire European Union.

"The opportunity has arisen, if we don't unite other forces, then other forces will come to unite us."

Reinhardt said in a faint tone: "We have no choice, not only because of the Eastern Palace, but also because all the forces outside Central Continent do not allow us to have other choices."

"Your Excellency Speaker, the Continental Alliance is about to take action. Compared to them, it is clear that you lack enough courage."

Speaker Cayde looked up at the communication on the screen, then at the information in his hand, gritted his teeth, and finally slammed into his desk with a punch.

"I hope you don't disappoint me."

He took a deep breath and connected the communication.

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